Configuring multiple keyboards for windows - windows

This may seem on the surface to be a very basic question but its something I've never been able to do. And I'm wondering if someone can help as its really impacting my scripting!
I'm a Brit living in Japan, my computer keyboard is a Japanese model with all the icons in the Japanese place but my setup on windows is to think the keyboard is British- I'm just so used to everything been in its proper place and don't have to look at the keyboard to type.
For most purposes this is great.
However, I can't seem to be able to do a back slash. Where it should be in the bottom left is on a Japanese keyboard an extra big tab, back slash is instead over on the bottom right, near forward slash, a key which does nothing on my setup.
Does anyone know a way to configure windows 7 so that when I alt and shift to switch my typing language (something easy to do. Don't need help there) it also switches the type of keyboard it thinks I have. Or, even better, customise the layout of my keyboard.
Hope this doesn't get closed as many other config questions seem to have been as my being able to script depends upon this!


Minimize window on scroll down?

I was wondering, would it be possible to create a small piece of software that would allow the user to minimize a window by scrolling down on it? (on the top part that can be used to move it via drag and drop, obviously).
Following the same idea, it would be cool to be able to scroll up on the task bar icons to restore a minimized windows. I thought it would be cool (and since the user does not actually click but scrolls instead, it would prevent accidental nearby program openings when trying to restore a window)!
I am a total newbie when it comes to things like these. Could you please indicate me:
if Windows would let me do that (I doubt it wouldn't)?
How to code something like that (what language, and so on...)?
A way of doing this for maximizing the tabs open in the taskbar would be to create a custom taskbar identical to that of the main one. The second taskbar from Dual Monitor Taskbar works this way. There are also libraries in languages such as C++ which can detect scroll wheel movements.
Although this wasn't the most helpful answer, hopefully this could give you some ideas.
It is definitely possible. I found a software that does that 6 years ago and I have been using it ever since. It is called Preme for windows (
I have been using the software for about 6 years now and I cannot use windows without it. It also allows closing windows when clicking the mouse scroll key and maximizing a window with scroll up.
I hope this helps you. I am always wondering why Microsoft does have these options built in in the OS!!

Replace special character with keyboard shortcut live on input

Is there any way to replace a special character with a keyboard shortcut live?
For instance: Writing $ would actually press ctrl+n or arrow key left
Every help is much appreciated!
This is primarily speculation with a little experience and research mixed in.
This sort of thing is easy enough if you are checking in an application that currently has focus, but creating a universal keypress hook? Not so much.
I built a C#/C++ program in grad school that intercepted keystrokes intended for another application, but I was only able to do it by waiting for the desired application window to open, auto-opening my own pop-up window to receive the input, and then passing keystrokes back to the original window.
I'm not saying it can't be done, period, but my background knowledge (though slightly dated) and a little cursory research isn't turning up anything in the basic scripting world that would satisfy what you appear to be after.
The only way I know how to do it (which is likely wrong) would be to have hooks in every open application, and when a textbox on the application gained focus give focus to your own text-receiving app. Analyze the keypresses, and then pass the desired text/keypresses on to the original app/textbox. This would require prior knowledge of the "windows" (i.e. all objects) in all possible apps on the machine you're working on, so you would know when a textbox received focus.
If I recall, it might be possible to tell when keys are being pressed (if you have hooks in all apps) and re-direct from there, but you might lose the first keystroke, even then.
Again, this is primarily speculative.

Application Keyboard Shortcuts

For a fun winterbreak project, I'm trying to write a tool for mac that, depending on whichever application is currently in focus, will show all the appropriate Keyboard shortcuts. I'm still thinking about how it might work, as well as still looking around for info. But, I'm of course wondering whether or not there is even a streamlined format for defining keyboard shortcuts on mac. Does anyone have any light to shed here? I'm looking for plist's on my computer, but nothing is coming up, so I'm not sure that that is the proper solution.
Any ideas?
Thank you in advance, even for downvotes(:

Controlling the windows 7 on screen keyboard position from code

My manager thinks he's seen other people "lock" the windows on screen keyboard to the bottom of their applications, effectively docking it with their window, and wants me to reproduce this. They're using vb6 and occasionally
I've done a good amount of googling on the subject and I'm resorting to looking into the windows SDK at the minute, but if someone out there can save me a few days of pain by either confirming that it's not possible or pointing me in the right direction if it is I'd appreciate it.
I find that the keyboard locks if I open it from the taskbar icon. It will stay on the bottom of the screen then, even if I'm not on a text field.
No idea how to achieve that programmatically though

Customised programs for Dvorak

I have not configured much keybindings due to my change from QWERTY to Dvorak, 4 months ago. I am using a programmer version of the layout. I find many terminal-based programs, such as Elinks and Vim, easier to use. The experience raises a question:
Which programs are customised for Dvorak?
[Some Elaborating] The term "customised program" means that you can easily use a Dvorak with the program. At least for me, Dvorak has opened my eyes to the shortcuts that I found odd earlier. How about you? Please, do not hesitate mention the programs.
[My Findings]
Opera browser
Opera's keys, such "CTRL+A", "CTRL+E", "CTRL+D" and "CTRL+H", are on the home row in Dvorak. Then, have a look at Qwerty: not on the home row. Is Opera customised for Dvorak or vice versa? Or is it just because of Unix? Earlier, I used Firefox 95% of my time. Now, the ratio is 40% for Firefox.
Terminal apps
The answers have mentioned terminal apps, such as GNU Screen. I am interested to know more about them.
I've been using Dvorak for 10+ years now, and actually have found that most of the QWERTY keybindings are actually just fine on a Dvorak layout.
But, since you're looking for things to customize, I have made extensive bindings changes in gnu emacs for my favorite bindings. It's fully customizable, and a great editor. My .emacs file has over 15 years of changes in it -- I'm sure others here have been using it for much longer than that!
Another great program to customize for keybindings is gnu screen, which I'm beginning to use extensively on the machines that I administer remotely.
My two cents: use AutoHotkey / IronAHK to remap hotkeys globally or for specific keybinds that cause you grief. Since switching to Dvorak a few years ago, I've've only had one such problem, but it's a big one: the hotkeys for cut, copy, and paste are placed awkwardly on Dvorak compared to pressing ctrl+x/c/v.
The keys are obviously meant to be adjacent and close to the control button, so globally remapping these keys is a great solution for me.
That way, you can use whatever programs you like, and bend them to your will.
I learned Vim on Qwerty, but I prefer Dvorak for typing English, so I use qwerty2dvorak ( which lets me use Qwerty to tell Vim what to do (ie, hjkl) and Dvorak to type text.
I just set my keyboard on Dvorak, and go. I use the dvorak layout for all my command keys, and you get used to it very quickly. Apple (and others) do have layouts set up where the layout is Dvorak for normal typing, but querty when the command key is used.
Whatever you do, just pick something simple and stick with it. If you're having to use different keyboard shortcuts for different apps, you're likely to wear yourself down remembering all that.
