Modify built-in ember.js view - view

I'm new to ember.js and looking at the built-in views:
I understand working with views using a data-template name and editing it from Ember.view.extend, but how do I modify these ember.js built in views? And how do view names work?
For example, in my index.html:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="test">
<p>{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding='title'}}</p>
<p>{{view Ember.TextArea viewName="bodyArea" valueBinding='text'}}</p>
Now how might I set the background color of the textarea with the viewName="bodyArea" in my app.js? In the ember.js guide linked to above they show that you can set a viewName property in handlebars but don't show how you might edit it in javascript....

I think you have three questions here:
How do I set a background color on the text area? {{view Ember.TextArea viewName="bodyArea" valueBinding='text' classNames="my-class-name'}} and then use CSS to style "my-class-name".
How do I modify a view with custom behavior?
App.MyTextArea = Em.TextArea.extend({
didInsertElement: function(){
//do something cool here.
In template:
{{view App.MyTextArea}}
How do I use view name? I'm not sure that is something that is used a lot, but if you define a container view you could access a child view with this.get('myViewName'). As things are more encapsulated within ember a lot of the old uses for viewName no longer seem relevant. Someone else might be able to chime in on this feature.
As an aside you can also use a new short hand for built in views:
{{textarea value=title}} will do the same as {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding='title'}}


EmberJs ember-animated-outlet not working

I'm trying to use ember animated outlet (found here) and, I can not for the life of me get it to work, I understand that instead of using {{outlet}} I need to use {{animated-outlet}} and use {{link-to-aniamted}} instead but it seems to be switching like normal. I also know that I need to include the js after the ember.js and also I am including the css file it comes with, so I'm kind of stumped on this. :(
For my basic view, I'm using
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="application">
<div class='wrapper'>
<div class='content row' id='content'>
and my link looks like:
{{#link-to-animated 'index' animations="main:slideLeft"}} Home #{{/link-to-animated}}
So, is there something i'm missing? Do I need to add something in my app.js? IF you need more code or info, just ask and I will edit this question! Thanks a lot in advance! I'm new to ember, so please take it easy!
You need to specify 'name' in the animated-outlet helper.
{{animated-outlet name="main"}}
The readme explains it:

Can _Layout plus a partial view be specified in _ViewStart.cshtml of an MVC3 app?

I have a suite of several MVC3 web applications, all of which reference a common Core.dll. I have compiled common views using RazorGenerator, and the subscribing sites find the relevant views from the pre-compiled .dll without any problem.
I am trying to do the same for the layout page, as this is common across all the sites too, save for one or two divs that are specific to that particular site. This also works fine, in as much as the _layout view is served up by just doing this:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
But, to get the site specific divs in the layout populated, I want to have a partial view in the specific site and use JQuery to set the HTML of the placeholding div in the _layout. Something like:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
//Have a hidden div containing the partial view that sits in the specific site
<div id="SiteSpecificStuff" style="display:none">
#Html.Partial("_SiteSpecificStuff", model)
// Use jQuery to populate the html of the placeholding div on the _Layout
// with that of the partial view
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
I have tried this but the _ViewStart does not re-fire on every post. Is this possible using a different approach?
I think you're looking for this:
#RenderSection("YouSection", required: false)

Declarative AJAX "Controls" in MVC

I want to create a reusable ajax control in MVC .NET using RAZOR.
my example is a simple ajax text box and list where the user filters the list by typing in the text box. on the first call i would render both the text box and the list using my razor view. on subsequent AJAX calls i would want to ONLY render the (now filtered) list.
idea 1: use #if statement to conditionally render code.
problem: razor does not seem to like conditionally written html. for example it errors when a <div> tag is not followed by a closing </div>.
idea 2: use #section tokens to create portions of my control and then call RenderSection within the same file as needed.
problem: razor does not allow RenderSection to call sections in the same page
i know i can conditionally render html as strings, but i wanted to take advantage of the legibility of the razor markup and keep with development protocols.
You should be able to output <div> tags in a Razor block without the corresponding </div> tag by surrounding it with <text>. The reason is that Razor uses the closing tag to know when to drag back into code-parsing mode:
#if (myCondition)
As for the Section stuff, you might be able to achieve what you want using Templated Razor Delegates, like this:
Func<dynamic, object> b = #<strong>#item</strong>;
// ...
<span>This sentence is #b("In Bold").</span>
See Phil Haack's blog for a little more on this.

