IntelliSense in .fsx and dynamically loaded assemblies - visual-studio

When dynamically referencing assemblies in .fsx using #I and #r, VS highlights the following usages of imported types and writes "The namespace or module 'XXX' is not defined". Is it ok?
For example, in the following code
#I #".\Tools\FAKE"
#r "FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
Target "Hello" (fun _ -> trace "hello!")
Run "Hello"
VS highlights Fake and says "The namespace or module 'Fake' is not defined", it also highlights Target and Run. I have this problem in VS 2010 SP1 and in VS 11 CTP. This issue makes writing F# scripts a bit harder task than it could be.
By the way, IntelliSence for "common" types works well. FakeLib.dll and FakeLib.xml are present in the .\Tools\FAKE directory. The code runs well.
Update 1
Here's the screenshot of the situation. You can see that VS resolves assembly FakeLib correctly (in a tooltip), and that at the same time Intellisense "see" standard types (tooltip over Console) class.
Update 2
I think there's something wrong with the IntelliSense on my work workstation, because it (IntelliSense) behaves itself quite strange. When I start VS and open .fsx file, IntelliSense refuses to resolve even standard types/classes, and it doesn't underlines FAKE classes, it does nothing. But after some period of time and some manipulation over code IntelliSense starts working for standard types and underlines FAKE types.
Moreover, when I've created the similar code on my home workstation there were no problems, IntelliSense works as it should.

If you put the full path into the #r directive, you'll get full IntelliSense. The #I directive, while convenient, prevents IntelliSense from working properly though the code will run just fine. This is true for both loose scripts and those found in projects. Have a look at Tomas Petricek's [FSharp.AsyncExtensions](] project.

No, that's not how it works. Does your code run? Intellisense is provided for assemblies referenced using #r.


Disable or fix #ifdef-sensitive colouring and intellisense in Visual Studio

The problem: My syntax highlighting and IntelliSense are broken. I have a C++ source file like this:
#include "stdafx.hpp"
where stdafx.hpp (the precompiled header for the project) includes a .h file that says:
and DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in the project properties for the project (under C++ / Preprocessor).
Visual Studio is losing track, and displaying do_some_stuff; (which is actually lots of lines of code) in plain grey - I have neither syntax colouring nor IntelliSense.
The question: How can I either make Visual Studio get this right (unlikely) or switch off the fact that it's greying-out code that it thinks is #ifdef'd out?
(Rearranging the code is not an option - it's a large and complex system whose files are built in various environments, Visual Studio being only one of them. I'm using Visual Studio 2005, but I'd be interested to know whether this is fixed or workaroundable in a later version.)
If someone still interested - to turn off graying out #ifdef:
Go to Tools -> Options
Open Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting
Uncheck Colorize inactive code blocks in a different color
In VS19, it's Tools / Options / Text Editor / C/C++ / View / Inactive Code / Show Inactive Blocks.
Following previous answer of aousov I check my VSCode and found this setting:
C_Cpp: Dim Inactive Regions
Controls whether inactive preprocessor blocks are colored differently than active code. This setting has no effect if IntelliSense is disabled or if using the Default High Contrast theme.
in Extensions / C/C++
This may be related to the version you are using (in my case 1.46.1).
The problem you describe is par for the course in VS 2005. It is fixed in Visual Studio 2010 and later due to the completely redesigned Intellisense system. This is not directly applicable to your problem, but here's some info on the underlying architecture:
There are some things you could try, and some project structure changes that can help minimize the problem's frequency, but whatever you do will be hit or miss, and the problem will eventually resurface again regardless. The only real solution is to use a newer IDE.
You can continue to use the VS 2005 build tools by installing VS 2010 along with Daffodil (, then build your projects with the v80 platform toolset in VS 2010. This makes the migration fairly straightforward, with no need for any source code changes.
Since #define SOMETHING is defined inside stdafx.hpp, indicating that it's always defined since DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in project configuration, would it be out of the question to also define SOMETHING explicitly in project configuration?
I used to have similar issues in VS2005 and 2008, and redundant explicit definitions sometimes helped.
I fixed this (in VSCode) by changing C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode
"C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-x64"
I am building an ARM project on a micro-controller. Its not 64 bit either. But this does parse the directives correctly.
For Science I tried Widows-gcc-ARM and that also correctly lit up the regions that are truly active. I also know for a fact that gcc is setup and configured on my windows machine, and while I have clang and msvc, I dont use them and dont know that they work- so it could be why gcc works better for me.
You can experiment with this setting, but I am fairly certain the resolution resides in this option.
I do not know the equivalent VS option, I am sorry.

