How to pass data from one page model to another page model in fresh mvmm - xamarin

I have used Fresh MVMM. I need to pass a data from one page model to another page model without using init and reverse init.
Eg: I have one toggle button in first content page.
I need to toggled the button based on the selection in second popup page without popup the second PopPopupPageModel.
ReverseInit is worked when popup the second PopPopupPageModel and can easily pass data.
But I need to toogled the button in first page without popup the second page.
Please help...


Oracle APEX takes a value from a function and uses it to open a new page

I have a function that returns a value (e.g.27).
I am put this value to my page item (P2120_SYMPTOM_ID) and i want with this value to open with button another page (P2140).
I am going to button Link builder - target and i am using P2120_SYMPTOM_ID like this:
but unfortunatendly this value doesn't pass to my new page criteria.
How can i use this value?
If you're just navigating to another page (as opposed to opening a modal window) then use action "Submit" on your button and create a branch to the new page. That is how navigation is supposed to be done. The link builder links are generated when the page is rendered and do not pick up session values.
This is a common question, and relates to the fact the link uses values during page render, not what may have happened during interaction with the page
A common solution is presented in the Oracle forums here
Alternatively, there is a free & supported FOEX Redirect plugin that also solves this problem

Data-view is not updating when entity is updated in Mendix

Question is: How to show data in data-view in such a way that if entity is updated some how dataview is updated too.
This is my Entity named latestReading.
Here is my page LatestReading that show latest readings. It contains three data views.
This page is not called directly, as it expect a object latestReading. Hence a micro-flow named showLatestReadingPage is executed that fetches or create latestReading object and pass it to the LatestReading page and display LatestReading page.
Here is that micro-flow.
getOrCreateLatestReading is a micro-flow that returns us the a latestReading object if it is available or create a new latestReading object if it is not already created and then returns it.
Here is that micro-flow.
These are the properties of first of the three data-views in LatestReading page as shown diagram of LatestReading Page above. Name of this DataView is TemperatureDataView
These are the properties of text widget that is inside TemperatureDataView data-view. Its name is temperatureText. It shows value of temperature in the TemperatureDataView.
And this is the caption of temperatureText text widget:
Problem is when another micro-flow updates the value of latestReading the text widget is not updated. I need to reload it by clicking on navigation link of LatestReading page again.
I need my text widget in data view to keep updating value of latestReading when it is updated my some other micro-flow
The issue is that ‘refresh in client’ only works if the microflow is executed in the same context as the page (client) that the user is seeing. For example if there is a button on the page that triggers a microflow that refreshes the client then it will update the widget. However, if the microflow is triggered by the system (e.g. a scheduled event) then these changes are in a different context. Also if another user triggers a refresh it will only refresh that user’s client. Also if one user is logged in through multiple browsers (i.e. has multiple sessions, it also means that for each session there is a different user context.
The simplest solution in this case would likely be to use an appstore widget that periodically triggers a refresh on the object displayed in the dataview, such as this one: . Simply create nanoflow or microflow with a change action that changes no attributes but refreshes the object.

Joomla modal popup target url does not get session value

I have a problem regarding modal popup and session.
I have two component name test and test1 respectively.
In test there is a form in view in which i put "Anchor" tag with "modal" class. has also class name "class1".
When i clicked on Anchor tag it call click function(on click "class1") in which i put ajax code for set data using "Session".
// Ajax code here for set data using session
with above function it also called modal popup. here targer url is seted which is the view of 2nd component which is "test1".
Here in test1 there is a view.html , we are getting session data here and displaying in view.
Problem is that , here in 2nd component , in view i am getting session data but i need to click on button two time , only after i getting data properly.
When i click on it give me a old session data. and when i click on it second time it will give me a proper data.
What is the solution for above problem. if anyone know please let me know.
Session data is altered only after we click on Anchor tag.
Both thing is done on Anchor click , one is for set data in session and second is for modal popup. in popup i am getting data which set in session.
when is the session data is being altered?
Is it altered by ajax call too?
In this case, javascript, is unsynchronous. It doesn't wait for something to happen in order to fire the next line of code. In that case there are several techniques you may find to do so.

navigate back and display the previous page without reloading the previous page variables and designs?

I have one issue in my program, i have three pages in my program, Main page, first page and second page. I'm able to navigate from the main page to the first page and from the first page to the second page. I have a stack panel in the first page. It consists of children which are dynamically created from the db. This page contains a OnNavigateTo method, for bringing the elements from the main page and displaying it, And i wrote my codings in this method to add dynamically children to the stackpanel. when navigating back from the second page to the first page, the compiler will goes to the OnNavigateTo method and regenerate the children of the stackpanel once again.
My problem is:
i want to show the previously displayed first page with all the data, when the back button is pressed. I doesn't want the page to regenerate again. I want the static page which i have previously when i go back from the second page to the first page.
How to do it? please help me with some piece of code... Thank You..
Do the logic in the constructor, because it doesn't get called when navigating back (unless the app has been tombstoned). OnNavigatedTo gets called every time no matter how you navigate to the page.
Read this for more info:
WP7 Development Tip of the Day: Page Startup: The Constructor

MVC3 Navigation, browser positionin g

I have a C#.NET MVC3 web app. I have a View that has a List of Models. This list can be long, requiring the user to scroll down on the View. When selecting one of the models in the View to Edit, the user is taken to the Edit View. After submitting the Edit View, the user is redirected back to the List View. However, the List View is now displaying back at the top of the list. How can I redirect the user back to the same position in the List View where they clicked the Edit button?
You would probably be better suited using a modal popup dialog to edit the data, rather than navigating to another page.
While it's possible to do what you want, it's a pain. You would have to get the scroll location via javascript, save it to a hidden field, post that to your edit page, along with record number and anything else, then re-post it back to your original page when you return, then read the post value and scroll to it via javascript.
All that is avoided if you just use a modal edit dialog, then when the dialog goes away the page is still in the same place.
