How to install PCL on Visual Studio - visual-studio-2010

I am new in Point Cloud Library and I would like to know how can I install it on my computer. I have already installed PCL 1.6.0 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 but I can't manage to use PCL. I understand that I am supposed to set references at some point but I am totally clueless as how and when I should do it.
I have been trying to follow the instructions at but when I get to :
Set the environment variable for PCL and 3rdParty.
Variable Name Variable Value
PCL_ROOT C:\Program Files\PCL 1.7.2(or C:\Program Files (x86)\PCL 1.7.2)
Path ;%PCL_ROOT%\bin
I am totally lost...
I have never used neither Visual Studio nor PCL before.
I am using windows7 64bits
If you could hint me in the right direction or direct me to a tutorial that I could understand, that would be very helpfull !!
Thanks in advance!

Your PCL version is not right...I use PCL 1.7.2 and VS2012 on Win8.1, and it's the same on win7.
Look at this tutorial(It's in chinese and you can use google translate, I follow it and succeed to run PCL1.7.2 on my VS2012):

I used the website you mentioned to install pcl in my computer. And it works just fine. And quite detailed compared to other tutorials. From your question, I understand that you have trouble adding the path to the environment variables. If thats not what you are having trouble with, let me know.
The environment variable helps the visual studio compiler to find the paths to PCL libraries during run time. So, after installing PCL, we need to tell the computer where we have installed pcl and pcl bin files and the supporting 3rd party libraries. You do that by editing the path.
As for how to set the environment variable, go through this tutorial:


Qt Visual C++ Add-in No Default Version Found

I am at my wit's end trying to configre Qt. I have finally got it built with MSVC++2010, but I'm having trouble with the add-in. I'm getting the "no default version found" error despite the fact that I have set a path to what I believe to be the right place in C:\Users\Aaron\Downloads\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.2\qtbase
Is this the correct place? If not, what file am I trying to link VSC++ to? Is it the qmake?
Search your qt build for qmake.exe. The path to that file is what the Qt Add-on is looking for.
You might also need to end it with a backslash.
Hope that helps.
Alright, my problem was that I had the wrong version of Qt installed. I was using everywhere-Qtopensource. I downloaded Qt for VS2010 and linked the add-in to that version's makefile and it worked fine.
For me the problem was I was adding the wrong directory, I tried to add the bin directory, then i tried to add the QT directory. The directory to be added is the C:\QT\QT5\5.7\msvc2013_64 directory, or whatever they are calling it today.
Note I had to update visual stupidity, then install the latest "QT visual studio tools".
Then I found that these studio tools don't have the core QT build utilities - such as qmake, for instances, so I had to install the QT Unified installer for windows, then be sure that the MSVC 20xx 64 bit version is selected. I didn't need the rest of it, and i certainly don't need 58GB of garbage.

opencv 2.4.2 Configuration with Visual Studio 2010 issue?

Recently I decided to make a switch from OpenCV 2.1 to Opencv 2.4. I am having problems in configuring it with opencv. The details are as follows:-
Installed and extracted opencv in folder( opencv2.4).
Created a new folder "BIN" inside (opencv2.4). Used CMAKE to extract all data in BIN.
While using CMAKE I did not select QT, TBB, IPP options.
I added path to System environment i.e. C:\opencv2.4\build\x64\vc10\bin;
I used the solution in "BIN" folder and compiled first with Debug and then with Release options.
Now I started a new VS2010 project.
In project properties; C++ -> General
In project properties;Linker-> General I did
In project properties;Linker-> Input I did
I finally copied all .dll files in my debug folder.
When I run program, I am getting following error.
I dont know what wrong I am doing. Somehow I think I am not linking the library properly. Plz guide me in this regard . . .
There are extensive tutorials coming with the official OpenCV installation. They explain in great detail, with a lot of screenshots, how you configure Visual Studio with OpenCV. You can read the documentation online. I'll link the two tutorials relevant to this question:
Installation in Windows
How to build applications with OpenCV inside the Microsoft Visual Studio
You miss the opencv_legacy242.. lib. Add it and try again. Some functionality has moved to legacy in latest release
You may also try follow videos on this subject. They help a lot. Those from a reliable source of course. I know there's one on website.

