Disabling/Deleting Products in Magento - magento

I need to disable products in Magento as they are currently not available from my manufacturers but I know they will come back next year. If I disable these products, will it create 404 errors?
How do I delete products without creating 404 errors?

Why not just saying Out of Stock, so you will keep all links?

There are different ways to disable the product in frontend.
You can refer the following article for more:


Magento - products not showing after changing data in product details fields

My task was to change existing products in shop with new one, so all that i have changed is NAME,
SKU, and URL key in GENERAL section and description field in PRODUCT DETAILS.
After i have done that, items are successfully edited in backend but they dissapear from frontend.
The only way to get to them in frontend is to enter complete address of that specific product in the address bar.
I have tried everything that i could found on the forum up to this date, and it didn't work for me.
Tips like reindexing, status - enabled, availability - in stock...
If someone has an idea, please, share it with me.
Thank you all.
You can try the below things:
1. Check the product quantity,in stock and enable status and catalog visibility.
2. Re indexing
3. delete the entry from url rewrite management for your product
4. rename the "var" folder
Solution for my problem was in associated products section. I had configurable product, but i didn't had associated (simple product) for that configurable product. So i had to create some simple product for related configurable, and then they appeared in frontend.
Thank you all.

Magento - configurable products not showing up when searching

When I search for a configurable product (by name, name fragment or SKU) the search does not return any configurable products. I can search for simple products.
The configurable products;
Are in stock
Are set to "catalogue / search" visibility
Are visible in the categories and are purchasable
This is a multi-store setup and this issue only affects one store, so I'm assuming it's a configuration issue, but I can't find any setting that might stop configurable products being returned in a search.
I'm open to suggestions on this one, I'm pretty sure I've overlooked something silly - I just can't work out what!
Realize this is an old post, but for others: When working with configurable products you have to make sure that all simple products related to that configurable product are activated for the web site (this is different from "enabled" - see image). Even if one of the simple products for a configurable product is not enabled for the web site it will be sold on, the configurable product will not appear.
I tracked the issue down to a third-party search module. If you're having the same issue, disable any third-party modules that replace the standard Magento search function. If the problem still exists, see the other answers here for some good advice. If the issue resolves, you may need to contact the module publisher.

Magento adding multiple add to cart buttons to catalog page

We are trying to create a website similar to this one (https://www.hotcha.co.uk/c/21/main) in Magento. The main thing we are trying to achieve is the multiple Add to Cart buttons within the catalog list page.
Is this even possible in Magento?
If anybody could shed a little light on this for me it would be most appreciated.
You can do this by adapting the Related Products Manager extension.
More info: http://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/related-proudcts-manager-7301.html

products not showing up in magento frontend

I am facing a problem in magento store, when any new customer group is added by admin site and if it is assigned to customer, for that particular customer no product showing, the page displaying like "There are no products matching the selection."
Please suggest me how this problem can resolved? or why this is arising?
The solution I got by
click on promotion->catalog price rule->apply rule
This is some how related with Indexing. and group or any rule created on that group will get apply on front end successfully.
Check this link. I got my imported products shown up by disabling all and then enabling all again.

Magento Problem

I am running a store on Magento. For some reason the "Recently Viewed", "Related Items" and "Featured Items" blocks have all disappeared from my site. They where definitely there yesterday so I'm not sure what's happened to them.
Featured Products is an extension I use and show on the home page using:
{{block type="featuredproducts/listing" template="inchoo/block_featured_products_main.phtml"}}
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Reindexing my products fixed this.
system > index management
Probably some Blocks that don't render. Check your /var/log/errors.log for clues (1) and remove the module if is giving you problems(2).
This one here is trying to load the Featuredproducts_Block_Listing class. Check if is there and if is not misspelled.
Have you added any custom module to magento related to products like feature products or products on sale, if yes then just make it false from XML file /app/etc/modules/module.xml
and then refresh or delete the cache and try again with front end.
If this will not work then just simply delete all cache, session and logs. and refreh the web page it will work.
Magento Development
