Numerical Integration; CUDA development - performance

I need advice on how to proceed and utilize the compute power of CUDA device for numerical integration of a function. Some information about my device is below (irrelevant)
Geforce GTX470; Compute Capability 2.0
Problem Description
I have a function like
g(x) = x * f(x, a, b, c)
That I need to integrate as given equation
Now I already have written an integration function, which simply takes g(x), breaks the interval into N sub intervals, computes the result for individual sub interval, and then I sum it up on CPU. For completion purposes I provide below a code example.
__device__ float function(float x, float a, float b, float c) {
// do some complex calculation
return result;
__global__ void kernel(float *d_arr, float a, float b, float c, int N) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float x = (float)idx / (float)N;
if (idx < N) {
d_arr[idx] = x * function(x, a, b, c);
The code above is only for demonstration purposes, I actually use Romberg method to integration my g(x) but the idea is the same. My real problem comes because of the fact that I don't have just one set of values (a, b, c), I have multiple values of this set.
I have a 2D array in device memory, precisely (3, 1024) 3 rows, 1024 columns. Each column represent a single set on which an integration function needs to be performed.
The problem arrives when I have to decide whether I shall execute a block of threads such as 1024, keeping in mind that one thread is equivalent to one integration function. In this case the function I wrote above is of no use. Because I want to perform parallel integration for all sets of values, I have to write an integration function, which can do integration sequentially. As an example:
__global__ void kernel(float *d_arr, float a, float b, float c, int N) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
float x = (float)i / (float) N;
sum += x * function(x, a, b, c);
d_arr[idx] = sum;
So you see my point? Option A, seems to be better, but I cannot use it because I don't know how can I do multiple integrals and then distribute each integral to N threads.
How would you do it? Can you suggest me, How can I achieve, both multiple integrals and while each integral can be distributed to N threads? Is there any better way to do it.
Looking forward for your advice.

If I understand your problem correctly, you want to do numerical integration with multiple (1024) sets of inputs (a,b,c), and for each integral you need N sub-intervals. Let's call the number of sets of inputs M.
If N is large enough (let's say > 10000) the first kernel sample you pasted could be good enough (invoking it M times for different set of inputs). Whether or not it utilizes all available device throughput depends on how complex your function is.
I didn't get what exactly you do with the d_arr[] array? Normally for numerical integration you would want to sum it. Right? Are you summing up the results on CPU? Consider using atomicAdd (esp. if you are going to run your kernel on compute cap 3.0 and above gpus) or a parallel scan if you find atomicAdd not fast enough.
If N is small, it's better to launch N*M threads in a single kernel.
In your case as M=1024, you can have every block process one set of inputs (i.e, set blockSize = 1024), and pass (a,b,c) inputs as arrays to the kernel - something like this:
__global__ void kernel(float *d_arr, float *a_array, float *b_array, float *c_array, int totalThreads, int N) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float x = (float) blockIdx.x / (float) N;
float a = a_array[threadIdx.x];
float b = b_array[threadIdx.x];
float c = c_array[threadIdx.x];
if (idx < totalThreads) {
// what happen to this array?
d_arr[idx] = x * function(x, a, b, c);
Again, you would later need to extract elements from d_arr from appropriate positions and sum them up (for each integral).
If your function is not very complex and the above kernel becomes memory bound, you can try the other way round, i.e, having every thread block to process every sub-interval - with different thread block working on different set of inputs. Kernel would look something like this:
(this example assumes that N <= 1024, but it's possible to break up your kernel to take advantage of this approach even if it's not)
__global__ void kernel(float *d_arr, float *a_array, float *b_array, float *c_array, int totalThreads) {
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
float x = (float)threadIdx.x / (float) blockDim.x; // N = blockDim.x
float a = a_array[blockIdx.x]; // every thread in block accesses same memory location
float b = b_array[blockIdx.x];
float c = c_array[blockIdx.x];
// d_arr has 'M' elements containing the integral for each input set.
if (idx < totalThreads)
atomicAdd(&d_arr[blockIdx.x], x * function(x, a, b, c));
In the above kernel have a_array, b_array and c_array allocated in constant memory. this will be faster as every thread in block will accesses same location.
As an example, I have also replaced your d_arr writes with an atomicAdd.