Visual Studio 2010 keeps complaining about Invalid XML although there is none (WP7)

I experience a strange behaviour in Visual Studio 2010 when creating Windows Phone 7 apps. After some time VS starts to complain about Invalid XAML although there is no problem and the app compiles and runs just fine.
It bugges me because I cannot use the visual desingner saying "Exception was thrown on "DataTemplate": Invalid XML" and there is a DataTemplate higlighted in the code. The data template is always ok, VS does not complain about it when copy-pasted to another project.
I found out that problematic are usually the DataTemplates with custom converters or when usin g classes like PhonePerformance.
Sometimes the error is "Exception thrown was due to document error: Invalid XML" and nothing is even highlighted in the XAML file.
I tried reinstalling .NET. Visual Studio etc. and the problem occurs on two separated machines so I do not think it is specific to my configuration. It may be specific to my code.
Anyone experienced similar behaviour?
When using XAML, if you reference a library that needs to be evaluated but can't be at design time you get this kind of error. You can turn off the visual editor and just work in XAML - that will stop the error (and save you time).
You reinstalled .NET and VisualStudio??? You should have just spun up a second instance, opened the solution in both, then attached the debugger from one to the second and opened up the visual editor. It would have told you exactly what in your code was causing the problem. Also DesignerProperties.IsInDesignMode in your converters. Jeez. You wasted so much time :(
As for design time data, that's tricky. Either you have DesignTimeDataWithDesignTimeCreatableTypes that aren't or DesignData that can't create proxies for your real types (for whatever reason, had this issue many times deep in the past).
The only way to figure this out is to debug one instance from another. Its actually not that hard. I do it alot (debugging WF4 ActivityDesigners).
A friend has found a solution and you would not believe where the problem is. This happens if you have a space in the name of your assembly. I found out that I really have a space in assembly name in all the problematic projects, renamed the assemblies and the designer works again.
The solution is also mentioned here

Part-time bug with extension-methods

I'm currently dealing with a part-time (and annoying) bug with some extension methods in VB .NET (VS 2010 and VS 2008).
I have some client projects that use some extension methods from a "Framework" Project I created for general purpose.
However, sometime, when a try to start the solution, I get a long list of error saying the extension method "is not a member of" target object.
When this happen, I can rebuild the solution without getting any error but if I start the project again, the same error will be raised again.
So far I have 2 workaround
A) Go on the extension method definition, delete the tag, compile (with error), put the tag back.
B) Close Visual Studio et re-open it.
Is there any betterway to handle this problem?
There is an active bug report for this problem at Connect. There's a dire need for a repro, a project with specific steps to let them reproduce the issue in-house. Perhaps you can help, it's what it will take to solve it or recommend a workaround.
EDIT: one late addition to this answer, since I've posted this there have been additional questions that note a problem with the IntelliSense parser behaving different from the compiler. There's an issue with the multi-targeting feature, particularly in VS2010, triggered by the Client Profile option for .NET 4. It is the default for a new project. What goes wrong is adding an assembly reference that requires the full profile, commonly because of a dependency on System.Web. You'll get a warning for that, but that's quickly blown away with a large number of errors. The fix is to change the project's Framework Target from client to full.
I've recently encountered this same issue. My project would Build just fine but if I tried to use the Rebuilt option I would get the error about my extension methods not being found on the objects they were extending.
I have managed to fix this today by including an Import at the top of the classes using the Extension method.
So at the top of the file I actually have
Imports project_name.extension_module
I have no idea why this is required but it fixes the problem in my case. I hope this helps somebody else that has wasted as much time with this as I have!
A less time consuming work around than the two you listed is to "Rebuild Solution" instead of the normal Build Solution. This has always worked for me whenever I run into this problem.
We have something very similar. Call extensions merhod that extends type A. type is actually an instance of type B that implements interface C. interface C has a method with the same name as extension method.
Interface C declares method Foo
Class B inherits from A implements C
Static Class
Static method Foo (this A)
If A is C
(A as C).Foo
When debugging on the line if A is C it actually calls Foo multiple times and you can step at assembly level and see it indicates it is doing the comparison. The way we demonstrate that the call is happen Foo executes a sql statement and we can see sql profiler executing the code in Foo.
Change A as C to reflection and bug goes away. Or use debugger hidden/step through and bug is masked. Also if you micro-step the sql profiler shows the query is getting called multiple times (before Foo is actually called) for each assembly statement.

