UFT doesn't click a Radio button based on the adjacent text - vbscript

I am using UFT 15.0.2 to automatize some Web GUI Tests using VB Script. I have to click on a Radio Button which is adjacent to a text (product code) but it doesn't work because when I used Record to click on the WebCheckBox, UFT pasted that line:
Since this html page is under a Shadow-Root, none of the xpath/css is not working. Hence I am trying to use object repository to identify the radio button using the product code like how we write in xpath.
Before shadowDOM implementation the code was working as below with xpath:
CheckBoxInputparam1 = "//span[text()='"
CheckBoxInputparam2 = "']/../../../../../../../../..//PAPER-CHECKBOX"
CheckBoxInputparam3 = "']/../../../../../../../../..//PAPER-RADIO-BUTTON"
checkboxXpath = CheckBoxInputparam1&ProductList(0)&CheckBoxInputparam2
radioBtnXpath = CheckBoxInputparam1&ProductList(0)&CheckBoxInputparam3
Could someone help me?


How do I let Selenium driver click on link which is dynamically created through JavaScript

I am trying to automate actions and unable to select an element due to its dynamic nature.
I am running Selenium web driver on ruby and am trying to select value that is not present in page source.
<a class="linkOtherBrowser" onclick="addChangeStatusField('InitialSelectionPage');submitFormByAction('ChangeStep');return false;" href="#"><div class="processBarElement noSelected">
<div class="whiteBeforeProcessBarTitles"></div>Initial Selection</div>
<div class="endOfElementOfProcessBar"></div></a>
I am trying to select value "Initial Selection" from above.
Could anyone pls help out?
As the HTML is generated by Javascript, You need to inspect the DOM instead of viewsource and write the element locator code accordingly.
Note: In IE, Firefox or Chrome you can press F12 key to see the developer tools and use the inspect element option to check the DOM.
Whatever element is generated dynamically is added in your DOM. WebDriver has capability of clicking on elements are the visible on UI and hence if the generated element is visible to regular user's you can click on the element easily.
To do so, you need to identify the best selector for that newly generated click, could be xpath or css. Once you identify the selector you can consider clicking clicking using following code
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[#title='NAME_TITLE']"));
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.css("a[title='NAME_TITLE']"));
There are more options within your By.class on picking the element in best way

Closing a popup box in Google Translate

I am new to NUNIT and am stumped on how to close a dialog box.
The site I am experimenting with is Google Translate. Part of the code "clicks" on the "Send Feedback Link".
Below is the function I am using:
public void CloseModalWindow(string className)
WebController wPage = new WebController(driver);
IWebElement clickButtonXPATH = driver.FindElement(By.XPath(className));
The basic logic is that I am trying to simulate is to click the "X" on the upper right hand side of the Google Feedback popup that appears.
Please note that:
The web driver is FireFox.
I am sending the XPath value (derived from Google Translate directly using FireBug) /html/body/div[3]/div/span[2].
I've also tried using the CSSSelector method instead of XPATH, sending the value span[class='modal-dialog-title'] into the function.
Nunit will in complete without any errors, but the popup does not close as I am anticipating.
Thank you in advance for your input and insight.
From your XPath I see that the "X" is not a natively clickable element - like <a> or <button> are. I experienced that calling Click() on such elements does not what one expects. Instead you could try using the action builder functionality which will simulate a general mouse or keyboard input. Replace
new Actions(driver).Click(clickButtonXPATH).Build().Perform();

how to double-click on a cell in table with Selenium Ruby Webdriver

I'm trying to use below codes to double-click on a cell in a table in my web application (I tried to do Click two times with the hope that they are equal to double-click). However, the cell is not clicked at all, but I expect that after double-clicking on the cell, the text field will be displayed for me to edit info of that cell.
#driver.find_element(:xpath => "//table[#id='gridabc']//tr[1]/td[9]").click
#driver.find_element(:xpath => "//table[#id='gridabc']//tr[1]/td[9]").click
I'm using Selenium Ruby Webdriver. Please help guide me a way to resolve this. Thanks much.
##example Double click an element
el = driver.find_element(:id, "some_id")
Code shamelessly copied from the documentation :)

