Golang: Chdir and stay there on program termination - go

In golang (as well as bash scripting) if I change the current working directory (with os.Chdir) it works, but when the program terminates the working directory gets reset to the location it had when the program started.
It makes sense, but what I want to do is an inteligent disk navigator (something like our old and beloved ncd, "Norton Change Directory").
How can I tell the binary (or the shell that starts it, or whatever) not to reset to the previous working path?
I would like to achieve that entirely from within the Go binary, without modifying .bashrc or .zshrc (for portability)

The working directory of every process is process-private.
You'll have to jump loops to achieve this. For example, your program can write a script (file), which can be executed later, after you program terminates, from a script, which invoked your program.
Another, less hacky method is:
$ cd $(prog)
where prog writes the new wd to stdout.


Instead of giving command for batch mode, give .scm file path?

It is possible to supply batch commands directly with the -b flag, but if the commands become very long, this is no longer an option. Is there a way to give the path to an .scm script that was written to a file, without having to move the file into the scripts directory?
No as far as I know. What you give in the -b flag is a Scheme statement, which implies your function has already been loaded by the script executor process. You can of course add more directories that are searched for scripts using Edit>Preferences>Folders>Scripts.
If you write your script in Python the problem is a bit different since you can alter the Python path before loading the script code but the command line remains a bit long.

Protecting scripts from errant clobbering

I spent some time building this handy bash script that accepts input via stdin. I got the idea from the top answer to this question: Pipe input into a script
However, I did something really dumb. I typed the following into the terminal:
echo '{"test": 1}' > ./myscript.sh
I meant to pipe it | to my script instead of redirecting > the output of echo.
Up until this point in my life, I never accidentally clobbered any file in this manner. I'm honestly surprised that it took me until today to make this mistake. :D
At any rate, now I've made myself paranoid that I'll do this again. Aside from marking the script as read-only or making backup copies of it, is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Is it a bad practice in the first place to write a script that accepts input from stdin?
Yes, there is one thing you can do -- check your scripts into a source-code-control repository (git, svn, etc).
bash scripts are code, and any non-trivial code you write should be checked in to source-code-control (and changes committed regularly) so that when something like this happens, you can just restore the most-recently-committed version of the file and continue onwards.
This is a very open-ended question, but I usually put scripts in a global bin folder (~/.bin or so). This lets me invoke them as myscript rather than path/to/myscript.sh, so if I accidentally used > instead of |, it'd just create a file by that name in the current directory - which is virtually never ~/.bin.

Are shell scripts read in their entirety when invoked?

