Quick Launch toolbar keeps randomly disappearing (windows 7) - windows

I am really used to quick launch toolbar from windows XP. When I moved to Windows 7, I replicated this functionality using some of the guides, such as here or here.
But every now and then it simply disappears and I have to go through the adding process again. It happens approx. once a month. I haven't managed to track anything, what it would be related to (crashes, headaches, windows updates, new program installations...). It seems to me to be completely random.
There is quite a few posts about this issue in the internet, but either the problem is "it always disappears" (like here or here), or the answer is "add it back like this" (here), or the answer didn't help me (like here or here).
Any idea appreciated.

Disable the Language Bar, then recreate the Quick Launch Bar. That should do it. The Language Bar interferes with it.

Try Disabling Windows Maintenance Mode.


Minimize window on scroll down?

I was wondering, would it be possible to create a small piece of software that would allow the user to minimize a window by scrolling down on it? (on the top part that can be used to move it via drag and drop, obviously).
Following the same idea, it would be cool to be able to scroll up on the task bar icons to restore a minimized windows. I thought it would be cool (and since the user does not actually click but scrolls instead, it would prevent accidental nearby program openings when trying to restore a window)!
I am a total newbie when it comes to things like these. Could you please indicate me:
if Windows would let me do that (I doubt it wouldn't)?
How to code something like that (what language, and so on...)?
A way of doing this for maximizing the tabs open in the taskbar would be to create a custom taskbar identical to that of the main one. The second taskbar from Dual Monitor Taskbar works this way. There are also libraries in languages such as C++ which can detect scroll wheel movements.
Although this wasn't the most helpful answer, hopefully this could give you some ideas.
It is definitely possible. I found a software that does that 6 years ago and I have been using it ever since. It is called Preme for windows (http://www.premeforwindows.com/)
I have been using the software for about 6 years now and I cannot use windows without it. It also allows closing windows when clicking the mouse scroll key and maximizing a window with scroll up.
I hope this helps you. I am always wondering why Microsoft does have these options built in in the OS!!

Browsing folders with mouse is randomly slow, when using keyboard, it's fast

Running Win 8.1.
This problem is weird, I can't find anything about this happening with someone else.
Is there a way to disable the mouse driver somehow so that mouse still works or smth?
Using Logitech G700s.
Ok, I solved it. Turns out there was the problem with file browsing software Clover (adds tabs to windows file explorer). Anyways I disabled it's feature "Double click on folder margin to navigate up" from settings and the problem went away.

Is there a way to hide the Windows 7 taskbar permanently?

I've used ObjectDock in the past to replace the taskbar for a number of reasons. I had to reinstall Windows and apparently now ObjectDock is no longer free. One main reason I liked ObjectDock is because it completley replaces the taskbar, hiding the taskbar completely, not just autohiding it or hiding it till moving my mouse to the bottom, but actually completely removing it.
So clearly there is some way to hide it or move it so it doesn't show up in some way, but I've yet to find anything online that shows a way within Windows 7 or a programmatic way to do so. I've got most of my programs linked to hotkeys through AutoHotkey, and since my resolution is small I'd like the extra space.
Try using either Taskbar Eliminator or The Ultimate Windows Tweaker. They should allow you to remove it, this should remove it for you.

Switching documents in VS2010 with Ctrl-Tab needs return

When switching between documents in VS2010 with Ctrl-Tab, the document switch window doesn't disappear until I've pressed tab multiple times to select an entry and then hit return. I'm sure that it didn't need the return previously: that the window only stayed up as long as you held down Ctrl and then when released it switched to the currently selected document. This is really annoying if you want to just hit ctrl-tab quickly to go to the last document.
I do have a few Extensions installed including Productivity Power Tools, Power Commands and VSVim, and I've also installed a couple of tools for investigating accessibility (NVDA, UIA Verifier in the platform SDK), so it's possible that one of these may have somehow changed the options.
So, my questions are:
Is the default behaviour of VS2010 that the document switch window only works while the Ctrl key is held down, or is my memory faulty?
If the default behaviour is as I remember, how do I get back to that?
I think this turned out to be an accessibility setting that was in a half-enabled state. In the Windows Accessibility settings I toggled the state of Sticky Keys a couple of times and now it's working correctly again.
This has just happened to me, and after some googling I found the solution: it was really the magnifier application I ocassionally started by pressing Win + Grey Plus. Once I have closed it the Visual Studio just worked fine without restart.
Regarding point 2.
Go to Tools : Import and Export Settings. You can then choose to reset the default environment settings again.
Also ensure than it's not an 'add-in' providing functionality different to that you expect.
Same behaviour with VS2012: when the Magnifier application is open (e.g. by pressing Windows logo key‌ + "+" (plus sign)) this behaviour occurs even if the magnification is set to 100%.

How does Microsoft One Note 2010 implement a window that is docked to the desktop?

I just used this feature for the first time - in MS One Note 2010, click on the "Dock to Desktop" button.
The application then literally docks itself to the bottom of the screen. If a window is maximized above it, that window will not overlap or underlap it - the One Note window has become similar to the task bar in terms of its fixed usage of screen real estate.
Come to think of it, I've seen this one other place: the Windows 7 magnifier.
I'm curious to know how this is pulled off? Is it a window attribute that can be applied in a WinForms app or might I have to use the Windows API/C++ to do it? Or is it even trickier than that?
It probably uses SHAppBarMessage; example & a vb6 article simply because it has an illustration.
You will probably have a lot of trouble doing this with WinForms, but it might be possible -- probably, you'll have to do a lot of low level WinAPI stuff with PInvoke to make it work.
