How to change parameter in a file, only if the file exists and the parameter is not already set? - bash

# See if registry is set to expire updates
> test.log
CODE=sudo if [ ! -f $FILE] && grep $PARAMETER $FILE; then echo "File found, parameter not found."
#CODE=grep $PARAMETER $FILE || sudo tee -a /etc/.properties <<< $PARAMETER
while read -r -a line
echo $hostname":" >> test.log
#ssh -n -t -t $hostname "$CODE" >> test.log
echo $CODE;
done < "$filename"
I want to set "Updates 30" in /etc/.properties on about 50 servers if:
The file exists (not all servers have the software installed)
The parameter "Updates" is not already set in the file (e.g. in case of multiple runs)
I am a little puzzled so far how, because I am not sure if this can be done in 1 line of bash code. The rest of the script works fine.

Ok, here's what i think would be a solution for you. Like explained in this article
invoke the script which contains the commands that you want to be executed at the remote server
Code script 1:
while read -r -a line
ssh ${line} "bash -s" < script2
done < "$filename"
To replace a line in a text file, you can use sed (
Code script 2:
NEWPARAMETER=Updates ###(What you want to write there)
if [ ! -f $FILE] && grep $PARAMETER $FILE; then exit
So, I'm not certain this covers all your use case, I hope this helps you out if there is anything feel free to ask!


Problem with if loop when trying send a few files

I need sending a few files to FTP server but the following script runs only one time, even if there are more entries in the document that have string "example". In /abc.txt I have paths to files which I want sending to FTP server.
if grep -q example "/abc.txt" ;
var=$( cat /abc.txt )
cd $var
ftp -nv $HOST > /abc.log.txt <<ENDSCRIPT
quote USER $USER
put $FILE
echo $FILE
sed -i '1d' "/abc.txt"
echo "error"
I recommend using for, and I think using -q option for grep here is unnecessary:
for var in $(grep example ./abc.txt); do
Here var will each time contain the name of the file.

Cannot pass variable into while loop

I've tried this a few ways but trying to pass a variable into this code when it's a text file just doesn't work. What's weird though is if the check sees it's just a url, it works perfectly.
I've tried -i in wget, quotes around $line, {} around line, putting $directory a few ways into wget. Nothing. It either reads it as blank or as the file name, not the urls in the file.
On top of this mess, $savefile.log in the first part of the loop always returns directory.txt.log. Tried $line.log to fix that and nada. I do need it stripped as : and \ are not valid in a file name.
read -p "Enter directory or .txt file: `echo $'\n> '`" directory
savefile=$(echo "${directory//"http://"}" | cut -d '/' -f1)
if [[ $directory == *.txt ]]
echo "Spidering $directory"
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo "$line"
wget -np --spider -e robots=off --no-check-certificate $line 2>> $savefile.log
echo "Spider saved to $savefile.log"
done < $directory
echo "Spidering $directory"
wget -r -np --spider -e robots=off --no-check-certificate $directory 2>> $savefile.log
echo "Spider saved to $savefile.log"
Removing my old answer because it was wrong, finally got a chance to sit down and run the code, and based off what I THINK you were looking for this should do it:
read -p "Enter directory or .txt file: `echo $'\n> '`" directory
if [[ $directory == *.txt ]]; then
echo "Spidering $directory"
while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
echo "$line"
savefile="$(basename "${directory//.txt}")"
wget -np --spider -e robots=off --no-check-certificate $line 2>> $savefile.log
echo "Spider saved to $savefile.log"
done < $directory
echo "Spidering $directory"
savefile=$(echo "${directory//"http://"}" | cut -d '/' -f1)
wget -r -np --spider -e robots=off --no-check-certificate $directory 2>> $savefile.log
echo "Spider saved to $savefile.log"
One big issue was you forgot the ; then at the end of the if [[ ... ]] line.
With savefile, I am guessing you were aiming to strip off extra after the ".com" on a url and give just the file name of a file? Works perfect for a url as written, but it nukes file path. Moved it into the else as written. For a file, basename removes the directories and just leaves the file name and the variable expansion strips the troublesome '.txt'.
Tried not to deviate from your code by much, but I would recommend quoting the variables - shouldn't be spaces in the URL, but ~could be~ if input wrong, but mainly because filenames could have un-escaped spaces.
Could also make a tad more compact by using 'echo -e "\nSpidering $directory"' instead of the double echoes. Don't suppose anything wrong with them but they bug my ocd. :P
Finally, I would recommend using the newer syntax for the command substitution, "$(echo "cmd")" instead of the backticks. Again not technically wrong, but since the back-ticks are deprecated they may eventually stop working. Also, and more so I'd say, it makes the code allot more readable, I have to squint at times to tell if it is a single quote or a back-tick.

