Unit testing with and without requiring ActiveSupport - ruby

I've extracted a single class from a Rails app into a gem. It's very, very simple, but of course I'd like to fully test it (I'm using rspec).
The class does some simple date-calculation. It's not dependent on Rails, but since it started out in a Rails app, and is still used there, it uses ActiveSupport's time zone-aware methods when it can. But, if ActiveSupport isn't available, it should use the std-lib Date methods.
Specifically, it only does this in one single place: Defaulting an optional argument to "today's date":
arg ||= if Date.respond_to?(:current)
Date.current # use ActiveSupport's time zone-aware mixin if possible
Date.today # stdlib fallback
Question is: How do I properly test this? If I require ActiveSupport in my spec_helper.rb, it'll obviously always use that. If I don't require it anywhere, it'll never use it. And if I require it for a single example group, rspec's random execution order makes the testing unpredictable, as I don't know when AS will be required.
I can require maybe it in a before(:all) in a nested group, as nested groups are (I believe) processed highest to deepest. But that seems terribly inelegant.
I could also split the specs into two files, and run them separately, but again, that seems unnecessary.
I could also disable rspec's random ordering, but that's sort of going against the grain. I'd rather have it as randomized as possible.
Any ideas?

Another solution is to mock the current and today methods, and use those for testing. Eg:
# you won't need these two lines, just there to make script work standalone
require 'rspec'
require 'rspec/mocks/standalone'
def test_method(arg = nil)
arg ||= if Date.respond_to?(:current)
Date.current # use ActiveSupport's time zone-aware mixin if possible
Date.today # stdlib fallback
describe "test_method" do
let(:test_date) { Date.new(2001, 2, 3) }
it "returns arg unchanged if not nil" do
test_method(34).should == 34
context "without Date.current available" do
before(:all) do
Date.stub(:today) { test_date }
it "returns Date.today when arg isn't present" do
test_method.should == test_date
context "with Date.current available" do
before(:all) do
Date.stub(:current) { test_date }
it "returns Date.current when arg isn't present" do
test_method.should == test_date
Running with rspec test.rb results in the tests passing.
Also, the stubs are present only in each context, so it doesn't matter what order the specs are run in.

This is more than a little perverse, but it should work. Include ActiveSupport, and then:
context "without ActiveSupport's Date.current" do
before(:each) do
class Date
class << self
alias_method :current_backup, :current
undef_method :current
# your test
after(:each) do
class Date
class << self
alias_method :current, :current_backup
I can't really recommend this; I would prefer to split out this one spec and run it separately as you suggested.


Embed RSpec test in a Ruby class

I often build little single-purpose Ruby scripts like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Widget
def end_data
def render_data source_data
w = Widget.new
puts w.render_data(w.end_data)
data set to work on.
I'd like to include RSpec tests directly inside the file while I'm working on it. Something like this (which doesn't work but illustrates what I'm trying to do):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Widget
def end_data
def render_data source_data
def self_test
# This doesn't work but shows what I'm trying to
# accomplish. The goal is to have RSpec run these type
# of test when self_test is called.
describe "Widget" do
it "should render data properly" do
#w = Widget.new
expect(#w.render_data('test string')).to eq 'TEST STRING'
w = Widget.new
data set to work on.
I understand this is not the normal way to work with RSpec and isn't appropriate in most cases. That said, there are times when it would be nice. So, I'd like to know, is it possible?
There are two things. First off rspec by default won't pollute the global namespace with methods like describe and so on. The second thing is that you need to tell rspec to run the specs after they've been declared.
If you change your self_test method to be
RSpec.describe "Widget" do
it "should render data properly" do
#w = Widget.new
expect(#w.render_data('test string')).to eq 'TEST STRING'
(having of course done require 'rspec' then that will run your specs).
The invoke methods exits the process after running the specs. If you don't want to do that, or need more control over where output goes etc. you might want to drop down to the run method which allows you to control these things.