Fast random/mutation algorithms (vector to vector) [duplicate]

I've been trying to create a generalized Gradient Noise generator (which doesn't use the hash method to get gradients). The code is below:
class GradientNoise {
std::uint64_t m_seed;
std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint8_t> distribution;
const std::array<glm::vec2, 4> vector_choice = {glm::vec2(1.0, 1.0), glm::vec2(-1.0, 1.0), glm::vec2(1.0, -1.0),
glm::vec2(-1.0, -1.0)};
GradientNoise(uint64_t seed) {
m_seed = seed;
distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution<std::uint8_t>(0, 3);
// 0 -> 1
// just passes the value through, origionally was perlin noise activation
double nonLinearActivationFunction(double value) {
//return value * value * value * (value * (value * 6.0 - 15.0) + 10.0);
return value;
// 0 -> 1
//cosine interpolation
double interpolate(double a, double b, double t) {
double mu2 = (1 - cos(t * M_PI)) / 2;
return (a * (1 - mu2) + b * mu2);
double noise(double x, double y) {
std::mt19937_64 rng;
//first get the bottom left corner associated
// with these coordinates
int corner_x = std::floor(x);
int corner_y = std::floor(y);
// then get the respective distance from that corner
double dist_x = x - corner_x;
double dist_y = y - corner_y;
double corner_0_contrib; // bottom left
double corner_1_contrib; // top left
double corner_2_contrib; // top right
double corner_3_contrib; // bottom right
std::uint64_t s1 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s2 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y + 1) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s3 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x + 1) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y + 1) + m_seed);
std::uint64_t s4 = ((std::uint64_t(corner_x + 1) << 32) + std::uint64_t(corner_y) + m_seed);
// each xy pair turns into distance vector from respective corner, corner zero is our starting corner (bottom
// left)
corner_0_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x, dist_y});
corner_1_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x, dist_y - 1});
corner_2_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x - 1, dist_y - 1});
corner_3_contrib = glm::dot(vector_choice[distribution(rng)], {dist_x - 1, dist_y});
double u = nonLinearActivationFunction(dist_x);
double v = nonLinearActivationFunction(dist_y);
double x_bottom = interpolate(corner_0_contrib, corner_3_contrib, u);
double x_top = interpolate(corner_1_contrib, corner_2_contrib, u);
double total_xy = interpolate(x_bottom, x_top, v);
return total_xy;
I then generate an OpenGL texture to display with like this:
int width = 1024;
int height = 1024;
unsigned char *temp_texture = new unsigned char[width*height * 4];
double octaves[5] = {2,4,8,16,32};
for( int i = 0; i < height; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < width; j++){
double d_noise = 0;
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[0], i/octaves[0]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[1], i/octaves[1]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[2], i/octaves[2]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[3], i/octaves[3]);
d_noise += temp_1.noise(j/octaves[4], i/octaves[4]);
uint8_t noise = static_cast<uint8_t>(((d_noise * 128.0) + 128.0));
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 0] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 1] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 2] = (noise);
temp_texture[j*4 + (i * width * 4) + 3] = (255);
Which give good results:
But gprof is telling me that the Mersenne twister is taking up 62.4% of my time and growing with larger textures. Nothing else individual takes any where near as much time. While the Mersenne twister is fast after initialization, the fact that I initialize it every time I use it seems to make it pretty slow.
This initialization is 100% required for this to make sure that the same x and y generates the same gradient at each integer point (so you need either a hash function or seed the RNG each time).
I attempted to change the PRNG to both the linear congruential generator and Xorshiftplus, and while both ran orders of magnitude faster, they gave odd results:
LCG (one time, then running 5 times before using)
After one iteration
After 10,000 iterations.
I've tried:
Running the generator several times before utilizing output, this results in slow execution or simply different artifacts.
Using the output of two consecutive runs after initial seed to seed the PRNG again and use the value after wards. No difference in result.
What is happening? What can i do to get faster results that are of the same quality as the mersenne twister?
I don't know why this works, I know it has something to do with the prime number utilized, but after messing around a bit, it appears that the following works:
Step 1, incorporate the x and y values as seeds separately (and incorporate some other offset value or additional seed value with them, this number should be a prime/non trivial factor)
