How to remove Billing address from Magento? - magento

I have to keep only Shipping address throughout Magento site.
I have found to not display billing address in checkout page, But i have to remove Billing Address from admin panel, emails from every where.
Please suggest anyone for this.
I have to totally remove Billing address.


Magento Adress fields in backend not displaying + Access Denied

I can do anything with my magento backend, but I do have one problem with the customer details. All orders don't show the customer address but just a "*"
I tried to setup:upgrade magento and then compile and deploy the static content without any luck.
I also created a new user role with all permissions and logged in to that account, but I still can't see the customer address.
Below picture:
Adress fields *
When clicked on edit address
Does anyone have any suggestion on what to do?

Fedex Shipping not showing on the Magento Website Frontend

I have recently configured a magento website with fedex shipping. But it is not showing on the frontend.
I have added the origin in shipping settings
I have properly configured the fedex shipping with proper Account id, meter number, key and password.
All my products has weights.
What else the issue can be? Do I need to configure the table rates shipping to make fedex work? I just cannot make out what the issue can be.

Magento Billing Adress name being created wrongly with onboarding customers

Magento Order Page
The magento orders placed with PayPal and with new customers are being created with concatenated data, as you can see on the screenshot.
The billing address name is being generated with the full checkout customer name plus the full paypal customer name.
Anyone have an idea why this happening?

payment module not working in magento

I have a magento store, and it's payment module is not working. I can add my shipping method, but after submitting shipping method,
it won't proceed to payment mode,
I have enabled cash on delivery. and
I have an amazon payment extension also. When I checked in console,
there shows some error, That is client ID is invalid in amazon, But
the extension is disabled
, still it causing problem, i think so,
Checkout with Multiple Addresses is working without any problem.
Can any one please help me, this is my website link please check
You took the client ID that was given to you by wizard. I ran into the same problem.
Go to your Amazon SellerCenter Account.
Then from Top right drop-down list select Login with Amazon.
From right side select the Application you want the information for.
Under Web Settings take the Client ID.

Fedex Shipping Method Setup In Magento

I am trying to setup FedEx shipping method in Magento (version
I set shipping title as Federal Express and also filled the correct Account Id, Meter Number, Key, and Password given by the FedEx service.
I also Set Weight Unit in Pounds and Maximum Package Weight to 105.
I have also enabled the FedEx Shipping Method For Checkout. But I got the error message like Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.
I too was stuck with the same problem for several days.But finally i got it done.
The issue for me was the address.You need to verify two addresses:
The shipping origin address of the admin. You can set it in your admin panel.
System->Configuration->Sales->shipping setting->Origin
Here enter the country and all information like zipcode,address etc.See this is correctly entered.
Another thing you need to keep in your mind is while checkout the address should be correct.
One thing you need to know while creating the fedex test account.
If you are shipping internationally from US and other countries than you need to select US and Global option while getting your meter number and account id.
If you want to test for domestic shipping out of US i.e for other countries than you need to select specific countries while getting your Fedex credential.
This should be done only for test credentials, For production environment single credentials will work for both domestic and international.
Currently the domestic shipping of UK is not working may be for other countries too so stop wasting your time on that if you are doing so.
The main thing in the address is the zip/postal code, you should enter a valid zip/code otherwise it will not work.
Try this and get in touch if some problems occur.May be i could help.
Hope this will work for you.
