Connection terminated during handshake flutter - windows

It's really frustrating, wasted 3 days to get rid of but still on stuck problem showing on macos catalina version 10.15.1 and windows 7 also. My two PC's showing same error. First when i tried to 'get packages'
it's showing this '/Users/mamun/Developer/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color packages get
Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...'
after few moments it's showing..
'/Users/mamun/Developer/flutter/bin/flutter --no-color packages get
Running "flutter pub get" in flutterx...
Connection terminated during handshake
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 1 in 1 second...
Connection terminated during handshake
pub get failed (server unavailable) -- attempting retry 2 in 2 seconds...,
tried this Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock
& also.

This is a country-specific problem. In some countries, you got this error like Bangladesh and some African countries. I got a solution to this problem, that is use VPN software when you want to get Packages. VPN software uses other country's IP addresses where this google service works perfectly, So you can easily download packages.

Fixed the issue, my Local Isp blocked that's why it happens.

Use vpn.
If you are not using not prepackaged packages:
stop the process with "ctrl + c"
and try it on project location:
flutter pub get --offline

Use VPN. Or download package from github.
sdk: flutter
ref: master
detailed answer is here:

I was using Hotspot VPN when I faced this issue. Disabling the hotspot worked for me. You can check by disabling any HotSpot or VPN.

Download the stable version instead of the clone via git:
C:\src>git clone -b stable)


No internet access for npm when using cellular hotspot

On Windows 10 npm suddenly can't get internet access in any terminal (Powershell, cmd, wsl, or the terminal in VS Code) when I'm connected to the internet via a mobile phone's hotspot. This was working for years and I don't see what the catalyst was to break it (I hadn't installed anything new or changed any internet settings). If I go to any browser, the internet works fine, it's just from the terminal that it doesn't work. I've tried totally deactivating the firewall and that doesn't fix it. I did run a wsl --shutdown command a few days before noticing this, but I don't see how that would have such a sweeping impact even outside of wsl. All terminals also connect to the internet normally when over wifi that isn't from a cellphone hotspot. After the problem started, I updated Windows to the latest version of Windows 10 but that didn't do anything. The cellphone I'm using is a Pixel4A.
Update: I can still pip install packages but I can't use npm for anything that requires the internet. For example, running npm outdated returned this:
22 verbose Windows_NT 10.0.19042
23 verbose argv "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "outdated"
24 verbose node v12.18.4
25 verbose npm v6.14.6
26 error code ECONNRESET
27 error errno ECONNRESET
28 error network request to failed, reason: read ECONNRESET
29 error network This is a problem related to network connectivity.
29 error network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
29 error network
29 error network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
29 error network 'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'
I don't think I'm behind a proxy but I do get this error when I run an app I'm building locally in the browser (the app still builds):
Proxy error: Could not proxy request /favicon.ico from localhost:3000 to http://localhost/.
This is what nslookup returns in cmd and powershell:
PS C:\> nslookup
Server: UnKnown
Non-authoritative answer:
Addresses: 2607:f8b0:4006:80a::200e
It may be possible your carrier started enforcing a 'no tethering' rule that they likely have in their ToS.
It's really hard to say much more without looking into your network settings but judging by the fact your browser traffic is still fine I'd suspect some sort of proxy does indeed get injected into your pipeline: it can either be somehow pushed onto your windows host or be transparently handling all http traffic on the network.
I think one way to test whether this theory is true or not would be to stand up a VPN client on your phone and route all tethered traffic there.
You could attempt editing the hosts file to manually assign DNS entries and use Bluetooth tethering.
You can try first with a cache clean
$ npm cache clean --force
I know it is not related, but in your situation is harmless,
if this not work.
Then, maybe you could use a mirror
$ npm config set registry
and use npm install
$ npm install your-lib-name
you can reset this later with npm set registry
$ npm set registry
First of all, check a list of latest Windows updtating, any installed kb at this period? NO? try to load your OS in safe mode with Network supporting, is it solve problem and works in safe mode? NO? Check result of [ipconfig /all , route print, tracert] by using mobile Accsess Point, and [ipconfig /all , route print, tracert] by using Wi-fi Compare the results.
Final and most hard, but 100% way.. load and install WireShark, set filter to sniff http, https and start internet connection in your shell, in what step it stucks?
If you have Dynatrace installed, this program could be corrupting the normal npm working. After you uninstall Dynatrace, the problem might solve.
Also, doing a full scan for rootkits, spywares, virus, etc with different Antivirus, Anti-malware software's and cleaning what was found could help solve the issue.

Kyma restart issue in local

I have installed Kyma version 1.13.0 on Windows, it's working fine if I don't restart my machine or minikube. But when I restart minikube by following steps provided in the below link. Kyma is not working.
I need to reinstall kyma again to make it work.
Any help would be appreciated
This sounds similar to what I get on my Windows machine.
This is the error that I get after restarting minikube.
error execution phase addon/coredns: unable to patch the CoreDNS deployment: Timeout: request did not complete within requested timeout 30s
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
If you get same error, this has been reported as a bug.
My solution to this issue is to get the kyma working by issuing provision command twice, so give it a try.

