Magento 1.9 customer/account throwing 404 error - magento

I run a webstore using Magento 1.9 , on clicking on account it is throwing /customer/account gets a Magento 404 error.
I have the same issues with the admin panel as well, as I am able to edit the old customer in admin panel but not the new customer registerd after 404 error.
I have also gone through the here but not able to find the correct solution.

Finally I found the answer.
There were records for this customer in the previous store. This prevented me to add the customer in the new updated store. I have deleted all the previous records and it works fine :)


All Products got disappeared and customers cant login on magento 2.2.7

I using Magento 2.2.7, everything was smooth. And when i logged in to my site today i see all of my products not showing, when try to login to admin and checked, all my products are there and i had tried to login via customer on the frontend, And cant login.
When checked the indexer, i see that one of the indexer was locked. So i had reset the Indexer. And reindexed all , Indexer run sucessfully. Still no products are showing in frontend.
All products should show and customers should login to the system correctly.

Magento customer login error

After migrating Magento website on new server am getting an error on customer login page. I attached one screenshot have a look
I solved this error by deleting URL Rewrite from the catalog

Magento Admin 404 after sessions expire

We have just moved our joomla/magento site to a new server. We are now getting some intermittant 404 errors for the magento admin panel
We are able to use the Magento Admin periodically. After a couple of hours we will start getting a 404 after logging in. Once we manually clear the magento cache it starts to work again.
When we start getting the 404 the issue appears to be related to the URL.
Our setup is:
Joomla is in the root directory.
Magento ( is in a sub-directory /magento
When the Admin panel ( is working the url after login is
When the 404 starts occuring the url drops the 'magento' out of the url and becomes
After manually cleaning the magneto cache the issue is resolved. After a few hours it starts to occur again.
Any help would be appreciated.
Well I found the solution to the problem that we have been having.
Some where along the line the permissions of the magento/var/cache directory where incorrect. Apparently if magento can't write to this directory it starts writing to the global /tmp directory.
This post on the magento forum has the info and solution:
Hope it helps someone.

products not showing in frontend magento

about a week ago I had issues with the reindexing process so deleted all none required fields and it did not index for about a week however during that time the website failed to display any products. Now it is reindexing the products are enabled, instock, visible and selected to run on the main store but still nothing is displayed. When looking thorugh the catagories on the frontend it shows that there is products in the catalog (quantity) but shows no results. Any ideas?
You need to reindexing all again from magento admin panel then hope your problem will be solved.
Found the problem eventually by trial and error went into the database and copied the values from a known clean installation as the problem was in the catalog_eav table

After upgrading Magento from to 1.5.1 a successful check out doesn't redirect to the confirmation page

After upgrading Magento to 1.5.1 when a customer orders their screen refreshed, but it doesn't redirect to the confirmation page and customers can push the place order button again and have their card charged again. Has anyone else stumbled onto this problem?
Thanks for looking
After I checkout the server returns the following response:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mage_Payment_Helper_Data::getZeroSubTotalPaymentAutomaticInvoice() in /var/www/magentobase/app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers/OnepageController.php on line 503
Turns out there was a patched file I made awhile ago that fixed a previous issue that was causing the conflict. The patched file was located in:
I simply removed the file and everything is working fine.
