Visual Studio 2012 TFS Silent Check In issue - visual-studio

I appear to be having a sporadic issue with checking in code to my TFS 2010 server via Visual Studio 2012. Every few check-ins or so Visual Studio will not display the yellow bar above the "Team Explorer - Pending Changes" pane confirming the check-in with a change-set number. I will not receive the associated email as well. Sometimes the check-in will not occur at all with no message anywhere, nor the change-set incrementation in the Team Web Access website. Mind that I do frequently have successful check-ins.
Any help would be appreciated.

Check if you have a hanging "TFS Power Tool Shell Extension" (TfsComProviderSvr.exe). I notice this extension does not close when I close Visual Studio.


Cannot check-in recent code changes to Visual Studio Online

For some reason I cannot check in my code to our Visual Studio Online account. Other developers can, but not me. This is the error I am getting:
"Could not find dataspace with category VersionControl and identifier [some guid]"
Searching for any help on the above error is not returning anything meaningful.
This started to happen after I installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I launched it for the first time after creating a new web application with Visual Studio 2013. I then opened that new solution in 2015 and all was fine. Things began to go awry once I tried to put it in our Visual Studio Online account. When I went to Team Explorer in VS 2015 I selected "Projects and My Teams / New Team Project". This then bounced me over to our Visual Studio Online account in the browser for me to fill out that simple form to create a new team project. I filled the form out and submitted. I then got an error that the project was not successfully created. Unfortunately Visual Studio still thinks it was created and it shows up in the list of projects ONLY WITHIN Visual Studio -- it does not show up online. Eventually I just became frustrated and deleted everything related to all that I just tried but then learned that I cannot check anything in now on my old projects! I had other developers test and they still can so the problem evidently is on my machine. I then uninstalled VS 2013 and VS 2015 then reinstalled VS 2013 and am still having the problem.
I am hoping someone can point me to some cached junk that needs to be cleared on my system. :-)
This is a bit shot in the dark, few things you can try:
Delete the local cache under:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation
Open cmd. Type:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
Verify connections: tf settings connections
Run Visual Studio in safe mode (devenv.exe /SafeMode)
Run Visual Studio with activity log (devenv.exe /log) and check for errors.

Visual Studio 2013 Crashing When Opening Team Explorer

After opening Visual Studio 2013 successfully, I switch to the Team Explorer tab and consistently get a popup error dialog saying that, "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 has stopped working" and "Windows is checking for a solution to the problem".
This seems to be directly related to TFS (2013 Update 4) since other tools that access TFS (like Source Control Explorer > Workspaces...) also cause the crash.
Edit: I have already tried a VS 2013 Repair. This took all morning with no different results.
This is frustrating because I cannot use TFS outside of the command-line tools. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Credit to Tuğrul Emre Atalay for the post: Visual Studio Crashing When Checking In.
His issue was checking in changes and having Visual Studio crash. In my case, just using the TFS tools was consistently causing a crash.
The fix for me was to only clear out the local cache and not both the server and local caches.
Clean the Cache folder on client computer. The folder path is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache.
I cleared this folder and I was able to use all of the TFS tools without any further issues.
I then realized that this happened since migrating to a new user name. I had copied many of my settings over from my old account folder and it must have corrupted the cache area.
I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprises. When i open it, VS wasn't able to connect to TFS and it crashed when i clicked on "manage connections"
The issue was not about the cache (I cleared the cache, made a repair of VS and nothing changed) but about the fact that we are currently migrating our projects from perforce to Git with Team Foundation Server.
When Visual Studio starts, it seems VS is trying to connect to TFS with linked Git repositories, but since the plugin currently used is perforce, it causes an exception somehow.
The solution is to set your source control plugin to Microsoft Git Provider (or Visual Studio Team Foundation Server if you are using it)
Here's two screen shots I took. Right after I selected the Microsoft Git Provider, the Team Explorer tab automatically refreshed and I am now able to connect to my projects.
Go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates Look for Github Extension for Visual Studio and Uninstall it
Never Mind as you can still work with Github
Now Restart Visual Studio.
Enjoy working on Team Explorer.

Visual Studio 2012 - Solution Explorer - Checked Out By Another Person in Another Place

All of my coworkers can see in Visual Studio 2012 Solution Explorer when anybody else has code checked out.
The icon changes from Checked In to Checked Out By Another Person in Another Place.
But my Visual Studio does not update to change the icon when this takes place. I went to another coworkers desk and had them check out a file and then I went back to mine and the icon did not update. I checked out one of my files and it was correctly displayed on their screen.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio 2012?
Is there an option I can click in TFS, Visual Studio, or elsewhere where I can turn this option on?
It is quite annoying working with multiple developers and I do not know when somebody else has a file checked out.
I am currently running Visual Studio Professional 2012 - Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4

Automatic check-in in visual studio 2012

Every time I hit save in my visual studio 2012 It tries to check-in and most of the times it fails.!!!
I'm using Microsoft TFS server itself.
Now my question is How can I make it stop from auto checking-in?
I tried to disable it from option->source control-> environment but there is no option to disable the auto checking-in on saving in Saving drop down.
I want to save my project locally and check-in when ever I want and not automatically.
I'll add a screen shot next time it happens
I started to use TFS recently in Visual Studio 2013. I think the check-in function should be no different from Visual Studio 2012. It won't auto check-in when saving files. Have you checked "Pending Changes" -> "Included Changes" to make sure changes have been checked in?

Visual Studio 2010 is prompting to login to Team Foundation Server

Visual Studio 2010 is prompting to login to a Team Foundation Server. How can I remove this?
If you go to Tools:Options:Source Control, you can change your Current source control plugin to something else (or nothing).
It appears that you are being prompted to make a TFS connection to a CodePlex TFS server.
If this is a result of opening a .sln, then you can cancel, and try disassociating this .sln with any source control. Unbind from source control.
Perhaps within Team Explorer you've got a TFS entry there to that CodePlex server. Try disconnecting that.
