How to use eval to force variable update - shell

I was reading the bash advanced scripting guide (if memory serves me right), and it said something to the extent that eval can be used to force variable updates.
So I tried this:
randomPath="/path/$var/here/" # var is not defined at this point
echo $randomPath
var="is" # initially defining var
eval $randomPath
zsh: no such file or directory: /path//here/
I don't understand the error message, and I'm wondering if I'm using eval properly.
The output I was expecting is:
eval $randomPath
echo $randomPath

The problem is that $var is already being substituted in randomPath="/path/$var/here/", and because it is blank, randomPath is set to /path//here. You want to use single quotes to prevent the early substitution:
The second problem is that eval x runs x as a command. What you want to do is return the newly evaluated variable as a string:
eval echo $randomPath
You can store it in a variable in the usual way:
randomPath=`eval echo $randomPath`


Delayed expansion of composite variable in Bash

I'm defining a variable as a composition of other variables and some text, and I'm trying to get this variable to not expand its containing variables on the assigning. But I want it to expand when called later. That way I could reuse the same template to print different results as the inner variables keep changing. I'm truing to avoid eval as much as possible as I will be receiving some of the inner variables from third parties, and I do not know what to expect.
My use case, as below, is to have some "calling stack" so I can log all messages with the same format and keep a record of the script, function, and line of the logged message in some format like this:
My attempted solution
SCRIPT_NAME="`basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"`"
echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNCNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]}"
echo "${CURR_STACK}"
function _func_1 {
echo "${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNCNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]}"
echo "${CURR_STACK}"
So, I intend to get the same results while printing the "${CURR_STACK}" as when printing the previous line.
If there is some built-in or other clever way to log this 'call stack', by all means, let me know! I'll gladly wave my code good-bye, but I'd still like to know how to prevent the variables from expanding right away on the assigning of CURR_STACK, but still keep them able to expand further ahead.
Am I missing some shopt?
What I've tried:
Case 1 (expanding on line 4):
CURR_STACK="`echo "\${SCRIPT_NAME}:\${FUNCNAME[0]}:\${LINENO[0]}"`" <------------------| These are control lines <---------------. .------------| With the results I expect to get.
X <---´ `-------| Both indicate that the values expanded <-------------------------| on line 4 - when CURR_STACK was set.
Case 2 (not expanding at all):
${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]} <-------.----| No expansion at all!...
/ /
${SCRIPT_NAME}:${FUNNAME[0]}:${LINENO[0]} <----´
Shell variables are store plain inert text(*), not executable code; there isn't really any concept of delayed evaluation here. To make something that does something when used, create a function instead of a variable:
print_curr_stack() {
echo "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"):${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
# ...
echo "We are now at $(print_curr_stack)"
# Or just run it directly:
Note: using BASH_SOURCE[1] and FUNCNAME[1] gets info about context the function was run from, rather than where it is in the function itself. But for some reason I'm not clear on, BASH_LINENO[1] gets the wrong info, and BASH_LINENO[0] is what you want.
You could also write it to allow the caller to specify additional text to print:
print_curr_stack() {
echo "$#" "$(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}"):${FUNCNAME[1]}:${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
# ...
print_curr_stack "We are now at"
(* There's an exception to what I said about variables just contain inert text: some variables -- like $LINENO, $RANDOM, etc -- are handled specially by the shell itself. But you can't create new ones like this except by modifying the shell itself.)
Are you familiar with eval?
$ a=this; b=is; c=a; d=test;
$ e='echo "$a $b $c $d"';
$ eval $e;
this is a test
$ b='is NOT'; # modify one of the variables
$ eval $e;
this is NOT a test
$ f=$(eval $e); # capture the value of the "eval" statement
$ echo $f;
this is NOT a test

Bash: Hide global variable using local variable with same name

I'd like to use a global variable in a function but don't want the change to go outside the function. So I defined a local variable initialized to the value of the global variable. The global variable has a great name, so I want to use the same name on the local variable. This seems doable in Bash, but I'm not sure if this is undefined behavior.
echo $a
foo() {
local a=$a ## defined or undefined?
echo $a
echo $a
Gives output:
Expansion happen before assignment (early on) as the documentation states:
Expansion is performed on the command line after it has been split into words.
So the behavior should be predictable (and defined). In local a=$a when expanding $a it's still the global one. The command execution (assignment/declaration) happens later (when $a has already been replaced by its value).
However I am not sure this would not get confusing to have essentially two different variables (scope dependent) with the same name (i.e. appearing to be the one and same). So, I'd rather question wisdom of doing so on coding practices / readability / ease of navigation grounds.
There is a new shell option in Bash 5.0, localvar_inherit, to have local variables with the same name inherit the value of a variable with the same name in the preceding scope:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
shopt -s localvar_inherit
myfunc() {
local globalvar
echo "In call: $globalvar"
echo "In call, after setting: $globalvar"
echo "Before call: $globalvar"
echo "After call: $globalvar"
with the following output:
Before call: global
In call: global
In call, after setting: local
After call: global
If you don't have Bash 5.0, you have to set the value in the function, as you did in your question, with the same result.