Ampersand in bash script not working

Using the Ampersand (&) to place it in the background. But in this script for some reason it doesnt work. My programming skills are not great, so please remember im a noob trying to get stuff working.
# Date in format used by filenaming
date=$(date '+%Y%m%d')
# Location where the patch files should be downloaded
# Location of the full list
while :
# Fetching last download date from downloaded patches
ldd=$(cd $patches && printf '%s\n' * | sed "s/[^0-9]*//g"); echo $ldd
if [ "$ldd" = "" ]
if [ "$ldd" = "$date" ]
ndd=$(date +%Y%m%d -d "${ldd}+1 days")
# Cant have multiple patches in $patches directory, otherwise script wont work
rm -rf $patches/*
sleep 1
curl -s -o "$file" "$ndd.diff.gz" &
sleep 1
done=$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)
until [ "$done" == 1 ]
echo "still here"
gunzip "$file"
# Apply patch directory to list's file directories
cat $(echo "$file" | sed "s/.gz//g") | sed 's/.\/yesterday//' | sed 's/.\/today//' > $patches/$ndd.diff
rm $(echo $file | sed "s/.gz//g")
cd $blacklist
patch -p1 --batch -r /root/fail.patch < $patches/$ndd.diff
rm /root/fail.patch
What i want to do is let the script wait for each command until the one before is finished. As you can see i used 'sleep' sometimes but i know that isnt a solution. I also read about the wait command, but then you have to place a command in the background using the Ampersand. And thats the problem. For some reason this script doesnt recognize the ampersand at the end of my curl command. I also tried wget, same results. Who can point me in the right direction?
It would never change done after first check. So you need to check every iteration, that's why you should test for command, not for variable
And while will be better, because you need to check before entering
while [ "$(jobs -l | grep curl | wc -l)" -ne 0 ]; do
echo "Still there"
sleep 1
I've added sleep because otherwise it wold just flood your console.

bash call script with variable

What I want to achieve is the following :
I want the subtitles for my TV Show downloaded automatically.
The script "" is ran as soon as the show is downloaded, but it can happen that no subtitle are released yet.
So what I am doing to counter this :
Creating a file each time "" is ran. It contain the location of the script with its arguments, for example :
/Users/theo/logSubtitle/ "The Walking Dead - 5x10 - Them.mp4" "The.Walking.Dead.S05E10.480p.HDTV.H264.mp4" "/Volumes/Window HD/Série/The Walking Dead"
If a subtitle has been found, this file will contain only this line, if no subtitle has been found, this file will have 2 lines (the first one being "no subtitle downloaded", and the second one being the path to the script as explained above)
Now, once I get this, I'm planning to run a cron everyday that will do the following :
Remove all file that have only 1 line (Subtitle found), and execute the script again for the remaining file. Here is the full script :
cd ~/logSubtitle/waiting/
for f in *
do nbligne=$(wc -l $f | cut -c 8)
if [ "$nbligne" = "1" ]
rm $f
command=$(sed -n "2 p" $f)
sh $command 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down > $f ; echo $command >> $f
This is unfortunately not working, I have the feeling that the script is not called.
When I replace $command by the line in the text file, it is working.
I am sure that $command match the line because of the "echo $command >> $f" at the end of my script.
So I really don't get what I am missing here, any ideas ?
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with the cut -c 8 part in wc -l $f | cut -c 8. cut -c 8 will select the 8th character of the output of wc -l.
A suggestion: to check whether your file contains 1 or two lines (and since you'll need the content of the second line, if any, anyway), use mapfile. This will slurp the file in an array, one line per field. You can use the option -n 2 to read at most 2 lines. This will be much more efficient, safe and nice than your solution:
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < file
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
printf 'File contains one line only: %s\n' "${ary[0]}"
elif ((${#ary[#]==2)); then
printf 'File contains (at least) two lines:\n'
printf ' %s\n' "${ary[#]}"
printf >&2 'Error, no lines found in file\n'
Another suggestion: use more quotes!
With this, a better way to write your script:
shopt -s nullglob
for f in "$dir"/*; do
mapfile -t -n 2 ary < "$f"
if ((${#ary[#]}==1)); then
rm -- "$f" || printf >&2 "Error, can't remove file %s\n" "$f"
elif ((${#ary[#]}==2)); then
{ sh -c "${ary[1]}" 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | grep down; echo "${ary[1]}"; } > "$f"
printf >&2 'Error, file %s contains no lines\n' "$f"
After the done keyword you can even add the redirection 2>> logfile to a log file if you wish. Make sure the cron job is run with your user: check crontab -l and, if needed, edit it with crontab -e.
Use eval instead of sh. The reason it works with eval and not sh is due to the number of passes to evaluate variables. sh will treat the sed command as its command to execute while eval will evaluate the sed command first and then execute the result.
Briefly explained.

