Postgres constant 30% CPU usage - windows

I recently migrated my Postgres database from Windows to CentOS 6.7.
On Windows the database never used much CPU, but on Linux I see it using a constant ~30% CPU (using top). (4 core on machine)
Anyone know if this is normally, or why it would be doing this?
The application seems to run fine, and as fast or faster than Windows.
Note, it is a big database, 100gb+ data, 1000+ databases.
I tried using Pgadmin to monitor the server status, but the server status hangs, and fails to run, error "the log_filename parameter must be equal"

With 1000 databases I expect vacuum workers and stats collector to spend a lot of time checking about what needs maintenance.
I suggest you to do two things
raise the autovacuum_naptime parameter to reduce the frequency of checks
put the stats_temp_directory on a ramdisk
You probably also set a high max_connections limit to allow your clients to use those high number of databases and this is another probable source of CPU load, due to the high number of 'slots' to be checked every time a backend has to synchronize with the others.

There could be multiple reasons for increasing server loads.
If you are looking for query level loads on server then you should match a specific Postgres backend ID to a system process ID using the pg_stat_activity system table.
SELECT pid, datname, usename, query FROM pg_stat_activity;
Once you know what queries are running you can investigate further (EXPLAIN/EXPLAIN ANALYZE; check locks, etc.)
You may have lock contention issues, probably due to very high max_connections. Consider lowering max_connections and using a connection pooler if this is the case. But that can increase turn around time for clients connections.
Might be Windows System blocking connections and not allowing to use system. And now Linus allowing its connections to use CPU and perform faster. :P
Also worth read:
How to monitor PostgreSQL
Monitoring CPU and memory usage from Postgres


Testing 10.000 VU in JMeter in 10 seconds

I need to test 200.000 VU hitting an app in 10 seconds, so I started to make a test of 10.000 VU, running Jmeter in Non-GUI mode, to see the response of my computer, my internet connection and the site response, but I got 83.50% of Errors.
95% of the errors were these:
Non HTTP response code: HTTP response message: Connection timed out: connect
This means that the internet connection was not enough for the short time of the test?
Running 200K users
Generally speaking in traditional HTTP running 200.000 users from one machine is impossible: there isn't that many ports. I.e. if you maximize your port usage (and it's likely you need to change OS settings to do that, since usually OS will limit number of open ports to somehwere between 1000 and 10000), JMeter will have about 64500 ports to run requests on. Each JMeter HTTP sampler needs a separate port, so you need 200K ports. Thus you need to have at least 4 machines to run 200K requests concurrently.
But that may not be enough: if you have more than one request sequentially (like most performance tests do), you will be able to run even less concurrent requests, since ports are usually not closed right away after request is done, so next request has to use a different port.
Don't forget that server also must be able to receive similar load.
But even that may not be enough: JMeter needs to have enough memory to accommodate 10-30K threads. Size of thread in memory will depend on a few things, and how your script is designed among them.
Bottom line: with all the tweaking, realistically, port availability limits number of concurrent requests JMeter can run from one machine to 10-30K concurrent users. Thus to test 200K users, you need about 7-20 JMeter machines.
Running 10K users
If you were testing in a designated environment (where clients and servers are next to each other with optimized network between them), you should be able to run 10K users from one machine, if other limits, e.g. memory and max ports were properly tweaked. But sounds like you are trying to test them over the internet connection?
Well, 2 problems here:
Performance testing over internet connection is absolutely pointless. You don't know what is between you and servers, and how those things in between are changing the shape of the load. You won't know if it was 10K concurrent requests, or 10K sequential requests. And results will only tell you how fast your internet is.
Any ISP will have a limit on number of connections from one IP, and it will be well below 10K. Not to mention that some ISPs may flag / temporary ban your IP for such flood.
Bottom line: whoever asked you to test 10K or 200K concurrent users, should also provide a set of JMeter machines to run this test from. Those machines should be close to tested servers, preferably without any extra routing in between (or with well known and well configured routing)
I don't think that stressing your application by kicking off 200k users at once is a good idea (same applies to 10k users) as the results, even in case of success, won't tell the full story. Moreover, in case of error you will be able to state only that 10k users in 10 seconds is not possible, however you won't have the information like:
What was the number of users when errors start occurring
What is the correlation between number of concurrent users and response time and/or throughput
What is the saturation point (the maximum system performance)
So I would recommend re-running your test and increasing the load gradually from one virtual user to 10 000 and see when it breaks. The breaking point is called bottleneck and the cause can be determined like:
First of all make sure you're following JMeter Best Practices as default JMeter configuration is not suitable for high loads and if JMeter is not capable of sending requests fast enough you will not get accurate results. Most probably you will have to run JMeter in Distributed mode, it is highly unlikely you will be able to mimic 20k requests per second from a single machine (or it has to be a very powerful one)
Set up monitoring of the application under test in order to ensure that it has enough headroom in terms of CPU, RAM, Disk, etc. You can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this
Check your application infrastructure, like JMeter the majority of middleware components like web/application servers, load balancers, databases, etc. default configurations are suitable for development and debugging, they need to be tuned for high throughput.
Check your application code using profiler tools telemetry, the reason could be in i.e. slow DB query, inefficient algorithm, large object, heavy function, etc.

