MongoDB slow after periods of inactivity - windows

I have created a site that uses MongoDB as the database engine and at the moment it is still under construction so it is not getting much traffic. This means that there are periods of no requests and therefor, no queries to the database.
When I do eventually hit the site pages that use the database, MongoDB seems to take 4 or 5 seconds to come back but from that request on, it is very fast.
I can't find any information on there being a timeout or anything like that. Is it just that the database in memory is being paged out and it takes a few seconds to page it back in? It is running on a Windows Server 2008 VM and I am running it as a windows service.
Any help would be appreciated.

MongoDB allows the OS Kernel to handle what is kept in Memory (the current "Working Set"). Even if nothing is happening, the system will still page objects out of RAM into the page/swap, even if the RAM capacity is not being taxed.
One way around this would be to monitor for idleness and send queries in the background, or even have a background process cat the files on-disk. This is especially helpful in pre-warming databases after startup, and likewise if your usage forms cyclical patterns.

Like most styles of databases recent query results can be cached, the execution plans can be stored in some but it doesn't seem like mongodb stores query caches.
Also to improve performance make sure you implement indexes well, so you don't mistakenly create full table scans and leverage some form of index. use the explain command to see your query execution plan. (
Does MongoDB handle caching?
Yes. MongoDB keeps all of the most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory.
MongoDB does not implement a query cache: MongoDB serves all queries directly from the indexes and/or data files.


How to increase resource allocation to ravendb

I'm trying to process a document and store many documents into ravendb which I have running locally.
I'm getting the error
Tried to send *ravendb.BatchCommand request via POST to all configured nodes in the topology, all of them seem to be down or not responding. I've tried to access the following nodes:
I was able to fetch mydb topology from
Fetched topology: ( url:, clusterTag: A, serverRole: Member)
exit status 1
To me, it sounds like maybe my local cluster is running out of compute to process the large amount of data I'm trying to store.
RavenDB says I'm using 3 of 12 available cores, and I'd also like to make sure it's using a reasonable amount of the ram I have available on the machine (I'd even be happy with giving it a swap)
But reading around online, I'm not finding much helpful information for making sure RavenDB is able to use what it needs. I found the settings.json so I can add in configurations which theoretically should get included into the server but I'm not making much progress.
I also found some settings and changed "reassign cores" to 12 but it says that still 3/12 are being used and 6/31.1 GB of memory are being used.
If an alternative solution is recommended I'm all ears. I just need to run things locally and storing everything as json's doesn't enable fast enough retrieval for my usecase.
I was able to install mongodb and setup a local database. It hasn't given me any problems yet. RavenDB looks appealing if I understood it better but I guess I'll stick with the tried and true for this project.
It is highly unlikely that you managed to run out of resources on the server with 3 cores / 6 GB unless you are pushing hundreds of millions of documents and doing very heavy work.
Do you get any error on the server? There should be more details on the error or in the server log.

Azure Redis Memory Usage (w3wp.exe dump) Insight

Can anyone tell me if the type of behavior outlined in the memory dump from Visual Studio
Is normal? for instance does the StackExchange.Redis.PhysicalConnection run that high on inclusive size (bytes)? Or is that really high?
Basically we are experiencing slowness with our web head after converting our code to run on Azure Redis from Session (we are now serializing and deserializing as needed and storing in Redis cache) but overall performance is horrible.
The requests complete but it can take a while, is that due to the single threaded nature of Redis? We are using the configuration outlined as best practice by the Azure Redis team as outlined here
What else can we look at to help increase the performance as the current performance is not acceptable as a viable replacement for our session based implementation ( webforms/sql server/azure IaaS) we currently have.
PS - Serialization and Deserialization does cause a hit, we understand that IIS spoiled us with its own special memory pool for non-serialized datasets and such, but there is no way that it should cause a 300-500% increase in page loads like it is now for us.
Thoughts appreciated!
#Tim Wieman
How large are your cached objects?
They can range in size, there are some datasets stored in redis.
What type of objects are they?
Most objects are custom objects w/variable number of properties, some even contain collections.
What serializer are you using?
We are using Newtonsoft for anything that doesn't require Rowstate and the required binary serializer for the datasets that do need rowstate.
All serialization, and subsequent deserialization, is done in code before call redis databases StringGet or StringSet.
If appears the memory was in fact extremely high, we were erroneously creating thousands of connections to Redis instead of a singleton instance of the Redis Cache.
The multiple connections were not getting cleaned up by the GC before the CPU would get to 98% and the server would become unresponsive.
We adjusted our code to ensure a single instance of the connection to Azure Redis is used for all Redis calls and have tested thoroughly.
It appears to be resolves as Azure Redis is no longer eating up memory or CPU resources.

