sendmsg() with Unix domain socket blocks forever on Mac with specific sizes - macos

I'm sending messages on Unix domain sockets on Mac with sendmsg(). However, it sometimes hangs forever.
I've called getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, ...) to get the size of the send buffer. (The default is 2048).
If I try sending a message larger than 2048 bytes, I correctly get
EMSGSIZE and know I need to send a smaller message.
If I try sending a message less than 2036 bytes, the message is sent fine.
If I try sending a message between 2036 and 2048 bytes, the
sendmsg call...hangs forever.
What's going on here? What's the correct way to deal with this? Is it safe to just subtract 13 bytes from the maximum size I try sending, or could I run into issues if e.g. there's other messages in the buffer already?
Here's the (simplified) code I'm using:
// Get the maximum message size
int MaxMessageSize(int socket) {
int sndbuf = 0;
socklen_t optlen = sizeof(sndbuf);
if (getsockopt(socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, &sndbuf, &optlen) < 0) {
return -1;
return sndbuf;
// Send a message
static int send_chunk(int socket, const char *data, size_t size) {
struct msghdr msg = {0};
char buf[CMSG_SPACE(0)];
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
int iov_len = size;
if (iov_len > 512) {
int stat = send_size(socket, iov_len);
if (stat < 0) return stat;
char iov_buf[iov_len];
memcpy(iov_buf, data, size);
struct iovec io = {.iov_base = (void *)iov_buf, .iov_len = iov_len};
msg.msg_iov = &io;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
msg.msg_control = buf;
msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(buf);
struct cmsghdr *cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET;
cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(0);
msg.msg_controllen = CMSG_SPACE(0);
std::cerr << "Attempting to send message of size " << iov_len << std::endl;
ssize_t ret = sendmsg(socket, &msg, 0);
std::cerr << "sendmsg returned: " << ret << std::endl;
return ret;


GetRawInputDeviceInfo indicates a buffer size of 1 character for RIDI_DEVICENAME

I'm getting ridiculous behavior from RIDI_DEVICENAME. According to the documentation,
Return value
Type: UINT
If successful, this function returns a non-negative number indicating the number of bytes copied to pData.
If pData is not large enough for the data, the function returns -1. If pData is NULL, the function returns a value of zero. In both of these cases, pcbSize is set to the minimum size required for the pData buffer.
Call GetLastError to identify any other errors.
Ignoring the obvious problem that -1 is not a representable value in the UINT return type, it seems that the function should tell me the required size of the buffer, and if I supply a buffer of this size, the function should either succeed or at least follow its own rules for failure.
However, I'm not seeing this at all. On Windows 10, the Unicode version of the function sets pcbSize to 1 when pData is null and leaves it alone otherwise, failing in all cases. The ANSI version of the function sets pcbSize to 2 when pData is null, and otherwise doubles whatever value was passed in, and still fails.
Headers used for either version of test code:
#define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN 1
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
ANSI test code:
std::string GetRawInputDeviceName( HANDLE hRaw )
UINT numChars = 0u;
INT validChars;
validChars = static_cast<INT>(::GetRawInputDeviceInfoA(hRaw, RIDI_DEVICENAME, nullptr, &numChars));
auto lasterror = ::GetLastError();
std::wcerr << L"Failed to get length of name of raw input device, retcode = " << validChars << L", last error = " << lasterror << L"\n";
return {};
std::string name;
validChars = static_cast<INT>(::GetRawInputDeviceInfoA(hRaw, RIDI_DEVICENAME, &name[0], &numChars));
lasterror = ::GetLastError();
if (validChars > 0) {
return name;
else {
std::wcerr << L"Failed to get name of raw input device, retcode = " << validChars << L", last error = " << lasterror << L"\n";
return {};
Unicode test code:
std::wstring GetRawInputDeviceName( HANDLE hRaw )
UINT numChars = 0u;
INT validChars;
validChars = static_cast<INT>(::GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(hRaw, RIDI_DEVICENAME, nullptr, &numChars));
auto lasterror = ::GetLastError();
std::wcerr << L"Failed to get length of name of raw input device, retcode = " << validChars << L", last error = " << lasterror << L"\n";
return {};
std::wstring name;
validChars = static_cast<INT>(::GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(hRaw, RIDI_DEVICENAME, &name[0], &numChars));
lasterror = ::GetLastError();
if (validChars > 0) {
return name;
else {
std::wcerr << L"Failed to get name of raw input device, retcode = " << validChars << L", last error = " << lasterror << L"\n";
return {};
On Windows 10 through RDP I'm getting ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER consistently.
