How to Load custom page between place-order-click and thank-you-page in magento - magento

Can any one tell me,how to load custom page between checkout onepage & Checkout success page in magento? Reply as soon as possible.
Krupa Parikh

It could be hard as after clicking 'place order' form is send to checkout controller and if no redirect to payment gate is required magento redirects to checkout success page. If you need some custom redirect you need to hook into controller_front_send_response_before event and change the response (but first check the action as this is general event fired by every action and every controller).


How to prevent user to send multiple Checkout of the same cart in Magento 2

How can I prevent user to checkout 1 cart Session using multiple tabs or multiple browser?
By default, while the last checkout step is still loading, a user can resubmit the same cart multiple times until 1 process is completed resulting to duplicate orders.
Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.
I think the problem comes from your custom module. Maybe you didn't call an ajax attribute or the loading part. By default Magento when you click on checkout button then you can't click other buttons anymore because there will be a loading section appear on the page.
To check you can disable all payment modules and use the default Magento payment method

Magento - After clicking place order, payment processing being done on checkout page rather then redirect for processing

In Magento I want to achieve something as follows:
After clicking the place order button, I want the payment processing being done on checkout page, rather then redirecting for payment processing. Then it should redirect only after its completely processed to success page and in case of error should return back to payment section and no redirection should take place at all.
Please guide me on how to achieve this in Magento.

Can I move Paypal button to checkout page in magento?

Is there any way to move Paypal button to checkout page, anyone can help with this?
Each payment method has a field named Sort Order. Starting at one, place a number in each enabled payment method, save and they should appear in the cart payment section in the order you entered.
System => Configuration => Sales => Payment Methods
for more help, check here
Paypal express checkout button is on cart page.
Paypal standard module if used will show Paypal button on checkout page.
So suggestion is that you enable paypal standard.

Magento checkout cart success page on customer suggestion form

On Checkout cart success page on message after i want display
suggestion or feedback form with multiple option.
After fill information send mail.
Comment and feedback option validation without page refresh.
You need to develop your own module with ajax capabilities, sending information to the controller of your module.
The module should also include a block which should be added in the checkout_onepage_success layout.
More on module creation here : Magento wiki custom module with database
To create the form and have the mail notifications you can check it out at inchoo here: Custom email contact form with notification system
Good luck.

Magento - What is the internal url for shipping step in onepage checkout?

I am using an observer to check the shipping information provided by the customer during onepage checkout. By observing the event checkout_controller_onepage_save_shipping_method I want to redirect the customer back to the shipping step to re-enter their information.
Following the conversation on this page, What is the correct way to stop a checkout from an event observer in Magento?, I have everything set up, but I do not want to redirect them to cart, just the shipping step.
Can I make the code simply refresh the page?
Mage::app()->getResponse()->setRedirect(Mage::getUrl('checkout/onepage')); does not work.
url = checkout/onepage/shipping_method
if ($backUrl = $this->_getRefererUrl()) {
