Kendo UI: Can I use validator to validate row selection - validation

I have KendoUI grid and user can select multiple rows. Before sending form data, user needs to select rows from the Kendo UI Grid. Can i use Kendo UI validator to accomplish this?


How to bind data on client side pagination on kendo grid

Actual we have one scenario to update data source on client side pagination. Is it possible on kendo grid ? or we should take approach to update kendo grid element.

Kendo ui grid child add a row?

Kendo Ui How to add rows to the table children.?
$("#ProcessTable ChildrenId?").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.add(obj);
In this way is it possible to add a new row?

Drag and drop from Kendo Grid to kendo Treeview in mvc

I have a kendo grid and kendo treeview; the kendo grid data is bound to a database and the treeview is currently empty. How can I drag a single column single value from the grid to treeview? Could someone provide some suggestions or examples on how can I do this?
You can use kendo draggable, here is the overview :
To summary them up
make your grid as kendo draggable,
make your treeview droppable target,
on the drop function of the droppable target, do the logic to remove item from grid, then add it to treeview
HERE some raw example
kendo dojo (grid to treeview)
kendo dojo (listview to treeview)

Disable web browser's default autocomplete on kendo multiselect

I'm creating a kendo multiselect from a select input. The kendo control renders out a basic input text box and a custom drop down that is displayed as you type. The issue I'm having is that the input it triggering the default web browser autocomplete dropdown which is overlaying the kendo dropdown. I need to disable the default web browser behavior so that only the kendo dropdown is displayed. I've tried adding the autocomplete="off" attribute to the select tag that the kendo multiselect is initialized from but the resulting tag that is rendered by kendo does not carry this attribute over.
Never mind, I simply used the 'input' field off of the kendo object to access the input and then added the attribute after the kendo control was initialized
$('#multiSelect').data('kendoMultiSelect').input.attr('autocomplete', 'off');
This resolved the issue

Kendo UI MVC bind Grid to DataSource from MultiSelect widgets

We are using Kendo UI MVC and need to filter a large number of records and display them in a read-only DataGrid. The page has MultiSelect widgets that each let the user select from a list of distinct values for a specific database column. After the user has entered his selections in the MultiSelect widgets he will click a 'refresh' button to update the grid. The Grid's DataSource.Ajax.Read method should pass the user's selections to the server and display the results in the Grid.
I know how to populate the MultiSelect widgets and how to return data from the server via Ajax but I'm unclear on how to pass the user's selections to Grid.DataSource.Read().
What is the best way for the button to pass the user's selections to the DataSource, fire the Read method, and display the results in the Grid?
EDIT: Putting the widgets inside the Grid's ToolBar will meet our needs.
Embed the widgets in Grid.Toolbar.Template
