Using libssh library, I have a trouble with ssh_scp_read function - windows

Now I'm trying to download file from server (Linux) to my host (windows).
It looks working well (other functions) but when I'm trying to read file from server. Data in the file is not proper.
for example)
server text file:
Reading file and saving to buffer:
I checked small size text file. It was working well. However now I'm in trouble because text file is bigger than before.
Here is my code.
int scp_receive(ssh_session session)
ssh_scp scp;
int rc;
int size, mode;
char *filename;
char *buffer;
int fd;
scp = ssh_scp_new(session, SSH_SCP_READ, "/home/abc/27");
if (scp == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating scp session: %s\n",
ssh_get_error(session)); return SSH_ERROR;
rc = ssh_scp_init(scp);
if (rc != SSH_OK)
fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing scp session: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session));
return rc;
rc = ssh_scp_pull_request(scp);
fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving information about file: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session));
return SSH_ERROR;
size = ssh_scp_request_get_size(scp);
std::cout << "size is:" << size << std::endl;
filename = strdup(ssh_scp_request_get_filename(scp));
mode = ssh_scp_request_get_permissions(scp);
printf("Receiving file %s, size %d, permisssions 0%o\n", filename, size, mode);
buffer = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
if (buffer == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation error\n");
return SSH_ERROR;
rc = ssh_scp_read(scp, buffer, sizeof(char)*size);
if(rc == SSH_ERROR)
fprintf(stderr, "Error receiving file data: %s\n", ssh_get_error(session));
return rc;
std::cout << buffer << std::endl;
//write(fd, buffer, size);
char path[30];
sprintf(path, "C:/Check/%s", filename);
if (access(path, F_OK) != 0) {
//TODO: file
if(0 < (fd=open(path, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode)))
write(fd, buffer, sizeof(char)*size);
std::cerr << "failed to open" << std::endl;
//rc = ssh_scp_pull_request(scp);
// fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected request: %s\n",ssh_get_error(session));
// return SSH_ERROR;
return SSH_OK;

The issue here is with the libssh read function. It only reads a max of 65536 bytes at once. It won't read anything large than that block size.
If you take a look at the libssh SCP read function here:
You will see the size is limited to 65536.
In your application, you should attempt to read multiple smaller chunks of memory till you finish reading the large text file. And since you have the size of the large text file, this can be done easily via a loop.
I know this is a late answer, but hope this can help someone else having this issue.


sendmsg() with Unix domain socket blocks forever on Mac with specific sizes

I'm sending messages on Unix domain sockets on Mac with sendmsg(). However, it sometimes hangs forever.
I've called getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ...) to get the size of the send buffer. (The default is 2048).
If I try sending a message larger than 2048 bytes, I correctly get
EMSGSIZE and know I need to send a smaller message.
If I try sending a message less than 2036 bytes, the message is sent fine.
If I try sending a message between 2036 and 2048 bytes, the
sendmsg call...hangs forever.
What's going on here? What's the correct way to deal with this? Is it safe to just subtract 13 bytes from the maximum size I try sending, or could I run into issues if e.g. there's other messages in the buffer already?
Here's the (simplified) code I'm using:
// Get the maximum message size
int MaxMessageSize(int socket) {
int sndbuf = 0;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(sndbuf);
if (getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, &optlen) < 0) {
return -1;
return sndbuf;
// Send a message
static int send_chunk(int socket, const char *data, size_t size) {
struct msghdr msg = {0};
char buf[CMSG_SPACE(0)];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
int iov_len = size;
if (iov_len > 512) {
int stat = send_size(socket, iov_len);
if (stat < 0) return stat;
char iov_buf[iov_len];
memcpy(iov_buf, data, size);
struct iovec io = {.iov_base = (void *)iov_buf, .iov_len = iov_len};
msg.msg_iov = &io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = buf;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(buf);
struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);
msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_SPACE(0);
std::cerr << "Attempting to send message of size " << iov_len << std::endl;
ssize_t ret = sendmsg(socket, &msg, 0);
std::cerr << "sendmsg returned: " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;

