Embed RSpec test in a Ruby class - ruby

I often build little single-purpose Ruby scripts like this:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Widget
def end_data
def render_data source_data
w = Widget.new
puts w.render_data(w.end_data)
data set to work on.
I'd like to include RSpec tests directly inside the file while I'm working on it. Something like this (which doesn't work but illustrates what I'm trying to do):
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class Widget
def end_data
def render_data source_data
def self_test
# This doesn't work but shows what I'm trying to
# accomplish. The goal is to have RSpec run these type
# of test when self_test is called.
describe "Widget" do
it "should render data properly" do
#w = Widget.new
expect(#w.render_data('test string')).to eq 'TEST STRING'
w = Widget.new
data set to work on.
I understand this is not the normal way to work with RSpec and isn't appropriate in most cases. That said, there are times when it would be nice. So, I'd like to know, is it possible?

There are two things. First off rspec by default won't pollute the global namespace with methods like describe and so on. The second thing is that you need to tell rspec to run the specs after they've been declared.
If you change your self_test method to be
RSpec.describe "Widget" do
it "should render data properly" do
#w = Widget.new
expect(#w.render_data('test string')).to eq 'TEST STRING'
(having of course done require 'rspec' then that will run your specs).
The invoke methods exits the process after running the specs. If you don't want to do that, or need more control over where output goes etc. you might want to drop down to the run method which allows you to control these things.


Yielding self to rspec test inside each loop yields last known state

I'm writing some rspec tests for some web-pages. One of the pages contains several links that I want to test as a group. So my test looks something like this
require 'spec_helper'
t = Page.new
t.test do |t|
describe 'a thing' do
it 'should not be last' do
So when I call t.title I am actually calling that on the the following Page object being yielded (by itself) down below.
and my Page object looks like this
class Page
attr_accessor :driver
def initialize()
#driver = Watir::Browser.new :phantomjs
#home = ''
def visit(url)
def title
def test
#subpages.each do |page|
yield self
So now when I run rspec, what ends up happening is the test will run as many times as I expect it to, however it runs each time it yields the object in the state it's in during the final iteration of visit. So it's not really testing the pages the way I want it to, it's testing the last page in the list.
Am I incorrectly using yield or self here? It seems pretty straightforward: pass the test as a block to the Page object's test method and have it run the test on itself.
Any tips? I'd like to be able to keep all the tests clean, and all the logic in the page object, but this is hindering me from doing so.
Within the scope of a given file, RSpec examples/tests don't get executed until they all have been defined. You're iterating through the page defining all these examples, but RSpec is collecting and not executing them until the iteration is complete, at which time the value of t remains unchanged and corresponds to the final state of the page.

Using RSpec to test user input with gets

I'm new to Unit Testing using RSpec and Ruby and I have a question on how to test if my code is using the gets method, but without prompting for user input.
Here is the code I'm trying to test. Nothing crazy here, just a simple one liner.
My_name = gets
Here's my spec.
require 'stringio'
def capture_name
describe 'capture_name' do
before do
$stdin = StringIO.new("John Doe\n")
after do
$stdin = STDIN
it "should be 'John Doe'" do
expect(capture_name).to be == 'John Doe'
require_relative 'my_file.rb'
Now this spec works, but when I run the code it prompts for user input. I don't want it to do that. I want to simply test if the gets method is being called and possibly mock the user input. Not to sure how to achieve this in RSpec. In Python I would utilize unittest.mock is there a similar method in RSpec?
Thanks in advance!
Here's how you could stub gets with your return value.
require 'rspec'
RSpec.describe do
describe 'capture_name' do
it 'returns foo as input' do
allow($stdin).to receive(:gets).and_return('foo')
name = $stdin.gets
expect(name).to eq('food')
1) should eq "food"
Failure/Error: expect(name).to eq('food')
expected: "food"
got: "foo"
(compared using ==)
To test if something is being called (such as a function) you can use expect($stdin).to receive(:gets).with('foo') to ensure it is being called (once) with the right args. The expectation line in this scenario has to go before name = $stdin.gets.

What is the best way to define test specs in JSON using a Ruby harness?

I've got an interesting conundrum. I'm in the midst of developing a library to parse PSDs in Ruby. Also, a buddy is simultaneously working on a library to parse PSDs in JavaScript. We would like to share the same unit tests via a git submodule.
We've decided to use a simple JSON DSL to define each test. A single test might look like:
"_name": "Layer should render out",
"_file": "test/fixtures/layer_out.psd",
"_exports_to": "test/controls/layer_out_control.png"
So, now it's up to us to build the appropriate test harnesses to translate the JSON into the appropriate native unit tests. I've been using MiniTest to get myself up to speed, but I'm running into a few walls.
Here's what I've got so far. The test harness is named TargetPractice for the time being:
# run_target_practice.rb
require 'target_practice'
TargetPractice.new(:test) do |test|
test.pattern = "test/**/*.json"
# psd_test.rb
class PSDTest < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
attr_accessor :data
def tests_against_data
# do some assertions
# target_practice.rb
class TargetPractice
attr_accessor :libs, :pattern
def initialize(sym)
#libs = []
#pattern = ""
yield self
def run_tests
FileList[#pattern].to_a.each do |file|
test_data = JSON.parse(File.open(file).read)
test = PSDTest.new(test_data["_name"]) do |t|
t.data = test_data
Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting a yield in the initialize to stick in my PSDTest class. Also, it appears that a test will run immediately on initialization.
I would like to dynamically create a few MiniTest::Unit::TestCase objects, set their appropriate data properties and then run the tests. Any pointers are appreciated!
I think you are overcomplicating things a bit here. What you need is a parameterized test, which is pretty trivial to implement using mintest/spec:
describe "PSD converter" do
def self.tests(pattern = 'test/**/*.json')
FileList[pattern].map{|file| JSON.parse(File.read(file))}
tests.each do |test|
it "satisfies test: " + test["_name"] do
# some assertions using test["_file"] and test["_exports_to"]

