Debugging xunit test from VS: symbols loaded but not as user code - debugging

I'm trying to debug my unit tests (xunit) under Visual Studio 2012 (via Test Explorer -> Debug Selected Test).
But I can't step into my code of target library. In Modules window I see, what my library symbols are loaded, and the symbol file is found. But in "User Code" column it marked as "N/A" (like all other libraries, include running test library).
Project in Debug configuration isn't optimized, just xml documentation file generation is defined.
How to make VS determine my libraries as "user code" in debug mode?

Solved! Problem was in code. I'm using method which return IEnumerable<> via yield return, and I just call this method (without any iterations on results). So because of yield returns specifics actually this method wasn't called.
So, be careful with yield returns! It may lead to "strange" behaviour like this one :)

I was having this same issue but noticed that my build was targeting "Release" instead of "Debug".
Interesting, since I click on "debug selected tests" I hope it will get debugged, not simply ran on selected build.


Blazor WebAssembly - cannot debug an assembly that contains some specific type of code

I try do debug a blazor webassembly app, that references a shared project named Test.Shared. I've been trying to set breakpoints in that projects code but nothing helped - breakpoints just aren't hit.
When I'm trying to set a breakpoint outside in the calling code and then step into "Test.Shared" source - it just seems to go step by step through the underlying code (I have to hit "step forward" multiple times before it proceeds the debugging to the next line, and the number of hits changes when I reduce/increase the number of lines in the underlying method code) but its not displayed in the debugger window.
So, after some investigation, I figured out that I can make the debugger work when I throw away all the code from the Test.Shared and leave only one simple test static method. Based on this fact I guess there is some specific type of C# code that causes the whole containing library to be invalid for debugging.
Any suggestions what this code type might be?
The environment I use:
Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 16.6.2
NET Standard 2.1 as a target platform for both Blazor app and shared library
NET Core 3.1 as a target platform for the hosting web app that serves webassembly app packages
Microsoft.Components.WebAssembly 3.2.0
The issue is with having attributes that have enum values inside of them.
Many people are having this problem and it's better explained in Blazor Wasm: debugging broken when referencing #attribute with enum contructor argument #25380 by zbecknell:
Here's a simple repro project:
See Counter.razor:4 for the line that breaks debugging for the project:
#* The following line breaks debugging for the project, no matter how long you wait *#
#attribute [BadAttribute(BadEnum.Default)]

Debugging a C executable with a C++-CLI Library compiled with /clr

I am using Visual Studio 2010 to debug an application mostly written in C. Normally, I can attach the debugger just fine, but I am running in to some problems when I link in a library written in C++ / CLI.
If I compile the library with the /clr flag (which I will eventually have to do for this as of yet unwritten library) then I lose all ability to debug the entire C application, even the parts that have nothing to do with the library calls. I get the empty circle with the yellow triangle and exclamation mark where a red break point circle ought to be. Hovering over it gives me only a tool tip that says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No executable code is associated with this line. Possible causes include: conditional compilation or compiler optimizations."
Then if I link with the exact same library compiled without the /clr flag, I am again able to debug my application.
I understand that visual studio will not likely be able to debug the library written in C++ / CLI, and that is OK. I just want to keep the ability to debug the rest of the application and at least see the results of my calls to the external library.
Another complicating factor is that this project is not being built by visual studio. It is compiled using an external make system that uses cl, so I can customize any commands that need to be issued to the compiler that way.
Does anyone know why I can't currently debug the libraries the way I want to? Any advice for how I can?
You have to select the kind of debugger when you attach. Note the "Attach to" label in the dialog. Press the Select button and tick "Native" to get support for debugging native code. The DLL also needs to be loaded before any of your breakpoints can hit. If you are not sure whether or not that was done then look in the Debug > Windows > Modules debugger window to see loaded DLLs. The breakpoint indicator turns from hollow to solid red as soon as the debugger saw the DLL load and armed the breakpoint.
Debugging C++/CLI is otherwise supported, you can tick both the "Managed" and "Native" checkboxes. And set breakpoints in either kind of code. The only thing not supported is single-stepping from managed to native code and back. A mode-switch is required to activate the correct debugging engine, that requires code to hit a breakpoint.
And consider the Debug options in your native project, you can specify an EXE to start. So that you can simply press F5 to start debugging and skip the attach hassle.
It might also have to do with the Debugger Type!
(but that depends on your specific building configuration about which I do not know enough)
If any of your projects is complied with Common Language Runtime Support (/clr) you should set the Debugger Type in your startup project to "Mixed", since the default setting "Auto" might fail!
Imagine, you have two projects:
1) A non-CLR C++ project, which is your startup project that generates some .exe file.
2) A C++ project, that generates mylibrary.dll, which is compiled with Common Language Runtime Support, because it uses some managed code. The .exe from the first project calls mylibrary.dll.
If you start the first project with Debugger Type set to its default value "Auto", you'll be able to debug into the first project, but not into the second one. The debugger selector does not realize that you will be calling a CLR-library.
So set Project Properties -> Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Debugger Type to "Mixed"!

