What is usage of wake_up(argv, fd, WK_FD) - g-wan

Who can tell how to use wake_up() in gwan?
// tell G-WAN when to run a script again (for the same request)
// type: WK_MS | WK_FD
#define WK_MS 1 // milliseconds
#define WK_FD 2 // file descriptor
void wake_up(char *argv[], int delay_or_fd, int type);
Is it used to replace sleep()?

Look at the examples using these functions - be careful though, the last time I tested them, they didn't work (this has probably been fixed already or might have been a usage error on my part, but nevertheless if you're going to use them, try the examples first and see if they work).
In a nutshell:
with WK_MS this behaves close to the sleep function, with the difference, that your function is called again after the time elapsed (as opposed to continuing where you called it), and execution is continued after the wake_up call. So it's more like "execute me again after X ms".
with WK_FD your script should be called again as soon as there is new data on the provided file descriptor (useful for e.g. tailing a self built log mechanism or theoretically for realtime communications like websockets, but I never got CLIENT_SOCKET working with this, so be careful to check whatever you pass if it's really a file descriptor beforehand)


Is there a race between starting and seeing yourself in WinApi's EnumProcesses()?

I just found this code in the wild:
def _scan_for_self(self):
win32api.Sleep(2000) # sleep to give time for process to be seen in system table.
basename = self.cmdline.split()[0]
pids = win32process.EnumProcesses()
if not pids:
UserLog.warn("WindowsProcess", "no pids", pids)
for pid in pids:
handle = win32api.OpenProcess(
pywintypes.FALSE, pid)
except pywintypes.error, err:
UserLog.warn("WindowsProcess", str(err))
modlist = win32process.EnumProcessModules(handle)
except pywintypes.error,err:
This line caught my eye:
win32api.Sleep(2000) # sleep to give time for process to be seen in system table.
It suggests that if you call EnumProcesses() too fast after starting, you won't see yourself. Is there any truth to this?
There is a race, but it's not the race the code tried to protect against.
A successful call to CreateProcess returns only after the kernel object representing the process has been created and enqueued into the kernel's process list. A subsequent call to EnumProcesses accesses the same list, and will immediately observe the newly created process object.
That is, unless the process object has since been destroyed. This isn't entirely unusual since processes in Windows are initialized in-process. The documentation even makes note of that:
Note that the function returns before the process has finished initialization. If a required DLL cannot be located or fails to initialize, the process is terminated.
What this means is that if a call to EnumProcesses immediately following a successful call to CreateProcess doesn't observe the newly created process, it does so because it was late rather than early. If you are late already then adding a delay will only make you more late.
Which swiftly leads to the actual race here: Process IDs uniquely identify processes only for a finite time interval. Once a process object is gone, its ID is up for grabs, and the system will reuse it at some point. The only reliable way to identify a process is by holding a handle to it.
Now it's anyone's guess what the author of _scan_for_self was trying to accomplish. As written, the code takes more time to do something that's probably altogether wrong1 anyway.
1 Turns out my gut feeling was correct. This is just your average POSIX developer, that, in the process of learning that POSIX is insufficient would rather call out Microsoft instead of actually using an all-around superior API.
The documentation for EnumProcesses (WIn32 API - EnumProcesses function), does not mention anything about a delay needed to see the current process in the list it returns.
The example from Microsoft how to use EnumProcess to enumerate all running processes (Enumerating All Processes), also does not contain any delay before calling EnumProcesses.
A small test application I created in C++ (see below) always reports that the current process is in the list (tested on Windows 10):
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
int main(void)
// Get the list of running process Ids:
DWORD cbNeeded;
if (!EnumProcesses(aProcesses, MAX_NUM_PROCESSES * sizeof(DWORD), &cbNeeded))
return 1;
// Check if current process is in the list:
DWORD curProcId = GetCurrentProcessId();
bool bFoundCurProcId{ false };
DWORD numProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD);
for (DWORD i=0; i<numProcesses; ++i)
if (aProcesses[i] == curProcId)
bFoundCurProcId = true;
std::cout << "bFoundCurProcId: " << bFoundCurProcId << std::endl;
return 0;
Note: I am aware that the fact that the program reported the expected result does not mean that there is no race. Maybe I just couldn't catch it manifest. But trying to run code like that can give you a hint sometimes (especially if the result would have been that there is a race).
The fact that I never had a problem running this test (did it many times), together with the lack of any mention of the need for a delay in Microsoft's documentation make me believe that it is not required.
My conclusion is that either:
There is a unique issue when using it from python (doubt it).
The code you found is doing something unnecessary.
There is no race.
EnumProcesses calls a NT API function that switches to kernel mode to walk the linked list of processes. Your own process has been added to the list before it starts running.