Step 2, Use those two seed results into seeding the generator again back into the function (so like geza said, the seeds made were bad)
Step 3, when getting the result, instead of using modulo number of items (4) trying to get, or & 3, modulo the result by a prime number first then apply & 3. I'm not sure if the prime being a mersenne prime matters or not.
Here is the result with prime = 257 and xorshiftplus being used! (note I used 2048 by 2048 for this one, the others were 256 by 256)
LCG is known to be inadequate for your purpose.
Xorshift128+'s results are bad, because it needs good seeding. And providing good seeding defeats the whole purpose of using it. I don't recommend this.
However, I recommend using an integer hash. For example, one from Bob's page.
Here's a result of the first hash of that page, it looks OK to me, and it is fast (I think it is much faster than Mersenne Twister):
Here's the code I've written to generate this:
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int hash(unsigned int a) {
a = (a ^ 61) ^ (a >> 16);
a = a + (a << 3);
a = a ^ (a >> 4);
a = a * 0x27d4eb2d;
a = a ^ (a >> 15);
return a;
unsigned int ivalue(int x, int y) {
return hash(y<<16|x)&0xff;
float smooth(float x) {
return 6*x*x*x*x*x - 15*x*x*x*x + 10*x*x*x;
float value(float x, float y) {
int ix = floor(x);
int iy = floor(y);
float fx = smooth(x-ix);
float fy = smooth(y-iy);
int v00 = ivalue(iy+0, ix+0);
int v01 = ivalue(iy+0, ix+1);
int v10 = ivalue(iy+1, ix+0);
int v11 = ivalue(iy+1, ix+1);
float v0 = v00*(1-fx) + v01*fx;
float v1 = v10*(1-fx) + v11*fx;
return v0*(1-fy) + v1*fy;
unsigned char pic[1024*1024];
int main() {
for (int y=0; y<1024; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<1024; x++) {
float v = 0;
for (int o=0; o<=9; o++) {
v += value(x/64.0f*(1<<o), y/64.0f*(1<<o))/(1<<o);
int r = rint(v*0.5f);
pic[y*1024+x] = r;
FILE *f = fopen("x.pnm", "wb");
fprintf(f, "P5\n1024 1024\n255\n");
fwrite(pic, 1, 1024*1024, f);
If you want to understand, how a hash function work (or better yet, which properties a good hash have), check out Bob's page, for example this.
You (unknowingly?) implemented a visualization of PRNG non-random patterns. That looks very cool!
Except Mersenne Twister, all your tested PRNGs do not seem fit for your purpose. As I have not done further tests myself, I can only suggest to try out and measure further PRNGs.
The randomness of LCGs are known to be sensitive to the choice of their parameters. In particular, the period of a LCG is relative to the m parameter - at most it will be m (your prime factor) & for many values it can be less.
Similarly, the careful parameters selection is required to get a long period from Xorshift PRNGs.
You've noted that some PRNGs give good procedural generation results while other do not. In order to isolate the cause, I would factor out the proc gen stuff & examine the PRNG output directly. An easy way to visualize the data is to build a grey scale image where each pixel value is a (possibly scaled) random value. For image based stuff, I find this to be an easy way to find stuff that may lead to visual artifacts. Any artifacts you see with this are likely to cause issues with your proc gen output.
Another option is to try something like the Diehard tests. If the aforementioned image test failed to reveal any problems, I might use this just to be sure my PRNG techniques were trustworthy.
Note that your code seeds the PRNG, then generates one pseudorandom number from the PRNG. The reason for the nonrandomness in xorshift128+ that you discovered is that xorshift128+ simply adds the two halves of the seed (and uses the result mod 264 as the generated number) before changing its state (review its source code). This makes that PRNG considerably different from a hash function.
What you see is the practical demonstration of quality of PRNG. Mersenne Twister is one of the best PRNGs with good performance, it passes DIEHARD tests. One should know that generating a random numbers is not an easy computational task, so looking for a better performance will inevitably result in poor quality. LCG is known to be simplest and worst PRNG ever designed and it clearly shows two-dimensional correlation as in your picture. The quality of Xorshift generators largely depend on bitness and parameters. They are definitely worse than Mersenne Twister, but some (xorshift128+) may work good enough to pass BigCrush battery of TestU01 tests.
In other words, if you are making an important physical modelling numerical experiment, you better continue to use Mersenne Twister as known to be a good trade-off between speed and quality and it comes in many standard libraries. On a less important case you may try to use xorshift128+ generator. For an ultimate results you need to use cryptographical-quality PRNG (none of mentioned here may be used for cryptographical purposes).

