Xcode project file size is rather large - xcode

Ok, so I am close to submitting my WWDC scholarship app, however I have just noticed that the file size for my Xcode project is 130mb. The limit is 100mb.
When I click 'get info' on the project folder in the 'Developer' folder, it tells me that it's 130mb, but then if I go into that folder and check the three folders sizes, one is 53mb and the other two are tiny... So why is it telling me that it's 130mb overall?
Also, I've just checked it again and without changing anything, it's gone up to 132mb?!
Anyone know what's going on?

If your app is using any video files to be displayed for the user, then you can place them in the server and download it on request and cache them. For one of our project i have followed this approach and it tried to save space.


How to trash app file with pathname too long after failed app build - Xcode 12 new build system with MacOS 11.5.2

I have files in trash that I can't delete with an error that the pathname is too long. How can I get rid of those?
Where these files came from: I was getting Xcode 12 build failures after switching over to new build system with a plist too long error; stackoverflow helped with that -- the problem was that somehow the Product target (the app) was marked as included in the target, thereby recursively creating a giant path for the app. So unchecking the box allowed the build to complete. Thanks everybody!!
However, in the fray, I frequently cleaned the Build folder or trashed the Derived Data folder. Now I have a bunch of zero-length files for the app in the trash; emptying the trash fails with an error that it can't delete the app file because the pathname is too long. Nothing else got deleted from Trash either.
Any suggestions of how to get these cleaned up?
I managed to clean up the bad app files, but I have no idea why it worked. Note that the app icons were greyed out with a "stop" icon throughout. I decided I would clean up as much as possible, so I dragged all of the current contents of Trash (the many Derived Data & Build folders) into another desktop folder, and moved everything that wasn't a bad app file back into Trash, and emptied Trash. I left each app file in its immediate enclosing folders. Then I tried to consolidate the remaining bad app files into as few folders as possible, and along the way I discovered that I could force a replacement of one bad app file with another (just dragging it into the other's folder). So I got down to only one bad file. Then I tried moving it Trash, and bang - I could empty Trash now! Maybe my manipulations caused it to get a legal size path? Most bizarre thing I have seen on MacOS, and I started with the original 512K Mac! Any explanation?

How to clean junk files in Xcode from iOS support

I have tried cleaning the simulator but it again occupies 6gb disk space on my Mac.
Can anyone suggest manual cleaning?
If the objective is to free up disk space occupied by Xcode-related and simulator-related caches and data, and not just iOS support files, there are other folders you can look into to consider removing files, besides ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/ and ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData that have been mentioned in the other 2 answers so far.
~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/ contains data from your builds that can be helpful in the process of symbolicating/debugging deployed apps, but could otherwise be removed. Thankfully, it is organized by date, so you can choose to keep specific folders inside it, and delete the rest
~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/ contains simulator related data. It includes a Caches folder and a Devices folder. If you no longer need to run your apps on certain devices, you may consider removing those devices' corresponding folders in the Devices folder. The Caches folder may grow over time as well, and you can remove contents from there, and they should be regenerated as needed.
If you've been using this machine for some years, it may be worth looking for ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator. The simulator related files used to be there until around Xcode 6. So you may have files still there that you might want to delete (I did, on some older Macs some years back)
There's an Xcode specific cache (not about simulators), ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode, which should be regenerated as needed, but may be less useful to clean up.
You could also consider running DevCleaner from time to time to remove unnecessary Xcode-related files.
Delete the contents of "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/".
Remove all "paired devices" in iOS settings > Developer.
Connect iPhone to the Mac and pick "Don't trust".
Since the above is not okay for iTunes syncing etc, try the following:
Delete the contents of the folder "~/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/" and then right click > get info > lock the folder.
Locking the folder will stop Xcode from copying the simulator files from the iPhone to that folder next time you connect them.
It is possible that Xcode starts downloading it via nsurlsessiod so you can block it either
by using a firewall
Or by renaming the binary as explained at the link below. (I haven't tried it)
Xcode simulator constantly download something
Command-Option-Shift-K to clean out the build folder. Even better, quit Xcode and clean out ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData manually. Remove all its contents because there's a bug where Xcode will run an old version of your project that's in there somewhere
By following this steps you can do....
For user who are not able to find library/developer path.
open Xcode( i am using Xcode 13) -> file -> workspace setting -> there will be a path at center of modal -> click on arrow button next to path -> on clicking it will open up the folder.

Any explanation for wrong images showing up?

