Joomla: Listing recently modified pages - joomla

It's easy enough to show recently modified articles, but I need to list page URLs on a Joomla site that have been most recently modified. Is this straightforward? Is there a module for this?
Many Thanks

From the menu manager you can list all the articles in a category.
Check the options Article Order -> Most recent first
Date for Ordering -> Modification date
Otherwise you need to search harder for an extension that does that test your programming skills building a module or a new view in com_content which display what you need.
Let me know if this helps.


Joomla - Modifying default category list view (through overrides?)

I'm building a site for a friend and I should state that this is not what I'm doing for living. I just started working with Joomla a few days ago.
Everything is good so far, except I'm stuck at one point.
This is a site for a construction company and I need to create articles for on-going and completed projects. I will create an article for each project and each article will belong to a category, 'Completed' and 'On-Going', respectfully.
I plan to create menu links for 'Completed' and 'On-Going' categories in main menu. I also want to present a thumbnail of the article on the category list. Problem is, standard look of the category list is kinda ugly, and I have no idea how to change it. I'm using a template named PixelDot, but it does not seem to do any good for my problem.
During my research, I stumbled upon concepts 'Layout Overrides' and 'Alternative Layouts'. I have basic html and css knowledge, also some PHP, but I am totally lost on which file(s) to modify. I also need a little help on get the entry text picture as a thumbnail on the category list (this is the list where you see 'articles' aka projects which belongs to the category (completed or on-going), when you clicked on relevant menu button)
Any help will be highly appreciated. My Joomla version is 3.4.1. (which I believe most up-to-date version as today)
I'm sometimes making it more complex while I try to make things detailed and clear, I hope this is not one of those cases.
First, I would suggest using tags rather than categories to manage this. Tags are much better suited for temporary labelling or dividing into groups.
Second, go to the template manager, template view for your template.
Go to the create over ride tab and select the view that you want to override (i.e. tagged items).
This will automatically copy all the files to the correct location in your template.
At that point you can play around with the layouts to your heart's content.
Also ... some pieces of the layout you may want to override may not be in the traditional layout but may be in a jlayout. You can do the same thing with them. THis is all documented in the site as well as around the web.
I also would do this with Tags. One reason is, assuming you are using SEF URLS, that the projects article pages will have a unique URL. If you move a project's article from "on-going" to "completed" then you may be changing that SEF url. This will cause your search engine ranking for that page to be lost.
I would tag each article "on-going", "completed", etc and then create a menu item to display only that specific tag. The project's article would stay in its original category, that could be my project type, project location, etc; which also will increase the SEO for that given project's article.

How to achieve dynamism with Joomla?

i'm new to Joomla and i'm considered in the phase of discovering it yet , my problem here is that i'm using Joomla to make a cafe online ordering website , i want the customer to access the website and make his order from it, so i have to provide him with an active menu containing the cafe menu items, so i have to provide a radio buttons(or something like that) in order to give the customer the ability to choose his order items and to confirm his choices at last. i searched a lot about how to make that using Joomla and didn't reach to any thing , so it will be great if anyone can help me in such stuff.
You can not build complex custom forms with Joomla out-of-the-box.
The best solution depends on your needs - especially your further processing of the order.
If you just want to send it by mail to someone or to have it saved in the database, then it would be a enough to use a form extension for joomla. You will find many form extension on JED - they vary a lot in features, usability,flexibility and price. I often use breezingforms because it is very flexible and you can extend it with your own code (mostly).
If you want a full "shop" then you should have a look at the virtueMart extension for joomla. Or even at a shop system instead of joomla.
If you want full control you can write your own HTML and PHP Code and inject it into Joomla by a module such as Sourcerer from Or you write your own extension...

Trouble configuring a module in joomla 3

I have been searching for a good carousel in joomla and found this one
SJ Carousel Free It also came with a user guide
I cannot make any sense out of the guide. I want to display a few images from a folder. I have been breaking my head over the "External Path" attribute in the module. It say images/{id}.jpg. What exactly does it mean? Where should I place my images.
I have posted in the official forum but didn't get any answer.
I'd also be grateful if some of you can suggest a few good joomla carousels. I cannot find some easily configurable carousels
I gathered that when the module is installed, some sample articles and a category are created which the module is then linked to. You should see how the images are displayed with the sample data. I assume that there is an image with a class and a description within a <p> or <span> tag in each article. If this is the method used, simple edit the current articles and copy them should you need any more.
The user guide is pretty straight forward. Should you need support, you should really contact the developer of the module else find an extension that is easier to use.
It appears that you need to create a category with articles containing the pictures you want to display. (I think each pic needs to be in a separate article) Then, you select that category in the Data Source box in Source Options Tab, while editing the SJ Carousel module.

Joomla 2.5 + How to display the category in the url

I was hoping someone could help me. I've searched high and low for an answer for this one, and I haven't been able to find the exact answer (even within the forum).
How can I display the category name in the url in Joomla (v2.5). I have 2 categories in my site so far. For example, I have a category called Refrigeration. I created an article called test and put it under the Refrigeration category. But for some reason, it will only display in the URL as:
I would like it to display like this:
I know you can create a hidden menu, using the category (such as "Refrigeration") as the parent, and placing the related articles underneath that category (ie - with "Refrigeration" as their parent). But this seems rather inefficient. I just really want to be able to separate my articles on the site into different categories, and have that category display in the url.
Or, is the only way to accomplish this to install an SEF extension?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to provide further information.
The default Joomla SEF functions solely on the menus structure. It's hard to believe, but once you accept that Joomla Menu's aren't for actually "building menus" and more for build url / site structure, life will become a bit easier.
To do what you want, you can create the hidden menu for each category, and it should work without having to put each article as a menu item underneath in the hidden menu. However, it would be much easier to use a SEF component to handle it for you. There may be some lightweight plugins available, but I haven't seen one.
SEF components can be found here:

How to Display Dynamic Content below every article?

I am a new developer to Joomla. I am developing a website in which users will be able to write review for the articles. So, here I need to display a review form below every article. How can I achieve this? I have seen some extensions like custom properties which will place content below every article.
I think the best approach is to use an extension that was specifically built for reviews.
There are multiple options available in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
I found out the solution. What I needed was a plugin to display content after every article.
