refresh msflexgrid from another form - vb6

Working on some old code at the moment and a bit stuck
I have a main form that has a msflexgrid populated with data from SQL and on this form there is a button, which opens a modal form that allows me to enter data and save it to SQL (then closes the form).
The issue is the msflexgrid on the main form doesn't refresh after I save data from the modal, I need a way of automatically refreshing the msflexgrid after the modal form closes.
Any help would be appreciated :)

Maintain a global structure and update it when the changes are committed in the modal form. After modal form is unloaded, control comes back to the command button click event in main form and there, you update the msflexgrid with the data available in the global structure. Like this, explicitly we need to update the msflexgrid and it is not refreshed automatically.

It just hit me that because the second form is a modal form it only return to the main form when the second form unloads, so I can just add the refresh function right after showing the second form, I knew I was doing something stupid :/
Dim AddBusContact As New frmAddBusContact
AddBusContact.SetBusID (clsThisForm.BusID)
AddBusContact.Show (vbModal) 'code stops here until second form is unloaded
refreshgrid 'and I can just call the function that refreshes the grid here

I would suggest one more idea. If the modal form allows the user to cancel action, or to give up what started to do, probably it is better to trigger the grid refresh function before the modal form unloads and only if changes have been made...


How to pass data from one page model to another page model in fresh mvmm

I have used Fresh MVMM. I need to pass a data from one page model to another page model without using init and reverse init.
Eg: I have one toggle button in first content page.
I need to toggled the button based on the selection in second popup page without popup the second PopPopupPageModel.
ReverseInit is worked when popup the second PopPopupPageModel and can easily pass data.
But I need to toogled the button in first page without popup the second page.
Please help...

Joomla modal popup target url does not get session value

I have a problem regarding modal popup and session.
I have two component name test and test1 respectively.
In test there is a form in view in which i put "Anchor" tag with "modal" class. has also class name "class1".
When i clicked on Anchor tag it call click function(on click "class1") in which i put ajax code for set data using "Session".
// Ajax code here for set data using session
with above function it also called modal popup. here targer url is seted which is the view of 2nd component which is "test1".
Here in test1 there is a view.html , we are getting session data here and displaying in view.
Problem is that , here in 2nd component , in view i am getting session data but i need to click on button two time , only after i getting data properly.
When i click on it give me a old session data. and when i click on it second time it will give me a proper data.
What is the solution for above problem. if anyone know please let me know.
Session data is altered only after we click on Anchor tag.
Both thing is done on Anchor click , one is for set data in session and second is for modal popup. in popup i am getting data which set in session.
when is the session data is being altered?
Is it altered by ajax call too?
In this case, javascript, is unsynchronous. It doesn't wait for something to happen in order to fire the next line of code. In that case there are several techniques you may find to do so.

It's possible to pre save the knockoutjs view model to prevent refresh and data lost?

i have a MVC3 project with KnockoutJS and in my view.
The form that the user fills, has information already loaded from the server and the user is filling and selecting from this data so then, the user saves the data selected.
So... sometimes, the user, in the middle of the form, realize that some data is missing and it must cancel the form fill and edit the data that is missing and come back and do it again. So, my question is this... can i persist the view model in some way that the user can edit the missing data in other tab or window in the explorer and then refresh the form and dont lose the data?
I hope the explanation was clear.. my English is a little bit rusty.
Yes, you can. If the data is on the same page, you could save the viewmodel data to another object, possibly using ko.toJSON. Then you can pull it back in later.
If you have to reload the page, you could save the viewmodel or the form's state in storage, using a library like amplify.js.
pseudo code:'myData', myViewModel);

How to add a new item to a dropdownlist in a create form in MVC 3?

I have a Form to create a new model object and persist it. That form is displayed in a lightbox or popup.
Some fields are dropdownlist showing related info that lives in another table (other model object related to the main model).
What I need to achieve is without leaving the creation form, create a new item of the related type and update the DropDownList in order to continue filling fields and finaly submit the form.
I have done this in winforms but not really sure which is the best approach in MVC 3:
Trigger another popup with a small form?
Use some kind of editable dropdownlist?
Place a small hidden form right next/after the DDL to allow entering the info to create an item in DDL (and to DB also)?
What do you thing is the best option?
There is no editable dropdown list in HTML. There are some toolkits that simulate it, but in general these are clumbsy and really complex. It's a lot easier to stick with basic controls.
You would proably do best to have a small + sign next to the field, and then popup an editing field that inserts the element into the combobox and sends it to the controller via ajax to add to the database.
An alternative to a second pop up is having a toggle add button. When toggled, then show a small area where you can enter the name. Using ajax, save the name, and then refresh your dropdown. This works well if you only have a few attributes to fill in.

ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - User Hammering Submit Button

Even using the Post/Redirect/Get method, and including javascript to disable a button after it has been clicked, I am having a problem with users being able to just rapidly hammer a submit button and get multiple form posts in before server side validation can stop it.
Is there any way to stop this? I've even tried this method : how to implment click-once submit button in mvc 2?
And I've tried outright blocking the UI with jquery blockUI. I have BOTH client side and server side validation in place, and they work perfectly - but a user smashing the submit button twenty times in under a second just seems to keep breaking it.
Use javascript to wire the onclick event to disable the button.
If you are already doing that and you can still get multiple form posts, then the problem is a delay between the clicking of the button and the button being disabled, and you must be submitting the form multiple times during this delay.
To fix this, make the onclick event first make a call to stopPropagation() to stop the submit event. Then validate that the form is not in submission-blocked state. You can do this by creating a page-scoped javascript variable with a boolean value like can_submit. Test for can_submit being true before submitting the form. Set the can_submit = false when the button is disabled, so even if the button is not disabled fast enough, the form will not submit if the value has already been set to false.
In most cases I'd say that this isn't worth fixing - if a user is going to do something as silly as clicking submit 20 times they should expect to get an error.
The only real fix for this is to set up your action to only accept the same form once - add a hidden field that is set to a random value when the form is loaded. When the form is posted, save that value somewhere temporarily and if it is already there you have a duplicate request that shouldn't do anything.
