Drag and drop from Kendo Grid to kendo Treeview in mvc - kendo-ui

I have a kendo grid and kendo treeview; the kendo grid data is bound to a database and the treeview is currently empty. How can I drag a single column single value from the grid to treeview? Could someone provide some suggestions or examples on how can I do this?

You can use kendo draggable, here is the overview :
To summary them up
make your grid as kendo draggable,
make your treeview droppable target,
on the drop function of the droppable target, do the logic to remove item from grid, then add it to treeview
HERE some raw example
kendo dojo (grid to treeview)
kendo dojo (listview to treeview)


Kendo ui grid child add a row?

Kendo Ui How to add rows to the table children.?
$("#ProcessTable ChildrenId?").data("kendoGrid").dataSource.add(obj);
In this way is it possible to add a new row?

Showing another grid inside one cell of the kendo grid

I am using a kendo grid to display my data. I want to show another kendo grid inside one cell of my kendo grid. Is there anyway I can achieve this?
There is a 'way' (using the "template" option of the corresponding Grid column), however I would suggest to instead use Grid hierarchy to show details about current row:
Grid: hierarchy demo
Nesting another Grid inside cells of current Grid is not a good idea as it will not be usable, it will reduce the page performance etc.

KendoUI: how to use edit in line for html form in KendoUI

Firstly, I am doing a research on KendoUI, and my experience is mainly on struts-layout taglib.
And now I got issues on HTML Form while using KendoUI.
My Questions are as below:
Can Kendo ListView be used to replace the html form? That is, there is no Form any more, but a kendo ListView.
If still use html form, how to make each field editable in line (is there any kendo widget to do same behavior as JQuery UI plugin X-editable)?
The closest thing would probably be a Grid that is editable. Clicking on a cell puts it in edit mode: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/editing
But you could also make a custom Kendo UI widget that behaves basically the same as x-editable by having a clickable element that opens a Kendo Tooltip box with an input element in it.

In Kendo Ui how to reflect the changes occurred in grid view on to the chart ?

I have a grid view, when i change some nodes or label or parameter it should be reflected in chart. How to make this possible in Kendo UI using mvvm ?
This should be done automatically if you are using a Shared dataSource like shown here.

in kendo grid column how to use autocomplete

In a Kendo grid, how to bound the column with auto complete option in MVC web application. Want to display grid product name in autocomplete option. In that option need to bound Product item code and Product Item Name. Have any custom editor in a Kendo grid?
You can find one way on how to do it at How to have an autocomplete field inside kendoUI grid using asp.net mvc wrapper. Basically you will have to create EditorTemplate and reference it from grid.
Hope this helps.
