Kendo Ui Grid Edit Popup Window validation - MVC validation Summery - validation

To my understanding MVC validation Summery does not work in Kendo ui grid popup windows.
Is there a way I can achieve this, so that I can display validation errors on popup windows similarly I show them on other views.
Or can I invalidate validator conditionally from kendo validator.
Please reply me if there is a better way
Thank you.


add hyperlink in notification of MVC Kendo UI

I am trying to show some action link with the notication message of Kendo UI MVC. How to add action-link (hyperlink) with notification message.

Kendo UI Client Side Validation erros as list

I am using Kendo UI ASP.Net MVC framework and I have a kendo grid one of our pages. I am able do client side validation when the grid is in edit mode(using in-line editing). Any error messages are displayed next to the field, it is possible to get all these errors and display them as a list when the Update button is clicked on the row.
No, such validation summary is not supported, however you can customize where the messages are shown like explained here.

history.back and RadEditor clears other form data

I have a strange scenario :
I am using mvc and I have a form which has a combination of HTML input fields and Telerik RadEditor.
When validation fails on my form I have history.back to get the user back to the form. If RadEditor has some text and if validation fails then I am losing all the data in the fields that are right below the RadEditor control. Any idea what's going on?
IS the problem reproducible without RadEditor on the page?
Have you tried to set the ContentAreaMode property of RadEditor to DIV and test?

ASP.NET MVC3 how to switch the validation to different JS validation framework

How to switch the validation to different JS validation framework in ASP.NET MVC3? The default is Jquery validation.
Here you can find more details for what you want to do?
link text
You can also read this other question here: link text

MVC: On partial page start validation from JS without postback

How do I start validation from the client/javascript using the MS MVC Validation library?
Using MS ASP.Net MVC, I have a page with a PartialView in a modal dialog (change password). When the user selects 'save', I need to validate this on the client side without a full page postback. I am able in JS to post and refresh the partialView, however I am unable to start client validation. The MS MVC validation starts on postback (Input type='submit'). How can I start this in JS?
Validation on the full page with postback works. Thanks,
I originally posted a link to ASP.NET MVC 2 Custom Validation but I realized that I missed part of the question... It does appear that a few insights are present in the post titled Combining JQuery Form Validation and Ajax Submission with ASP.NET.
