menu link opens module under menu module - joomla 2.5 - joomla

maybe it an easy solution for someone..I would like how can I set up an item in menu (positioned on right side of template), that when I click it, it opens/shows a module (news blog) under that menu(item) (in the same right position). Similar to click accordion just that menu item is in a menu module and a news blog is another module.
thank you.

In Joomla you can assign modules to specific menu items. THat means the module will appear when you click that item. You can assign a module to one page, all pages, specific pages you click or "all except" a list you select. Other than that I'm not sure what the question is, but I will say it's not a programming question.

In joomla module can also show in article,
You can create a article and link those article to specific menu.
And those article called a module like {loadmodule module_name}.
Also with module position like this {loadposition position_name}.


How to only show module in joomla

I have a problem linking from a menu item to a module that I want to show. The problem is that the module does not have a custom item showing in the Menu item selection.
This means I end up having to link to an article. But that will show a lot of unwanted information like headers and other stuff from the single article.
How can I avoid that?
The options
1. link directly to the facebook module I wan to show with no article
2. Hide all information from the "single article"
If you want disable all information form article you can go to your article you want modify and go to Options tab.
Here you can hide all information
You can add directly module on your article with:
{loadposition myposition}
myposition is the position module that you have selected in module creation.
You can add a position who not use by other module.

Joomla newsflash items linking to separate page

Joomla 2.5
Let's say I got "News" category with some articles inside and modules, let's call them "module1", "module2" and up to 10.
Normally, if I got menu item called "News" with category view under it (it's called blog or something in Joomla) and I set only "module1" to be displayed there, all the items from this category will be displayed with the same layout.
However, if I add ie. "module2", which is a newsflash, to my homepage, items from "News" category will be displayed with homepage layout, with all the modules shown. I'd like them to be displayed as if they were on "News" page. How to do that?
Answer: add articles to "hidden" menu is not acceptable. Imagine blog, where you have to add all your posts to any kind of menu.
Visual explanation:
Normally, a menu position which lists articles form category and has only two modules (call them module1 and module2) enabled, will look like this:
If you click any item, you will be redirected to a page with the same layout (notice: I don't have to add all articles to menu, just article listing page):
However, if I add newsflash module on my homepage, which is full of modules, clicking an item will display article on homepage, in area that I called main content. Which is bad. I'd like it to open just like article from articles listing. Here is screen:
This article on the Joomla docs gives a good idea of what your tying to do as I understand it. As you don't wish to have menu items as you state in the question I think the best way is what they label as number 3 at the bottom - installing an extension that provides detailed control over where a module displays. Their featured module is Advanced Module Manager - which comes from NoNumber - something a lot of sites use and has a proven track record. However there is an entire section of modules on Joomla Extension Directory here

Home page modules showing on articles in Joomla

I have custom HTML & other modules on homepage which have been marked to display only on homepage. I also have articles on homepage with "read more" links.
Problem is that when I click on these read more links page opens with all the homepage modules still there and article is displayed below these modules.
I have checked setting all the modules are marked to display just on homepage, yet they get displayed on articles pages too.
Please help.
Those articles become "children" of the page you are viewing, so that's why you see the modules there.
I had that problem before, it's related to Itemid I guess.
You can use Advanced module manager to assign those modules ONLY to the homepage.
Manual solution without using the AMM extension.
you MUST publish the category that your articles belong to in ANY joomla menu so that those articles get their own item id because they are children of that category.
this is a default Joomla behavior since 1.5
Every article needs to have a menu item or a parent menu item, IIRC, and if it doesn't find one, its parent menu item is the default menu item (the front page menu item).
So to fix this, you need to make sure that every category has a corresponding menu item, so that every article's parent menu item is not the home page. This works because every article has a category ("uncategorized" counts as a category).
Create a hidden menu, and then create one "Articles ยป Category List" menu item for each category.
You can find more documentation in the wiki page entitled How to control module display when linking to an article with no menu item.
Here is an explanation of the joomla item id problem and a fix
When articles do not have a menu item they show the modules assigned to the page they were linked from, in the same way if you had a blog category menu item you would expect any blogs under that menu item to show the modules assigned to the parent without having to assign them to each and every post.
This is a big problem when you have a homepage which hides the component output as any further items just show the homepage with a different url.
I had the same problem, and installing the Advance Module Manager (AMM) did solve my problem. All I had to do was go to the specific modules that I had chosen to display on the home page (Based on the standard Joomla settings), then under the "module assignments" options of each module there were new settings (From AMM) that had a section for "Home page", I chose the setting "Include" (Default is "ignore") on each of the modules.
What this "include" does, is that it ensures that only the homepage (your true default directory, rather than the Joomla article chosen as "feature/homepage") is the one that features the modules chosen, and not children articles, or others (which was my problem)
I had the similar problem and found this article to be a great point to start:
How to control module display when linking to an article with no menu item
It works for J 2.5 and 3x
Personally I used the Metamod extension to control Joomla modules display.
It requiers a little bit of code understanding, but greatly helps when you figure out...
I used the follwing php snippet in my custom Joomla 3.3 template:
if (
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/' or
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php' or
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/home.html') {
echo 'homepage html'
} else {
echo 'non-homepage html' }
I had this same problem with the modules such as "most popular" and "recently added" and the problem was solved when I checked out the language of the articles and changed the ALL to ENGLISH, or FINNISH etc. After that, everything worked like I wanted to. Hope this will help you too..

Article as homepage without menu connected

Is that possible to make a single article as homepage, but not connected with any menu item?
I'm using Joomla 1.7
No that is NOT technically possible - Joomla is menu driven.
But you could create a Menu Item (of type Article -> Single Article View) set it to be the default item (so it is your home page) and set the main menu module to not be shown on that page (if that is what you are trying to achieve).
The other option - is to create a new menu - for example called 'hidden'. Add your new menu item to this menu, and don't even have a module for this menu.
One or other of these options should do what you need.
In the article list, there is a flag that can be activated that says "Home Page".
That makes the article to be shown in the content area of your home page... just that.

Joomla - using the same menu for header and footer, but showing extra link in the footer...?

I'm trying to setup a website menu in Joomla 1.7 but I'm having difficulty because I can't add home link twice. It says something like 'alias is already used', or another weird error. I created two menus: one called main menu other called footer menu. I'm adding like 6 pages as single article.
I'm guessing I have to use main menu twice, and just load it into two different menu modules: one for main menu, one for footer. The thing is, the footer menu has 1 more link than the main menu. Is there a way I can add a link to main menu, use the main menu for both main/footer menu modules, but only have that extra link appear in the footer module?
Really stuck here, need your help.
Just create the second menu (and the corresponding module) for the footer
with Menu Item Types Menu Item Alias associated with first menu items
and add to the second menu one more item of the requested type.