Start debugger in c++ code

I am trying to debug some problems in a native C++ COM DLL I have created and would like to launch the Visual Studio (2008) debugger from this. This dll is called by another dll that I was given, so basically my code plugs into another application through this. Anyway, in the past I had used C# to create this dll and was able to use the System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break() method. Is there anything similar to this that can be used? I saw a few posts about DebugBreak and __debugbreak but this did not seem to work, it just appeared to stop my code from executing beyond that statement.
EDT: I followed the advice of paulsm4 below and found that the breakpoints did not work, it would tell me: "The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No Symbols have been loaded for this document"
Ideally, you'll have the project source for your COM/ActiveX .dll.
If that's the case, just set a break point in your .dll code, run your program in the debugger ... and that's it.
Please note the distinction between "managed code" (e.g. a C#/.net .exe or .dll) and "native code" (like your COM/ActiveX .dll). To debug "native code" under MSVS2008, you'll need to specify "mixed mode":

Unit testing in VS2010 - "Debug" passes, "Run" fails

I'm having a strange issue with unit testing in Visual Studio 2010.
I have a test that passes when I use "Debug test" (without any breakpoints), but failes when I use "Run test".
This test uses external dll's, so I can't debug it properly.
Do you know of any reason why a situation like this is possible?
Why "Debug test" is different than "Run test", when all other parameters are the same?
Switch you solution to Release mode instead of Debug, run a full build, switch back to debug and retry and let me know the outcome, I think the tests will pass....
There can be several reasons, but to pin-point one, you'll have to give us some code to work with.
It could be code exclusion:
#ifdef _DEBUG
//do something
This will only be executed in debug mode.
It could be optimizations. Although they shouldn't normally affect the behavior, you shouldn't rely on destructors or copy constructors being called.
If you're doing any hacking inside the code, it might also only be valid for debug.
I'd suspect that you are accessing memory out of bounds. One major difference between debug and release is that debug adds kits if padding and special markers to memory allocations to catch certain kinds of errors. This means the memory layouts are often very different between debug and release builds. I would suspect that you are accessing memory out of bounds in a way that the debugger isn't catching, where you find an accidentally valid value in the debug version, but an invalid one in the release version.

IntelliSense in .fsx and dynamically loaded assemblies

When dynamically referencing assemblies in .fsx using #I and #r, VS highlights the following usages of imported types and writes "The namespace or module 'XXX' is not defined". Is it ok?
For example, in the following code
#I #".\Tools\FAKE"
#r "FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
Target "Hello" (fun _ -> trace "hello!")
Run "Hello"
VS highlights Fake and says "The namespace or module 'Fake' is not defined", it also highlights Target and Run. I have this problem in VS 2010 SP1 and in VS 11 CTP. This issue makes writing F# scripts a bit harder task than it could be.
By the way, IntelliSence for "common" types works well. FakeLib.dll and FakeLib.xml are present in the .\Tools\FAKE directory. The code runs well.
Update 1
Here's the screenshot of the situation. You can see that VS resolves assembly FakeLib correctly (in a tooltip), and that at the same time Intellisense "see" standard types (tooltip over Console) class.
Update 2
I think there's something wrong with the IntelliSense on my work workstation, because it (IntelliSense) behaves itself quite strange. When I start VS and open .fsx file, IntelliSense refuses to resolve even standard types/classes, and it doesn't underlines FAKE classes, it does nothing. But after some period of time and some manipulation over code IntelliSense starts working for standard types and underlines FAKE types.
Moreover, when I've created the similar code on my home workstation there were no problems, IntelliSense works as it should.
If you put the full path into the #r directive, you'll get full IntelliSense. The #I directive, while convenient, prevents IntelliSense from working properly though the code will run just fine. This is true for both loose scripts and those found in projects. Have a look at Tomas Petricek's [FSharp.AsyncExtensions](] project.
No, that's not how it works. Does your code run? Intellisense is provided for assemblies referenced using #r.
