Qt Visual C++ Add-in No Default Version Found - visual-studio-2010

I am at my wit's end trying to configre Qt. I have finally got it built with MSVC++2010, but I'm having trouble with the add-in. I'm getting the "no default version found" error despite the fact that I have set a path to what I believe to be the right place in C:\Users\Aaron\Downloads\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qtbase
Is this the correct place? If not, what file am I trying to link VSC++ to? Is it the qmake?

Search your qt build for qmake.exe. The path to that file is what the Qt Add-on is looking for.
You might also need to end it with a backslash.
Hope that helps.

Alright, my problem was that I had the wrong version of Qt installed. I was using everywhere-Qtopensource. I downloaded Qt for VS2010 and linked the add-in to that version's makefile and it worked fine.

For me the problem was I was adding the wrong directory, I tried to add the bin directory, then i tried to add the QT directory. The directory to be added is the C:\QT\QT5\5.7\msvc2013_64 directory, or whatever they are calling it today.
Note I had to update visual stupidity, then install the latest "QT visual studio tools".
Then I found that these studio tools don't have the core QT build utilities - such as qmake, for instances, so I had to install the QT Unified installer for windows, then be sure that the MSVC 20xx 64 bit version is selected. I didn't need the rest of it, and i certainly don't need 58GB of garbage.


The procedure entry point could not be located in dynamic link library Qt5Cored.dll

I just built the project that I'm supposed to fix. I double checked that correct DLLs are loaded - the project uses Qt 5.3.0, and the dlls are loaded from 5.3.0 directory. I am not sure where is the problem. Is my project using incorrect Qt headers? Or is the DLL build incorrectly?
I'm building in Debug with Visual Studio 2017. The DLLs are also built with visual studio. I tried Vidual Studio 2010 instead, since it's 2010 project, but the error was the same.
Are you in release or debug mode? QtCoded.dll is related to debug profile.
Another explanation could be how your Qt was built.
If I remember correctly Qt was built with msvc2015 so you have to use msvc2015 to build your exe with Visual Studio and it is not possible to use a msvc version before or after that.
Please remeber that you can't use the Qt framework built with mingw with msvc.
In other words I suggest you to check which version of msvc are you using with Visual Studio and which version of Qt framework.
In my case, the problem was following:
One of the sub-projects was accidentally configured to use Qt 5.6.1, whereas the rest of the solution used 5.3.0. I found out by opening the result binary in dependency walker.
I just had the same problem with QT 4.
The solution was found on this post: The procedure entry point could not be found
I ran into the same problem, and in my case, this was due to the fact that I had two versions of the same library installed on my computer.
In the end, the problem was that I was linking my program against the new LIB file while my PATH was pointing to the old DLL. When the library version number is not included in the LIB or DLL file names, it is very easy to mix the versions.
I my case I was using a QtCored4.dll and others from an older version of QT. The solution was copy the DLLs directly from my QT installation directory which was used to build the application (as it was set by my QTDIR environment variable): C:\Qt\4.8.7\bin to my application directory.

How to install PCL on Visual Studio

I am new in Point Cloud Library and I would like to know how can I install it on my computer. I have already installed PCL 1.6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 but I can't manage to use PCL. I understand that I am supposed to set references at some point but I am totally clueless as how and when I should do it.
I have been trying to follow the instructions at http://unanancyowen.com/?p=1255&lang=en but when I get to :
Set the environment variable for PCL and 3rdParty.
Variable Name Variable Value
PCL_ROOT C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2(or C:\Program Files (x86)\PCL 1.7.2)
Path ;%PCL_ROOT%\bin
I am totally lost...
I have never used neither Visual Studio nor PCL before.
I am using windows7 64bits
If you could hint me in the right direction or direct me to a tutorial that I could understand, that would be very helpfull !!
Thanks in advance!
Your PCL version is not right...I use PCL 1.7.2 and VS2012 on Win8.1, and it's the same on win7.
Look at this tutorial(It's in chinese and you can use google translate, I follow it and succeed to run PCL1.7.2 on my VS2012):
I used the website you mentioned to install pcl in my computer. And it works just fine. And quite detailed compared to other tutorials. From your question, I understand that you have trouble adding the path to the environment variables. If thats not what you are having trouble with, let me know.
The environment variable helps the visual studio compiler to find the paths to PCL libraries during run time. So, after installing PCL, we need to tell the computer where we have installed pcl and pcl bin files and the supporting 3rd party libraries. You do that by editing the path.
As for how to set the environment variable, go through this tutorial: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm

