Visual Studio 2013 Crashing When Opening Team Explorer - visual-studio-2013

After opening Visual Studio 2013 successfully, I switch to the Team Explorer tab and consistently get a popup error dialog saying that, "Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 has stopped working" and "Windows is checking for a solution to the problem".
This seems to be directly related to TFS (2013 Update 4) since other tools that access TFS (like Source Control Explorer > Workspaces...) also cause the crash.
Edit: I have already tried a VS 2013 Repair. This took all morning with no different results.
This is frustrating because I cannot use TFS outside of the command-line tools. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Credit to Tuğrul Emre Atalay for the post: Visual Studio Crashing When Checking In.
His issue was checking in changes and having Visual Studio crash. In my case, just using the TFS tools was consistently causing a crash.
The fix for me was to only clear out the local cache and not both the server and local caches.
Clean the Cache folder on client computer. The folder path is: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\5.0\Cache.
I cleared this folder and I was able to use all of the TFS tools without any further issues.
I then realized that this happened since migrating to a new user name. I had copied many of my settings over from my old account folder and it must have corrupted the cache area.

I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprises. When i open it, VS wasn't able to connect to TFS and it crashed when i clicked on "manage connections"
The issue was not about the cache (I cleared the cache, made a repair of VS and nothing changed) but about the fact that we are currently migrating our projects from perforce to Git with Team Foundation Server.
When Visual Studio starts, it seems VS is trying to connect to TFS with linked Git repositories, but since the plugin currently used is perforce, it causes an exception somehow.
The solution is to set your source control plugin to Microsoft Git Provider (or Visual Studio Team Foundation Server if you are using it)
Here's two screen shots I took. Right after I selected the Microsoft Git Provider, the Team Explorer tab automatically refreshed and I am now able to connect to my projects.

Go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates Look for Github Extension for Visual Studio and Uninstall it
Never Mind as you can still work with Github
Now Restart Visual Studio.
Enjoy working on Team Explorer.


visual studio 2019 open solution file incompatible

I think I was using visual studio 2017 and wrote a SSIS package. Now I installed visual studio 2019 and can't open the solution file. Error:
Unsupported This version of Visual Studio is unable to open the
following projects. The project types may not be installed or this
version of Visual Studio may not support them. For more information
on enabling these project types or otherwise migrating your assets,
please see the details in the "Migration Report" displayed after
clicking OK.
- ABC, "C:\Users\XYZ\ABC.dtproj"
Non-functional changes required Visual Studio will automatically make
non-functional changes to the following projects in order to enable
them to open in Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio
2012, and Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Project behavior will not be
- ABC_SSIS, "C:\Users\XYZ\ABC_SSIS.sln"
I tried "Right-click on the project and reload" - didn't work.
I tried to confirm SSDT is installed:
it is installed at the installation interface, but doesn't exist in extension manager:
SSIS is a seperate extension now in Visual Studio 2019. You can install that extension in Visual Studio market place. Choose Online tab and search for "SQL Server Integration Services Projects".Hope it can help your problem
1.Extensions -> Microsoft Reporting Service Project
2.and then close visual studio
3.VSIX installer will complete automatically
4.If your project unloaded, right click on project and reload
Today I faced this issue,
The reason for issue is,
I saw a yellow bg notification at the top of IDE showing performance issue , with option to "disable this" to improve the performance.
I chose disable, later next day when I opened the project, It showed the project is not compatible.
I did Repair SSIS, Uninstall and Reinstall SSIS, and also updated the SSIS to latest version. None of these 3 ways resolved the issue.
But, I found Manage Extension submenu item under Extension menu, Under installed tab, SSIS extension was in disabled status. I reverted to Enabled status. Sample screenshot of the same for reference is here. If it disabled, simply enable it. Then restart VS with SSIS project.
Enabling the SSIS in manage extensions solved this for me.
Extensions ... Manage Extensions
Online ... Visual Studio Marketplace
SQL Server Integration Services Projects
Close Visual Studio and then run the download
When finished, open your existing SSIS project and right-click the project and select "Reload" or "Reload with dependancies"
You can also now start a new Integration Services project.

TF30063 error opening projects in Azure DevOps with a project already open connected to on-premises TFS server, or with Team Explorer tab selected