How to check if select is going to block or not during run-time

Linux Man Page select command is as follows:
int select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds,
fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
It says
select() and pselect() allow a program to monitor multiple file descriptors, waiting until one or more of the file descriptors become "ready" for some
class of I/O operation (e.g., input possible). A file descriptor is considered ready if it is possible to perform a corresponding I/O operation (e.g.,
read(2) without blocking, or a sufficiently small write(2)).
Also timeout returns from the select call when none of the descriptor is available within timelimit parameter unless it's 0 in which case it behaves as a blocking call.
I am debugging (instrumenting) a server by attaching an instrumentation like pintool to it. In this tool, I want to know whether my select call is going to block or not. Is there any way during the run time by looking at the memory, register or select arguments I can tell whether it's going to block or not.
PS. One thing which is coming in my mind is by using one more select call in the analysis routine before the actual select execution and passing the same argument values to the analysis routine select call and if select returns with 0 that means no descriptor is ready yet otherwise descriptor is ready. So by putting one more select before the actual select, I am trying to guess whether my actual select is going to block or not. Not sure - if this is the right way?

Identify and intercept function call

I'm developing a launcher for a game.
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
I don't know whether the code that contains this function is dynamically linked or statically. So I dont even know the function name.
I did intercepted some windows-api calls of this game through microsoft Detours, Ninject and some others.
But this one is not in import table either.
What should I do to catch this function call? What profiler should be used? IDA? How this could be done?
Finally found function address. Thanks, Skino!
Tried to hook it with Detours, injected dll. Injected DllMain:
typedef int (WINAPI *PrintTextType)(char *, int, float , int);
static PrintTextType PrintText_Origin = NULL;
int WINAPI PrintText_Hooked(char * a, int b, float c, int d)
return PrintText_Origin(a, b, c , d);
HMODULE game_dll_base;
/* game_dll_base initialization goes here */
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved)
PrintText_Origin = (PrintTextType)((DWORD)game_dll_base + 0x6049B0);
DetourAttach((PVOID *)&PrintText_Origin , PrintText_Hooked);
It hooks as expected. Parameter a has text that should be displayed. But when calling original function return PrintText_Origin (a, b, c , d); application crashes(http://i46.tinypic.com/ohabm.png, http://i46.tinypic.com/dfeh4.png)
Original function disassembly:
After Detours:
After Detours:
PrintText_Hooked disassembly http://pastebin.com/FPRMK5qt w3_loader.dll is the injected dll
Im bad at ASM, please tell what can be wrong ?
Want to intercept game's call for a function that prints text.
You can use a debugger for the investigative phase. Either IDA, or even Visual Studio (in combination with e.g. HxD), should do. It should be relatively easy to identify the function using the steps below:
Identify a particular fragment of text whose printing you want to trace (e.g. Hello World!)
Break the game execution at any point before the game normally prints the fragment you identified above
Search for that fragment of text† (look for either Unicode or ANSI) in the game's memory. IDA will allow you to do that IIRC, as will the free HxD (Extras > Open RAM...)
Once the address of the fragment has been identified, set a break-on-access/read data breakpoint so the debugger will give you control the moment the game attempts to read said fragment (while or immediately prior to displaying it)
Resume execution, wait for the data breakpoint to trigger
Inspect the stack trace and look for a suitable candidate for hooking
Step through from the moment the fragment is read from memory until it is printed if you want to explore additional potential hook points
†provided text is not kept compressed (or, for whatever reason, encrypted) until the very last moment
Once you are done with the investigative phase and you have identified where you'd like to inject your hook, you have two options when writing your launcher:
If, based on the above exercise, you were able to identify an export/import after all, then use any API hooking techniques
EDIT Use Microsoft Detours, making sure that you first correctly identify the calling convention (cdecl, fastcall, stdcall) of the function you are trying to detour, and use that calling convention for both the prototype of the original as well as for the implementation of the dummy. See examples.
If not, you will have to
use the Debugging API to programatically load the game
compute the hook address based on your investigative phase (either as a hard-coded offset from the module base, or by looking for the instruction bytes around the hook site‡)
set a breakpoint
resume the process
wait for the breakpoint to trigger, do whatever you have to do
resume execution, wait for the next trigger etc. again, all done programatically by your launcher via the Debugging API.
‡to be able to continue to work with eventual patch releases of the game
At this stage it sounds like you don't have a notion of what library function you're trying to hook, and you've stated it's not (obviously at least) an imported external function in the import table which probably means that the function responsible for generating the text is likely located inside the .text of the application you are disassembling directly or loaded dynamically, the text generation (especially in a game) is likely a part of the application.
In my experience, this simplest way to find code that is difficult to trace such as this is by stopping the application shortly during or before/after text is displayed and using IDA's fabulous call-graph functionality to establish what is responsible for writing it out (use watches and breakpoints liberally!)
Look carefully to calls to CreateRemoteThread or any other commonly used dynamic loading mechanism if you have reason to believe this functionality might be provided by an exported function that isn't showing up in the import table.
I strongly advice against it but for the sake of completeness, you could also hook NtSetInformationThread in the system service dispatch table. here's a good dump of the table for different Windows versions here. If you want to get the index in the table yourself you can just disassemble the NtSetInformationThread export from ntdll.dll.

