I am trying to redirect specific users in Magento to the products.html page after logging in. Most every way I attempt to do this (setRedirect, header) results in a loop due to too many redirects.
Currently, I am trying to use an observer to setParam('return_url', "$customerRedirectUrl") as described in this rather popular post - Magento - Redirect Customer from Observer Method. The variable $customerRedirectUrl represents logic that together reliably creates the url I know I want the page to be. My relevant code looks like this.
public function redirect(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$helper = Mage::helper('personal_order');
$isPersonalOrderStore = $helper->isPersonalOrderStore(null);
$session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
if ($isPersonalorderStore){
if(!$session->isLoggedIn()) {
$targetUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB).'customer/account/login';
} else {
$baseUrl = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_WEB);
$storeName = strtolower(Mage::app()->getStore()->getName());
$storeName = str_replace(' ', '', $storeName);
$customerRedirectUrl = "$baseUrl$storeName/products.html";
The important part for my purposes now is the else statement, the rest of the function works fine. However, the call to setParam results in the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function setParam() on a non-object...
What about the Magento - Redirect Customer from Observer Method post am I not getting (there is a good chance I'm just oblivious to something due to being a fairly new user)? The observer is laid out in the relative config file under controller_action_postdispatch and is in an observer model. What is the context for getting setParam to operate correctly?
Thanks to any and all for your help!
I know this post is a bit old but I see have it worked out for a module of my own.
I run the redirect on 2 different events. When the customer registers or when a customer logs in.
I edited this answer because after testing I realized that two separate observers are needed for the two events. The good news is that you do not need to override files or rewrite controllers.
For the customer_register_success event, all you need to do is set the success_url param to whatever you want the url to be.
For the customer_login event, you will notice in your controller customer/account/_loginPostRedirect that the redirect URLs are being set on the customer session. As you can see in the second observer method below, all you need to do is grab the customer session and set the URL. For my purposes, I set the BeforeAuthUrl and AfterAuthUrl.
public function redirectAfterRegister($observer)
if(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('listing_id') || Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('directory_id')){
$_session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
$action = $_session->getDirectoryAction();
$listingId = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('listing_id');
$directoryId = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('directory_id');
public function redirectAfterLogin($observer)
if(Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('listing_id') || Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('directory_id')){
$_session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
$action = $_session->getDirectoryAction();
$listingId = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('listing_id');
$url = Mage::getUrl($action,array('listing_id'=>$listingId));
$directoryId = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParam('directory_id');
$url = Mage::getUrl($action,array('directory_id'=>$directoryId));
When you have a problem instantiating an object with $observer->getRequest(), try using $observer->getEvent()->getFront()->getResponse() instead. I believe this differs depending on what event the observer is listening to.
Which controller in Magento do I need to override if I want to redirect a certain product view page to another url?
I'd like to use the following code for redirection. Is there any more Magento-like way of doing it?
if($this->getProductId() == 10) {
header("Location: /mymodule");
Magento Admin has a feature for this under Catalog > URL Rewrite Management. Create a new product rewrite with these steps:
Click the Add URL Rewrite button at top right.
Select “Custom” from Create URL Rewrite.
Choose the appropriate Store.
Set Request Path to something like this catalog/product/view/id/10 (assuming 10 is the ID of your product).
Set Target Path to whatever route or URL you want to send the request to.
Set Redirect to probably “Temporary (302)”.
Found a solution. Might not be the best one but it works:
class Namespace_Mymodule_Model_Observer {
public function redirect(){
//request object
$request = Mage::app()->getRequest();
//only redirect in the frontend/catalog
$storeId = Mage::app()->getStore()->getId();
if(in_array($request->getModuleName(), array("catalog")) && $storeId != 0) {
$response = Mage::app()->getResponse();
$params = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getParams();
//check the product id
if($params[id] == 10) {
return $response->setRedirect("/mymodule", 301)->sendHeaders();
And the config.xml in the global/events section:
I believe a better approach is to actually utilize the observer event since all you need is included here already. Also, the answer does not differentiate between products and categories since in_array($request->getModuleName(), array("catalog")) would be true for both.
class Namespace_Mymodule_Model_Observer {
public function redirect(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
$actionName = $observer->getEvent()->getControllerAction()->getFullActionName();
$productId = $observer->getEvent()->getControllerAction()->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if($actionName == 'catalog_product_view' && $productId == 10) {
$response = $observer->getEvent()->getControllerAction()->getResponse();
$response->setRedirect('/mymodule', 301)->sendHeaders();
I have a Magento install with a default website and multiple 'franchise' websites.
My question is, how can I capture the event when a customer returns to the website after being away and is auto-logged in via Magento's persistent login mechanism? I would like to capture that event, load the customer, check if they are in the correct website id, then redirect them if they are not.
In order to make this work, you must register an event in your /app/code/local/Extension/Module/etc/config.xml like this:
Then create an Observer method in /app/code/local/Extension/Module/Model/Observer.php like so:
** on customer session init, checks for current website id and redirects if no-match
public function on_customer_session_init(Varien_Event_Observer $observer){
$customer = $observer->customer_session->getCustomer();
$customer_website_id = $customer->getWebsiteId();
$current_website_id = Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId();
if ($customer_website_id != $current_website_id){
$website = Mage::app()->getWebsite($customer_website_id);
$request = $this->_getRequest();
$response = $this->_getResponse();
$url = $website->getDefaultStore()->getBaseUrl().substr($request->getRequestString(), 1);
return $this;
I have a special case where users have to sign up for an account via the account sign up page (e.g. /customer/account/create/). Upon completion, and in the event that they have a product in the cart, I need to redirect them back to the checkout screen.
