Issue with Joomla k2 userblog - joomla

My k2 user blog is not showing any content(ItemList). When I checked the query and removed the AND i.created_by_alias='' in DB , it is showing contents in phpmyadmin. But what is the real issue and how to fix it


Magento site migrated on another server

I am using magento version and having site on this
Client asked me to migrate data to other server with same configuration
But when I transferred all data to another server everything is working
fine except products not showing up at front-end.It shows in database and admin side.
I guess this in list.phtml
$products = $this->getLoadedProductCollection();
is not working
And I have also checked with loading base theme magento but no luck in that.
If anyone help me in this would be really helpful
Thanks in advance
You can do following steps :
1) go to backend, select all products, click on update attributes, click on websites on left, check your website and click on submit.
2) Go to system->config catalog and check if you have disabled retrieval of out of stock products on listing page.
3) After above steps, reindex your products and inventory.
4) Delete magento/var/cache/* and check website again.
After many attempts finally found solution,it was because of license issue
which is only for domain and i was accessing it from other IP and when I pointed it to that domain all things started working fine.
Thank you all for your inputs and help

Magento 1.9 customer/account throwing 404 error

I run a webstore using Magento 1.9 , on clicking on account it is throwing /customer/account gets a Magento 404 error.
I have the same issues with the admin panel as well, as I am able to edit the old customer in admin panel but not the new customer registerd after 404 error.
I have also gone through the here but not able to find the correct solution.
Finally I found the answer.
There were records for this customer in the previous store. This prevented me to add the customer in the new updated store. I have deleted all the previous records and it works fine :)

404 page not found when trying to access CMS -> Pages in admin panel Magento

Shortly after configuring my site to have two separate websites I could not access CMS -> Pages to manage my pages.
I followed the steps on this two links | Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages where they mention “cms_page_store” table. But that table obviously does not exist in Magento version.
Old question, but still happened to me in Magento Some leftover CMS-Page database entries were referencing a store_id of a store that no longer existed after I deleted it.
So here's what solved it for me:
Find out the ids of your stores: Under System > Manage Stores in the column Store View Name look for the Store's id that pop up when hovering the link and also in the link url (e.g. ...admin/system_store/editStore/store_id/3/key/...)
To be safe, make a database backup under System > Tools > Backups
Go to your database and find the table cms_page_store. Delete all entries with a store id in the field store_id that points to a store, that does no longer exist.
Refresh CMS > Pages, 404 should be gone.

K2 tag not working on joomla 2.5 backend

Hi after searching a lot I,m posting this question. When trying to add a tag in k2 item in joomla 2.5 backend, nothing happens. I have pressed enter and also tried with comma. I have tried with updating k2 latest version. But still same problem. I,m using ja_wall template, joomla 2.5. Also I,m getting this error after k2 upgrade
Model class cpanelModelCpanel not found in file
Can anyone help please.
This was a issue that was fixed in K2 v2.6.1. Alternatively delete the file ROOT/administrator/components/com_k2/models/cpanel.php. Which was effectively what the update did.
Also see this forum post on k2 for more info on the issue!!
I have the right solution. Go to phpMyadmin then to jos_k2_tags_xref and edit the structure. Set the ID as a Primary, (click on it) then go to edit the id row. Set "Default" as "None" or "Not Set" (I don't know how it is called in english but anyway it's the first possible selection) then check the "A_I" field (AUTO_INCREMENT) and then save. Now it should work :)
The problem was, ID of new k2 tags was 0 due to a wrong migration of k2 tables :)
This can also used to fix the same error when creating/copying/deleting k2 items if this cause problems.

Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages

I'm using Magento which works great other then the 404 when I'm trying to enter CMS/Pages in the navigation.
All other pages work great and even other items in CMS menu, only Pages gives 404.
What should I do?
Had this exact problem..
You are getting a 404 on CMS pages because of the remains of old store views still hanging around in the database after deleting store views from Magento admin, to clean up ( delete ) old unused CMS pages for store views you have deleted run this MySQL query.
DELETE FROM cms_page_store WHERE store_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM core_store)
You could also use an app like phpmyadmin to manually look for CMS entries that have store IDs that you know not to be in use, but this could get messy.
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