Bash Script exiting without error while using diff

I'm fairly new to using bash and was trying to create an autograder script for running some test cases. Currently my bash script seems to be acting strangely; when I have the -e flag set bash will just exit when a diff has a positive size, and when the -e flag is not set the script ignores any differences in the diff files and says that all tests passed.
The script exits immediately after the "write_diff_out=...." command, the next line is not printed. I've only included the diffing portion of the script as everything else runs fine (the files all exist as well).
# Validate outputs and print results
echo "> Comparing current build's final memory output with golden memory output...";
for file in `ls test_progs`;
file=$(echo $file | cut -d '.' -f1);
echo "$file";
write_diff_out=$(diff ./log/$file.writeback.out ./log/$ > ./diff/$file.writeback.diff);
echo "Finished write_diff";
program_diff_out=$(diff -u <(grep -E '###' ./log/$file.program.out) <(grep -E '###' ./log/$ > ./diff/$file.program.diff);
echo "Finished program diff";
if [ -z "$write_diff_out" ] && [ -z "$program_diff_out" ]; then
printf "%20s:\e[0;32mPASSED\e[0m\n" "$file";
printf "%20s:\e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m\n" "$file";
echo "> Done comparing test outputs.";
Feel free to suggest a better way of formatting the diff commands as well, I know there are different methods of writing them.
I don't exactly know what's your problem, but I have rewritten your script to conform to some best practices. Perhaps it will work better.
# Debugging mode: prints every command as executed, remove when uneeded
set -x
# Validate outputs and print results
echo "> Comparing current build's final memory output with golden memory output..."
cd test_progs
for file in *; do
file="$(echo "$file" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//')"
echo "$file"
# will PASS when both diffs return non-zero
if ! diff "log/$file.writeback.out" \
"log/$" > \
"diff/$file.writeback.diff" && \
! diff -u <(grep -E ### "log/$file.program.out") \
<(grep -E ### "log/$") > \
"diff/$file.program.diff"; then
printf '%20s:\e[0;32mPASSED\e[0m\n' "$file"
printf '%20s:\e[0;31mFAILED\e[0m\n' "$file"
echo "> Done comparing test outputs."
It avoids parsing ls, use quotes where it is due, used [[ instead of [ (you don't need to quote variables inside of [[), and it tests if the written file is empty instead of storing something at a variable.
If you really wanted to store diff's output in a variable, you would do this:
write_diff_out="$(diff "log/$file.writeback.out" "log/$" | tee "diff/$file.writeback.diff")"
Then $write_diff_out would contain the same data the diff/$file.writeback.diff file has.
EDIT: edit my answer a bit, to implement some of the things in the comments.