Razor Nested Layouts with Cascading Sections

I have an MVC3 site using Razor as its view engine. I want my site to be skinnable. Most of the possible skins are similar enough that they can derive from a shared master layout.
Therefore, I am considering this design:
However, I would like to be able to call RenderSection in the bottom layer, _Common.cshtml, and have it render a section that is defined in the top layer, Detail.cshtml. This doesn't work: RenderSection apparently only renders sections that are defined the next layer up.
Of course, I can define each section in each skin. For instance, if _Common needs to call RenderSection("hd") for a section defined in Detail, I just place this in each _Skin and it works:
#section hd {
This results in some duplication of code (since each skin must now have this same section) and generally feels messy. I'm still new to Razor, and it seems like I might be missing something obvious.
When debugging, I can see the complete list of defined sections in WebViewPage.SectionWritersStack. If I could just tell RenderSection to look through the entire list before giving up, it would find the section I need. Alas, SectionWritersStack is non-public.
Alternatively, if I could access the hierarchy of layout pages and attempt execution of RenderSection in each different context, I could locate the section I need. I'm probably missing something, but I don't see any way to do this.
Is there some way to accomplish this goal, other than the method I've already outlined?
This is in fact not possible today using the public API (other than using the section redefinition approach). You might have some luck using private reflection but that of course is a fragile approach. We will look into making this scenario easier in the next version of Razor.
In the meantime, here's a couple of blog posts I've written on the subject:
#helper ForwardSection( string section )
if (IsSectionDefined(section))
DefineSection(section, () => Write(RenderSection(section)));
Would this do the job ?
I'm not sure if this is possible in MVC 3 but in MVC 5 I am able to successfully do this using the following trick:
In ~/Views/Shared/_Common.cshtml write your common HTML code like:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fa">
<title>Skinnable - #ViewBag.Title</title>
In ~/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Common.cshtml";
Now all you have to do is to use the _Common.cshtml as the Layout for all the skins. For instance, in ~/Views/Shared/Skin1.cshtml:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Common.cshtml";
<p>Something specific to Skin1</p>
Now you can set the skin as your layout in controller or view based on your criteria. For example:
public ActionResult Index()
if (user.SelectedSkin == Skins.Skin1)
return View("ViewName", "Skin1", model);
If you run the code above you should get a HTML page with both the content of Skin1.cshtml and _Common.cshtml
In short, you'll set the layout for the (skin) layout page.
Not sure if this will help you, but I wrote some extension methods to help "bubble up" sections from within partials, which should work for nested layouts as well.
Injecting content into specific sections from a partial view ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor View Engine
Declare in child layout/view/partial
#using (Html.Delayed()) {
<b>show me multiple times, #Model.Whatever</b>
Render in any parent
See the answer link for more use-cases, like only rendering one delayed block even if declared in a repeating view, rendering specific delayed blocks, etc.

How do I separate the files for 'widgets' in codeigniter?

I have a basic cms that loads content into pages that have mustache tags to indicate where in the html code those contents will appear.
The contents are specified in a widget model which indicate which type of content is to be displayed, so for example, freetext with id. or another model and id. each one of those models will be displayed differently based on the model they are based on.
I can imagine this becoming and bit unwieldy, is there a way to have a separate folder to put those widgets in so that it doesn't clutter my main code.
Something like apotomo does on rails would be good, but for codeigniter.
A widget model? That is not so nice. Have you tried looking at PyroCMS?
From the sound of it you may be more interested in our Plugins library (sounds like the same thing with a different name). It is set up with a MY_Parser and runs on top of Dan Horrigan's Simpletags implementation.
Either way this has all be done plenty. If you want some more specific tailored advice you might have to demo some of your code.
Create a folder inside application/views called widgets. Put your widgets inside that folder and create a separate file for each widget (d0h).
Next, you have 2 options (at least that i know of):
a.) Load the widgets into variables inside the controller, then pass them to the main/general view
$data['widget_twitter_feed'] = $this->load->view('widgets/twitter', '', false);
$data['widget_something'] = $this->load->view('widgets/something', '', false);
$this->load->view('my_main_view', $data);
b.) Load the widgets inside the main/general view itself
<div id="sidebar">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/twitter'); ?>
<div id="footer">
<?php $this->load->view('widgets/something'); ?>