Fast (Rspec) tests with and without Rails

I have two classes:
1.Sale is a subclass of ActiveRecord; its job is to persist sales data to the database.
class Sale < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.total_for_duration(start_date, end_date)
self.count(conditions: {date: start_date..end_date})
2.SalesReport is a standard Ruby class; its job is to produce and graph information about Sales.
class SalesReport
def initialize(start_date, end_date)
#start_date = start_date
#end_date = end_date
def sales_in_duration
Sale.total_for_duration(#start_date, #end_date)
Because I want to use TDD and I want my tests to run really fast, I have written a spec for SalesReport that doesn't doesn't load Rails:
require_relative "../../app/models/sales_report.rb"
class Sale; end
# NOTE I have had to re-define Sale because I don't want to
# require `sale.rb` because it would then require ActiveRecord.
describe SalesReport do
describe "sales_in_duration" do
it "calls Sale.total_for_duration" do
This test works when I run bundle exec rspec spec/models/report_spec.rb.
However this test fails when I run bundle exec rake spec with the error superclass mismatch for class Sale (TypeError). I know the error is happening because Tap is defined by sale.rb and inline within the spec.
So my question is there a way to Stub (or Mock or Double) a class if that class isn't defined? This would allow me to remove the inline class Sale; end, which feels like a hack.
If not, how do I set up my tests such that they run correctly whether I run bundle exec rspec or bundle exec rake spec?
If not, is my approach to writing fast tests wrong?!
Finally, I don't want to use Spork. Thanks!
RSpec's recently added stub_const is specifically designed for cases like these:
describe SalesReport do
before { stub_const("Sale", Class.new) }
describe "sales_in_duration" do
it "calls Sale.total_for_duration" do
You may also want to use rspec-fire to use a test double in place of Sale that automatically checks all the mocked/stubbed methods exist on the real Sale class when running your tests with the real Sale class loaded (e.g. when you run your test suite):
require 'rspec/fire'
describe SalesReport do
include RSpec::Fire
describe "sales_in_duration" do
it "calls Sale.total_for_duration" do
If you rename total_for_duration on the real Sale class, rspec-fire will give you an error when you mock the method since it doesn't exist on the real class.
A simple way would be to check if "Sale" has already been defined
unless defined?(Sale)
class Sale; end
Sale need not be a class either in your test so:
unless defined?(Sale)
Sale = double('Sale')

rspec shared_context and include_context for all specs

I'm trying to define a few let's and before hooks that will run globally for all my specs by including them in a separate file using the Rspec configuration block.
I tried something like:
module Helpers
def self.included(base)
base.let(:x){ "x" }
base.before(:all){ puts "x: #{x}" }
Rspec.configure{|c| c.include Helpers }
but this doesn't work as expected. The before(:all) doesn't just run before each main example group, but each nested one as well.
Then I found out about shared_context and it appears to be exactly what I want.
My open problem however is that I can't figure out how to share a context amongst ALL of my specs. The docs only reference include_context within a specific spec.
Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this behavior in a global manner? I'm aware that I can define global before hooks in my spec_helper but I can't seem to use let. I'd like a single place that I can define both of these things and not pollute my spec helper, but just include it instead.
I tried to reproduce your error, but failed.
# spec_helper.rb
require 'support/global_helpers'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include MyApp::GlobalHelpers
# support/global_helpers.rb
module MyApp
module GlobalHelpers
def self.included(base)
base.let(:beer) { :good }
base.before(:all) { #bottles = 10 }
# beer_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Brewery" do
it "makes good stuff" do
beer.should be :good
it "makes not too much bottles" do
#bottles.should == 10
context "when tasting beer" do
before(:all) do
#bottles -= 1
it "still produces good stuff" do
beer.should be :good
it "spends some beer on degusting" do
#bottles.should == 9
When I wrote something like base.before(:all) { p 'global before'; #bottles = 10 }, I got exactly one line in spec output.
Notice that I didn't try to modify instance variables inside an example, because it wouldn't work anyway (well, actually you can modify instance variables, if it's a hash or array). Moreover, even if you change before(:all) in nested example group to before(:each), there will be still 9 bottles in each example.