Some background. Until I redo this part of the app, for now, I've dragged a bunch of images into my project. They are called Landscapexx.jpg and Portraitxx.jpg, where xx is a number from 0 to the total number of pictures (minus one) for that orientation.
At some point, I replaced the images used in the project. But the original images are still showing up on my device (but not in Xcode). Using NSLog to confirm which image is being loaded, I then look up the image with the same name in Xcode. Sometimes it's the same image. Sometimes it's not.
At first I thought the problem was that when building the app again the data remained. That would be a reasonable explanation. However, when I deleted the app, acknowledging that the data would be deleted, that did not solve the problem. Could this be a cache issue? If so, how do I clear the relevant cache?
One last thing. The images that appear incorrectly on the iPad have the project name checked in the file inspector.
The way I'm loading the images, by the way is using NSString *newImageName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Landscape%d.jpg",n];, for example. So the file simply needs to be in my project space somewhere, I thought. If there are two copies, I have no idea where the second one would be. I don't see them in Xcode.
P.S. If I run the app in the simulator, I get the same images as on Xcode. This suggests the errant images are cached somewhere in my iPad. Since deleting the app didn't take care of the problem, is there something else I can try?
EDIT: I found something that may point to an issue. If I go to the Build Phases screen and open the Copy Bundle Resources item, all the images are listed there. However some of them don't have the ...in projectname after them. These same items have the project checked in the file inspector. Not all the images are this way. What do I need to do to ensure all the files are correctly in the project?
I suggest deleting the app from the phone, cleaning the project, and rebuilding the app. This happens to me on occasion and this usually fixes it.
I figured it out. Going through all the menu options in Xcode, I found an option called Clean in the Product menu. I selected it, rebuilt the app and all is fine now. This option apparently clears out the precompiled stuff that occurs the first time a project is built.

How do I remove the default localizations from a Phonegap/Cordova project?

I've just had a Phonegap/Cordova iPhone app approved for the app store but noticed it claims to be available in a bunch of other languages including Northern Sami. I've found the list of languages in xcode under localizations and tried deleting them but if I restart xcode they re-appear.
I've also tried deleting lproj folders in the resources folders but that doesn't help either.
I'm at a loss to what to do next so any help would be much appreciated.
Here is a step by step guide of how I do it. (Order matters)
First go to the Resources folder in the Phonegap project. Within this folder there are several folders ending in *.lproj. Delete all of them except for en.lproj (Assuming your language is english).
Even though you deleted those files from your hard drive they're still linked in Xcode. Open up your *.xcodeproj and delete all of the folders from the side bar once again.
Normally this should suffice, but if you're still having problems go to the app's project tab (rather than target) and under info you can find and remove all the current localisations.
Oh and btw if this still isn't enough you can look at the details of your app's binary in iTunesConnect to verify if it worked before releasing the app.

Files not uploading via Aptana 3

I'm new to Aptana 3. I recently switched from using an FTP (Filezilla) and text editor just to speed the file editing process up a bit.
I'm dealing mainly with Wordpress sites on a shared Godaddy hosting account, and am having some trouble uploading the files I have edited via Aptana to my live site.
i.e. I've edited several lines in my "main.css" file. I save it in my "Project Explorer" window in Aptana, have my FTP connection all set up and working, and click the "Upload" icon. I refresh my browser and nothing has changed, and I can see the website is still pulling in the old css. I've also tried "synchronizing" my files and hitting the "Publish" button, but that doesn't work either?
I've also tried just editing the file in a new Remote Connection tab, but no joy either.
I've hunted all over for simple walkthrough for deployment or file sync guides for Aptana, and watched a few video tutorials but nothing has worked so far.
Hold Control+F5 for a few seconds in your browser. You probably are just running a cached version of the CSS in your browser. That should prune it.
I had the same problem. What I found I had to do was an initial synchronization, I know you mention that you did this but it may be that it didn't fully sync as its not always clear what is going on with the Aptana sync.
What I did:
Make sure your Project has a connection in it and that it points to the server location that you want to sync with
Select the Remote tab and right-click on a file within the chosen connection, choose File Transfer...
This will open the sync window and it will initiate a compare, this is where confusion set in for me, if the folder structure is not identical it will propose to create and delete lots of files. I found I was deselecting items to be safe but meant that it did not correctly sync. Make sure you are syncing from the same root level and then let it do a full sync, this seems to register or record a link between the local and remote files.
Run the sync. when it is complete you will now be able to upload individual files successfully from the Project tab using the upload icon (before a successful sync this will not work - even though it looks like it is doing an upload).
Hope this helps.
