flash generated system.img to Nexus S, then cannot boot up (stuck at *android* screen) - boot

I got android gingerbread source:
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b gingerbread && repo sync
Then, I built it:
lunch full_crespo-eng && make -j4
Then, I flash images:
fastboot flash system system.img && fastboot reboot
Then stuck at android screen, cannot boot the system up. Have you ever met this? What am I missing?
Build host: Ubuntu 12.04
Later edit: Fortunately I still can adb into the phone. I simply ps to list processes: I found it stopped at the point after zygote forking system_server. The system_server did not start other stuffs properly. Anybody saw this issue earlier? Any hint? Thank you

Solution: Get factory images, replace included system.img with the one just generated. Flash factory images.


docker desktop Preferences settings page is not loading and state is docker desktop is starting from forever

Main issue is docker desktop is not starting in mac &
The status bar is showing docker desktop is starting but this process is not ending
I tried system reboot multiple times, Reinstallation of different docker desktop versions but didn't help.
I found answers which mentioned to change the Preferences -> Settings and allocation of different memory and core to docker desktop here but settings page is also in endless loading state
Internet speed ~10MBps| mac OS 10.14 Mojave | 16GB RAM|. Please help fixing it
When Docker preference setting page is not working
Click on Docker desktop icon >> Preferences ( This page is not loading) >> Click on the Troubleshoot icon ( top right corner with a bug image placeholder) >> Reset to factory defaults
I've been trying so many things to make it work and the only thing that worked for me in Windows was running this in cmd
"C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCli.exe" -SwitchDaemon
I took this on Docker cannot start on Windows
Try this: Github Link it works for me!
I found a magical solution, first open the docker preferences settings, and then click the docker icon in the status bar to select restart. At this time, you will be surprised to find that the settings UI is no longer in the loading state, then select Kubernetes in this short time, cancel the enable Kubernetes option, finally click the application below and restart. docker returned to normal. All this should be caused by Kubernetes not starting normally.
Docker version
macOS High Sieera 10.13.6
On my side I had a similar issue on my Windows machine.
It was probably caused by a forced shutdown after sleep mode (perhaps no more battery).
I tried many things like restarting the Services but it was not working when I started to watch the folder .docker in my home directory.
I did this:
I first stopped my Docker Desktop process
then I deleted the file named .token_seed.lock in ${USER_HOME}/.docker/
Start the Docker Desktop from the shortcut
and after that my Docker was running without any issue and my stored images were correctly displayed (and starting / stopping properly).
Docker demon isn’t responding all your need is
Quit docker desktop.
force quit all docker processes in activity monitor (this should force stop the demon).
start docker desktop again.
I was having the same issue and what it solved it was to force Docker using Linux language. You can use this command for that:
'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCLI.exe' -SwitchLinuxEngine
1 - If you haven't already, follow Microsoft's Steps 4-6
After setting up your distro
2 - Inside Docker Click on the Bug Icon (next to the settings top)
3 - Do Factory reset for Docker
4 - Stop Docker from Task Manager
5 - Run this command
'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\DockerCLI.exe' -SwitchLinuxEngine
6 - Now Launch Docker and it will work! hopefully.
If it doesn't (in step 3 I also deleted Containers, WSL settings, Hyper V) from Docker Settings (Be careful deleting your own Containers is dangerous)
I've just solved this problem.
I'm using docker on Ubuntu vmware.
I think, the cause is just docker engine is not started.
The solution is below:
This function is for virtual machine in the virtual machine.
Oh yes, so now we can run the docker engine successfully.
Of course, the "forever loading" problem has been solved.
I have encountered the exact same problem right after I added a key-value pair into the Docker daemon configuration file through the Docker Desktop -> Preferences -> Docker Engine tab. The change broke my Docker engine and I couldn't undo my changes through UI since the UI was broken and showing the loading animation.
I solved the problem by manually removing the changes I made. The daemon configuration file is located in ~/.docker/daemon.json.