PRINTER_INFO_6 not available using WIn32 api

I have been trying to get printer status from a DNP rx1 printer, but the status of the printer does not change when I open the tray of the printer. Here is an example using py32win library to access the status and it always return status = 0 event when the tray is open.
device_name = win32print.GetDefaultPrinter()
handle = win32print.OpenPrinter(device_name)
# Get the default properties for the printer
properties = win32print.GetPrinter(handle, 2)
When I try win32print.GetPrinter(handle, 6) # 6 = print_info_6 I get the some NotImplementedException. So my guess is that the firmware of the printer have not implemented print_info_6. So I can't get the status from the printer
I have also tried using powershell with:
Get-Printer | Select Name, PrinterStatus
Also no change in status when I open the tray or if there is a paper jam.
Is there anything that I'm overlooking? Is there anything else I can try to get the status of the printer?
PRINTER_INFO_6 works for me in C++ on Windows 10 1903 with OneNote printer.
And when I pause the printer I get status 0x00000001 (PRINTER_STATUS_PAUSED).
The C++ code I used for testing.
#pragma comment(lib, "Winspool")
int main()
DWORD bufSize;
WCHAR* buf = NULL;
HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
PRINTER_INFO_6 info = {};
DWORD needed;
BOOL result = FALSE;
DWORD err;
// Get required buffer size
result = GetDefaultPrinter(NULL, &bufSize);
err = GetLastError();
std::cout << "GetDefaultPrinter failed with error: \n" << GetLastError();
return 0;
buf = (WCHAR*)calloc(bufSize, sizeof(WCHAR));
result = GetDefaultPrinter(buf, &bufSize);
if (!result)
std::cout << "GetDefaultPrinter failed with error: \n" << GetLastError();
return 0;
std::wcout << "Printer name: " << buf << "\n";
result = OpenPrinter(buf, &hPrinter, NULL);
if (!result)
std::cout << "OpenPrinter failed with error: \n" << GetLastError();
return 0;
result = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 6, (LPBYTE)&info, sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_6), &needed);
if (!result)
err = GetLastError();
std::cout << "GetPrinter failed with error: \n" << GetLastError();
return 0;
BYTE* statBuf = (BYTE*)calloc(needed, sizeof(BYTE));
result = GetPrinter(hPrinter, 6, statBuf, needed, &needed);
if (!result)
std::cout << "GetPrinter failed with error: \n" << GetLastError();
return 0;
std::cout << "Printer status (low 32bit): " << *((DWORD*)statBuf) << "\n";
statBuf += sizeof(DWORD);
std::cout << "Printer status (high 32bit): " << *((DWORD*)statBuf) << "\n";
Some issues I found in testing:
Pinter status defined as a DWORD (4 bytes) in PRINTER_INFO_6 structure but GetPrinter requries 8 bytes for it (needed == 8). So you will get ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER error when you pass a PRINTER_INFO_6 structure as pPrinter parameter.
There is only PRINTER_INFO_6 defined but no _PRINTER_INFO_6W (Unicode) and _PRINTER_INFO_6A (ANSI) mentioned in the document.

