batch file to list all txt files from other directories - windows

I am in the process of fetching all the .txt files from one directory to another (my current).
My current directory is
where i have the batch file and i have the code to fetch all .TXT files from the directory
dir E:\S_RUNS\12 month_STAR\S_2013\tst\*.txt /b >> INPUT_FILE_LIST.TXT
I am not able to fetch all the .TXT file which are in the E:\ DIREC into INPUT_FILE_LIST.TXT file on C:\USERS\MRAH
Can anyone let me know as to what should be code to fetch all the .txt file from one directory to another...

I'm not completely sure this will work on multiple directories but you could try it.
Cd E:\[path]
for /d %%a in (*) do (if %~xa == .txt echo %%a >> input_list.tmp)
for /f %%a in (input_list.tmp) do (copy %%a C:\USERS\MRAH)
note the batch file needs to be run from the E:[path]
also note you save it as a .tmp file to prevent it from logging itself
also instead of making an input_list file do it directly:
for /d %%a in (*) do (if %~xa == .txt copy %%a C:\users\MRAH)
Tell me if this doesn't work
Yours, Mona

Assume your current working directory is c:\testDir and you wanna copy all txt files from c:\source to d:\dest then use following content in a batch file
copy c:\source*.txt d:\dest


How to batch copy files based on a list (txt) in to another folder with same directory structure?

I have a root directory with over 25,000 files in it. These files are in loads of different subdirectories.
I also have a text file with 4300 lines in it, each line is an absolute path to one of the files in the directory. Like below,
I also have another root directory witch is a copy of the original root directory structure but all the directories are empty.
I would like to copy all the files listed in the text file to the directory which is empty and place all the copied files inn the respected subdirectories.
if I use the following batchfile I keep getting file overwrite prompts because it is not copying the files to the correct directories.
#echo off
set dst_folder=c:\DSTN2
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (USEDFILES.txt) DO (
xcopy /S/E "%%i" "%dst_folder%"
How do I modify this so the files are copied to the correct directory?
Since you are copying specific files from a list, you need to make sure the directory structure exists in the destination if you want it in a similar folder structure. So using the power of the FOR command modifiers you can get the file path only from the file name in the file list. You will use that modifier to create the destination directory and also use it as the destination for the XCOPY command.
I have taken the liberty of providing best practices for all the code you are using.
#echo off
set "dst_folder=c:\DSTN2"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in ("USEDFILES.txt") DO (
mkdir "%dst_folder%%%~pG" 2>NUL
xcopy "%%~G" "%dst_folder%%%~pG"

How to delete file only if subdirectory with same name exists in Windows

Usually I extract .zip and .rar files in a directory maned as the file without the extension.
Now I'd like to write a Windows batch script that browses all hard drive to delete all .zip or .rar files whenever in the same directory is present a subdirectory with same name of the file without the extension.
But I really don't know where to start.
Thank you in advance.
This simple script is all you need to delete all zip files within C: drive appropriately.
#for /r c:\ %%F in (*.zip) do if exist "%%~dpnF\*" del "%%F"
You don't even need the script. You can simply run the following from the command line:
for /r c:\ %F in (*.zip) do if exist "%~dpnF\*" del "%F"

Create subfolder from suffix of filename then move file

I have got several image files in one folder sharing the same filename but have a different suffix
Using a batch I want to create subfolders named Texture.Suffix, Texture.Suffix2 based on the suffix of the files under textures, then move the respective file into its subfolder and rename it ''.
Can this be done using batch file?
Thanks for any help.
cd textures
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s') do (
md %%~ni
move %%i %%~ni\ )
write these tags in a bat file and run the bat file in the same directory that includes textures directory

Copy files listed in a txt file and put it in another directory

Im trying to copy multiples/hundreds of files using a text file and placing it in another directory
For example my source directory has this files.
And the text file looks like this (this text file contains the files that I should only copy from the source directory)
Here's the code that i tried using
for /f "delims=" %%i in (files2.txt) do echo F|xcopy "C:\Users\username\source\%%i*" "C:\Users\username\Documents\dest\%%i"
the * from the source dir doesnt seem to work as a wildcard
Try like this :
for /f "delims=" %%i in (files2.txt) do (
copy /y "C:\Users\username\source\%%~ni*" "C:\Users\username\Documents\dest\"
As the names in the text file are not the same as the actual files you'll need wild cards.

Merge all files from the current folder and all subfolders in one file using .bat file

I'm looking for a batch file that merges the content of all files in the current directory and files from all subdirectories.
Also, that would be perfect if files were separated by several new lines in the big file and probably contain the filename with filepath above the each file content.
For example, there are two files in the current folder D:\ , where our batch file is located:
d:\file1.txt contains:
text here
d:\folderabc\file2.mp3 contains:
doremi text
I run merge.bat file on d:\ and it creates a merge file result.txt (or whatever extension) with such content:
text here
I appreciate if someone share his solution for this problem.
Thank you so much.
Test this with your folder. It assumes the files are text files.
edit: This has a fix - and you can remove the "d:\base\folder" to run it from the current directory.
#echo off
for /r "d:\base\folder" %%a in (*) do (
echo =========%%a=========
type "%%a"
move "%temp%\temp.file" . >nul
echo done
