Deploying ASP.NET Web API to IIS 7 -

I developed a Web API and am trying to deploy it to my web server. Is there a forward steps to do that

Is there a forward steps to do that
Yes, right click on the web project and then on the Publish ... button in the context menu. Then follow the steps. Here's an overview of the process on MSDN that you might go through.


How to publish Asp.Net core MVC web application on Godaddy's shared web hosting

I have developed an core 2.1 web application with entity framework core. Now I would like to host the application on my Godaddy's shared web hosting account. I am trying this with FTP but it is not working. Does anyone has solution for this?
Is there any error message that you see? The following is steps to publish your application:
Please open your project with Visual Studio tool
On the Solution Explorer windows (which is normally located on the top right hand corner of the VS tool), right click your project and select Publish
Please kindly publish it to a local folder, such as C:\Project
Please just upload whatever files/folders you see on C:\Project to the server via FTP and your site will work fine.
Important NOTE:
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 or later version, the publishing step may look a bit different.
Please open your website project with Visual Studio 2015. They may have been a pre-set .NET version on your project.
Then, please go to the Solution Explorer, Right Click the project and select "Publish Web App" website. Please select "FTP" as the deployment method
Please hit Publish
You can also read this documentation I use this tutorial to deploy my previous MVC. :)
From what I found on GoDaddy forums, do correct me if I'm wrong, GoDaddy doesn't support .NET Core on shared hosting yet. I believe Plesk Onyx will support this (mine is still on Odin) and after a conversation with GoDaddy customer service, they don't have a date for the upgrade yet.

How do I deploy an existing web app project to Azure using Visual Studio but no Azure Emulator?

I have an existing project with three web apps (two web API and a front end). I would like to deploy to Azure all three with a single click of Publish using the Publish Web wizard.
I installed the Azure SDK and tried to create a new Cloud Service, but this install the VMs and the storage emulator, that I don't need at all and slows down my PC.
I tried with Azure Resource Group to add to an existing project, but the Deploy button remains disabled, like it failed to connect to the web site project.
What is the recommended way to do this?
I am using Visual Studio 2015
You do not need to install the emulator for the deployment to work, just download the parts you need from (assuming you want SDK 2.7).
It's not really clear from your question if you want to deploy a Cloud Service or a Web App. If you want to deploy a Cloud Service, you can add all 3 projects as roles and they will all be published within a single deployment (just one click to Publish). But, if what you want is to deploy them as web apps, you will need to do it in 3 different apps, which means 3 clicks to publish.

How to Publish an Umbraco Intranet?

I have just completed an Umbraco intranet using WebMatrix. Now I want to publish it to our server so that everybody can see and use it. WebMatrix can only do Web Deploy or FTP, so I opened the project in Visual Studio 2013 to publish it there. I was able to publish it to my desktop, where I have attempted to get it running here before uploading to the server. So in IIS I 'Add a Website' and set up the project, using port 101. I tried it both on my desktop and then moved it to wwwroot and in both cases IE says 'This page can't be displayed'. I am using the CE database with Umbraco 7.2.4.
Help please. I've been at this for days now.... I've tried the umbraco forum and google and got nowhere. :(
If you have remote desktop access to your web server, you don't actually need to rely on web publishing. You can just build the website in release mode, and then copy all the folders from the web project onto the webserver.
On the web server you can manually set up an IIS website and set up host names etc. You shouldn't need to deploy it using visual studio, this way is much safer
In IIS, you should set up a new website, using port 80 on your HTTP binding.
From the sounds of the error, IIS is not looking at the right physical path.
You should use the Microsoft guide on How to set up your first IIS Web Site as a starting point.

Silverlight OOB App and Web Service in same Solution

I'm using vs2012 and have created a Silverlight 5 out of browser application that talks to a MVC 4 webapi web service for its data.
With both projects in the same solution I can successfully fire up and test the silverlight application with the web service if I have the web service set as the startup project and have the application running in the browser and embedded in a view on the MVC web service site. If I set the silverlight application as the startup application so that I can run it out of the browser like the user will, then the MVC site doesn't get started and the web service isn't available to connect to.
Is there anyway to have both projects running in the same instance of visual studio, but have the silverlight app run out of browser?
Try this:
Right click on solution from Solutin Explorer and select Properties. Then select the Multiple startup project option inside Common Properties/Startup Project and set both as 'Start'. Close and Start Debug again.

How to Deploy and Configure an MVC3 application using IIS6

I have created an application installer for my MVC3 project and have followed the BIN Deployment suggestions found online.
My site has been installed but I don't get any pages displayed.
This is how the VS2010 installer project looks
and this is how I have IIS setup
How do you get the Home Index page to be the default page as it is when I run the application through Visual studio?
IIS 6.0 doesn't support extensionless urls out of the box. This means that if you try to navigate to /Home/Index, IIS 6.0 doesn't know that this is an ASP.NET application and nothing happens. Extensionless urls are supported out of the box starting from IIS 7.0 when running the application in managed pipeline mode.
You will need to associate the unmanaged aspnet_isapi.dll filter with ASP.NET if you want to achieve that. Phil Haack covered how this topic in his blog post (ASP.NET 4.0) and this post (for CLR 2.0, which is not your case since you are using ASP.NET MVC 3).