I am sometimes encountering "TF30063" errors in Visual Studio 2019 when connecting to an Azure DevOps (TFVC) repository.
I am using Visual Studio 2019 (v16.1.4 at the moment) on a Windows 10 Pro (version 1809) workstation. This workstation previously had Visual Studio 2017.
We have a department repository at, configured as a TFVC repository (not Git). This repository was originally created when Azure DevOps was VSTS, but we weren't using it for anything until recently, after it had been converted to Azure DevOps.
When opening a project that has its source managed in Azure DevOps in Visual Studio 2019, I have been encountering an error like this at times:
TF30063: You are not authorized to access[ORG-NAME]
Sometimes the error occurred when opening the project, and at other times when attempting to get the latest version of files or checking files in or out from the Azure DevOps repository.
I have been searching for this issue online for a few weeks, and have tried various suggested solutions, such as clearing the ".IdentityService" folder, or clearing out some specific AppData local/temp folders, or logging out of and back into Azure DevOps, etc. Some of these seemed to resolve the issue temporarily, but the issue always returned.
However, I now believe I know how to reliably cause this issue (and how to resolve it in the short term).
I have discovered that I can reliably cause this TF30063 error in either of two ways:
If I have Visual Studio open with a project connected to our on-premises TFS server, and then I open another instance of Visual Studio with a project that is connected to Azure DevOps.
If I don’t have any other projects open, but the last time that I had Visual Studio open, I left the "Team Explorer" tab selected (for example, because I had just checked in some files), and I open a project connected to Azure DevOps.
In either of the above cases, I will encounter the TF30063 error when I open a project connected to Azure DevOps (either when I first open the project, or when I attempt to perform any source control operations). In either case, the solution is relatively simple, as follows:
If Visual Studio is showing the "Team Explorer" tab/panel, select the "Solution Explorer" tab/panel.
If Visual Studio had already been showing the "Solution Explorer" tab, select the "Team Explorer" tab and then select the "Solution Explorer" tab again.
Make sure that the "Solution Explorer" tab is currently selected, and close this instance of Visual Studio (if I have other Visual Studio instances open that are connected to the on-premises TFS server, I can leave those open).
Re-open the same project (connected to Azure DevOps) in Visual Studio, and now everything seems to be fine.
Does anyone else have any additional information on this TF30063 error with Azure DevOps repositories, or any additional suggestions for resolving or working around the issue?
Please try below and see if it helps.
Close all instances of VS
Delete %localappdata%.IdentityService
Restart VS
another approach:
Close all VS instances.
delete your VS appdata folder and then open VS
Though this will reset all your setting. Hope it helps.
If you still face the same issue , please raise a request in below link.
you can do it from here too:

Cannot check-in recent code changes to Visual Studio Online

For some reason I cannot check in my code to our Visual Studio Online account. Other developers can, but not me. This is the error I am getting:
"Could not find dataspace with category VersionControl and identifier [some guid]"
Searching for any help on the above error is not returning anything meaningful.
This started to happen after I installed Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise. I launched it for the first time after creating a new web application with Visual Studio 2013. I then opened that new solution in 2015 and all was fine. Things began to go awry once I tried to put it in our Visual Studio Online account. When I went to Team Explorer in VS 2015 I selected "Projects and My Teams / New Team Project". This then bounced me over to our Visual Studio Online account in the browser for me to fill out that simple form to create a new team project. I filled the form out and submitted. I then got an error that the project was not successfully created. Unfortunately Visual Studio still thinks it was created and it shows up in the list of projects ONLY WITHIN Visual Studio -- it does not show up online. Eventually I just became frustrated and deleted everything related to all that I just tried but then learned that I cannot check anything in now on my old projects! I had other developers test and they still can so the problem evidently is on my machine. I then uninstalled VS 2013 and VS 2015 then reinstalled VS 2013 and am still having the problem.
I am hoping someone can point me to some cached junk that needs to be cleared on my system. :-)
This is a bit shot in the dark, few things you can try:
Delete the local cache under:
%localappdata%\Microsoft\Team Foundation
Open cmd. Type:
"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat"
Verify connections: tf settings connections
Run Visual Studio in safe mode (devenv.exe /SafeMode)
Run Visual Studio with activity log (devenv.exe /log) and check for errors.

TFS Client Error using Visual Studio 2010

I have been getting this strange error with VS2010 TFS client, whenever i try to do
any operation related to TFS.
Method not found: 'System.String
More background : I was working with TFS build services on my machine and
later I uninstalled the TFS build services .. And after that i started getting this problem.
Also I repaired VS 2010 (Pro edition) and also re-installed VS 2010 SP1 .
Reinstalled TFS build services, reinstalled tfs power tools also
But still the problem persists.
Any clue how to repair/fix this?
Any way to fix the TFS client part of VS2010 ?
After installing the following hotfix,the problem was fixed.
FIX: A hotfix for Visual Studio 2010 SP1 is available to add compatibility support for Visual Studio Team Foundation Service Preview
Intresting point from the above site :
Note The following hotfix includes all the Team Foundation Client
hotfixes that were released after Visual Studio 2010 SP1 was released.
Hope this is helpful to others too.
(I guess this must have refreshed my VS2010 TFS client files)
Another solution :
Bind and rebind the project to the TFS server.
It has solved the problem in my case.
Good Luck.
This same issue happened to me after Windows Update installed update KB2813041 to Visual Studio 2010. After I uninstalled this individual update, it started working again.
Here's how to uninstall an individual update. Go to Control Panel > Windows Update > View Update History > Installed Updates (appears in a sentence at the top of the dialog). Then, scroll through the list of updates looking for Visual Studio and then right-click on the update you want to uninstall and click Uninstall.
Hopefully this helps somebody.

