ruby equivalent of destructor [duplicate] - ruby

This question already has an answer here:
Notification of object destruction in Ruby
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm using RubyPython to import a Python module. I am doing RubyPython.start in the constructor (initialize), and I suppose I should symmetrically do RubyPython.stop in the destructor, but unfortunately it seems that there is no destructor in Ruby:
class QDSHiveHelper
def initialize
qds = RubyPython.import('blah')
def do_something
def finalize
Could someone please explain how to accomplish this? ObjectSpace.define_finalize seems to be discouraged and has some gotchas (can't use closure etc). I could also just leave RubyPython dangling and not call stop on it, but I don't know what could be the consequences. What's the best way out?

There is a hook called ObjectSpace.define_finalizer that is called when an object is destroyed.


no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer, Ruby [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Ruby, no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am new to ruby, and have no idea, how to fix this error. when i run my script containing the code below, i always get the error: 'no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer. I think the Problem is in the lines #killProc..., #Name=..., and #working_directory.
Can you tell me whats wrong?
Thanks for your help
class RubyCommand
include Patir::Command
attr_reader :cmd,:working_directory,:killProc
def initialize params,&block
if block_given?
raise "You Need to provide a block"
Pretty sure you're passing an array instead of a hash. You should call it like this:{killProc:1,name:"test"})

Why should I use lambda/proc ?Explain it's importance [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
When to use lambda, when to use
(14 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I am new to ruby, and while learning it I didn't understand the concept of lambdas or procs. I know lambda and proc are the blocks of code that have been bound to a set of local variables. But I don't understand their use.
what advantage does a programmer get from it?
I had asked this question in past and got marked as duplicate and was given a link that had totally unrelated answered so please before marking it as duplicate or scolding me please view the answers of other links by yourself first.
This is a broad question. You're basically asking "why are closures important?". Two uses that come to mind for me are:
DISCLAIMER: I haven't actually run any of this code, but it should get the point across.
Delayed execution of code. If I want to pass some code as a callback (e.g. Rails' after_create), I can use a closure to "hook" into Rails by passing a block. That block has the context of the current class, but it doesn't need to get run until Rails says so.
class SuperClass
def self.after_create(&block)
#__after_create = block
def self.create
# do normal create logic
instance =
if #__after_create
class MyClass < SuperClass
after_create {|instance| instance.log}
def log
puts 'hello world!'
Passing functions as parameters. This makes it easier to do things like write a generic tree traversal algorithm that just passes each node of the tree to some function:
def Tree.elements
["hello", "world!"]
def Tree.traverse(&block)
elements.each {|el|}
Tree.traverse {|el| puts el} # "hello" "world!"
Tree.traverse {|el| puts el.size} # "5" "6"

The ampersand operator with parameters [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can you supply arguments to the map(&:method) syntax in Ruby?
(9 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I wonder, isn't it possible to call a method using & operator with parameters?
items.each &:my_proc # ok
items.each &:my_proc(123, "456") # ops!
No, it's not possible. Use full form.
items.each{|i| i.my_proc(123, '456')}
Look at the source of Symbol#to_proc for the "why".
You can use a bit of trickery and acheive something similar:
class Symbol
def [](*args)
proc{|obj| obj.send(self, *args) }
[123.456, 234.567].map(&:round[2])
#=> [123.46, 234.57]
I highly discourage the use in production code though, since gems etc may rely on Symbol#[]. This is just a fun thing to play around with ;-)

`&:views_count` in `Post.published.collect(&:views_count)` [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does map(&:name) mean in Ruby?
(17 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I saw the code from here
I guess it equals to
.collect { |p| p.views_count }
But I never saw this usage before, does this have a name? Where can I find more information about it?
This is actually a rather clever hack made it into ruby 1.9.
Basically, & in front of a variable in ruby coerces it into a proc. It does that by calling to_proc. Some clever fellow (first time I saw this was in _whys code, but I won't credit him cause I don't know if he came up with it) added a to_proc method to Symbol, that is essentially {|obj| obj.send self}.
There aren't many coercians in ruby, but it seems like all of them are mostly used to do hacks like this (like !! to coerce any type into a boolean)
It's a use of Symbol#to_proc. The & operator turns a Proc object into a block, and because Ruby 1.8.7 and newer implement Symbol#to_proc, it can be used with a symbol like :views_count. And yes, it's equivalent to {|p| p.views_count}.

Understanding [ClassOne, ClassTwo].each(&:my_method) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What does map(&:name) mean in Ruby?
I was watching a railscast and saw this code.
[Category, Product].(&:delete_all)
In regards to clearing a database.
I asked about the line in IRC and was told
was a shortcut for
{|model| model.delete_all}
I tested this with the following
class ClassOne
def class_method
puts 1
class ClassTwo
def class_method
puts 2
[ClassOne, ClassTwo].each(&:class_method)
I received an error saying
Wrong Argument type Symbol (expected Proc)
I also tried
one =
two =
[one, two].each(&:class_method)
But that still failed.
If I modified it to read
[one, two].each{|model| model.class_method}
Everything worked as expected.
So, what does &:delete_all actually do? The docs say delete_all is a method, so I am confused as to what is going on here.
This relies upon a Ruby 1.9 extension that can be done in 1.8 by including the following:
class Symbol
def to_proc
proc { |obj, *args| obj.send(self, *args) }
I believe Rails defines this in ActiveSupport.
It's some Rails specific patching of Ruby, symbol to proc.
