how to double-click on a cell in table with Selenium Ruby Webdriver - ruby

I'm trying to use below codes to double-click on a cell in a table in my web application (I tried to do Click two times with the hope that they are equal to double-click). However, the cell is not clicked at all, but I expect that after double-clicking on the cell, the text field will be displayed for me to edit info of that cell.
#driver.find_element(:xpath => "//table[#id='gridabc']//tr[1]/td[9]").click
#driver.find_element(:xpath => "//table[#id='gridabc']//tr[1]/td[9]").click
I'm using Selenium Ruby Webdriver. Please help guide me a way to resolve this. Thanks much.

##example Double click an element
el = driver.find_element(:id, "some_id")
Code shamelessly copied from the documentation :)


UFT doesn't click a Radio button based on the adjacent text

I am using UFT 15.0.2 to automatize some Web GUI Tests using VB Script. I have to click on a Radio Button which is adjacent to a text (product code) but it doesn't work because when I used Record to click on the WebCheckBox, UFT pasted that line:
Since this html page is under a Shadow-Root, none of the xpath/css is not working. Hence I am trying to use object repository to identify the radio button using the product code like how we write in xpath.
Before shadowDOM implementation the code was working as below with xpath:
CheckBoxInputparam1 = "//span[text()='"
CheckBoxInputparam2 = "']/../../../../../../../../..//PAPER-CHECKBOX"
CheckBoxInputparam3 = "']/../../../../../../../../..//PAPER-RADIO-BUTTON"
checkboxXpath = CheckBoxInputparam1&ProductList(0)&CheckBoxInputparam2
radioBtnXpath = CheckBoxInputparam1&ProductList(0)&CheckBoxInputparam3
Could someone help me?

Need help on clicking an element (Element is not clickable at point (62, 459)) - Capybara Ruby Selenium Automation

I am having below error message in my console while trying to click on a button element:
unknown error: Element is not clickable at point (62, 459).
Other element would receive the click: <i class="foo foo-chase-lemon font-size-13"></i>
Here's my code below:
#object =
I have tried with retry 5 times to click on it using rescue but didn't help.
Below code also didn't work where i tried to move to that element before click.
Any solution will be greatly appreciated.
I tried increasing the resolution/ scrolling the window. None of them worked on this specific scenario. These solution might work for others.
However, I resolved the issue by clicking the button using javascript "execute_script" method in my automation script.

Selenium WebDriver - Unable to close select drop down menu in Chrome on Mac OS X

I have been Working with Selenium WebDriver for a few months now and I have a problem with a drop down menu within a web app that I am working on.
What is happening is that the test is opening the page, verifying several elements on the page by finding them and then ensuring they are displayed.
After doing that there is some text entered into different fields, then the option select box is clicked on to open the drop down menu.
Following this the test iterates through all the options in the drop down menu until it finds the one it needs, then clicks on that option.
At this point the option is selected but the drop down menu is not closed.
I have tried clicking on the option select again but this has no effect, during the rest of the test other pages are navigated to and the menu does not close.
Then the page is saved and then navigated away from.
However the drop down menu remains until the browser is closed.
This is the code from the app:
<select id="options" name="options" class="options">
<option value="option1 (auto)">option1 (auto)</option>
<option value="option2">option2</option>
<option value="option3">option3</option>
the first solution I would try is to click on menu options in different ways. Selenium API provides us with this possibility.
1) locate e.g. css selectors of the elements.
String cssOption1 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option1 (auto)']";
String cssOption2 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option2']";
String cssOption3 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option3']";
Also don't forget to verify that you found elements properly e.g .in firepath, firebug addon in ffox:
approach 1
approach 2 using actions builder API
WebElement mnuOptionElement;
mnuOptionElement = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(cssOption2));
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
// Move cursor to the Main Menu Element
more info about Actions builder you can get here
approach 3 using jsExecutor to click on web element. Always works for me in all situations.
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("var x = $(\'"+cssOption2+"\');");
Hope this works for you
I have solved the problem with a work around, as this is the only way that I have found to work.
Firstly thank you eugene.polschikov for your answer although it didn't solve the problem it did open my eye somewhat, I had no knowledge of action builder, and it has given me some great ideas about future tests.
Also thank you to anyone who read this and pondered over a possible solution.
The workaround that is now in place is that the select is not opened.
The way the code works is that it would open the list and find the one it wanted and click on it, at this point the select wouldn't close, so now the code no longer opens the select in the first place, it clicks on the hidden option to select it, not 100% what i wanted, but it works.
Happy Programming,
If a human can press Escape to exit the combobox, you can do that in Selenium by switching to the active element:
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
element = driver.switch_to.active_element

How to get focus to a new popup window which doesnt have name,id or unique title in selenium

I want to get focus or select an window which pop-up's on click to the link and the link has following tags in html
<a target="_restaurant_50" href="/impersonate/50">View Dashboard</a>
if i put window name as _restaurant_50 it gives the following error in IDE
Window does not exist. If this looks like a Selenium bug, make sure to read for potential workarounds.
How can i get the focus on this window please help...
I tried all the ways specified on net such as get all windows*, select by title but it gives the parent title only, webdriver PHP switch window, etc.
the number 50 is as per the number in database list.
I am using selenium with PHP.
Array Names before click
[0] => selenium_main_app_window
Array Ids before Click
[0] => undefined
Array Names After click
[0] => selenium_main_app_window
Array Ids After click
[0] => undefined
I tried opening the url using openWindow("url",Windowname) which gets open on click. It worked but it opens a new page doesnt follow the logged in session it asks again for logging in
Thanks in Advance
I am not familiar with the PHP selenium drivers but the way I did this with Java was to get a list of Window Names (or IDs) before the click, perform the click, get the new list and select the window that wasn't there before. Note that there is a selenium command to get all known window names and ids.
Also, if the issue is just that the number is generated from the database, you could get the target attribute from the link, and then use that to select the window it opens.
I was am able to do the above by following Steps.
we have
<a target="_restaurant_50" href="/impersonate/50">View Dashboard</a>
This also works for the dynamic links.
Thanks to ALL for your valuable help.

How can I know what element is clicked in IE?

I'm automating IE with watir, and I want to know what html element(s) are clicked (selected). Can this be done using watir? win32ole? In a last chance, without ruby?
Something like:
Click a button -> button with id=213 and class=btn_class was clicked.
Click a text field -> text field with id=123 and value=my_text was clicked.
Try one of the recorders, Selenium IDE for example.
I'm not sure if I completely understand either, but would a custom function like this work?
def click(item, how, what)
#browser.item(how, what).click
puts "#{item} with #{how}->#{what} was clicked"
click("button", ":id", "awesome")
Edit: If you're attempting to identify page elements so that you can then use them in a Watir script, the Developer Toolbar is perfect for this application, much like Firebug for Firefox.
Your comment to me & your response to Zeljko appear to contradict each other. If you want to use WATIR for this task, the code above will execute a mouse click and post the information to console. The only other way to get information is to locate the object in WATIR and fish for more details:
object = #browser.button(:name, /myButton/)
object.height, etc.
#browser.divs.each do |div|
puts, div.title
I'd recommend a strong look at the capabilities of the various developer tools, such as are provided with Chrome, Firefox, and IE. those are generally the best means to get this kind of information.
Watir is really about driving the browser, and getting info out of the DOM. it's not really setup to report on manual interactions with the browser.