On Windows 8.1 running as a local user, I get ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER if pData is null, and when I provide a buffer I get back failure ((UINT)-1) and GetLastError() returns zero.
I've also just tried proposing a likely-large-enough buffer size, and got failures as well.
What is going on, what is the right way to get the interface path name, and do I need administrative rights or to call some other APIs first? I don't seem to be having any problems calling GetRawInputDeviceList or using RIDI_DEVICEINFO mode of GetRawInputDeviceInfo... but I need the interface path in order to go further.
Windows HID Device Name Format
the GetRawInputDeviceName have several errors in declaration / implementation / documentation
by fact more correct declare return value as signed ( LONG or INT) but not UINT
exist 3 case:
1. function return negative value (or if want -1) : this is error
case, and by design - last error must be set. but really it not
always set (implementation error).
most common errors:
pcbSize or pData point to invalid or read only memory location. usual error in this case ERROR_NOACCESS (translated from
hDevice not valid handle - ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE is returned
uiCommand not valid RIDI_XXX constant - ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
*pcbSize is not large enough for the data - in this case *pcbSize is set to the minimum size required for the pData buffer. ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
again - only in this case (-1) exist sense call GetLastError();
2. function return 0 this possible only in case when pData is NULL.
*pcbSize is set to the minimum size required for the pData buffer.
3. function return positive value ( > 0) this mean that this count of
characters (in case RIDI_DEVICENAME) written to buffer
so documentation is wrong here:
[in, out]
Pointer to a variable that contains the size, in bytes, of the data in
in case RIDI_DEVICENAME in characters
so already visible very serious problems with design (type of return value - unsigned) and mixed bytes/characters. many different cases.
but then exist critical error in implementation. in begin of function handle hDevice converted to pointer.
PDEVICEINFO pDeviceInfo = HMValidateHandle(hDevice, TYPE_DEVICEINFO);
(if 0 returned - we got -1 on exit with ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE).
in DEVICEINFO exist UNICODE_STRING ustrName - this name and copied to user mode
switch (uiCommand) {
* N.b. UNICODE_STRING counts the length by the BYTE count, not by the character count.
* Our APIs always treat the strings by the character count. Thus, for RIDI_DEVICNAME
* only, cbOutSize holds the character count, not the byte count, in spite of its
* name. Confusing, but cch is the way to be consistent.
cbOutSize = pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1; // for Null terminator
required cbOutSize compared with cbBufferSize = *pcbSize;
and if (cbBufferSize >= cbOutSize) api begin copy operation
exist next code
if (cbOutSize <= 2) { // !!!! error !!!!
retval = -1;
goto leave;
RtlCopyMemory(pData, pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Buffer, pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length);
((WCHAR*)pData)[1] = '\\'; // convert nt prefix ( \??\ ) to win32 ( \\?\ )
((WCHAR*)pData)[cbOutSize - 1] = 0; // make it null terminated
cbOutSize here - is (len + 1) of device name (which we not control). so if name is zero length - always -1 is returned (error #1) but last error not set ( error #2 )
of course exist and error #3 - why is device name is 0 length ? this must not be. but in case terminal service devices - (virtual mouse/ keyboard device created on UMB bus ) - exist this result.
full code for api ( in kernel)
UINT NtUserGetRawInputDeviceInfo(
HANDLE hDevice,
UINT uiCommand,
PUINT pcbSize)
UINT cbOutSize = 0;
UINT cbBufferSize;
int retval = 0;
EnterCrit(0, UserMode);
UserAtomicCheck uac;
try {
ProbeForRead(pcbSize, sizeof(UINT), sizeof(DWORD));
cbBufferSize = *pcbSize;
UserSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode()));// ERROR_NOACCESS
retval = -1;
goto leave1;
PDEVICEINFO pDeviceInfo = HMValidateHandle(hDevice, TYPE_DEVICEINFO);
if (pDeviceInfo == NULL) {
retval = -1;
goto leave;
* Compute the size of the output and evaluate the uiCommand.
switch (uiCommand) {
if (pDeviceInfo->type == DEVICE_TYPE_HID) {
cbOutSize = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidCollectionInfo.DescriptorSize;
} else {
cbOutSize = 0;
* N.b. UNICODE_STRING counts the length by the BYTE count, not by the character count.
