MVC: On partial page start validation from JS without postback - validation

How do I start validation from the client/javascript using the MS MVC Validation library?
Using MS ASP.Net MVC, I have a page with a PartialView in a modal dialog (change password). When the user selects 'save', I need to validate this on the client side without a full page postback. I am able in JS to post and refresh the partialView, however I am unable to start client validation. The MS MVC validation starts on postback (Input type='submit'). How can I start this in JS?
Validation on the full page with postback works. Thanks,

I originally posted a link to ASP.NET MVC 2 Custom Validation but I realized that I missed part of the question... It does appear that a few insights are present in the post titled Combining JQuery Form Validation and Ajax Submission with ASP.NET.


ASP.NET Page Validation required?

How exactly do you handle items that are in the viewstate (so they are included on submit), but can also be changed via AJAX. For instance, say we had a dropdown list that was populated through an AJAX web service call (not an update panel). How can I get the page to validate once the dropdownlist's items have been changed?
tried going through the article --> Postback Security

ASP.NET MVC submit form

I know two ways of submitting form data: by having a button of type submit or by an AJAX post call. What is the difference between those two regarding performace?
This is a very general question, so here is a very general answer.
If you implement the AJAX call efficiently on the server, then you can expect AJAX to be more performant (when measured on the server) than a full page round-trip.
For instance, if you use ASP.NET, clicking a button to submit a page will cause a POST of the form data and a complete re-buildup and rendering of the page. That is not necessary with an AJAX call, if you use real AJAX and not the Microsoft AJAX Control Toolkit for ASP.NET.
Better to use Ajax.BeginForm instead of Html.BeginForm. It will prevent the full postback and will improve the performance.
Ajax post prevents reload and postback.İt sends data to controller.
Form Data
İt occurs reload page and postback.İt sends data to controller.

Two forms (one in layout and one in Page) how to handle in mvc3

I am working on a mobile website in ASP.NET MVC3. I have a page where i have search bar in my header. this header is coming from my Layout page which is common to all other Views. And inside my specific page, I have page specific content(forms).
For my Customer/Add action, I return the Add View of Customer which is strongly typed to my CustomerViewModel. I will have form tag in my Add View which will be posted to HttpPost Add Action method when form gets submitted. That is fine. My question is how will i handle the search box content ? I believe only one form is allowed in the page.So if i have a SearchViewModel which is binded to my Search View(Partial), It is going to be 2 forms in my page. So i can not do that.
I can handle the search part by reading the content in java script and calling another action to get Search results.Is that the only way to do that ? I am worried about those devices where java script is disabled. What should i do ? Please advice
No. You can have more than 1 form on the page. In fact, here you should. Your Add Customer page should submit to 1 action method, but your search form should submit to a different action method.
If you are familiar with webforms, that framework only allows you to have 1 form on the page, but not because HTML requires it. Webforms requires it because it is the only way the framework can carry all of the data from various server controls across POST requests (using ViewState). Webforms has historically not been very HTML or HTTP friendly.
You just can't have forms nested within other forms in HTML, but it is completely legal (and recommended in MVC) to have more than 1 form on a page.
As for AJAX, I would not worry about devices that do not have javascript enabled. There are only like 6 or 7 people on the planet that don't have javascript on their web devices, and if someone disables javascript, they won't be able to experience 99% of the rest of the web anyhow.

Asp.Net Mvc Account Controller JSon and View?

I m beginner mvc developer.And I don't understand,
Why has used both Json and ActionResult in Account controller(for register, login and etc.) in default MVC 4 project?
It's because in the ASP.NET MVC 4 the Login and Register forms are shown in a jQuery dialog and both forms POST to the Account controller using AJAX. The other actions that return views are similar to what existed in previous versions. For example if the user has javascript disabled he won't be able to use jQuery dialog and AJAX and he will fallback to standard HTML.
Do you means having both JsonResult and ActionResult for (register and login view) in default MVC 4 template?
It means two views for both Register & Login form. One is using with ajax and the other is as normal view.
eg: Click on "Register" link on top, it will popup ajax "Register" view.
Click on "Login" link on top -> click "Register", it will show as normal view.
As Darin pointed out, there are two action methods for each form (Register & Login). One action method is used for the popup version of the view and the other is for the normal view.
Don't get discouraged by the negative comments.

Telerik MVC: Loading Grid with ajax request don't work

I have a Telerik MVC Tabstrip.
I have used:
.LoadContentFrom("Grid", "Orders");
"Grid" Action just returns view without model. Then the Ajax request should have been fired to get the data.
It is loading the grid normally but it is not calling the Ajax request to fill the data.
If I am calling the same action normally i.e. without ajax it displays grid and fires Ajax request to load the data.
Perhaps you've missed to register the required JavaScript files for the Grid. You can check the following help topics:
Loading components in tab content
Required JavaScript files
Check the sample available at here.
This one uses MVC 1.0 but can be surely converted to MVC 2.0
