Menu Module to look like DNA - joomla

I'm looking for a menu module that looks similar to: (the DNA structured top menu).
Searching for it in the JED wasn't fruitful, since this is rather specific. (The multitude of extensions was on graphical changes to the menu or dropdown boxes, etc.)

The menu looks like something created by MacroMedia Dreamweaver. If there is not already a module on JED (, then your left to create your own module for this.
Read here about how to create a module:


Joomla! 3 menu drop-down behavior without showing new article possible?

The Joomla! 3 administrative console in my installed version (Joomla! 3.1.5 Stable) plus at least a Joomla! demo web site showcase menus that don't switch to an article if you press them, but present only the drop-down menu at first. The rendered article (i.e. the content below the menu) only changes once a menu-item is selected/clicked.
For instance, visit The content below the menu reads "Joomla! is a free, open source content management system ..." Now if you press e.g. "Joomla!" inside the menu, a drop-down list appears, but the cited text does not change yet. Only if you press a particular menu item it changes (currently e.g. to "Joomla! 2.5.16 Released ...").
I would like to accomplish the same behavior in a Joomla! 3-powered web site but haven't yet been able to do so. On my site (sorry, not yet available to the public) clicking a menu of this kind brings up the article, and so far I have found no way to prevent that. I'm referring to articles because my menus are of type "Single Article". I've looked at other menu item types too but they did not seem to offer a solution either.
So can the behavior the demo site's menus be accomplished (without installing further extensions), and if so how? After all, the demos are surely hosted on Jooma! servers :) Perhaps this is a matter of choosing an appropriate template? But then, the solution does not seem obvious and googling reveals different opinions as to whether this is/was possible at all.
UPDATE The following is a depiction of what I get when changing the menu item type for "Open Source" from "Articles | Single Article" to "System Links | Text Separator": it now looks odd and no longer seems to function as a menu (no drop-down effect). In the HTML source the CSS classes assigned to the three menu items are "item-x current active", "item-y divider parent", and "item-z parent" respectively. (Why isn't "Open Source" marked active?)
UPDATE I am using the protostar template (marked as Default for Site under Extensions | Type Manager).
Create the top-level menus as System - Separator; this means they have no link attached, but only serve the purpose of organizing (sub)menu links.
Then when you click them, based on the setup of your menu module, they will show the sub-items. Beware, the most common behaviour is not to wait until clicked, but simply show the submenu items when hovered (when you bring the mouse over them). But the event they respond to depends on the module (mod_menu), its template override, and other scripts your template may load.
If you're using mod_menu, in the module list it will be listed as Menu; if you were using another menu module, I guess you would remember installing it :-)
I am not a protostar / twitter bootstrap fan so I can't help you much on it, but dropdown menus are definitely supported, I just tried putting the menu in the position navigation, with
"Menu Class Suffix" = " nav-pills nav-dropdown"
and it worked correctly with dropdowns on hover. As per having dropdowns on click instead of hover, look at this guide

menu link opens module under menu module - joomla 2.5

maybe it an easy solution for someone..I would like how can I set up an item in menu (positioned on right side of template), that when I click it, it opens/shows a module (news blog) under that menu(item) (in the same right position). Similar to click accordion just that menu item is in a menu module and a news blog is another module.
thank you.
In Joomla you can assign modules to specific menu items. THat means the module will appear when you click that item. You can assign a module to one page, all pages, specific pages you click or "all except" a list you select. Other than that I'm not sure what the question is, but I will say it's not a programming question.
In joomla module can also show in article,
You can create a article and link those article to specific menu.
And those article called a module like {loadmodule module_name}.
Also with module position like this {loadposition position_name}.

Joomla: How to add a right side menu

I'm fairly new to Joomla, but I'm an experienced developer with a tendency to dive into the code a bit too quickly. Before I start doing that this time around, I'd like to know if there is a simple, proper way way to add a right side menu to the default template in Joomla. I'm using Joomla 2.5.
Bonus points for info on how to access and create menu types.
Before you start, the template would be the first thing I would install. If you're looking for free then it's going to be lie choosing a car, there are so many to choose from. If you like editing and styling, then you might want to consider the Yootheme Master Theme
As for the menu on the right hand side, you can create a new module, set the type to menu then assign a menu to it. I assume you already know how to create a menu via the Menu Manager ;)
Hope this helps
OK. I figured out how to do it without any external modules or a drop of code. These are the steps:
Go to extensions->module manager
Choose one of the menu module types (I choose 'Menu example')
Enable it
Choose position
scroll down, actually second page, choose position-6, which is Beez5 or Beez_20 top right.
Make sure the menu is enabled for all pages that you want it to be.
Save and close.
Simple as that.
You Can use the plugins for side menu:

display custom attributes on Virtuemart browse page

I need the browse page to show quantity box, custom attributes, and Add to Cart button all together.
It doesn't show it at all. Only when you go to the product page, you can see them.
Any solutions?
Thanks, Ahmed.
Ahmed, you'll have to modify the template directly to do something like that. VM uses a large number of template files written in PHP. If you're using the default template, you can find them here:
From there, it takes a little looking around to figure out exactly which template you need to edit. If you need to edit a browse template, my recommendation is go to your VirtueMart Administration in Joomla backend and look at Admin | Configuration | Site | Layout to get an idea of which files you're using. It will probably say "Default" in the dropdown, with a Configuration link directly below. Click that link and look at the very first item, Product List Style. From the description of your layout desires, you might be using Flat Product List.
The main file for editing that layout is:
If you're a programmer, you should be able to look thru the code and correctly guess which code elements are being used to display VM product details. If you're not a programmer, you can still fake it by commenting out sections to see what "goes away" on the actual product page. Use what you learn to strip out useful code and move it around.
Another useful file to pull VM product code from is:
This is the actual product view (unless it's been changed in VM config), and contains pretty much all the common code elements that extract product details. You should be able to lift some of that code and place it where it needs to go in other forms.
Good luck with all of this. I find VM coding painful, and community support in the VM forums can be... sparse...

Is there a catalog of all UI widgets and their names, platforms and languages?

I was looking at the Firefox Add-ons Manager UI (pictured below) and really liked the expandable list used to show settings or properties for each add-on.
Firefox Add-ons Manager
I liked it enough to want to include something similar in one of my applications. The problem is, I don't know, exactly what the control is called (it doesn't seem to be "expandable list"), nor do I know if there is an implementation available for use in my own application (so I wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel.)
This isn't the first time that I've seen some cool piece of UI and wanted to incorporate it into something I'm working on, but have had no idea if I would have to design it from scratch. So I generally end up reworking my UI to use standard UI widgets to save time.
This got me thinking, is there some place that has a catalog of a bunch of UI widgets with names and what platforms/languages they are implemented for/in?
Turns out this control is called a Rich List Box, and it seems to only be implemented in XUL.
To answer your question, no, there isn't a universal catalog anywhere, though MSDN is as good a place as any to find definitions of most common UI elements.
The specific widget you ask about is generally called an accordian (wikipedia)