Visual Studio 2008 hangs while opening aspx/ascx file

I've issue with VS08. I've got Web Application project ( Whenever I try to open an aspx or ascx (in Source view - just double clicking on Solution Explorer) the file opens, but VS hangs and is not responding. The only way to restart VS is then by killing it's process. And it happens all the time with these types of files. :/ Reinstall didn't work.
In addition, the only plugin I've installed with this instance of VS is ClearCase source control plugin.
This clearly looks like a problem with the "Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component" program.
Simply pressing Change from Programs and selecting Repair fixed the issue for me.
Now I can use the design look also.
This happened for me when I installed Office 2010.
You should try to remove "Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component" (from Programs).
I had the same problem and removed this component of Visual Studio (more about it here).
You'll loose the visual designer but VS won't hang anymore.
It could be a problem with the "Solution User Options" file (.suo) that lives in the same folder as the solution (.sln) file.
Try checking everything in, closing visual stuido, deleting this file and restarting.
May or may not help - you might not even have a solution after all!
Alternatively, are you using any anti-virus software? Commonly AV is set-up to check files as they are accessed. I seem to remember having issues with ours a while back, and stopping it checking files within my solution helped.
If you use Sophos I can help further, otherwise try stopping your AV scanning your solution's files.
You can try opening using other Visual Studio editor (right-click on the file, Choose Open With...)
There are many cases which may cause your vs2008 to hang. The only experience that caused my VS2008 to hang was right after installing Office2010. Once it happens, the only workaround is to kill Visual Studio in Task Manager. The root cause of this problem is that Office 2007 and the VS 2008 web designer both share a component, 32-bit MSXML5. When Office 2007 uninstalls or gets upgraded ie office2010, MSXML5 is removed yet Visual Studio still needs it.
There are many ways to fix this particular issue
1 - uninstalling Office 2010 and rebooting your machine; the issues will be resolved.
2 - if you still insist on using office 2010 (which will eventually happen) then go to your programs and right click on Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring tool and click on repair.
3 - You can simply remove Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component completely from programs. Reinstall "Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" from the VS2008 used. You can find the Web core designer from this particular path of your visual studio:
WCU\WebDesignerCore folder and run WebDesignerCore.exe
4 - If you are still experiencing some more issues the link below should sort it out
Wild shot, but try turning off Html Validation in Options. There was an issue with that at some point.
Turning off Html Validation didn't work. What I've noticed that before opening .aspx/.ascx file in solution memory usage (of VS) is for example 50k and when I double click i.e. Default.aspx to view Source then memory usage goes up to for example 150k and VS is not responding.
Everything did work last week. :/
I was having the same problem... Designer pages when opened hanged the VS.
I use VS2008 SP1.
If you install VS 2008 Beta on a clean machine, you will find Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component in the list of installed programs. You will also find that Program Files\Microsoft Web Designer Tools\Office12 and Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12 folders with some Office 2007 components even if you don't have Office 2007 installed.
What is Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component and why does it install Office 2007 components on my machine? The answer is that it is new HTML/ASP.NET design surface that is based on former FrontPages technologies, similar to Expression Web Designer. The designer was made into a separate component, but it was hard to fully separate code from Office libraries. So in VS 2008 designer is installed using separate setup which also installs a few Office libraries the designer relies upon. This means you will get Office 2007 updates offered to you via Microsoft Update although technically you don't have Office 2007 installed. This is because Microsoft Update recognizes shared components and will offer you related updates, so don't be alarmed or surprised. Office 2007 components are fully compatible with Office 2007 so you can freely install and uninstall Office 2007 or VS 2008 and both systems will continue working correctly. Designer is also compatible with Office 2003 and should not be affecting Office 2003 applications. If you observe any disrepancies, please report bug via Microsoft Connect ASAP and we will definitely investigate the issue.
The component can be installed/uninstalled/updated separately. Setup is located on VS DVD in WCU\WebToolsCore folder. If you accidentally uninstalled the component, you can simply run WebToolsCore.exe from the abovementioned folder. The setup does not have UI, simply give it about 5-10 minutes to complete.
An old question, but I bumped into it this week and want to post Microsoft's suggested solution.
The root cause of this problem is that Office 2007 and the VS 2008 web designer both share a component, 32-bit MSXML5. When Office 2007 uninstalls or gets upgraded, MSXML5 is removed yet Visual Studio still needs it.
Workaround if you manually uninstalled Office 2007 AND have a non-Express version of VS 2008. Uninstall and then reinstall “Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component“. Next run WCU\WebDesignerCore\WebDesignerCore.exe from the install disk.
For more information see MS article:
Upgrade or Uninstall of Office 2007 might cause VS 2008 Web designer to hang
If you don't use the ClearCase plugin do you still get the problem?
i.e. Try saving copying your solution to your local machine, remove all the source control bindings and see if you get the same problem.
Depending on how your environment is set up, you could be looking at a lag when VB is communicating with ClearCase.
And if all else fails, there are a few good diagnostic tools from the old SysInternal suite to help you figure out if it is a file access, registry or network problem.
SysInternals Site
FileMon - File reads / writes
RegMon - Registry reads / writes
TCPView - Network traffic