How do I effectively force Minitest to run my tests in order?

I know. This is discouraged. For reasons I won't get into, I need to run my tests in the order they are written. According to the documentation, if my test class (we'll call it TestClass) extends Minitest::Unit::TestCase, then I should be able to call the public method i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! (Gee - do you think the guy who created Minitest had an opinion on that one?). Additionally, there is also the option of calling a method called test_order and specifying :alpha to override the default behavior of :random. Neither of these are working for me.
Here's an example:
class TestClass < Minitest::Unit::TestCase
#override random test run ordering
def setup
...setup code
def teardown
...teardown code
def test_1
test_1 code....
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_1'
def test_2
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_2'
When I run this, I get:
undefined method `i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!' for TestClass:Class (NoMethodError)
If I replace the i_suck method call with a method at the top a la:
def test_order
My test runs, but I can tell from the puts for each method that things are still running in random order each time I run the tests.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
If you just add test_order: alpha to your test class, the tests will run in order:
class TestHomePage
def self.test_order
def test_a
puts "a"
def test_b
puts "b"
Note that, as of minitest 5.10.1, the i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! method/directive is completely nonfunctional in test suites using MiniTest::Spec syntax. The Minitest.test_order method is apparently not being called at all.
EDIT: This has been a known issue since Minitest 5.3.4: see seattlerb/minitest#514 for the blow-by-blow wailing and preening.
You and I aren't the ones who "suck". What's needed is a BDD specification tool for Ruby without the bloat of RSpec and without the frat-boy attitude and contempt for wider community practices of MiniTest. Does anyone have any pointers?
i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! may be a later addition to minitest & not available as a Ruby core method. In that case, you'd want to force use of your gem version:
require 'rubygems'
gem 'minitest'
I think that the method *test_order* should be a class method and not a instance method like so:
# tests are order dependent
def self.test_order
The best way to interfere in this chain may be to override a class method runnable_methods:
def self.runnable_methods
['run_first'] | super | ['run_last']
#Minitest version:
def self.runnable_methods
methods = methods_matching(/^test_/)
case self.test_order
when :random, :parallel then
max = methods.size
methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
when :alpha, :sorted then
raise "Unknown test_order: #{self.test_order.inspect}"
You can reorder test any suitable way around. If you define your special ordered tests with
test 'some special ordered test' do
, don't forget to remove them from the results of super call.
In my example I need to be sure only in one particular test to run last, so I keep random order on whole suite and place 'run_last' at the end of it.

How to fake Time.now?