I currently have an observer in place that listens to the customer_register_success event. The observer upgrades the users account to a membership group via this code:
class Hatclub_MembershipHandler_Model_Observer {
// members group id
const GROUP_ID = 4;
// called when a customer registers for the site
public function registrationSuccess(Varien_Event_Observer $observer) {
// extract customer data from event
$customer = $observer->getCustomer();
// a cookie should have been set with the membership id
if (isset($_COOKIE['membership_account_id'])) {
return $this;
Is there another event that I can listen to that is better suited for what I want to do? I have a redirect_to cookie that is available as well if that helps.
After much trial and error, I came across a solution. Since I'm already using the customer_register_success event and modifying user data with my observer, I had to use another event called customer_save_after and it worked like a charm.
config.xml event block
observer.php method
public function customerSave() {
// set redirect url from cookie, default to null
$redirect_url = (isset($_COOKIE['redirect_url']))
? isset($_COOKIE['redirect_url']) : null;
// if a redirect url was specified
if (isset($redirect_url)) {
// remove cookie to prevent infinite loop
// redirect to provided url
->setHeader('Location', $redirect_url)
The redirect within an observer was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to accomplish it using
->setHeader('Location', $redirect_url)
Suggestions and criticism welcome.
I've made controller_front_init_routers event observer, which retrieves data from a REST service to construct a menu.
All was ok until I discovered that the observer generates errors in the backend (no way to save products for example) and also in the rest services.
I am struggling for any conclusions, So I raised some interrogations.
I tried to make a condition in order to trigger my Observer
methods in case we are in frontend only. But Magento considers that we are
always in frontend area.
(var_dump(Mage::app()->getStore()->isAdmin()) return always false
and the same with var_dump(Mage::getDesign()->getArea() ==
Can anyone explain what's happened ?
Also one solution is to place the event observer in frontend
area in the config.xml and to load it with
Mage::app()->loadArea($this->getLayout()->getArea()); but where should I
place this piece of code ? in a new observer ? Is that the most
appropriate process ?
Is it a way to listen once an event then to pause the listener?
(once my menu is registered, I don't need to listen to the event any more)
Is the use of controller_front_init_routers event the best choice ?
Who has ever seen that kind of problem ?
I work on Magento ver.
Here the config.xml
Here the function getEvent in my model observer
public function getEvent($observer){
//model which do post or get requests and return xml and menu
$_getRest = Mage::getModel('connector_services/RestRequest');
//the paths
$_menu_url = Mage::getStoreConfig('connector_service_section/connector_service_url/service_menu_url');
//put a store config
$path_nlist = 'veritas-pages-list.xml';
$_isAdmin = Mage::helper('connector_services');
//the way I found to trigger methods only in frontend
//that's not very beautiful I know
$admin = preg_match("#/admin/#",$currentUrl);
$api = preg_match("#/api/#",$currentUrl);
if ( !$admin && ! $api ){
$_menuXml = $_getRest->postRequest($_menu_url);
if( $_menuXml )
$_menu = $_getRest->makeMenu($_menuXml);
You should be able to pass a querystring to the rest service, similar to how you'd just type it out in the address bar. Magento will forward it on to the observer, and you can use it as a flag.
Add something like the following to your code:
const USE_FRONTEND = 'usefront';
public function getEvent($observer){
this->request = $observer->getEvent()->getData('front')->getRequest();
// If the constant is in the query string
if ($this->request->{self::USE_FRONTEND}) {
// Do code related to this request
die('Frontend flag detected');
Call to your site like this and pass the querystring
I am not extremely familiar with Magento's new REST api, but I know it works in the browser. Maybe this explanation can help you out.
I have a custom observer in Magento that is called when a CMS page is saved or deleted (events cms_page_delete_before/cms_page_save_before). I have verified (using Mage::log()) that the observer is working, however when I try the following:
public function getCmsUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$url = $observer->getEvent()->getPage()->getIdentifier();
return $url;
I get nothing returned (rather than "about-us" or "enable-cookies" or whatever URL path the CMS page has). The following code, however, works perfectly fine:
public function getProductUrl(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$baseUrl = $observer->getEvent()->getProduct()->getBaseUrl();
return $baseUrl;
Can someone let me know what the correct way of accessing a CMS page is when passed via an observer?
Thanks in advance for any help/tips/pointers :-)
The events cms_page_delete_before and cms_page_save_before are fired in Mage_Core_Model_Abstract. This it how it looks like in the beforeSave function:
Mage::dispatchEvent($this->_eventPrefix.'_save_before', $this->_getEventData());
As you can see, it uses a variable _eventPrefix to construct the event key. In the CMS page model, this is set to cms_page.
Also notice the part $this->_getEventData(). This is how the model, in this case the CMS page, is passed to the observer:
protected function _getEventData()
return array(
'data_object' => $this,
$this->_eventObject => $this,
As you can see, the object has two names, data_object and a name defined in a variable, _eventObject. In the product model, the name is set to product, but in the CMS page model, the variable is missing. Apparently the Magento team forgot to put this in, and as a result, the default name from the core model is used:
protected $_eventObject = 'object';
That means you can get the CMS page in your observer by using getObject:
public function myObserver(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$page = $observer->getEvent()->getObject();