Loading a while true loop into a variable

I'm having a bit of trouble getting this to work/ knowing if its possible. I'm creating a game using little other than bash, this requires a lot of repeated case statements. I am trying to load all the repeated case statements into a variable, then repeat them when necessary to limit the amount of work it will take to update the shared case statements between different scripts.
Here is what I have:
moo="[m][o][o]) echo 'thank you for following instructions' ;;"
test=$(echo "while true ; do
read -p 'type moo: ' case
case $case in
*) echo 'type moo please'
The problem I run into is:
./ line 13: $'while true ; do\nread -p \'type moo: \' case\ncase in\n[m][o][o]) echo \'thank you for following instructions\' ;;\n*) echo \'type moo please\' ;;\nesac\ndone': command not found
The information in the moo variable will eventually be in a separate script and will be set by invoking it as a function within that script when I finally get a working model.
It looks like this is a workable idea, I've just reached a loss on how to invoke the variable without it acting up. If anyone has any ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance!
It doesn't work because the quotes make the variable expansion be treated as a single word.
But it wouldn't work without quotes, either, because the shell doesn't parse the output of variables for syntax like semicolon and newline. Variable expansion is done after that stage of command parsing. The only processing that's done on expanded variables is word-splitting and wildcard matching.
You need to use eval to perform all command parsing:
eval "$test"
Another problem is that the variable $case is being expanded when you assign the variable test, it's not getting the value being read by read. Since the variable doesn't have a value yet, it's being executed as:
case in ...
and this is invalid syntax. You need to escape the $ so it will be passed through literally.
There's also no need for echo, you can simply assign the string directly.
test="while true ; do
read -p 'type moo: ' case
case \$case in
*) echo 'type moo please'

Bash assignment value to variable as command substitution and print value output

I would like to achieve this in Bash: echo $(a=1)and print the value of variable a
I test eval, $$a,{}, $() but none of them work as most of the times either I got literally a=1 or in one case (I don't remember which) it tried to execute the value.
I known that I can do: a=1;echo $a but because I'm little fun one command per line (even if sometimes is getting little complicated) I was wondering if is possible to do this either with echo or with printf
If you know that $a is previously unset, you can do this using the following syntax:
echo ${a:=1}
This, and other types of parameter expansion, are defined in the POSIX shell command language specification.
If you want to assign a numeric value, another option, which doesn't depend on the value previously being unset, would be to use an arithmetic expansion:
echo $(( a = 1 ))
This assigns the value and echoes the number that has been assigned.
It's worth mentioning that what you're trying to do cannot be done in a subshell by design because a child process cannot modify the environment of its parent.

eval not working in shellscript

I am trying to get the value of a variable to be selected by name at runtime, using eval, but I don't get its value if - (hyphen) is in the name.
echo USERNAME=east-1
echo PASSWORD=east-1
echo USERNAME=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
echo PASSWORD=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
It's working fine if there is no hyphen present in the name.
We can see what's happening by running this in shell with -x option to trace execution:
$ sh -x ./
+ ENV=dev
+ REGION=us-east-1
+ DBUSERNAME=DB_USER_dev_us-east-1
+ DBPASSWORD=DB_PASS_dev_us-east-1
+ eval USERNAME=${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}
+ USERNAME=east-1
+ eval PASSWORD=${DB_PASS_dev_us-east-1}
+ PASSWORD=east-1
+ echo USERNAME=east-1
+ echo PASSWORD=east-1
Notice that eval USERNAME=${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1} gives us USERNAME=east-1. That's parameter expansion in effect, as described in the Bash manual:
When not performing substring expansion, using the forms documented below (e.g., :-), bash tests for a parameter that is unset
or null. Omitting the colon results in a test only for a parameter
that is unset.
Use Default Values. If parameter is unset or null, the expansion of word is substituted. Otherwise, the value of parameter
is substituted.
Since $DB_USER_dev_us is unset, then the expansion of ${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1} is east-1.
Shell doesn't allow - in variable names (including environment variables). I guess DB_USER_dev_us-east-1 was set by some non-shell program? In which case, you'll need a similar non-shell program to retrieve it, I think. I tested quoting the -, but to no avail.
If you can use Bash as your shell, you might want to use an associative array instead of composing variable names.
If you are able to change the environment variables, you might consider changing the - to (say) _, then using (Bash) ${REGION//-/_} or (otherwise) tr to transform the name:
REGION="${REGION//-/_}" # Bash
REGION="$(echo "$REGION"|tr - _)" # POSIX
You are evaluating/expanding a few too many times.
Toby's answer is exactly correct (and shows the proper debugging technique for this sort of issue) but the solution to the problem is to unwrap one level of expansion.
You wrote
which becomes
eval "USERNAME=\${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}"
which then gets run through eval as
which becomes
but you wanted to stop after the first expansion. That is
eval "USERNAME=\${DB_USER_dev_us-east-1}"
has already performed the expansion you wanted and gotten you the result you needed. So you don't want the \${...} bit or eval. Just
which you get from
Unless I've missed something or your example isn't accurate.
As they have explained the problem, here is what you can do
$> more
$> ./
