Fedex Shipping Method Setup In Magento - magento

I am trying to setup FedEx shipping method in Magento (version
I set shipping title as Federal Express and also filled the correct Account Id, Meter Number, Key, and Password given by the FedEx service.
I also Set Weight Unit in Pounds and Maximum Package Weight to 105.
I have also enabled the FedEx Shipping Method For Checkout. But I got the error message like Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time.

I too was stuck with the same problem for several days.But finally i got it done.
The issue for me was the address.You need to verify two addresses:
The shipping origin address of the admin. You can set it in your admin panel.
System->Configuration->Sales->shipping setting->Origin
Here enter the country and all information like zipcode,address etc.See this is correctly entered.
Another thing you need to keep in your mind is while checkout the address should be correct.
One thing you need to know while creating the fedex test account.
If you are shipping internationally from US and other countries than you need to select US and Global option while getting your meter number and account id.
If you want to test for domestic shipping out of US i.e for other countries than you need to select specific countries while getting your Fedex credential.
This should be done only for test credentials, For production environment single credentials will work for both domestic and international.
Currently the domestic shipping of UK is not working may be for other countries too so stop wasting your time on that if you are doing so.
The main thing in the address is the zip/postal code, you should enter a valid zip/code otherwise it will not work.
Try this and get in touch if some problems occur.May be i could help.
Hope this will work for you.


Magento Fedex integration

I am trying to integrate fedex shipping in default magento system. i have created fedex sandbox account and added the credentials in fedex settings in admin. In frontend I am able to choose rate from fedex and complete the order.
But when I tried to ship that order from admin, I could not create shipping label as it says
Commodity country of manufacture is required; Shipper Postal-State Mismatch; Shipper Postal-City Mismatch;
I have tried many times with many address but could not create the shipping labels from fedex. Any ideas how to get started with fedex shipping label.
Below is the guide about setting FedEx shipping method in Magento.
Step 1. Go to: FedEx Developer Resource Center and create developer’s account.
Step 2. When you create developer’s account go to Developer Resource Center and click on top navigation FedeEx Web Services -> FedeEx Web Services for Shipping.
Now, you will see the link Develop & Test Your Application (about testing, obtain developer test key) click on it. Then you only have to send the request for the test environment, you can see the link “Obtain Developer Test Key” click on it and fill the form. After sending the form with data, you will receive an email message from FedEx with all required data for testing FedEx shipping method.
In this email message, you will get Test Account Number:xxxxxxxxx (for FedEx Web Services for Shipping only) and you have to insert this number in field Account ID in FedEx config section, take a look at below image.
Step 3. When you’re almost ready to launch:
After you’ve successfully tested your application and are ready to go into production, go to the FedEx Developer Resource Center to obtain your Production key.
For More Details Please visit this below URL:

Fedex Shipping not showing on the Magento Website Frontend

I have recently configured a magento website with fedex shipping. But it is not showing on the frontend.
I have added the origin in shipping settings
I have properly configured the fedex shipping with proper Account id, meter number, key and password.
All my products has weights.
What else the issue can be? Do I need to configure the table rates shipping to make fedex work? I just cannot make out what the issue can be.

Trying to upgrade to v3. Unable to find 'admin' username for logging into mysagepay

I am the web developer for a company who need to upgrade to v3 of mysagepay to continue trading.
However, the only username that I have been given, does not appear to give me admin rights in the control panel. I need to add the IP address of our shopping cart provider to allow it to continue to work after the end of the july.
My guess is that there is another username , which is the full admin rights one..
The one I have is payments, which allows you to view orders etc, but not access most of the settings.
Is there a standard username for the admin account on a given vendor name? I've tried 'retrieve username' using various emails of the company, but they only return the payments username, which isn't apparently an admin user.
I've filled out a couple of forms for online support but as yet have had no useful responses, and time is running out.
Can any one advise as to whether there is a standard username that gives full access rights (admin?) or whether there is a way of telling what the admin user is.
Many Thanks - pulling my hair out here.
Call Sage Pay. They can add the IP for you, and/or probably sort out an admin user account. You'll probably need your Merchant number in order to prove you have something to do with that vendor account - you can get this from the authorisation details screen when viewing one of the payments that you have. Number is 0845 111 4455 - I recommend calling out of core business hours as they are pretty busy then (but phones are manned 24/7)

Authentication failed in error log while setting up fedex for magento in sandbox mode

I am new to the fedex shipping method. I want to integrate fedex as a shipping method in my magento store.But there is a issue that the shipping method is not displaying during the checkout process.This question may seems redundant but i have searched a lot but i couldn't get this up and running.
The Problem is Fedex shipping method is not showing up during checkout process.In the error log its Authentication Failed.
What i did:
Got the developers test credentials from
I have a store of UK.I tried getting the account for both US and Global as well and UK domestic because i was told that for domestic shipping you need to select that particular country while generating the test key.I tried both.
I setup the Fedex in sandbox mode. I have rechecked the credentials and it is all fine which i have been provided by fedex.
I chekout with a test product but the fedex didn't show up in shipping method.
Some answers that i get from similar type of questions but didn't work for me:
Setting up the weight for the product.
Checking whether the weight unit is in pound rather than Kilogram.
According to the error log it seems that there is a problem with the credentials but I checked multiple time and i entered same as the fedex provided me with.
My queries are:
What may have been the issue?
As this is to get the shipping rate what shipping information does magento sends to the Fedex to calculate the rates?
Does anyone have faced and solved similar type of issue. I am facing this for few days and i have got nowhere, so can any one please help me with this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The initial set of keys that Fedex provides are TEST keys, so you have to make sure you are hitting the test server "" with those credentials.
The other way around will fail also, by this I mean using TEST credentials pointing to Production server

How would I test payment methods within magento

I was just wondering if anybody knows how to test magento's payment options.
I have got a few questions.
Do I need to change any code within any of the pages?
Do I need to make any changes to the admin settings ?
Is there a simple setting to test these payment methods out?
Is there only certain payment methods that you can actually check?
No you dont need to change any code. Its all handled from backend.
Generally for development purpose we use Cash on delivery or Check/Money Order payment method.
So you just need to enable these method from backend.
For Testing Credit Cards enable 'Saved CC' Payment Method and during checkout use test credit card type VISA, card number 4111111111111111 with any date of future for Expiration Date and any cvv number
Additionally for proper payment gateway integration You will need to purchase payment gateway which will provide Magento Module along with it. This Payment Method will have 2 modes test and live that are configurable from banckend. So with test mode you can continue development and testing.
Similarly with Paypal. Yo can setup Sandbox test account. Module is already there.
If you want to use Express Checkout:
Go to and log in using your PayPal account (it doesn't matter if the acount is empty or not).
Click on the menu item on the top dashboard and then select Accounts from the sidebar.
There, you will find 2 test accounts already set for you. You can modify the existing acounts or create new ones.
This post may help you.
Yes you can test on local host with setup sendbox account.
You can create a 99% discount coupon.
PS: From my experience, that's the standard to test live websites. The sandbox payment only works on staging/dev sites, as it puts the entire website on dev mode.