Reading Data from a Physical Hard Drive

I am trying to develop a program that goes and finds 2 connected unformatted physical drives and read bytes. The program currently runs in the administrator mode since that's the only way I guess the program can see unformatted hard drives. I am using visual studio 2015 and it runs in windows 7 machine.
The problem is that it can only read multiples of 512 (512 is the sector size). Currently the unformatted hard drives are located in disk 2 and 3 slots (they are both SSDs). It first reads 512 bytes (works without an issue) and doesn't do any more reads if it's a formatted hard drive. If it's an unformatted hard drive it goes ahead and read more bytes. If it's hard drive A it then reads the next 1024 bytes and it works (read_amount = 1024). If it's hard drive B it then reads the next 1025 bytes and it doesn't work (read_amount = 0). I am not sure why it can't read a multiple of a 512/sector sizes. My understanding is that when you call "CreateFile()" function with dwFlagsAndAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, I should be able to read sizes that are not multiples of sector sizes (if you use FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING then you can only read multiples of 512 and I am NOT using that flag). See my code below.
// Hard_Drive_Read.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
// This program assumes you have EXACTLY TWO unformatted hard drives connected to your computer.
#include <Windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 3)
cout << "Need to enter 2 arguments" << endl;
int frames_to_process = atoi(argv[2]);
if (frames_to_process < 1)
cout << "invalid argument 2" << endl;
//HANDLE hDisk_A;
//HANDLE hDisk_B;
LPCTSTR dsksrc = L"\\\\.\\PhysicalDrive";
wchar_t dsk[512] = L"";
bool channel_A_found = false;
bool channel_B_found = false;
char frame_header_A[1024];
char frame_header_B[1025];
char buff_read[512];
DWORD read_amount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
swprintf(dsk, 511, L"%s%d", dsksrc, i);
printf("%s%d%s", "couldn't open the drive ", i, "\n");
printf("%s%d%s", "successfully open the drive ", i, "\n");
BOOL read_success_1 = ReadFile(hDisk, buff_read, 512, &read_amount, NULL);
cout << "read amount 1 - " << read_amount << endl;
if ((read_success_1 == TRUE) && (read_amount == 512))
if ((buff_read[510] == (char)0x55) && (buff_read[511] == (char)0xAA)) // test for a formatted drive; is there other identifiers?
cout << i << " is a formatted drive" << endl;
cout << "Not a formatted drive, trying to find sync " << endl;
ofstream writeBinary_Test;
if (i == 2)
{"file_A_test.bin", ofstream::out | ofstream::binary);
ReadFile(hDisk, frame_header_A, 1024, &read_amount, NULL);
cout << "read amount " << read_amount << endl;
writeBinary_Test.write(frame_header_A, 1024);
else if(i == 3)
{"file_B_test.bin", ofstream::out | ofstream::binary);
ReadFile(hDisk, frame_header_B, 1025, &read_amount, NULL);
cout << "read amount " << read_amount << endl;
writeBinary_Test.write(frame_header_B, 1025);
LARGE_INTEGER distanceToMove;
SetFilePointerEx(hDisk, distanceToMove, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
if (channel_A_found && channel_B_found)
cout << "both drives found" << endl;
if ((channel_A_found == false) || (channel_B_found == false))
cout << "Couldn't Find Hard Drive A or Drive B or Both" << endl;
cout << "Exiting the program" << endl;
return 0;
Eventually, I want to use SetFilePointerEx() to move around the hard drive and I the program has to work with and data size (not multiples of 512). Therefore, it's imperative I can read sizes that's not multiples of 512. Any ideas of how to fix this program? Am I using my flags properly?
Any help is much appreciated!
The documentation for CreateFile says:
Volume handles can be opened as noncached at the discretion of the particular file system, even when the noncached option is not specified in CreateFile. You should assume that all Microsoft file systems open volume handles as noncached. The restrictions on noncached I/O for files also apply to volumes.
Although it doesn't spell it out explicitly, this applies to drives as well as to volumes.
In practice, this isn't a problem. It is straightforward to write a helper function that returns an arbitrary amount of data from an arbitrary offset, while performing only aligned reads.
It's imperative I can read sizes that's not multiples of 512.
That is not possible. For direct access of a disk, you can only read and write multiples of the sector size. Furthermore, you must align your read and write operations. That is the file pointer must be at a multiple of the sector size.
If you want to present an interface that allows arbitrary seeking, reading and writing, then you will need to implement your own buffering on top of the aligned raw disk access.