Lots of type errors in Visual Studio Error List -- until I build and then they are gone

I recently added a new project to my Visual Studio 2008 solution. Now, as I make edits in the new project, I receive a ton (~50) of type checking errors - indicating that an assembly reference may be missing. However, when I actually build the solution, the errors go away. As best I can tell, my dependencies are set and the build order is correct. What could be wrong?
It doesn't prevent me from building and deploying, but it's a major nuisance. It makes it hard to tell when I actually have introduced new errors (until I do compile). Thus, it erodes the usefulness of having the error window do static analysis.
Example, one of the 50 errors is this:
"The type of namespace name 'PersonManager' does not exist in the namespace 'Gideon' (are you missing an assembly reference?"
In reference to this line of code:
Gideon.PersonManager pm = new Gideon.PersonManager()
PersonManager is underlined in both places, and when I right click the type and selected 'find all references' I get an alert box that says "Cannot navigate to PersonManager"
However, the references are definitely there, because when I build, it works.
One other detail is that there is a mixture of C# and code, though I don't think that should make a difference.
Well, yes, the IntelliSense parser is not an exact replica of the C# compiler. It has a very different job to do, it needs to do something meaningful while the code is utterly broken since you are editing it. Tough assignment, they did a tremendous job with it. But as a side-effect, it can fail to parse things that are actually legal. It's quite rare but not unheard of, seen it myself a few times.
This won't go anywhere concrete until you at least give us some idea of what kind of errors you are seeing, along with a snippet of the code that generates them. You didn't do so, I can only recommend that you select another window so you don't have to look at them.
I had the same problem. I had a project in my solution that was causing the problem - I removed the project from the solution, then added a reference to that project in the main solution and the errors went away. Strange that it only happened on 1 machine. Opening the solution on another machine was fine...

VS2008 Unit Test Project bugs

I'm using VS 2008 Developer Edition and am finding some bugs with the Test Projects.
I am getting one error that doesn't make sense - I have a class called 'Foo' which I need to test and created the blank test class automatically.
Foo takes 3 paremeters in its constructor - IBar, IBaz, IBang.
When I write a test case, I will Dim foo as New Foo(bar,baz,bang), and I will sometimes get an error that says = 'Type IBang could not be implicitly converted to IBang'. This error does not make any sense.
Even more odd - if I switch to an instance of Foo_Accessor() instead, the error goes away. I've played with the references and then I can eventually fix the above error - but then I get the same error for my Foo_Accessor() class!
I clean, rebuild, and sometimes the error will go away - but then I get the error 'Foo_Accessor' is not defined. Now I go to the Foo class and do 'create accessor' again - again, it still gives the same error. So at this point I'm stuck and my solution won't compile, and the only thing I did was add a new test case through visual studio!
Has anyone seen these issues and could please help?
Also - I have tried everything, including instructions from MS such as - renaming the type, re-referencing the project / in different ways, unloading the projects, etc, etc.. still I wind up with either the 'ifoo cannot convert to ifoo' bug or Foo_Accessor is not defined bug... I'm about to just break down and give the damned property I have to check a ReadOnly accessor... !
It's hard to say for certain but it sounds like you have a problem with your references being setup incorrectly. What's likely happening here is that one of the references between your projects is setup as a DLL reference vs. a project reference. This can confuse the type system into thinking that Bang from the project and Bang from the DLL are actually different types.
I would delete all references between my projects. Then go add all of them back again being careful to select the project from the project tab of the add reference dialog vs. the Browse one. This should fix your problem.
Is this a multi-language project or just a single language project? I've found this type of problem is more likely to occur in a multi-language project but it's certainly happened in a single language one.