* Our APIs always treat the strings by the character count. Thus, for RIDI_DEVICNAME
* only, cbOutSize holds the character count, not the byte count, in spite of its
* name. Confusing, but cch is the way to be consistent.
cbOutSize = pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1; // for Null terminator
cbOutSize = sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO);
retval = -1;
goto leave;
if (pData == NULL) {
* The app wants to get the required size.
try {
ProbeForWrite(pcbSize, sizeof(UINT), sizeof(DWORD));
*pcbSize = cbOutSize;
UserSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode()));// ERROR_NOACCESS
retval = -1;
goto leave;
retval = 0;
} else {
if (cbBufferSize >= cbOutSize) {
try {
ProbeForWrite(pData, cbBufferSize, sizeof(DWORD));
switch (uiCommand) {
if (pDeviceInfo->type == DEVICE_TYPE_HID) {
RtlCopyMemory(pData, pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->pPreparsedData, cbOutSize);
if (cbOutSize <= 2) { // !!!!
retval = -1;
goto leave;
RtlCopyMemory(pData, pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Buffer, pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length);
((WCHAR*)pData)[1] = '\\'; // make it null terminated
((WCHAR*)pData)[cbOutSize - 1] = 0; // make it null terminated
ProbeForRead(prdi, sizeof(UINT), sizeof(DWORD));
if (prdi->cbSize != cbOutSize) {
ProbeForWrite(prdi, sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO), sizeof(DWORD));
RtlZeroMemory(prdi, sizeof(RID_DEVICE_INFO));
prdi->cbSize = cbOutSize;
switch (pDeviceInfo->type) {
prdi->dwType = RIM_TYPEHID;
prdi->hid.dwVendorId = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidCollectionInfo.VendorID;
prdi->hid.dwProductId = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidCollectionInfo.ProductID;
prdi->hid.dwVersionNumber = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidCollectionInfo.VersionNumber;
prdi->hid.usUsagePage = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidpCaps.UsagePage;
prdi->hid.usUsage = pDeviceInfo->hid.pHidDesc->hidpCaps.Usage;
prdi->dwType = RIM_TYPEMOUSE;
prdi->mouse.dwId = pDeviceInfo->mouse.Attr.MouseIdentifier;
prdi->mouse.dwNumberOfButtons = pDeviceInfo->mouse.Attr.NumberOfButtons;
prdi->mouse.dwSampleRate = pDeviceInfo->mouse.Attr.SampleRate;
prdi->dwType = RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD;
prdi->keyboard.dwType = GET_KEYBOARD_DEVINFO_TYPE(pDeviceInfo);
prdi->keyboard.dwSubType = GET_KEYBOARD_DEVINFO_SUBTYPE(pDeviceInfo);
prdi->keyboard.dwKeyboardMode = pDeviceInfo->keyboard.Attr.KeyboardMode;
prdi->keyboard.dwNumberOfFunctionKeys = pDeviceInfo->keyboard.Attr.NumberOfFunctionKeys;
prdi->keyboard.dwNumberOfIndicators = pDeviceInfo->keyboard.Attr.NumberOfIndicators;
prdi->keyboard.dwNumberOfKeysTotal = pDeviceInfo->keyboard.Attr.NumberOfKeysTotal;
UserSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode()));// ERROR_NOACCESS
retval = -1;
goto leave;
retval = cbOutSize;
} else {
* The buffer size is too small.