What's the best way to set Time.now for the purpose of testing time-sensitive methods in a unit test?
I really like the Timecop library. You can do time warps in block form (just like time-warp):
Timecop.travel(6.days.ago) do
#model = TimeSensitiveMode.new
assert #model.times_up!
(Yes, you can nest block-form time travel.)
You can also do declarative time travel:
class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def setup
def teardown
I have some cucumber helpers for Timecop here. They let you do things like:
Given it is currently January 24, 2008
And I go to the new post page
And I fill in "title" with "An old post"
And I fill in "body" with "..."
And I press "Submit"
And we jump in our Delorean and return to the present
When I go to the home page
I should not see "An old post"
Personally I prefer to make the clock injectable, like so:
def hello(clock=Time)
puts "the time is now: #{clock.now}"
class MyClass
attr_writer :clock
def initialize
#clock = Time
def hello
puts "the time is now: #{#clock.now}"
However, many prefer to use a mocking/stubbing library. In RSpec/flexmock you can use:
Or in Mocha:
I'm using RSpec and I did this: Time.stub!(:now).and_return(2.days.ago) before I call Time.now. In that way I'm able to control the time I used for that particular test case
Using Rspec 3.2, the only simple way I found to fake Time.now return value is :
now = Time.parse("1969-07-20 20:17:40")
allow(Time).to receive(:now) { now }
Now Time.now will always return the date of Apollo 11 landing on the moon.
Source: https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-mocks/docs
Do the time-warp
time-warp is a library that does what you want. It gives you a method that takes a time and a block and anything that happens in the block uses the faked time.
pretend_now_is(2000,"jan",1,0) do
Don't forget that Time is merely a constant that refers to a class object. If you're willing to cause a warning, you can always do
real_time_class = Time
Time = FakeTimeClass
# run test
Time = real_time_class
If you have ActiveSupport included, you could use:
travel_to Time.zone.parse('2010-07-05 08:00')
Also see this question where I put this comment as well.
Depending upon what you are comparing Time.now to, sometimes you can change your fixtures to accomplish the same goal or test the same feature. For example, I had a situation where I needed one thing to happen if some date was in the future and another to happen if it was in the past. What I was able to do was include in my fixtures some embedded ruby (erb):
comparing_date: <%= Time.now + 10.years %>
comparing_date: <%= Time.now - 10.years %>
Then in your tests then you choose which one to use to test the different features or actions based upon the time relative to Time.now.
Had the same issue, I had to fake time for a spec for a specific day and time just did that:
this will give you:
2014-10-22 05:35:28 -0700
This kind of works and allows for nesting:
class Time
class << self
attr_accessor :stack, :depth
def self.warp(time)
Time.stack ||= []
Time.depth ||= -1
Time.depth += 1
Time.stack.push time
if Time.depth == 0
class << self
alias_method :real_now, :now
alias_method :real_new, :new
define_method :now do
define_method :new do
Time.depth -= 1
class << self
if Time.depth < 0
alias_method :new, :real_new
alias_method :now, :real_now
remove_method :real_new
remove_method :real_now
It could be slightly improved by undefing the stack and depth accessors at the end
time1 = 2.days.ago
time2 = 5.months.ago
Time.warp(time1) do
Time.real_now.should_not == Time.now
Time.now.should == time1
Time.warp(time2) do
Time.now.should == time2
Time.now.should == time1
Time.now.should_not == time1
Time.now.should_not be_nil
Depending upon what you are comparing Time.now to, sometimes you can change your fixtures to accomplish the same goal or test the same feature. For example, I had a situation where I needed one thing to happen if some date was in the future and another to happen if it was in the past. What I was able to do was include in my fixtures some embedded ruby (erb):
comparing_date: <%= Time.now + 10.years %>
comparing_date: <%= Time.now - 10.years %>
Then in your tests then you choose which one to use to test the different features or actions based upon the time relative to Time.now.
i just have this in my test file:
def time_right_now
current_time = Time.parse("07/09/10 14:20")
current_time = convert_time_to_utc(current_date)
return current_time
and in my Time_helper.rb file i have a
def time_right_now
current_time= Time.new
return current_time
so when testing the time_right_now is overwritten to use what ever time you want it to be.
I allways extract Time.now into a separate method that I turn into attr_accessor in the mock.
The recently-released Test::Redef makes this and other fakery easy, even without restructuring the code in a dependency-injection style (especially helpful if you're using other peoples' code.)
fake_time = Time.at(12345) # ~3:30pm UTC Jan 1 1970
Test::Redef.rd 'Time.now' => proc { fake_time } do
assert_equal 12345, Time.now.to_i
However, be careful of other ways to obtain time that this will not fake out (Date.new, a compiled extension that makes its own system call, interfaces to things like external database servers which know current timestamps, etc.) It sounds like the Timecop library above might overcome these limitations.
Other great uses include testing things like "what happens when I'm trying to use this friendly http client but it decides to raise this an exception instead of returning me a string?" without actually setting up the network conditions which lead to that exception (which may be tricky). It also lets you check the arguments to redef'd functions.
My own solution https://github.com/igorkasyanchuk/rails_time_travel - a gem with UI, so you don't need to hardcode any datetime in the code. Just change it from the UI.
It might be also very useful for you QA's team, or testing app on the staging.