rspec shared_context and include_context for all specs

I'm trying to define a few let's and before hooks that will run globally for all my specs by including them in a separate file using the Rspec configuration block.
I tried something like:
module Helpers
def self.included(base)
base.let(:x){ "x" }
base.before(:all){ puts "x: #{x}" }
Rspec.configure{|c| c.include Helpers }
but this doesn't work as expected. The before(:all) doesn't just run before each main example group, but each nested one as well.
Then I found out about shared_context and it appears to be exactly what I want.
My open problem however is that I can't figure out how to share a context amongst ALL of my specs. The docs only reference include_context within a specific spec.
Can anyone tell me how I can achieve this behavior in a global manner? I'm aware that I can define global before hooks in my spec_helper but I can't seem to use let. I'd like a single place that I can define both of these things and not pollute my spec helper, but just include it instead.
I tried to reproduce your error, but failed.
# spec_helper.rb
require 'support/global_helpers'
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include MyApp::GlobalHelpers
# support/global_helpers.rb
module MyApp
module GlobalHelpers
def self.included(base)
base.let(:beer) { :good }
base.before(:all) { #bottles = 10 }
# beer_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe "Brewery" do
it "makes good stuff" do
beer.should be :good
it "makes not too much bottles" do
#bottles.should == 10
context "when tasting beer" do
before(:all) do
#bottles -= 1
it "still produces good stuff" do
beer.should be :good
it "spends some beer on degusting" do
#bottles.should == 9
When I wrote something like base.before(:all) { p 'global before'; #bottles = 10 }, I got exactly one line in spec output.
Notice that I didn't try to modify instance variables inside an example, because it wouldn't work anyway (well, actually you can modify instance variables, if it's a hash or array). Moreover, even if you change before(:all) in nested example group to before(:each), there will be still 9 bottles in each example.

How do I effectively force Minitest to run my tests in order?

I know. This is discouraged. For reasons I won't get into, I need to run my tests in the order they are written. According to the documentation, if my test class (we'll call it TestClass) extends Minitest::Unit::TestCase, then I should be able to call the public method i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! (Gee - do you think the guy who created Minitest had an opinion on that one?). Additionally, there is also the option of calling a method called test_order and specifying :alpha to override the default behavior of :random. Neither of these are working for me.
Here's an example:
class TestClass < Minitest::Unit::TestCase
#override random test run ordering
def setup
...setup code
def teardown
...teardown code
def test_1
test_1 code....
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_1'
def test_2
assert(stuff to assert here, etc...)
puts 'test_2'
When I run this, I get:
undefined method `i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent!' for TestClass:Class (NoMethodError)
If I replace the i_suck method call with a method at the top a la:
def test_order
My test runs, but I can tell from the puts for each method that things are still running in random order each time I run the tests.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
If you just add test_order: alpha to your test class, the tests will run in order:
class TestHomePage
def self.test_order
def test_a
puts "a"
def test_b
puts "b"
Note that, as of minitest 5.10.1, the i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! method/directive is completely nonfunctional in test suites using MiniTest::Spec syntax. The Minitest.test_order method is apparently not being called at all.
EDIT: This has been a known issue since Minitest 5.3.4: see seattlerb/minitest#514 for the blow-by-blow wailing and preening.
You and I aren't the ones who "suck". What's needed is a BDD specification tool for Ruby without the bloat of RSpec and without the frat-boy attitude and contempt for wider community practices of MiniTest. Does anyone have any pointers?
i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! may be a later addition to minitest & not available as a Ruby core method. In that case, you'd want to force use of your gem version:
require 'rubygems'
gem 'minitest'
I think that the method *test_order* should be a class method and not a instance method like so:
# tests are order dependent
def self.test_order
The best way to interfere in this chain may be to override a class method runnable_methods:
def self.runnable_methods
['run_first'] | super | ['run_last']
#Minitest version:
def self.runnable_methods
methods = methods_matching(/^test_/)
case self.test_order
when :random, :parallel then
max = methods.size
methods.sort.sort_by { rand max }
when :alpha, :sorted then
raise "Unknown test_order: #{self.test_order.inspect}"
You can reorder test any suitable way around. If you define your special ordered tests with
test 'some special ordered test' do
, don't forget to remove them from the results of super call.
In my example I need to be sure only in one particular test to run last, so I keep random order on whole suite and place 'run_last' at the end of it.