* Returns error, storing the required size in *pcbSize.
retval = -1;
try {
ProbeForWrite(pcbSize, sizeof(UINT), sizeof(DWORD));
*pcbSize = cbOutSize;
UserSetLastError(RtlNtStatusToDosError(GetExceptionCode()));// ERROR_NOACCESS
retval = -1;
goto leave;
return retval;
then GetRawInputDeviceInfoA add additional errors compare GetRawInputDeviceInfoW - the value from *pcbSize by some reason multiple on 2. but again - this error in all case.
note that DeviceName (formatted from strings returned from driver on IRP_MN_QUERY_ID have very strict restrictions:
If a driver returns an ID with an illegal character, the system will
bug check. Characters with the following values are illegal in an ID
for this IRP:
Less than or equal to 0x20 (' ')
Greater than 0x7F
Equal to 0x2C (',')
so even after covert unicode to ansi - length of device name will be the same ( all symbols < 0x80 ). so not need *2 buffer size for Ansi version.
then i already view error in your code - you call ::GetLastError(); unconditionally after GetRawInputDeviceInfoW - but returned value have sense only in case api return -1
explain for observed behavior:
for local devices api in general work correct (if no mistakes in our code)
for terminal service devices - was 0 length ustrName. as result if we pass NULL in pData - return value will be
pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length / sizeof(WCHAR) + 1;
because pDeviceInfo->ustrName.Length == 0 - 1 will be returned inside *pcbSize
in case A version - -by mistake - 2*1==2 will be returned.
but when e pass not NULL in pData - we trap in this
if (cbOutSize <= 2) { // !!!! error !!!!
retval = -1;
goto leave;
so you can pass any by size buffer, anyway, because (cbOutSize <= 2) - -1 will be returned and last error not set
possible solution - at first - never use ansi version - GetRawInputDeviceInfoA
use this wrapper function.
ULONG GetRawInputDeviceInfoExW(_In_opt_ HANDLE hDevice,
_In_ UINT uiCommand,
_Inout_updates_bytes_to_opt_(*pcbSize, *pcbSize) LPVOID pData,
_Inout_ PUINT pcbSize)
switch (int i = GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(hDevice, uiCommand, pData, pcbSize))
case 0:
case 1:
if (0 > i)
return GetLastError();
*pcbSize = i;
return NOERROR;
example of usage: (/RTCs must be disabled )
void Demo()
UINT uiNumDevices = 0;
UINT cch, cchAllocated = 0;
union {
PVOID buf;
PWSTR name;
buf = 0;
while (0 <= (int)GetRawInputDeviceList(pRawInputDeviceList, &uiNumDevices, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST)))
if (pRawInputDeviceList)
HANDLE hDevice = pRawInputDeviceList->hDevice;
ULONG dwError;
GetRawInputDeviceInfoExW(hDevice, RIDI_DEVICENAME, name, &(cch = cchAllocated))))
if (cch > cchAllocated)
cchAllocated = RtlPointerToOffset(buf = alloca((cch - cchAllocated) * sizeof(WCHAR)),
pRawInputDeviceList) / sizeof(WCHAR);
if (dwError == NOERROR)
DbgPrint("[%p, %x %S]\n", hDevice, pRawInputDeviceList->dwType, name);
DbgPrint("error = %u\n", dwError);
} while (pRawInputDeviceList++, --uiNumDevices);
pRawInputDeviceList = (PRAWINPUTDEVICELIST)alloca(uiNumDevices * sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICELIST));
This code is working fine on my PC. Not sure, but it indeed could be RDP issue.
UINT result = ::GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(m_Handle, RIDI_DEVICENAME, nullptr, &size);
if (result == static_cast<UINT>(-1))
//PLOG(ERROR) << "GetRawInputDeviceInfo() failed";
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(0u, result);
std::wstring buffer(size, 0);
result = ::GetRawInputDeviceInfoW(m_Handle, RIDI_DEVICENAME,, &size);
if (result == static_cast<UINT>(-1))
//PLOG(ERROR) << "GetRawInputDeviceInfo() failed";
return false;
DCHECK_EQ(size, result);

Is it possible to broadcast messages in named pipe between a server and multiple clients?

I am new to pipes and interprocess communication in windows. I want to use named pipe to communicate between processes. But in my case I should send message to multiple clients, so I want to check is it possible to send broadcast messages in named pipe communication.
Thank you in advance.
This namedpipe client will broadcast 40 messages one message per second which will be received one of the multiple servers which are connected to same pipe.