Liferay 6.2 Session autoextend Disadvantages

I found that it's possible to automatically extend Liferay's session. So that the session doesn't expire till you close your browser. Is there any limitations or disadvantages of such approach. Any performance degrade or load issues?
As with any abstract question about hypothetical performance impact (or preliminary optimization) this question is basically unanswerable - but here's some criteria:
Naturally, pinging the server in order to extend a session will incur some extra load - if that results in a performance decrease, you'll most likely have a highly congested installation in the first place. If your server is bored all day, the extra ping won't bring it down.
You may or may not have custom applications running in your installation that store data in the user's session. If those are a few bytes (like Liferay does, e.g. the currently logged in user's information): There's probably no degradation. If you store 1MB of information per session (in your own custom apps - Liferay doesn't do this), things might differ: Just multiply your session storage size by the number of concurrent users that you expect. In case this use of memory indicates a problem: Make your custom apps use the session less - it's bad style anyway.
Will your particular installation suffer from any degradation? Measure. There's no way around this.
From a system maintenance point of view: If you're running a cluster and want to take individual machines out of the load balancer: Artificially extending sessions might indicate that a machine still has sessions open, even though they're mostly on unattended browsers - you'll get inflated numbers and it takes longer to bring machines down when you need to wait for the session count to come close to zero.

MongoDB slow after periods of inactivity

I have created a site that uses MongoDB as the database engine and at the moment it is still under construction so it is not getting much traffic. This means that there are periods of no requests and therefor, no queries to the database.
When I do eventually hit the site pages that use the database, MongoDB seems to take 4 or 5 seconds to come back but from that request on, it is very fast.
I can't find any information on there being a timeout or anything like that. Is it just that the database in memory is being paged out and it takes a few seconds to page it back in? It is running on a Windows Server 2008 VM and I am running it as a windows service.
Any help would be appreciated.
MongoDB allows the OS Kernel to handle what is kept in Memory (the current "Working Set"). Even if nothing is happening, the system will still page objects out of RAM into the page/swap, even if the RAM capacity is not being taxed.
One way around this would be to monitor for idleness and send queries in the background, or even have a background process cat the files on-disk. This is especially helpful in pre-warming databases after startup, and likewise if your usage forms cyclical patterns.
Like most styles of databases recent query results can be cached, the execution plans can be stored in some but it doesn't seem like mongodb stores query caches.
Also to improve performance make sure you implement indexes well, so you don't mistakenly create full table scans and leverage some form of index. use the explain command to see your query execution plan. (
Does MongoDB handle caching?
Yes. MongoDB keeps all of the most recently used data in RAM. If you have created indexes for your queries and your working data set fits in RAM, MongoDB serves all queries from memory.
MongoDB does not implement a query cache: MongoDB serves all queries directly from the indexes and/or data files.

What is named.exe process and how to avoid consuming high CPU rates

I have a Windows Server 2008 with Plesk running two web sites.
Sometimes the server is going slow and there is a named.exe process making the CPU peak 100%.
It last a short period of time and after a while it comes again.
I would like to know what this process is for and how to configure it for not consuming this cpu and make my sites go slow.
This must be a DNS service, also known as Bind. High CPU usage may indicate one of the following:
DNS is re-reading its configuration. In this case high CPU usage shall be aligned with your activities in Plesk - i.e. adding and removing domains.
Someone (normally another DNS server) is pulling data from your DNS server. It is normal process. As you say it is for short period of time, it doesn't look like DNS DDoS
AFAIK there is no default way in Windows to restrict software from taking 100% CPU if no other apps require CPU at the moment.
See "DNS Treewalk Suite" system, off the process, and uses the antivirus.
Check the error "log" in the system.

Strange performance using JPA, am I missing something?

We have a JPA -> Hibernate -> Oracle setup, where we are only able to crank up to 22 transactions per seconds (two reads and one write per transaction). The CPU and disk and network are not bottlenecking.
Is there something I am missing? I wonder if there could be some sort of oracle imposed limit that the DBA's have applied?
Network is not the problem, as when I do raw reads on the table, i can do 2000 reads per second. The problem is clearly writes.
CPU is not the problem on the app server, the CPU is basically idling.
Disk is not the problem on the app server, the data is completely loaded into memory before the processing starts
Might be worth comparing performance with a different client technology (or even just a simple test using SQL*Plus) to see if you can beat this performance anyway - it may simply be an under-resourced or misconfigured database.
I'd also compare the results for SQLPlus running directly on the d/b server, to it running locally on whatever machine your Java code is running on (where it is communicating over SQLNet). This would confirm if the problem is below your Java tier.
To be honest there are so many layers between your JPA code and the database itself, diagnosing the cause is going to be fun . . . I recall one mysterious d/b performance problem resolved itself as a misconfigured network card - the DBAs were rightly insistent that the database wasn't showing any bottlenecks.
It sounds like the application is doing a transaction in a bit less than 0.05 seconds. If the SELECT and UPDATE statements are extracted from the app and run them by themselves, using SQL*Plus or some other tool, how long do they take, and if you add up the times for the statements do they come pretty near to 0.05? Where does the data come from that is used in the queries, and which eventually gets used in the UPDATE? It's entirely possible that the slowdown is not the database but somewhere else in the app, such a the data acquisition phase. Perhaps something like a profiler could be used to find out where the app is spending its time.
Share and enjoy.
