How to build two different jar packages with maven-assembly-plugin? - maven

My project consists of three maven packages and application class (in default package). The existing configuration (defined in pom.xml) uses maven-assembly-plugin to create single executable jar-with-dependencies.
I'd like to add an execution *descriptorRef* \ whatever to create a distributalbe jar package that will contain only classes from two packages out of three (one is a mock-up).
Is it possible?
If I define an configuration can I make it relate to one but not the other?

I have absolutely done this. You can configure multiple executions of the Maven Jar Plugin in the package phase and specify different includes / excludes for each execution.
See Maven Jar Plugin documentation, particularly the section entitled: "How to create an additional attached jar artifact from the project."
If you must use the Assembly plugin, you should just create a new assembly descriptor using the jar-with-dependencies as a template, but adding the inclusions / exclusions to your liking.


Add non-osgi jars to RCP4 project

I am building an RCP4 application.
I have two non-osgi jars called a.jar and b.jar. Both jars have tons of non-osgi dependencies. One of the dependencies of a.jar is b.jar. So the hierarchy looks like this:
My application
Some of the bDependencyN.jars are different versions of the aDependencyN.jars
(An example is commons-logging-1.0.4.jar vs commons-logging-1.1.2.jar)
I need to directly reference a.jar and b.jar from my RCP4 application. In other words, when I write code, I will import packages from a.jar and b.jar)
Which is the best approach:
Use bnd 2.4 via command-line to turn all non-osgi jars into osgi ones. I then add every jar to my project via target file
Create a new project "Plug-in from existing JAR archives", and select a.jar and all of its dependencies and export it as a "deployable plugin and fragment" called a.with.libs.jar. I do the same with b.jar and create b.with.libs.jar. I then add those 2 new jars to my project via target file
Create a new project "Plug-in from existing JAR archives", and select a.jar and all of its dependencies, and b.jar and all of its dependencies and export it as a "deployable plugin and fragment" called ab.with.libs.jar. I then add the new jar to my project via target file
Is there a better approach than the suggestions above?
One option is to use bnd-platform (I am also the author) to manage third party dependencies and create OSGi bundles from them. You can use it with both dependencies retrieved from Maven repositories and local Jars (see the README). When you configure a Maven dependency it will also include the transitive dependencies. Under the hood it uses bnd. If needed you can also customize how the Jars are wrapped. bnd-platform is a plugin for Gradle, you can easily start with this template - just add your dependencies and provide the configuration as described in the project README (bundle symbolic names, versions) and run gradlew bundles. The created bundles can then be added to the target platform. You can also use bnd-platform to build a p2 repository / update site.

Parent pom calling multiple builds on child with parameters

My parent pom has multiple children and one of them packages war and the rest jar. The unusual circumstance is that the war child project should generate two wars that are almost identical minus some minor configuration settings.
The way I do it at the child level is:
mvn install -Drepl.val=val1
which creates a war named inst1 that contains a properties file containing val.
When I run
mvn install -Drepl.val=val2
It creates inst2.war containing a properties file with the token replaced with val2 etc.
How can I configure the parent pom to call two builds on this sub project and submit the parameters and repl.val through the pom configuration that I, in the above example, supply via command line?
You can create two wars or two jars using single pom (but it not recommended as it violates the basic concept of maven: modularity) by two ways.
Using maven profiles. You can configure the configuration of the war plugin differently in the profile and enable it using -P argument when you call maven
Using two separate configuration of the war plugin. You can bind the war goal to the package lifecycle phase mulitiple times to generate multiple artefacts.

include source files in war maven

I want to include source files also in Maven - War file . Some plugins in maven will do that but they are including source files in classes folder. But my requirement is that when I import the same war file again into eclipse I should be able to work on that war like any other normal war.
Basically I should be able to work on the same war after importing it to eclipse when I build maven project. (I'm using maven3. )
I remember that's not trivial because the war-plugin doesn't support the handy includes-configuration-element you know from the jar-plugin by default.
Therefore I suggest you to use the maven-assembly-plugin to configure the inclusion of your sourcefiles. You only need to define an assembly descriptor, where you list includes and excludes of your war-package. Maybe you can reuse one of the predefinied assembly descriptors to save some time.

How to include dependency files in maven assembly

I have a maven project which is configured (via the use of pom.xml and assembly.xml) to package a zip file containing both the compiled webapp (war file) and all files under src/main/folder alongside it whenever we run mvn clean package assembly:single.
This project imports/uses another maven project (which becomes a jar file) and that project in turn also imports/uses a third maven project (again a jar file).
The third project also contains some files inside src/main/folder as well which I'd like to be placed alongside the other files in the zip file whenever I build the main project (the one on top of the chain that becomes a war file).
Is it possible somehow to tell maven to include all files in a specific folder inside all it's dependencies (Or in one specific dependency) alongside in the zip file?
Start here: Maven: The Complete Reference - 8.5. Controlling the Contents of an Assembly
Note that if you deploy a Maven project with assembly:assembly (which you really should configure as a <build> plugin, not use on the command line), the assemblies get "attached" to the project and installed in the repository. You can then reach them using the Maven dependency notation, i.e. mygroup:myartifact:extrafiles:zip
I've found the Assembly descriptor <dependencySets> cumbersome to configure. They really are for the simple case (including the JAR files your application needs at runtime).
Here is the general approach I would take for your desired outcome:
Use Maven Dependency Plugin dependency:copy to download the specific files from the other projects, placing them under a sub-directory of target/
Configure your assembly descriptor to add those downloaded/extracted files to your final assembly artifact.
Alternatively, hack something together using Maven Ant Run Plugin.
You will need to produce an additional assembly from the third project to package up the extra files. Append the assembly id so it produces a package named something like
Then add this as a dependency of your first project using <type>extrafiles</type> in the dependency descriptor. In the assembly for the first project you'll have to tell it to "unpack" the dependencies of this type (so you don't get a zip in a zip)

Javadoc creation with maven

We have created a new artifact to generate javadoc. We have 40 artifacts defined as dependencies. Task is to create javadoc.jar and html pages for the 40 dependency artifacts.
Whats the best approach to achieve this in maven?
This is very unusual. Javadoc works on sources, not compiled classes, whereas maven dependencies reference classes, not sources.
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
run javadoc on that folder
create a jar using the maven-assembly-plugin
attach that jar to the build using the buildhelper plugin
On re-reading the question: I'm assuming that you want to create combined docs of all dependencies. If not, you'll need 40 separate executions each of the javadoc, assembly and buildhelper plugins. Good luck with that.
A slightly more automated approach than the answer above:
So to make this work you'll have to do all of this:
since this is a dedicated javadoc artifact, it won't have a main JAR artifact, so you'll probably want to set the packaging to POM
make sure all your referenced artifacts have attached sources
add <classifier>sources</classifier> to all your dependencies
unpack all dependencies to a common root folder using dependency:unpack-dependencies
Change your sources directory to where you unpacked all the dependencies
Use the source plugin to manage all the Javadoc generation and deployment
