Any explanation for wrong images showing up? - xcode

Some background. Until I redo this part of the app, for now, I've dragged a bunch of images into my project. They are called Landscapexx.jpg and Portraitxx.jpg, where xx is a number from 0 to the total number of pictures (minus one) for that orientation.
At some point, I replaced the images used in the project. But the original images are still showing up on my device (but not in Xcode). Using NSLog to confirm which image is being loaded, I then look up the image with the same name in Xcode. Sometimes it's the same image. Sometimes it's not.
At first I thought the problem was that when building the app again the data remained. That would be a reasonable explanation. However, when I deleted the app, acknowledging that the data would be deleted, that did not solve the problem. Could this be a cache issue? If so, how do I clear the relevant cache?
One last thing. The images that appear incorrectly on the iPad have the project name checked in the file inspector.
The way I'm loading the images, by the way is using NSString *newImageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Landscape%d.jpg",n];, for example. So the file simply needs to be in my project space somewhere, I thought. If there are two copies, I have no idea where the second one would be. I don't see them in Xcode.
P.S. If I run the app in the simulator, I get the same images as on Xcode. This suggests the errant images are cached somewhere in my iPad. Since deleting the app didn't take care of the problem, is there something else I can try?
EDIT: I found something that may point to an issue. If I go to the Build Phases screen and open the Copy Bundle Resources item, all the images are listed there. However some of them don't have the projectname after them. These same items have the project checked in the file inspector. Not all the images are this way. What do I need to do to ensure all the files are correctly in the project?

I suggest deleting the app from the phone, cleaning the project, and rebuilding the app. This happens to me on occasion and this usually fixes it.

I figured it out. Going through all the menu options in Xcode, I found an option called Clean in the Product menu. I selected it, rebuilt the app and all is fine now. This option apparently clears out the precompiled stuff that occurs the first time a project is built.


Xamarin.iOS - Assets won't update

I'm developing a xamarin app for iPads. When I try to change asset for splashscreen/launchscreen, it remains the same no matter what I do on ipads, even tho on storyboard it looks correct. What could possibly be the problem?
I already tried to add the references to project file, clean & rebuild, delete bin and obj files with no results, create new asset and refer to it (it just shows black screen then)
UPD: Problem kinda solved itself when I debugged it on different device, splashscreen was correctly shown. I assume it's a cache issue or something.

CFBundlePrimaryIcon key flagged as missing when its not in TVOS app

Long time iOS dev making my first TVOS app, and I get the "missing info plist CFBundlePrimaryIcon" error, although it appears that the value is actually present in the plist. The file is a 400x240 png, and is in the package. Here's a screenshot showing the plist and the error.
I'm also using an asset catalog with the icon in there as well. I manually added all the plist icon entries attempting to work around this. Here is the icon in the asset file:
I don't understand how to clear this error.
So, this is technically not an answer to how to fix the project errors shown above, but rather a heavy-handed workaround.
Part of my problems originally had to do with the icon layers, and as it says in this post, setting the back layers to no alpha channel, and leaving the front layers transparent corrected that.
So I just made a whole new project, copied all the files over, including the icon and other image files, and voila it uploaded the first time with no errors and is now waiting for beta test review.
My best guess is that while I was messing around with the asset catalog I deleted some "magic setting" of some kind that is too obscure to recreate manually.
Hope this helps someone along the line.

Xcode project file size is rather large

Ok, so I am close to submitting my WWDC scholarship app, however I have just noticed that the file size for my Xcode project is 130mb. The limit is 100mb.
When I click 'get info' on the project folder in the 'Developer' folder, it tells me that it's 130mb, but then if I go into that folder and check the three folders sizes, one is 53mb and the other two are tiny... So why is it telling me that it's 130mb overall?
Also, I've just checked it again and without changing anything, it's gone up to 132mb?!
Anyone know what's going on?
If your app is using any video files to be displayed for the user, then you can place them in the server and download it on request and cache them. For one of our project i have followed this approach and it tried to save space.