Postgres constant 30% CPU usage

I recently migrated my Postgres database from Windows to CentOS 6.7.
On Windows the database never used much CPU, but on Linux I see it using a constant ~30% CPU (using top). (4 core on machine)
Anyone know if this is normally, or why it would be doing this?
The application seems to run fine, and as fast or faster than Windows.
Note, it is a big database, 100gb+ data, 1000+ databases.
I tried using Pgadmin to monitor the server status, but the server status hangs, and fails to run, error "the log_filename parameter must be equal"
With 1000 databases I expect vacuum workers and stats collector to spend a lot of time checking about what needs maintenance.
I suggest you to do two things
raise the autovacuum_naptime parameter to reduce the frequency of checks
put the stats_temp_directory on a ramdisk
You probably also set a high max_connections limit to allow your clients to use those high number of databases and this is another probable source of CPU load, due to the high number of 'slots' to be checked every time a backend has to synchronize with the others.
There could be multiple reasons for increasing server loads.
If you are looking for query level loads on server then you should match a specific Postgres backend ID to a system process ID using the pg_stat_activity system table.
SELECT pid, datname, usename, query FROM pg_stat_activity;
Once you know what queries are running you can investigate further (EXPLAIN/EXPLAIN ANALYZE; check locks, etc.)
You may have lock contention issues, probably due to very high max_connections. Consider lowering max_connections and using a connection pooler if this is the case. But that can increase turn around time for clients connections.
Might be Windows System blocking connections and not allowing to use system. And now Linus allowing its connections to use CPU and perform faster. :P
Also worth read:
How to monitor PostgreSQL
Monitoring CPU and memory usage from Postgres

How can I cache the data in Meteor?

thanks everyone!
recently i want to built a small cms on meteor,but have some question
1,cache,page cache,data cache,etc..
For example,when people search some article
in server side:
return Articles.find({keyword:keyword});
in client:
that's ok ,but ......
the question is ,everytime people doing so ,it invoke a mongo query,and reduce the performance,
in other framework use common http or https,people can depend on something like squid or varnish to cache the page or data,so everytime you route to a url,you read data from the cache server ,but Meteor built on socket.js or websocket,and I don't know how to cache throught the socket.......I trid varnish ,but seen no effect.
so,may be it ignore the websocket?is there some method to cache the data,in the mongodb,in server,can i add some cache server ?
2, chat
I see the chatroom example in
But unlike implyment using socket.js,this example save the chat message in the mongodb ,so the data flow is message ->mongo->query->people,this invoke the mongo query too!
and in socket.js,just save the socket in the context(or the server side cache),so the data don't go throught the db.
My question is , is there a socket interface in Meteor ,so I can message->socket->people? and if can't , how is the performace in the productive envirment as the chatroom example doing(i see it runs slow ...)
With Meteor, you don't have to worry about caching Mongodb queries. Meteor does that for you. Per the docs on data and security:
Every Meteor client includes an in-memory database cache. To manage the client cache, the server publishes sets of JSON documents, and the client subscribes to those sets. As documents in a set change, the server patches each client's cache.
Once subscribed, the client uses its cache as a fast local database, dramatically simplifying client code. Reads never require a costly round trip to the server. And they're limited to the contents of the cache: a query for every document in a collection on a client will only return documents the server is publishing to that client.
Because Meteor does poll the server every so often to see if the client's cache needs patching, you're probably seeing those polls happening every now and then. But they probably aren't very large requests. Additionally, due to a feature of Meteor called latency compensation, when you update a data source, the client immediately reflects the change without first waiting on the server. This reduces the appearance of performance reduction to the user.
If you have many documents in mongo, you may also be seeing them all get fetched if you still have the autopublish package enabled. You can fix that by removing it with meteor remove autopublish and write code to only publish the relevant data instead of the entire database.
If you really need to manage caching manually, the docs also go into that:
Sophisticated clients can turn subscriptions on and off to control how much data is kept in the cache and manage network traffic. When a subscription is turned off, all its documents are removed from the cache unless the same document is also provided by another active subscription.
Additional performance improvements to Meteor are currently being worked on, including a DDP-level proxy to support "very large number of clients". You can see more detail on this at the Meteor roadmap.
If you stumble upon this question not because of a lack of understanding of meteor's minimongo and are instead interested in how to cache subscriptions after they are no longer needed for the moment (but they maybe in the future and don't want to keep their extra DDP overhead on client server) there are two package options:
I was creating a mobile app and cache of database was not working hence I used GroundDB package of meteor now the database is always in local whenever I restart the app,
Also you need to look in appcache package of meteor to cache the entire app locally.

Strange performance using JPA, am I missing something?

We have a JPA -> Hibernate -> Oracle setup, where we are only able to crank up to 22 transactions per seconds (two reads and one write per transaction). The CPU and disk and network are not bottlenecking.
Is there something I am missing? I wonder if there could be some sort of oracle imposed limit that the DBA's have applied?
Network is not the problem, as when I do raw reads on the table, i can do 2000 reads per second. The problem is clearly writes.
CPU is not the problem on the app server, the CPU is basically idling.
Disk is not the problem on the app server, the data is completely loaded into memory before the processing starts
Might be worth comparing performance with a different client technology (or even just a simple test using SQL*Plus) to see if you can beat this performance anyway - it may simply be an under-resourced or misconfigured database.
I'd also compare the results for SQLPlus running directly on the d/b server, to it running locally on whatever machine your Java code is running on (where it is communicating over SQLNet). This would confirm if the problem is below your Java tier.
To be honest there are so many layers between your JPA code and the database itself, diagnosing the cause is going to be fun . . . I recall one mysterious d/b performance problem resolved itself as a misconfigured network card - the DBAs were rightly insistent that the database wasn't showing any bottlenecks.
It sounds like the application is doing a transaction in a bit less than 0.05 seconds. If the SELECT and UPDATE statements are extracted from the app and run them by themselves, using SQL*Plus or some other tool, how long do they take, and if you add up the times for the statements do they come pretty near to 0.05? Where does the data come from that is used in the queries, and which eventually gets used in the UPDATE? It's entirely possible that the slowdown is not the database but somewhere else in the app, such a the data acquisition phase. Perhaps something like a profiler could be used to find out where the app is spending its time.
Share and enjoy.