Problem with .release behavior in file_operations

I'm dealing with a problem in a kernel module that get data from userspace using a /proc entry.
I set open/write/release entries for my own defined /proc entry, and manage well to use it to get data from userspace.
I handle errors in open/write functions well, and they are visible to user as open/fopen or write/fwrite/fprintf errors.
But some of the errors can only be checked at close (because it's the time all the data is available). In these cases I return something different than 0, which I supposed to be in some way the value 'close' or 'fclose' will return to user.
But whatever the value I return my close behave like if all is fine.
To be sure I replaced all the release() code by a simple 'return(-1);' and wrote a program that open/write/close the /proc entry, and prints the close return value (and the errno). It always return '0' whatever the value I give.
Behavior is the same with 'fclose', or by using shell mechanism (echo "..." >/proc/my/entry).
Any clue about this strange behavior that is not the one claimed in many tutorials I found?
BTW I'm using RHEL5 kernel (2.6.18, redhat modified), on a 64bit system.
The release() isn't allowed to cause the close() to fail.
You could require your userspace programs to call fsync() on the file descriptor before close(), if they want to find out about all possible errors; then implement your final error checking in the fsync() handler.

file_operations Question, how do i know if a process that opened a file for writing has decided to close it?

I'm currently writing a simple "multicaster" module.
Only one process can open a proc filesystem file for writing, and the rest can open it for reading.
To do so i use the inode_operation .permission callback, I check the operation and when i detect someone open a file for writing I set a flag ON.
i need a way to detect if a process that opened a file for writing has decided to close the file so i can set the flag OFF, so someone else can open for writing.
Currently in case someone is open for writing i save the current->pid of that process and when the .close callback is called I check if that process is the one I saved earlier.
Is there a better way to do that? Without saving the pid, perhaps checking the files that the current process has opened and it's permission...
No, it's not safe. Consider a few scenarios:
Process A opens the file for writing, and then fork()s, creating process B. Now both A and B have the file open for writing. When Process A closes it, you set the flag to 0 but process B still has it open for writing.
Process A has multiple threads. Thread X opens the file for writing, but Thread Y closes it. Now the flag is stuck at 1. (Remember that ->pid in kernel space is actually the userspace thread ID).
Rather than doing things at the inode level, you should be doing things in the .open and .release methods of your file_operations struct.
Your inode's private data should contain a struct file *current_writer;, initialised to NULL. In the file_operations.open method, if it's being opened for write then check the current_writer; if it's NULL, set it to the struct file * being opened, otherwise fail the open with EPERM. In the file_operations.release method, check if the struct file * being released is equal to the inode's current_writer - if so, set current_writer back to NULL.
PS: Bandan is also correct that you need locking, but the using the inode's existing i_mutex should suffice to protect the current_writer.
I hope I understood your question correctly: When someone wants to write to your proc file, you set a variable called flag to 1 and also save the current->pid in a global variable. Then, when any close() entry point is called, you check current->pid of the close() instance and compare that with your saved value. If that matches, you turn flag to off. Right ?
Consider this situation : Process A wants to write to your proc resource, and so you check the permission callback. You see that flag is 0, so you can set it to 1 for process A. But at that moment, the scheduler finds out process A has used up its time share and chooses a different process to run(flag is still o!). After sometime, process B comes up wanting to write to your proc resource also, checks that the flag is 0, sets it to 1, and then goes about writing to the file. Unfortunately at this moment, process A gets scheduled to run again and since, it thinks that flag is 0 (remember, before the scheduler pre-empted it, flag was 0) and so sets it to 1 and goes about writing to the file. End result : data in your proc resource goes corrupt.
You should use a good locking mechanism provided by the kernel for this type of operation and based on your requirement, I think RCU is the best : Have a look at RCU locking mechanism