NamedPipe Client
std::wcout << L"I am broadcasting messages!\n";
TCHAR chReadBuf[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
LPTSTR lpszWrite= TEXT("Default message from client");
DWORD cbRead = 0;
TCHAR szTempFolderPath[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
TCHAR aTempFileName[_MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
for (int i=0; i<40;i++)
std::wcout<< lpszWrite << std::endl;
CallNamedPipe(L"\\\\.\\pipe\\my_pipe", lpszWrite, (lstrlen(lpszWrite) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), chReadBuf, (_MAX_PATH * _MAX_PATH) * sizeof(TCHAR), &cbRead, NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER);
Create multiple namedpipe servers each server is using same pipe, which is used by namedpipe client to broadcast message.
NamedPipe Server
HANDLE m_hPipe = nullptr;
do {
BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
DWORD cbRead;
ConnectNamedPipe(m_hPipe, NULL);
fSuccess = ReadFile(
m_hPipe, // pipe handle
chReadBuf, // buffer to receive reply
(MAX_PATH * MAX_PATH) * sizeof(TCHAR), // size of buffer
&cbRead, // number of bytes read
NULL); // not overlapped
chReadBuf[cbRead] = '\0';
std::wcout <<L"Received by Server 1" << chReadBuf << std::endl;
} while (1);
Make note that all your servers should use same pipename as given in above code \\.\pipe\my_pipe
Broadcasted message will be received by only one server at a time, out of multiple servers.

wcstombs & allocating memory for character array on heap

I'm reading a file with a single wide character line in it. But, I never know how long it is going to be. I've read this into a std::wstring, inString, and have managed to create the multi byte string out of thin air (Q1 - are these called r-values?). Q2 - Now, how do I allocate memory for this in the heap and obtain a smart pointer to it ? I do not want to use new or malloc (and call free or delete eventually) or any constant to store it on the stack (for I can never know the max length). Q3 - Can I make use of the make_shared or make_unique function templates here ? Q4 - To be specific, can I get a pointer like shared_ptr<char> pointing to the char array allocated on the heap ?
I tried something like the following,
std::shared_ptr<char> MBString(const_cast<char*>(std::string(inString.begin(), inString.end()).c_str()));
it did not work. I tried a few suggestions on the internet but I don't know how to do it yet.
Q5 - Let alone Wide char to multi -byte conversion, in general, how do I allocate an arbitrary length char string on the heap and get a smart pointer to it ?
std::wfstream inFile(L"lengthUnkown.txt", std::ios::in);
std::wstring inString;
inFile >> inString;
std::wcout << inString << std::endl; //prints correctly
std::cout << (const_cast<char*>(std::string(inString.begin(), inString.end()).c_str())) << std::endl; //this prints the line correctly as expected
//convert wide character string to multi-byte on the heap pointed, to by MBString
//std::cout << MBString << std::endl; //I want to print the multi-byte string like this
return 0;
Not resource optimal but reliable:
wchar_t* mb2wstr(const char* inval) {
size_t size = std::strlen(inval);
#define OUTSZ (size+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)
auto buf = (wchar_t*)std::malloc(OUTSZ);
std::memset(buf, 0, OUTSZ);
std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // необходима, чтобы отработала "mbstowcs"
size = std::mbstowcs(buf, inval, size);
if ( size == (size_t)(-1) ) {
buf = nullptr;
} else {
buf = (wchar_t*)std::realloc(buf,OUTSZ);
return buf;
#undef OUTSZ
char* wstr2mb(const wchar_t* inval) {
size_t size = std::wcslen(inval);
#define OUTSZ (size+1)*MB_CUR_MAX // Maximum length of a multibyte character in the current locale
auto buf = (char*)std::malloc(OUTSZ);
std::memset(buf, 0, OUTSZ);
std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // необходима, чтобы отработала "wcstombs"
size = std::wcstombs(buf, inval, size*sizeof(wchar_t));
if ( size == (size_t)(-1) ) {
buf = nullptr;
} else {
buf = (char*)std::realloc(buf,size+1);
return buf;
#undef OUTSZ
const std::string pwchar2string(const wchar_t* inval) {
char* tmp = wstr2mb(inval);
string out{tmp};
return out;
const std::wstring pchar2wstring(const char* inval) {
wchar_t* tmp = mb2wstr(inval);
wstring out{tmp};
return out;
const wstring string2wstring(const string& value) {
return pchar2wstring(value.c_str());
const string wstring2string(const wstring& value) {
return pwchar2string(value.c_str());
const wchar_t* char2wchar(const char* value) {
return pchar2wstring(value).c_str();
const char* wchar2char(const wchar_t* value) {
return pwchar2string(value).c_str();

OS freeze while trying to send UDP packet from linux kernel

I'm modifying UDP to implement a custom protocol. After UDP connect establishes a route, I want to send a custom UDP packet to the destination (like a SYN packet in TCP). When I try the connect() socket function on a machine running my custom kernel, it freezes without writing out anything to the kernel log. Here's my code
int quic_connect(struct sock *sk, struct flowi4 *fl4, struct rtable *rt){
struct sk_buff *skb, *buff;
struct inet_cork cork;
struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
struct sk_buff_head queue;
char *hello;
int err = 0, exthdrlen, hh_len, datalen, trailerlen;
char *data;
hh_len = LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->;
exthdrlen = rt->dst.header_len;
trailerlen = rt->dst.trailer_len;
datalen = 200;
//Create a buffer to be send without fragmentation
skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk,
exthdrlen + datalen + hh_len + trailerlen + 15,
if (skb == NULL)
goto out;
skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL; // Use hardware checksum
skb->csum = 0;
skb_reserve(skb, hh_len);
skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags = 1; //Time stamp the packet
* Find where to start putting bytes.
