include source files in war maven - maven

I want to include source files also in Maven - War file . Some plugins in maven will do that but they are including source files in classes folder. But my requirement is that when I import the same war file again into eclipse I should be able to work on that war like any other normal war.
Basically I should be able to work on the same war after importing it to eclipse when I build maven project. (I'm using maven3. )

I remember that's not trivial because the war-plugin doesn't support the handy includes-configuration-element you know from the jar-plugin by default.
Therefore I suggest you to use the maven-assembly-plugin to configure the inclusion of your sourcefiles. You only need to define an assembly descriptor, where you list includes and excludes of your war-package. Maybe you can reuse one of the predefinied assembly descriptors to save some time.


Maven - load all jars inside a system folder

Is there a way we can load all the jar files inside a folder, as dependencies in a maven project.
So that, I do not have to mention each and every jar files in pom.xml, just mention or tell maven to pick all the jar files from folder 'x' and build the system.
Is this supported by maven?
I think this is supported by ant. Not sure whether gradle supports either.
you see that you can reference single files, but there is no mechanism for directories. As I mentioned in the comment, using the disk is discouraged in general.
If you need the same set of dependencies in many projects, you can write a pom for that and use it (as parent or by setting a dependency to it).

Maven Shade assemble order

When I use Maven Shade to build my assembly jar, some properties files will be replaced if they have the same file name, for example, "logback.xml". I have my own logback.xml in my project, however, it exists in other 3rd jars, too.
How can it be configured to use project's properties files in prior?
Hi you can try filtering out files that you dont want to be included. See here.

Maven update contents of an EAR file

I have an EAR file which I want to update. I do this in Ant by unzipping the EAR and then the JAR, replacing a few files and then repackaging it.
I am trying the same with Maven but with little success and it is also confusing.
So far I have done
1) installing the EAR file in the local maven repository
2) unpack it
3) Replace the file I need
Now I am not sure how to get back the new EAR file. Everything is in the repository.
From my understanding, the EAR plugin packs everything in the ejb, war folders and spits out the ear. But since I directly got the EAR file, I do not have any project per se.
Any suggestions on this?
Also is there a good tutorial on Maven?
You should probably perform the following steps, using a "blank" Maven project and assuming the EAR file is already inside a repository (pushed by another project/tool):
use the dependency:unpack mojo to get and unpack (inside the /target/ folder of your project) the EAR
modify the contents
use the assembly plugin to repack that EAR file
Then do what you need to do with that new EAR file.
A "blank" Maven project would mean that it will not act as a usual project (compile sources, package output...), but rather serve to manipulate existing artifacts through specific plugins.

How to include dependency files in maven assembly

I have a maven project which is configured (via the use of pom.xml and assembly.xml) to package a zip file containing both the compiled webapp (war file) and all files under src/main/folder alongside it whenever we run mvn clean package assembly:single.
This project imports/uses another maven project (which becomes a jar file) and that project in turn also imports/uses a third maven project (again a jar file).
The third project also contains some files inside src/main/folder as well which I'd like to be placed alongside the other files in the zip file whenever I build the main project (the one on top of the chain that becomes a war file).
Is it possible somehow to tell maven to include all files in a specific folder inside all it's dependencies (Or in one specific dependency) alongside in the zip file?
Start here: Maven: The Complete Reference - 8.5. Controlling the Contents of an Assembly
Note that if you deploy a Maven project with assembly:assembly (which you really should configure as a <build> plugin, not use on the command line), the assemblies get "attached" to the project and installed in the repository. You can then reach them using the Maven dependency notation, i.e. mygroup:myartifact:extrafiles:zip
I've found the Assembly descriptor <dependencySets> cumbersome to configure. They really are for the simple case (including the JAR files your application needs at runtime).
Here is the general approach I would take for your desired outcome:
Use Maven Dependency Plugin dependency:copy to download the specific files from the other projects, placing them under a sub-directory of target/
Configure your assembly descriptor to add those downloaded/extracted files to your final assembly artifact.
Alternatively, hack something together using Maven Ant Run Plugin.
You will need to produce an additional assembly from the third project to package up the extra files. Append the assembly id so it produces a package named something like
Then add this as a dependency of your first project using <type>extrafiles</type> in the dependency descriptor. In the assembly for the first project you'll have to tell it to "unpack" the dependencies of this type (so you don't get a zip in a zip)

Maven build - include classes in projects /src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes

We have to build ontop of an application that we did not develop and we need to include some classes from the Jar's WEB-INF directory. How do we get maven to do this? The eclipse deployment directory includes this for local deploy but the built war looks different and does not include the files we place in the source.
You can use the dependency plugin unpack dependency option to unpack from a dependency and output it to a location you desired.
Or alternatively, you can use the maven assembly plugin's unpack describtor to achieve the same thing.