Nativescript Sidekick Publish to App Store

I'm running Sidekick on my Windows 10 machine (64b).
I'm trying to publish my app to the Apple AppStore.
Certificate, provision is all ok.
When I publish, build is made, I can log in when asked and fill in the verication code.
But then I get error 'Spawn Failed'. Googled this error, but didn't find anything.
Erros in the log are:
[19-03-08 10:52:20.711] (CLI) Build machine host name:
[19-03-08 10:52:58.349] Spawn failed.
, Error: Spawn failed.
at CloudPublishService.getiOSError (C:\Users\bartad\AppData\Roaming.nativescript-cli\extensions\node_modules\nativescript-cloud\lib\services\cloud-publish-service.js:79:21)
at CloudPublishService.
at ()
at fulfilled
Does anyone have an idea what's wrong here ?
Issues I encountered:
1) Provisioning was not right. Went back through and checked that each step is for a Distribution certificate and profile, not a development profile.
2) I assumed that tns resources generate would create my icons and splashes. It did, but Sidekick ignores them. You must recreate them in Sidekick.

"Failed to connect to repository" in Jenkins on OSX to GitHub

Getting this error when setting up my GitHub repo in Jenkins on a OS X machine.
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: unable to access '': Internal SSL engine error encountered during the SSL handshake
This has been working before and I've been running build successfully connected to this repo but all of a sudden I started to get this message. Does anybody have any idea?
PS. Have looked at the other related questions but they don't have the exact same issue and/or are not on the same platform as me.
I think I found what the issue was. I logged into the mac machine with a certain user and started the jenkins.war file from there. It worked fine until I logged out the user, that's when I started to see the problem and why I resolved it by restarting the computer. So as long as I am not logging out the jenkins user, everything is fine.

ssh: Could not resolve hostname + STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=68086014

Original question
From a few hours of struggling with installing git on Windows 7. First I installed the GitHub on Windows but not appealed to me. Then I installed the Git-1.9.2-preview20140411 and have started to have problems.
I suppose that there is a conflict by multiple installations. So I uninstalled everything. I decided to try Cygwin.
I acted according to this tutorial: How To install Git client on Windows using Cygwin By Johnathan Mark Smith
I added the generated public key SSH to my account on GittHub by Web browser . I created the first repository (through a browser).
After returning to the cygwin terminal and I typed:
git clone
I received such a result
Cloning into 'ZFExt'...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Non-recoverable failure in name resolution
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I do not understand this message. I did something wrong?
To the person who gave me the minus one. In your opinion I shouldn't have asked. Instead, format the hard drive. In this way it would be okay?
Updated question
I started to ask google with less detailed questions and i found it: git and ssh: Could not resolve hostname, ping works. I changed my DNS addresses to open DNS and was able to clone my repo by using ip adres instead domain:
git clone git# some_git_repo/
Using domain name still not work:
git clone some_git_repo/
Cloning into 'some_git_repo'...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname Non-recoverable failure in name resolution
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Any ideas (other then changing DNS)?
I had this issue inside a VMware Fusion VM. I had to change my network from NAT to Bridged and it started working.
For anyone else having this issue on VMWare Fusion and Windows 10, see this thread:
In summary, ssh won't do dns resolution over NAT on Fusion with Windows 10. This is a known bug, but in the meantime, add an entry to your host file to access bitbucket
Also, as #Jim Redmond pointed out, bitbucket is changing their IP addresses soon (December 15, 2016).
Another, more permanent, option would be to set Google as your DNS provider. Use or Or for ipv6: 2001:4860:4860::8888 or 2001:4860:4860::8844.
For me, it started happening when I upgraded to Git 2.7.4. The fix in the link below worked for me, you need to change SSH configuration in \etc\ssh\ssh_config.
AddressFamily inet
See the last comment in the thread linked below:
Can't resolve hostname with SSH
It's been a few days and I have not found any solution. In conclusion, it's more a problem with the operating system than the tools (Cygwin, Git).
I installed two competing Git clients (Git-1.9.2-preview20140411 and GitHub on Windows) which resulting in messed up windows registry. This gives in an error: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=68086014. I returned to app GitHub For Windows and will use Windows Power Shell. It's far from perfect but it works.
I was so focused on problem mentioned above that I didn't spot problem with DNS. Because I don't have knowledge how to solve this problem (answers on stackoverflow didn't work for me) I will use the IP address instead of github domain in commands like git clone and others until I reinstall Windows. :-(
I have modified the title to more precise.
Big thanks to #Chris for his contribution.
I had the same problem .then I tried with account name prefixed in the domain.
like try
git clone
it worked for me also make sure in your git config you are using the same url.
Experienced the same problem with Windows 7 and VmWare Fusion 8.5.3.
Tried 2 options. Both worked. But issue is weird. Seem to happen to and only.
Setting DNS manually in adapter settings (e.g.
Change networking from NAT to Bridged
For me it works fine when I changed the hostname to ip address.
