Can I move Paypal button to checkout page in magento? - magento

Is there any way to move Paypal button to checkout page, anyone can help with this?

Each payment method has a field named Sort Order. Starting at one, place a number in each enabled payment method, save and they should appear in the cart payment section in the order you entered.
System => Configuration => Sales => Payment Methods
for more help, check here

Paypal express checkout button is on cart page.
Paypal standard module if used will show Paypal button on checkout page.
So suggestion is that you enable paypal standard.


Magento - update subtotal while runtime onepage checkout

a customer is in checkout. while the standard checkout progresses i want to renew the subtotal of the checkout session, the payment and the preview steps cause private rules for each customer group. I tried out to set the price via save shipping observer but it doesn't work (the subtotal in preview didn't change and the payment moduls are using the same price as before.. I understand.. the HTML was load before and the steps are only hidden)
Is there any way to refresh the subtotal and the onepagecheckout without loosing the current step ?
Thank u
On the step you are doing this on, find the save action and add:
To the code before the response.
Works a treat.

How to remove review order in onepage checkout option?

I want to remove review order option.
I want to "Place Order" event in payment information option. Means, If payment method selected then payment cycle should complete instead of Review Order comes.
I have tried and reasearch regarding this. But I am not getting solution.
Thank you
You need to rewrite Mage_Checkout_Block_Onepage::_getStepCodes().
You need an observer that saves other after payment is selected. If you have 'terms and conditions' they have to be checked automatically.
You can checkout more on this post:

Customize Magento checkout process

I have products with individual landing pages. I want the landing pages to contain everything needed to checkout with that product. This includes a dropdown to select the quantity of the product desired, shipping information and billing information. Is this possible? In default Magento, you can't get to the checkout process without first having an item in the cart.
Default Magento allows you to choose where to redirect after a product is added to cart: to the cart overview or back to the page where the "Add to Cart" button was clicked. Using a similar approach you can create an extension that overrides the 'addAction' method of the cart controller to redirect to the checkout page immediately after a product is added to cart.
You can't go to checkout with an empty shopping cart, but redirecting after the add to cart action allows customers to skip the cart page, if that is what you intend to achieve.
It is also possible to use the billing and shipping information the customer submits in the landing page for the checkout - your extension will have to validate it and save into the quote object as if it was submitted in the respective checkout steps.
Developing such an extension would not be a simple task - checkout is a very sensitive matter.

How to Load custom page between place-order-click and thank-you-page in magento

Can any one tell me,how to load custom page between checkout onepage & Checkout success page in magento? Reply as soon as possible.
Krupa Parikh
It could be hard as after clicking 'place order' form is send to checkout controller and if no redirect to payment gate is required magento redirects to checkout success page. If you need some custom redirect you need to hook into controller_front_send_response_before event and change the response (but first check the action as this is general event fired by every action and every controller).

Magento - What is the internal url for shipping step in onepage checkout?

I am using an observer to check the shipping information provided by the customer during onepage checkout. By observing the event checkout_controller_onepage_save_shipping_method I want to redirect the customer back to the shipping step to re-enter their information.
Following the conversation on this page, What is the correct way to stop a checkout from an event observer in Magento?, I have everything set up, but I do not want to redirect them to cart, just the shipping step.
Can I make the code simply refresh the page?
Mage::app()->getResponse()->setRedirect(Mage::getUrl('checkout/onepage')); does not work.
url = checkout/onepage/shipping_method
if ($backUrl = $this->_getRefererUrl()) {