Fetching Data with winapi

I've found on google this code and adapted somewhat. As far as that goes without problems. However, I have much in the output file at the very beginning of a blank line to. I do not know how I can get off this.
I try to get data from a php.
$echo "hello file";
And the C++
int main()
HINTERNET connect = InternetOpen("MyBrowser",0 ,0, 0, 0);
cout<<"Connection Failed or Syntax error";
return 0;
HINTERNET OpenAddress = InternetOpenUrl(connect,", 0, 0, 0, 0);
if ( !OpenAddress )
DWORD ErrorNum = GetLastError();
cout<<"Failed to open URL \nError No: "<<ErrorNum;
return 0;
char DataReceived[4096];
DWORD NumberOfBytesRead = 0;
ofstream data;"output.txt");
while(InternetReadFile(OpenAddress, DataReceived, 4096,
&NumberOfBytesRead) && NumberOfBytesRead) {
data<< DataReceived;
system( "pause" );
In the file at the beginning of a blank line is too much. How do I remove them?
You have a buffer overflow if InternetReadFile() actually reads 4096 bytes. You do not need to null-terminate the buffer, just write the buffer as-is up to the number of bytes actually read by using the write() method instead of the << operator:
int main()
HINTERNET connect = InternetOpen("MyBrowser",0 ,0, 0, 0);
if (!connect)
cout << "Connection Failed or Syntax error";
return 0;
HINTERNET OpenAddress = InternetOpenUrl(connect, "", 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (!OpenAddress)
DWORD ErrorNum = GetLastError();
cout << "Failed to open URL" << endl << " Error No: " << ErrorNum;
return 0;
ofstream data("output.txt");
if (!data)
cout << "Failed to open txt file";
return 0;
char DataReceived[4096];
DWORD NumberOfBytesRead = 0;
if (!InternetReadFile(OpenAddress, DataReceived, 4096, &NumberOfBytesRead))
DWORD ErrorNum = GetLastError();
cout << "Failed to read from URL" << endl << " Error No: " << ErrorNum;
return 0;
if (NumberOfBytesRead == 0)
data.write(DataReceived, NumberOfBytesRead);
while (true);
cout << "Finished reading from URL";
system( "pause" );
return 0;
With that said, if you are still seeing the extra line appear in the file, then use a packet sniffer to check the data actually being transmitted by PHP and make sure it is not sending an extra blank line to begin with. If it is, then you need to address the issue on the PHP side, not the client side.