Connection terminated during handshake flutter

It's really frustrating, wasted 3 days to get rid of but still on stuck problem showing on macos catalina version 10.15.1 and windows 7 also. My two PC's showing same error. First when i tried to 'get packages'
it's showing this '/Users/mamun/Developer/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color packages get
Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...'
after few moments it's showing..
'/Users/mamun/Developer/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color packages get
Running "flutter pub get" in flutterx...
Connection terminated during handshake
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second...
Connection terminated during handshake
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 2 in 2 seconds...,
tried this Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock
& https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/1729 also.
This is a country-specific problem. In some countries, you got this error like Bangladesh and some African countries. I got a solution to this problem, that is use VPN software when you want to get Packages. VPN software uses other country's IP addresses where this google service works perfectly, So you can easily download packages.
Fixed the issue, my Local Isp blocked pub.dartlang.org that's why it happens.
Use vpn.
If you are not using not prepackaged packages:
stop the process with "ctrl + c"
and try it on project location:
flutter pub get --offline
Use VPN. Or download package from github.
sdk: flutter
url: https://github.com/jlouage/flutter-carousel-pro.git
ref: master
detailed answer is here:
I was using Hotspot VPN when I faced this issue. Disabling the hotspot worked for me. You can check by disabling any HotSpot or VPN.
Download the stable version instead of the clone via git:
C:\src>git clone https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git -b stable)

Error protocol and QXcbConnection when I run a game after update to Debian Testing Buster

I was playing my game normally before the update, I was at Debian 9.3 Stretch.
After update I try to run the game with the same command.
bash start-tibia.sh
And Output this:
No protocol specified
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display :0
I don't know why this happening.
My system: enter image description here
Important if I run the application with a normal user it works, but with the root user isn't work.
Any helps would be appreciated. :B

Discover why GoDC won't start on Mac

I'm trying to run GoCD on MacOS (10.12) for testing purposes. When I run both the server and the client apps, they do not provide any GUI output (they should show progress bars or a host configuration) and they quit a couple of seconds after starting.
When I try to run the apps from Terminal as:
/Applications/Go\ Server.app/Contents/MacOS/go-server
I get the following output:
Got directory: /Users/taatyyu1/Library/Application Support/Go Server [It exists]
and then the app quits.
How can I discover what is the issue of the apps not starting properly?
The logs of the apps are available in
~/Library/Application\ Support/Go\ Server/osx-app.log
~/Library/Application\ Support/Go\ Agent/osx-app.log
They contain the information from apps starting up and you can use them to figure out what goes wrong

Docker hangs while pulling

I am trying to run docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo from the tutorial.
Here is the output I get:
Unable to find image 'docker/whalesay:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from docker/whalesay
e190868d63f8: Already exists
909cd34c6fd7: Already exists
0b9bfabab7c1: Already exists
a3ed95caeb02: Pulling fs layer
00bf65475aba: Already exists
c57b6bcc83e3: Already exists
8978f6879e2f: Waiting
8eed3712d2cf: Download complete
It has been 10 minutes but nothing shows up. Is it supposed to take that long?
I tried control+C and re-run the command, and restarting Docker Quickstart Terminal. It's still not solving the problem.
You don't have to reinstall. Just restarting docker service should do
service docker restart
Similar situation. I got the feeling that concurrent download caused the problem. So I just force the docker downloading connection to 1.
docker-icon -> perferences -> daemon -> add the following code:
"max-concurrent-downloads": 1
slower but more stable.
Reinstalling docker from scratch solved the problem for me
I also was getting stuck on the "Pulling fs layer" when pulling images, and just want to add another reason it might be happening (this was what happened to me): I was connected to my corporate network and needed to set proxies; once I set the proxies, the image pull finished fine.
I had the same problem because of antivirus program. After I've disabled it (to disable it quickly, I just renamed McAfee installation directory and rebooted) - Docker finally was able to pull all layers.
Just reset default os in virtualBox and try again.
In my case, I had installed boot2docker long ago (March 2016), and this was overshadowing Docker for Mac. I had to manually uninstall boot2docker.