Issues importing xcode project from another computer

I have run into an incredibly frustrating issue. I wrote an iPhone app on one computer, and now I am trying to work on it on another computer. I zipped the project, and sent it to myself, but when I open it, it seems that none of the images came with it. When I was adding the images, I always checked the box to have the images get copied into my project. All the image files show up, but they are in red.
I tried fixing the path of one of the hundreds of images, and after doing that, the image appeared in the typical color scheme of xcode in my project. The problem was when I tried to run the code, xcode said it couldn't find the image I'd just imported.
Next, I deleted all the images, and tried importing them again. Once they were imported, they all turned red again.
Has anyone else run into this issue? Help!
In Finder go to where the actually code is, and see if it did in fact move the images into the project structure.
When the resources are red inside Xcode it means Xcode can not find them you can right click on them and see where it is expecting them to be located. You can also do this after you import images to make sure they are in the project structure.
Usually XCode folder structures have a "resources" folder off of the root of the source code, this is where you should put all images. I usually manually copy them in there, and then just import them into XCode from there.

Xcode shows old, deleted xib files

I've searched all over and haven't found any help...
I built a small test app with two UIViewControllers and their corresponding xibs. Things were fine, then I made some changes to both xibs but when I build and run, I get the old views. I've tried deleting the build folders, running in the simulator and device, cleaning all targets and still the same, old, broke-down xibs that I totally changed are still showing up. I've restarted all the Xcode apps and even my computer.
Getting pretty irritated!
EDIT: I never did figure out what the problem was. Basically, once I had built a project, it remembered the first xibs I made and wouldn't recognize changes to them. If I told a view controller to load from a different, valid nib name, it'd complain that the old one wasn't there.
I reinstalled Xcode and now it all works again. Sheesh.
Try deleting the app from the simulator (hold down on the app's icon to get to jiggle mode, then click the X by the app) and from your device. Then let Xcode reinstall it.
just clean the build using
Product -> Clean
Just modify your XIB files a bit, then save them, xCode will detect a modification (last modified date in the file system) then load the xib from its actual path, and not from a cache-path :P
I just found (and fixed) a related problem — one that demonstrates similar symptoms but whose root cause is slightly different.
In particular, the symptoms I observed were that my iPad app would initially display an old storyboard image for the first page and, after a short delay, would bring up the most recently edited story board contents. I went through most of the above machinations to no avail.
The problem is that the iPad loader first just dumbly loads your app's launch image into the screen. You usually set up this image as part of the early administrative setup of the app in XCode. At launch time, while the end user is considering the content and cogitating about where to touch the screen, the application is in the mean time madly getting itself ready, un-archiving the xib/nib/storyboard, and doing the real work of getting ready.
In the ideal situation the provided launch image is pixel-for-pixel the same as the one generated by the nib-unarchiving-process. However, if you forgot to update your launch image after updating the story board, you'll see an image shift at the completion of the unarchiving.
I wouldn't have suspected this as the problem except that I had read Jef Raskin's description of how he did exactly this on the Canon Cat word processor to provide the illusion of an instantly ready application: it takes advantage of the fact that the typical human response time to an application startup is on the order of seven seconds — plenty of time for even a floppy-based system to load and overwrite the bitmap facade that the loader sets up. Sometimes, it's good to have read a bit of arcane history. Jef would of course later go on to found a project whose name was Macintosh, and the rest is history — and this bug.
Not sure whether this helps, but I just had this.
It took me days to work it out. In my case I enhanced an existing Xib file. The changes I applied in interface builder never appeared in the app.
Eventually I found the cause. I had my FilesOwner view outlet set to a subview below the top view. When I enhanced the view I did this as an extension to th top view. Thus the changes never appeared when running the app.
Changing the view outlet to the correct view ( the top view in my case ) did the trick and it all worked fine ...
I know steve has found a work around but the problem is not in the XIB files at all. Xcode does not update the YouApplication-info.plist file to
If you open it up you will see the line: Main nib file base name. You must change the value to reflect your desired NIB file name
I had this problem, and it was a result of xcode continuing to copy previously compiled xib's - even though the source file was deleted, the build cache wasn't. Product > Clean and then recompiling solved it.
I just had this issue, just delete the app from the simulator.
Then do a clean on your project.
In xCode,
go to the Product menu,
select Clean.
Or just press Shift+Command+K!
I ended up recreating the xibs from scratch and that worked. Very frustrating.
you can try to modify your XIBs a bit, so xCode will detect a modification through the last modified date in file system. then it will load the xib from its actual path, an not from xCode cache.
I had the same problem, but i solved it by changing the datetime of my system to today. And re-saved the xib. I was testing the local notification.
Just an assumption, not sure if that really caused it: I finished a XIB that worked fine in the simulator and on an actual device. I then changed it to be localised in Xcode 4.5.1. The changes I did after that were not synced to the device until I manually deleted the app from the device and reinstalled via Xcode.
Deleted derived data, cleaned project and build. Old xib was magically removed. :D