Problem reconnecting to the named pipe

I have a named pipe server and client. (Doing this in VC++).
Server does
Repeat from 2 to 4
Client does
The order of execution is as follows,
Server -- CreateNamedPipe
Client -- CreateFile
Server -- ConnectNamedPipe (should return immediately as the client is already connected)
Server -- WriteFile
Client -- ReadFile
Server -- DisconnectNamedPipe
Client -- CloseHandle
goto 2
This works fine for the first time. However problem occurs when client tries to connects for the second time. When the client tries to connect (CreateFile) for the second time before the server did ConnectNamedPipe (but after disconnectnamedpipe), it gets ERROR_PIPE_BUSY. It works if client calls createfile after the server calls ConnectNamedPipe.
Is there anyway that i can get client connected (CreateFile) before server called ConnectNamedPipe (after DisconnectNamedPipe)?
Server code:
pipe_handle.pipe = CreateNamedPipe(TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1"),
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // input buffer size
2000, // client time-out
if (pipe_handle.pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
std::cout << "Error while creating pipe" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout <<"Connecting to named pipe" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "Somebody connected to named pipe" << std::endl;
int ac;
for (ac=0; ac<2; ac++) {
char a[25];
// Wait for some input. This helps me to start the client in other terminal.
cin >> a;
cout << "Connecting..." << endl;
ConnectNamedPipe(pipe_handle.pipe, 0);
cout << "Connect pipe returned." << endl;
// Wait for some input.
cin >> a;
string message = "Test message";
DWORD bytes_written;
if (!WriteFile(pipe_handle.pipe, message.c_str(), message.size(),
&bytes_written, NULL)) {
DWORD er = GetLastError();
char errs[200];
sprintf(errs, "Error : %ld", er);
std::cout << "Error communicating to client.";
std::cout << errs;
std::cout << "Written to pipe";
if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe_handle.pipe)) {
std::cout << "Disconnect failed"<< GetLastError() << endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Disconnect successful"<<endl;
Client Code:
while (1) {
std::cout << "Returned" << std::endl;
hPipe = CreateFile(
lpszPipename, // pipe name
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
// Break if the pipe handle is valid.
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) {
std::cout<< "Could not open pipe " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
return -1;
// All pipe instances are busy, so wait for sometime.
if ( ! WaitNamedPipe(lpszPipename, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT)) {
std::cout<< "Could not open pipe: wait timed out." << std::endl;
memset(&ol1, 0, sizeof(ol1));
ol1.Offset = 0;
ol1.OffsetHigh = 0;
ol1.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
HANDLE events[1];
events[0] = ol1.hEvent;
cbToWrite = (lstrlen(message)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
DWORD bytes_to_read = 2000;
char * buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(bytes_to_read));
DWORD bytes_read;
std::cout << "Waiting for read" << std::endl;
bool a = ReadFile(hPipe, buf, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, &ol1);
if ( ! fSuccess) {
std::cout << "WriteFile to pipe failed. GLE " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Waiting for multiple objects" << std::endl;
WaitForMultipleObjects(1, events, FALSE, INFINITE);
std::cout << "multiple objects returned" << std::endl;
printf("\nMessage sent to server");
If you get ERROR_PIPE_BUSY on the CreateFile() call in the client, you need to call WaitNamedPipe() and then retry when it returns. If you get a return of zero from WaitNamedPipe() that means it timed out without the pipe becoming available. You'll never see that happen if you pass NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER as the timeout.
You also need to keep in mind that the pipe may become busy again between the time WaitNamedPipe() returns and you call CreateFile(); therefore, you need to do it in a loop. Like this:
while (true)
hPipe = CreateFile(pipeName,
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
if (!WaitNamedPipe(pipeName, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT))
continue; // timeout, try again
return false; // error
break; // success
I simplified your code and now it works fine. Working server and client follow.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
HANDLE pipe;
const DWORD BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
pipe = CreateNamedPipe("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1",
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // input buffer size
2000, // client time-out
printf("Error while creating pipe\n");
return -1;
printf("Connecting to named pipe\n");
int ac;
for (ac=0; ac<2; ac++)
// Wait for some input. This helps me to start the client in other terminal.
ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, 0);
printf("Connect pipe returned.\n");
// Wait for some input.
char * message = "Test message";
DWORD bytes_written;
if (!WriteFile(pipe, message, strlen(message)+1, &bytes_written, NULL))
DWORD er = GetLastError();
char errs[200];
sprintf_s(errs, "Error : %ld", er);
printf("Error communicating to client.\n");
printf("Written to pipe\n");
if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe))
printf("Disconnect failed %d\n", GetLastError());
printf("Disconnect successful\n");
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
while (1)
hPipe = CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1",
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
0, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
// Break if the pipe handle is valid.
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
printf("Could not open pipe %d\n", GetLastError());
return -1;
// All pipe instances are busy, so wait for sometime.
if ( ! WaitNamedPipe("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1", NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT))
printf("Could not open pipe: wait timed out.\n");
char *message = "hello";
DWORD cbToWrite = (strlen(message)+1)*sizeof(message[0]);
DWORD bytes_to_read = 2000;
char * buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(bytes_to_read));
DWORD bytes_read;
printf("Waiting for read\n");
bytes_read = 0;
ReadFile(hPipe, buf, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, 0);
if (bytes_read <= 0)
printf("ReadFile from pipe failed. GLE \n");
printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", bytes_read, buf);
return 0;
On the Server side when you decide to break the connection you must use chain:
1) CloseHandle (Pipe);
2) DisconnectNamedPipe (Pipe);