Visual Studio 2010 , QT and intellisense/highlight error

Hi have a problem with VisualStudio 2010 and the QT5 plugin, it seems that VisualStudio doesnt recognize the QT Library (despite i have installed the plugin and followed the whole procedure).
This is what I see:
So the IDE highlights the QT stuff like if the files were not present, and Intellisense is not working. But, If I compile the application, it compiles without error and works like a charm.
What could be the cause of the highlight/Intellisense issue?
You cannot launch Visual Studio 2010 directly.
You will need to launch the QT 5.0.1 for Desktop(MSVC 2010) command line from Program Files->Qt 5.0.1->5.0.1
After which you will need to run the vcvarsall.bat and devenv after.
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\VC\vcvarsall.bat
x:\program files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0.\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe
This is applicable to VS2012 and Qt4.5.0, though I believe Qt version does not matter.
I am not sure if it is the same/similar to VS2010, but I stumbled upon this post while looking the answer to the same question for VS2012.
Here is what you can do:
Right-click the project in your solution and select Properties.
Select Configuration Properties -> VC++ Directories.
Edit Include Directories entry.
Add $(QTDIR)\include\QtCore and any other (required by your project) Qt folders to the list (it depends what Qt headers you are using).
This has to be done to every project in your solution that uses Qt, unfortunately.
Now, there is another note:
We were transferring our solution from VS2005 to VS2012 and that problem happened to me when I converted the solution 2005->2012 BEFORE setting the QTDIR environment variable.
When I re-converted the solution again (AFTER *QTDIR* variable was created) the problem didn't appear. So make sure you have this variable before you open/convert your solution for the first time.
Based on the previous note, I believe that some information related to the issue is stored in one of the following files: .sdf and/or .v11.suo.
So closing VS, deleting these files and opening VS again might help. Just back them up before you do it - I haven't tried it myself (I just re-imported the whole solution which generated these files anew).

How to Configure QT Environment to work with Visual Studio 2010

Could you please help me how to make QT work in VS2010? step by step please :)
i installed a fresh copy of windows and i have this files:
Windows 7 Ultimate
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Also i'm really confused, i found many ways to do this but all didn't work. Also i don't know why some download "qt-win-opensource-4.7.3-vs2008" and then recompile it. Dose "qt-vs-addin-1.1.9" replace the recompiling step or what?
So please i need a help on how to install QT with VS 2010
The vs-addin does not replace recompiling but there's no need to recompile if you have pre-built Qt binaries (unless you want to change the configuration).
First install your pre-built binary package of Qt. If you've chosen to rebuild it, do that (you won't use the VS UI for this, it's all command-line based). Be sure you install this to a path that doesn't include any spaces in it... something like C:\qt\qt-4.7.3 perhaps.
Then install vs-addin, and start VS.
Now open the Qt menu, go to Qt options, and click Add to add a version. (You can install multiple Qt versions on your system this way if you wish.) Give the version a name of your own choosing, and specify the path to where you've installed it. Close out the options dialog.
Finally, create a new project and notice that the creation wizard has a section for Qt4 Project templates. Choose Qt application and you're well along your way.

Qt for windows CE

I have installed Qt for windows CE using this link http://qt.nokia.com/products/platform/qt-for-windows-ce for visual studio8, I can see Qt tab in VS IDE.
I tried to create new application for QT am getting error that
"There are no Qt/CE platforms defined. Please add your Qt/CE build in the Tools/Options/Qt/Builds dialog."
How can i define platform??
As it explains in the error. Go to tools menu, then options submenu. Select Qt from the tree and then select Builds item. There you will see an Add button. Click it. Write the version and path of your installed Qt. Then you are good to go.
Okay, I click Tools, select the "Options…" menu item (it is not a submenu), up comes the "Options" dialogue box, I see no "Qt" entry in the tree. Fresh never-used-before install of Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP Pro SP3, with Qt add-in installed and I've tried running it as an Administrator too.
Did I miss something?
In the meantime, I have discovered some notes here:
The device I'm targeting is not a FriendlyARM, rather a Psion hand-held, but nevertheless, suggests that the bare Qt package lacks any VisualStudio binaries.
Further update…
My aging P4 laptop is busily compiling Qt now, has been for some hours. I found that for the Psion, I had to edit the setcepaths.bat script to make the call to checksdk.exe consistent with the SDKs actually provided. Upon doing this, things seem to be working. If you get an error message regarding a missing header, run:
checksdk.exe -list
That'll tell you what your SDK is actually called. You might find then that running:
checksdk.exe -sdk "Your SDK with spaces (and ARCH in brackets)" -script tmp.bat
tmp.bat should produce the needed environment.
Lastly, I hit a compiler error due to some left-over autogenerated files in the Qt build directories. I'll post up the (Cygwin) command I used to clean up the sources mid-build when I find it.
