How to Deploy and Configure an MVC3 application using IIS6 -

I have created an application installer for my MVC3 project and have followed the BIN Deployment suggestions found online.
My site has been installed but I don't get any pages displayed.
This is how the VS2010 installer project looks
and this is how I have IIS setup
How do you get the Home Index page to be the default page as it is when I run the application through Visual studio?

IIS 6.0 doesn't support extensionless urls out of the box. This means that if you try to navigate to /Home/Index, IIS 6.0 doesn't know that this is an ASP.NET application and nothing happens. Extensionless urls are supported out of the box starting from IIS 7.0 when running the application in managed pipeline mode.
You will need to associate the unmanaged aspnet_isapi.dll filter with ASP.NET if you want to achieve that. Phil Haack covered how this topic in his blog post (ASP.NET 4.0) and this post (for CLR 2.0, which is not your case since you are using ASP.NET MVC 3).


Recommended server when running ASP.NET Core web apps in Visual Studio

Having a hard time finding the right doc for this particular feature.
Under the green arrow (launch profiles dropdown list) in Visual Studio 2017 I have a menu item named after my project. Is this the Kestrel server option? Is it the default? Is this option (Kestrel) the recommended one to use for ASP.NET Core 2.1 web apps? Is IIS Express considered obsolete?
I think it is a little bit annoying really that there are so many options to choose from. Specially when there's no quick explanation in the IDE and you don't know which is which. It's like having three play buttons in Spotify each doing the same thing but with different names on them. So which one do I click?
I recommend to read these docs:
ASP.NET Core ships two server implementations:
Kestrel is the default, cross-platform HTTP server for ASP.NET Core.
HTTP.sys is a Windows-only HTTP server based on the HTTP.sys kernel
driver and HTTP Server API. (HTTP.sys is called WebListener in ASP.NET
Core 1.x.)
In simple words ASP.NET Core runs its own HTTP server. Than you can use IIS, IIS Express, Nginx, Apache as reverse proxy.
When you run ASP.NET Core project in Visual Studio you can run in two modes:
Without debugging - it fires up Krestrel and IIS Express.
With debugging - it only fires up Krestrel

how to configure iis7 on windows 7 home premium to run mvc 3

I have installed iis on my windows home premium but when requesting my mvc3 site I only get a blank page
I have created a new website running on port 8019
I have enabled all the checkboxes under iis but now all i get is:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
I have configured an application under the default site same error
How do I configure my windows 7 home premium to run mvc 3 apps?
Do I need to install anything?
I thought that pointing my website to my code directory would run
My bad
aspnet mvc 3 was not installed so framework 4.0 was not installed that is why I could not see the aspnet_regiis in my folder
You might need to execute the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (aspnet_regiis.exe) which configures IIS for running ASP.NET applications. This is normally necessary if you install IIS after the .NET Framework.

configuring website using windows server2003,IIS6.0 and MVC

I have been going through but so far I have not been able to configure my website. These are the steps I have done:
Downloaded and installed .net 4.0
I have built and published my website to inetpub/root on windows server2003
I have used IIS to do the cofiguration as per haacked. It seems that despite setting the 4.0(please see image) in the webservice extensions
did you install MVC on the server? So that it has the MVC DLLs
MVC install
You should change the path to aspnet_isapi.dll to the one from .NET 4:

Hosting/Publishing MVC3 on IIS6

So to be specific, I'm using a windows server 2003 (that means iis 6). I've already installed ASP.NET MVC 3 RTM and .NET 4.
I've tried a few guides already.I've tried Haacked's guide too, then navigated to the root.
localhost/MyWebApp which showed Directory Listing denied (permission related problem probably not relevant to my actual problem).
Visiting another view, localhost/MyWebApp/Home.mvc/Index, showed 404 error page.
Is there anything I'm missing? I don't have any visual studio installed on the server but should I have used the Web Platform Installer instead?
Is your app working correctly when you deploy it from visual studio to local IIS?
The "Home.mvc" looks a little odd - with the default routes that would imply a controller named "Home.mvcController", which is not valid.
The other obvious thing to check is that "MyWebApp" is set up as a web application using a .NET 4 app pool rather than just being a directory.

Why can't I debug this very simple ASP.NET MVC3 application?

I decided to follow this tutorial on getting started with ASP.NET. I have Visual Web Developer 2010 Express (with SP1) installed, as well as the ASP.NET MVC3 tools.
I created the project and starting debugging it by going to Debug->Start Debugging - which then opened my browser to http://localhost:50531 and displayed:
According to the tutorial, that's not what I'm supposed to see.
Additional details:
OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit (with SP2)
I also have IIS 7.0 installed and running.
Did you use the presets or an empty project? If the latter, you don't have any controllers or views, thus the routing doesn't match anything, resulting in an error.