Selenium WebDriver - Unable to close select drop down menu in Chrome on Mac OS X

I have been Working with Selenium WebDriver for a few months now and I have a problem with a drop down menu within a web app that I am working on.
What is happening is that the test is opening the page, verifying several elements on the page by finding them and then ensuring they are displayed.
After doing that there is some text entered into different fields, then the option select box is clicked on to open the drop down menu.
Following this the test iterates through all the options in the drop down menu until it finds the one it needs, then clicks on that option.
At this point the option is selected but the drop down menu is not closed.
I have tried clicking on the option select again but this has no effect, during the rest of the test other pages are navigated to and the menu does not close.
Then the page is saved and then navigated away from.
However the drop down menu remains until the browser is closed.
This is the code from the app:
<select id="options" name="options" class="options">
<option value="option1 (auto)">option1 (auto)</option>
<option value="option2">option2</option>
<option value="option3">option3</option>
the first solution I would try is to click on menu options in different ways. Selenium API provides us with this possibility.
1) locate e.g. css selectors of the elements.
String cssOption1 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option1 (auto)']";
String cssOption2 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option2']";
String cssOption3 = "select[id='options']>option[value='option3']";
Also don't forget to verify that you found elements properly e.g .in firepath, firebug addon in ffox:
approach 1
approach 2 using actions builder API
WebElement mnuOptionElement;
mnuOptionElement = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(cssOption2));
Actions builder = new Actions(driver);
// Move cursor to the Main Menu Element
more info about Actions builder you can get here
approach 3 using jsExecutor to click on web element. Always works for me in all situations.
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("var x = $(\'"+cssOption2+"\');");
Hope this works for you
I have solved the problem with a work around, as this is the only way that I have found to work.
Firstly thank you eugene.polschikov for your answer although it didn't solve the problem it did open my eye somewhat, I had no knowledge of action builder, and it has given me some great ideas about future tests.
Also thank you to anyone who read this and pondered over a possible solution.
The workaround that is now in place is that the select is not opened.
The way the code works is that it would open the list and find the one it wanted and click on it, at this point the select wouldn't close, so now the code no longer opens the select in the first place, it clicks on the hidden option to select it, not 100% what i wanted, but it works.
Happy Programming,
If a human can press Escape to exit the combobox, you can do that in Selenium by switching to the active element:
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
element = driver.switch_to.active_element

Google Apps Script listbox to dropdown box

I'm building a UI in Google Sites using Apps Script and I am able to create a listbox. According to the documentation if you change the setVisibleItemCount to 1 it will become a dropdown box.
I have tried both 1 and 0.
Neither seems to make it a drop-down box. Using Firefox 13.0.1 to view. Have also tried Safari.
Anyone had any luck with this?
Code looks like this:
var vPanel = container.createVerticalPanel();
//List box
var lb = container.createListBox(true).setId('listbox').setName('listbox');
// add items to ListBox
for(var i=0;i<LIST_OF_PROJECTS.length;i++){
lb.setVisibleItemCount(1); //supposed to make it a drop-down but doesn't
This is all inside a Google Site and the page that is being displayed is a Apps Script Page. Perhaps you are NOT using Google Sites? Above code gives me a single line but no drop down arrow.
Could you post your relevant code please ?, It's working for me on firefox (slightly differently), chrome & safari. (see screen cap when I click the selector, SetVisibleItemCount is 1)
EDIT : One important point : to get the list acting as a dropdown list you have to choose 'disable multiple selection', in other words : createListBox(false) or no parameter... but not 'true' as it is in your code !! (now we know why it doesn't work in your case ;-)
With this parameter set to false , it works as expected in standalone webapp, embedded on site and linked to spreadsheet without any difference.
Don't call:
at all.