I ask because I recently made a change to a KornShell (ksh) script that was executing. A short while after I saved my changes, the executing process failed. Judging from the error message, it looked as though the running process had seen some -- but not all -- of my changes. This strongly suggests that when a shell script is invoked, the entire script is not read into memory.
If this conclusion is correct, it suggests that one should avoid making changes to scripts that are running.
$ uname -a
SunOS blahblah 5.9 Generic_122300-61 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-15000
No. Shell scripts are read either line-by-line, or command-by-command followed by ;s, with the exception of blocks such as if ... fi blocks which are interpreted as a chunk:
A shell script is a text file containing shell commands. When such a
file is used as the first non-option argument when invoking Bash, and
neither the -c nor -s option is supplied (see Invoking Bash), Bash
reads and executes commands from the file, then exits. This mode of
operation creates a non-interactive shell.
You can demonstrate that the shell waits for the fi of an if block to execute commands by typing them manually on the command line.
It's funny that most OS'es I know, do NOT read the entire content of any script in memory, and run it from disk. Doing otherwise would allow making changes to the script, while running. I don't understand why that is done, given the fact :
scripts are usually very small (and don't take many memory anyway)
at some point, and shown in this thread, people would start making changes to a script that is already running anyway
But, acknowledging this, here's something to think about: If you decided that a script is not running OK (because you are writing/changing/debugging), do you care on the rest of the running of that script ? you can go ahead making the changes, save them, and ignore all output and actions, done by the current run.
But .. Sometimes, and that depends on the script in question, a subsequent run of the same script (modified or not), can become a problem since the current/previous run is doing an abnormal run. It would typically skip some stuff, or sudenly jump to parts in the script, it shouldn't. And THAT may be a problem. It may leave "things" in a bad state; particularly if file manipulation/creation is involved.
So, as a general rule : even if the OS supports the feature or not, it's best to let the current run finish, and THEN save the updated script. You can change it already, but don't save it.
It's not like in the old days of DOS, where you actually have only one screen in front of you (one DOS screen), so you can't say you need to wait on run completion, before you can open a file again.
No they are not and there are many good reasons for that.
One of the things you should keep in mind is that a shell is not an interpreter even if there are some similarities. Shells are designed to work with a stream of commands. Either from the TTY ,a PIPE, FIFO or even a socket.
The shell reads from its resource line by line until a EOF is returned by the kernel.
The most shells have no extra support for interpreting files. they work with a file as they would work with a terminal.
In fact this is considered to be a nice feature because you can do interesting stuff like this How do Linux binary installers (.bin, .sh) work?
You can use a binary file and prepend shell scripts. You can't do this with an interpreter. because it parses the whole file or at least it would try it and fail. A shell would just interpret it line by line and doesnt care about the garbage at the end of the file. You just have to make sure the execution of the script gets terminated before it reaches the binary part.

Changing directory for User in Ruby script

I'm quite familiar with Dir.chdir("/xyz")
Unfortunately, this changes the directory of the process, but not actually the directory of the user. I'll make the following example to illustrate my need.
$~/: ruby my_script.rb
$/Projects/Important/Path: pwd
See? I need the script to change the user's path. Performing system/backticks/Dir.chdir all adjust the process path, and end with the user sitting where they started, instead of the path I want them.
From what I've read exec was the way to go, since it takes over the existing process... but to no avail.
You can't, but you can do something which might be good enough. You can invoke another shell from ruby:
Running this will create a new bash process, which will start in the /xyz directory. The downside is that changing this process will bring you back to the ruby script, and assuming it ends right away - back to the bash process that started the ruby script.
Another hack that might work is to use the prompt as a hackish hook that will be called after each command. In the ruby script, you can write the new directory's path somewhere that can be read from both bash and ruby(for example a file - but not an environment variable!). In the PROMPT_COMMAND function, you check that file and cd to what's written there. Just make sure you delete that file, so you don't get automatically cded there after every command you run.

How To Run This Script More Easily

I have a Ruby script that I wrote that sorts some files in a jumble of directories based on it's file extension. It would be very difficult to sort it using a GUI, and its easier for me to just put the file in the topmost directory and let the sorter do the work.
Problem is, I'm a bit of a noob to unix scripting. What I want to be able to do is be able to run that sorter script from anywhere on my computer, without having to
cd Desktop/Whatever/Foo
ruby sorterscript.rb
just write sortfolders at the commandline and have the program be run.
I've tested the script many times, and it works fine, I just want a bit more convenience.
Bonus: If possible, and not too difficult, it would be even better if I could have the program run, say, every hour automatically.
As far as your first question goes, you need to do couple of things:
Add a shebang line to your script (make it the first line of the script):
#!/usr/bin/ruby (or whatever the path to the Ruby interpreter's executable is, I forget its exact location)
Make the script executable, either via the Finder's "Get Info" context menu, or via the command line, for example:
chmod 755 my_script.rb
Add the directory location of your script to the PATH environment variable to OS X's launchd.conf file, as described here. You need to add this line:
setenv PATH /path/to/my/script:$PATH (substitute the real path to your script)
As far as your bonus question goes, you can use cron to set up a recurring job. I never really do this, but here's Apple's cron man page to get you started.