data = skb_put(skb, datalen + exthdrlen);
skb_set_network_header(skb, exthdrlen);
skb->transport_header = (skb->network_header +
sizeof(struct iphdr));
* Put the packet on the pending queue.
__skb_queue_tail(&queue, skb);
cork.flags = 0;
cork.addr = 0;
cork.opt = NULL;
ipc.opt = NULL;
ipc.tx_flags = 0;
ipc.ttl = 0;
ipc.tos = -1;
ipc.addr = fl4->daddr;
err = ip_setup_cork(sk, &cork, &ipc, &rt);
buff = __ip_make_skb(sk, fl4, &queue, &cork);
err = PTR_ERR(buff);
if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buff))
err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4);
return err;
The function quic_connect is called at the end of the ip4_datagram_connect function which is the registered handler for UDP connect.
There is absolutely nothing in the kernel log.
What am I doing wrong here?
**EDIT 1: **The problem occurs at err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4); as there is no issue when I comment out that line. so I'm assuming my sk_buff has not been formed correctly. Any ideas why?

Problem reconnecting to the named pipe

I have a named pipe server and client. (Doing this in VC++).
Server does
Repeat from 2 to 4
Client does
The order of execution is as follows,
Server -- CreateNamedPipe
Client -- CreateFile
Server -- ConnectNamedPipe (should return immediately as the client is already connected)
Server -- WriteFile
Client -- ReadFile
Server -- DisconnectNamedPipe
Client -- CloseHandle
goto 2
This works fine for the first time. However problem occurs when client tries to connects for the second time. When the client tries to connect (CreateFile) for the second time before the server did ConnectNamedPipe (but after disconnectnamedpipe), it gets ERROR_PIPE_BUSY. It works if client calls createfile after the server calls ConnectNamedPipe.
Is there anyway that i can get client connected (CreateFile) before server called ConnectNamedPipe (after DisconnectNamedPipe)?
Server code:
pipe_handle.pipe = CreateNamedPipe(TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1"),
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // input buffer size
2000, // client time-out
if (pipe_handle.pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
std::cout << "Error while creating pipe" << std::endl;
return -1;
std::cout <<"Connecting to named pipe" << std::endl;
std::cout<< "Somebody connected to named pipe" << std::endl;
int ac;
for (ac=0; ac<2; ac++) {
char a[25];
// Wait for some input. This helps me to start the client in other terminal.
cin >> a;
cout << "Connecting..." << endl;
ConnectNamedPipe(pipe_handle.pipe, 0);
cout << "Connect pipe returned." << endl;
// Wait for some input.
cin >> a;
string message = "Test message";
DWORD bytes_written;
if (!WriteFile(pipe_handle.pipe, message.c_str(), message.size(),
&bytes_written, NULL)) {
DWORD er = GetLastError();
char errs[200];
sprintf(errs, "Error : %ld", er);
std::cout << "Error communicating to client.";
std::cout << errs;
std::cout << "Written to pipe";
if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe_handle.pipe)) {
std::cout << "Disconnect failed"<< GetLastError() << endl;
} else {
std::cout << "Disconnect successful"<<endl;
Client Code:
while (1) {
std::cout << "Returned" << std::endl;
hPipe = CreateFile(
lpszPipename, // pipe name
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
// Break if the pipe handle is valid.