HOW TO INSTALL openCV in Win7 -64-bit

I am facing problem in installing openCV in Win7 -64bit, and i need to know how to do it?
i have downloaded
131mb file from here and it doesnt contain any exe file, it contains some cmake file.
Help me.
Assuming you are using Visual Studio, after extracting the files to a location like c:\OpenCV-2.3.1\ you should setup a new project and link OpenCV libraries.
A couple of months ago I wrote a detailed tutorial explaining how to setup projects using Visual Studio 2010 in a 64bit machine. You can find the tutorial here.
I am surprised that you are not having trouble with your entire windows breaking down/slowing down. Please read this
If you are NOT having the same problem, I would love to hear how you managed to setup OpenCV to work with Visual Studio 2010 (or Visual C++ 2010 Express) on Windows 7 64-bit machine.
Once again, sorry that I technically unable to post it as a comment because I know that it is not ACTUALLY an answer.
I've written a blog post which can help you with the installation. It includes detailed steps, right from adding the dll's to the PATH variable, to running a simple program. Hope it helps!
I am not sure what are your situation about, I can download a .exe from that page directly. The whole 131mb file is an exe file.
You may try this direct link.

Building Compact Framework applications with VS2010 (without VS2005)

I want to perform a .NET CF 2.0 build using VS2010. I know it's not supported "normnally," but I've seen this answer: ( .NET Compact Framework with Visual Studio 2010? ) ...and I want to use that approach.
The blog post cited there says I need to modify the .csproj files for the .NET CF projects, to point to a particular Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets . But I don't have that file.
I figured I needed to install the Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK to get it.
I tried installing it and get this:
I have seen this question:
Windows Mobile 6 Standard SDK Refresh install issue on Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2
I don't think the solution proposed there is workable for me. I do not have VS2008. I do not have VS2005. I have only VS2010, and I have no installable media for those other products.
I have also tried the administrative install (msiexec /a), but the resulting directory structure doesn't contain any files like Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets .??
Is there a way for me to install WM6 Standard SDK?
Q2: Anyone know the reg key that it looks for to determine if I have the appropriate pre-reqs?
Is this going to work if I just fiddle with my registry?
Q3: Is my assumption wrong? Really I want the Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets file and its friends. Where can I get this? (I have no existing VS2008 machine to suck from)
Q4: Another approach I can think of is getting an eval version of VS2008, installing that into a VM, then installing the WM6 Std SDK there, then grabbing the Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets file from that. Long way round. Is this gonna work and is it worth the trouble?
Here's the answer.
It is possible to build CF apps with VS2010, as outlined in Joel Fjorden's blog post. There are pre-requisites you need, in order to make this happen.
I believe the only official way to get the required files, including Microsoft.CompactFramework.Common.targets , Microsoft.CompactFramework.CSharp.targets , Microsoft.CompactFramework.VisualBasic.targets and Microsoft.CompactFramework.Build.Tasks.dll , is to install the related version of Visual Studio. These files are all version-specific, so to get the files for building for .NET CF 2.0, you need to install VS2005, and for .NET CF 3.5 you need to install VS2008. Installing VS2010 gives you neither. It works to use eval versions of the tools. It worked for me anyway.
If you are willing to go custom, you can simply copy these files from a working installation of VS2005 or VS2008 (or both), into the appropriate .NET directory, usually something like C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 (change the version as appropriate). Chris Tacke has helpfully posted a link to the files you need. I don't know if copying these files violates the license for VS20?? , I am not a licensing expert.
You cannot get these files from the Windows Mobile SDK, as far as I can tell. Even so, you might still want a version-specific mobile SDK to get the emulators and skins and so on.
This is a basic "build" capability. It works but it doesn't give you designer support, debugging capability, built-in project templates, and so on. My advice to anyone who wants to do forward development on .NET CF is to use the tools that are geared toward those tasks - VS2005 or VS2008.
Thanks to Chris Tacke for posting a link for the files.
Not sure if it's any help, but the CF targets files from VS2008 can be found here. Let us know if you make any progress.
The "Power Toys for .NET Compact Framework" package (currently found at also contains the required files.
Thought I'd leave that here since it's an official Microsoft download.

How to Configure QT Environment to work with Visual Studio 2010

Could you please help me how to make QT work in VS2010? step by step please :)
i installed a fresh copy of windows and i have this files:
Windows 7 Ultimate
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Also i'm really confused, i found many ways to do this but all didn't work. Also i don't know why some download "qt-win-opensource-4.7.3-vs2008" and then recompile it. Dose "qt-vs-addin-1.1.9" replace the recompiling step or what?
So please i need a help on how to install QT with VS 2010
The vs-addin does not replace recompiling but there's no need to recompile if you have pre-built Qt binaries (unless you want to change the configuration).
First install your pre-built binary package of Qt. If you've chosen to rebuild it, do that (you won't use the VS UI for this, it's all command-line based). Be sure you install this to a path that doesn't include any spaces in it... something like C:\qt\qt-4.7.3 perhaps.
Then install vs-addin, and start VS.
Now open the Qt menu, go to Qt options, and click Add to add a version. (You can install multiple Qt versions on your system this way if you wish.) Give the version a name of your own choosing, and specify the path to where you've installed it. Close out the options dialog.
Finally, create a new project and notice that the creation wizard has a section for Qt4 Project templates. Choose Qt application and you're well along your way.