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY) {
std::cout<< "Could not open pipe " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
return -1;
// All pipe instances are busy, so wait for sometime.
if ( ! WaitNamedPipe(lpszPipename, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT)) {
std::cout<< "Could not open pipe: wait timed out." << std::endl;
memset(&ol1, 0, sizeof(ol1));
ol1.Offset = 0;
ol1.OffsetHigh = 0;
ol1.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
HANDLE events[1];
events[0] = ol1.hEvent;
cbToWrite = (lstrlen(message)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR);
DWORD bytes_to_read = 2000;
char * buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(bytes_to_read));
DWORD bytes_read;
std::cout << "Waiting for read" << std::endl;
bool a = ReadFile(hPipe, buf, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, &ol1);
if ( ! fSuccess) {
std::cout << "WriteFile to pipe failed. GLE " << GetLastError() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Waiting for multiple objects" << std::endl;
WaitForMultipleObjects(1, events, FALSE, INFINITE);
std::cout << "multiple objects returned" << std::endl;
printf("\nMessage sent to server");
If you get ERROR_PIPE_BUSY on the CreateFile() call in the client, you need to call WaitNamedPipe() and then retry when it returns. If you get a return of zero from WaitNamedPipe() that means it timed out without the pipe becoming available. You'll never see that happen if you pass NMPWAIT_WAIT_FOREVER as the timeout.
You also need to keep in mind that the pipe may become busy again between the time WaitNamedPipe() returns and you call CreateFile(); therefore, you need to do it in a loop. Like this:
while (true)
hPipe = CreateFile(pipeName,
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
if (!WaitNamedPipe(pipeName, NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT))
continue; // timeout, try again
return false; // error
break; // success
I simplified your code and now it works fine. Working server and client follow.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
HANDLE pipe;
const DWORD BUFFER_SIZE = 1024;
pipe = CreateNamedPipe("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1",
FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // read/write access
PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe
PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode
PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode
BUFFER_SIZE, // output buffer size
BUFFER_SIZE, // input buffer size
2000, // client time-out
printf("Error while creating pipe\n");
return -1;
printf("Connecting to named pipe\n");
int ac;
for (ac=0; ac<2; ac++)
// Wait for some input. This helps me to start the client in other terminal.
ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, 0);
printf("Connect pipe returned.\n");
// Wait for some input.
char * message = "Test message";
DWORD bytes_written;
if (!WriteFile(pipe, message, strlen(message)+1, &bytes_written, NULL))
DWORD er = GetLastError();
char errs[200];
sprintf_s(errs, "Error : %ld", er);
printf("Error communicating to client.\n");
printf("Written to pipe\n");
if (!DisconnectNamedPipe(pipe))
printf("Disconnect failed %d\n", GetLastError());
printf("Disconnect successful\n");
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
while (1)
hPipe = CreateFile("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1",
0, // no sharing
NULL, // default security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // opens existing pipe
0, // default attributes
NULL); // no template file
// Break if the pipe handle is valid.
// Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_PIPE_BUSY)
printf("Could not open pipe %d\n", GetLastError());
return -1;
// All pipe instances are busy, so wait for sometime.
if ( ! WaitNamedPipe("\\\\.\\pipe\\testpipe1", NMPWAIT_USE_DEFAULT_WAIT))
printf("Could not open pipe: wait timed out.\n");
char *message = "hello";
DWORD cbToWrite = (strlen(message)+1)*sizeof(message[0]);
DWORD bytes_to_read = 2000;
char * buf = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(bytes_to_read));
DWORD bytes_read;
printf("Waiting for read\n");
bytes_read = 0;
ReadFile(hPipe, buf, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read, 0);
if (bytes_read <= 0)
printf("ReadFile from pipe failed. GLE \n");
printf("Read %d bytes: %s\n", bytes_read, buf);
return 0;
On the Server side when you decide to break the connection you must use chain:
1) CloseHandle (Pipe);
2) DisconnectNamedPipe (Pipe);