warp shuffling to reduction of arrays with any length

I am working on a Cuda kernel which performs vector dot product (A x B). I assumed that the length of each vector is multiple of 32 (32,64, ...) and defined the block size to be equal to the length of the array. Each thread in the block multiplies one element of A to the corresponding element of B (thread i ==>psum = A[i]xB[i]). After multiplication, I used the following functions which used warp shuffling technique to perform reduction and calculate the sum all multiplications.
__inline__ __device__
float warpReduceSum(float val) {
int warpSize =32;
for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
val += __shfl_down(val, offset);
return val;
__inline__ __device__
float blockReduceSum(float val) {
static __shared__ int shared[32]; // Shared mem for 32 partial sums
int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
int wid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;
val = warpReduceSum(val); // Each warp performs partial reduction
if (lane==0)
shared[wid]=val; // Write reduced value to shared memory
__syncthreads(); // Wait for all partial reductions
//read from shared memory only if that warp existed
val = (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) ? shared[lane] : 0;
if (wid==0)
val = warpReduceSum(val); // Final reduce within first warp
return val;
I simply call blockReduceSum(psum) which psum is the multiplication of two elements by a thread.
This approach doesn't work when the length of the array is not multiple of 32, so my question is, can we change this code so that it also works for any length? or is it impossible because if the length of the array is not multiple of 32, some warps have elements belonging more than one array?
First of all, depending on the GPU you are using, performing dot product with just 1 block will probably not be very efficient (as long as you are not batching several dot products in 1 kernel, each done by a single block).
To answer your question: you can reuse the code you have written by just calling your kernel with the number of threads being the closest multiple of 32 higher than N (length of the array) and introducing if statement before calling to blockReduceSum that would like this:
__global__ void kernel(float * A, float * B, int N) {
float psum = 0;
if(threadIdx.x < N) //threadIDx.x because your are using single block, you will need to change it to more general id once you move to multiple blocks
psum = A[threadIdx.x] * B[threadIdx.x];
//The rest of computation
That way, threads that do not have array element associated with them, but that need to be there due to use of __shfl, will contribute 0 to the sum.

Which way to order a shared 2D/3D array for parallel reduction over 1 dimension in CUDA/OpenCL?

Overall goal
I have several reductions to make on a bipartite graph, represented by two dense arrays for vertices and a dense array specifying whether an edge is present b/w the two. Say, two arrays are a0[] and a1[], and all edges go like e[i0][i1] (that is, from elements in a0 to elements in a1).
There are ~100+100 vertices, and ~100*100 edges, so each thread is responsible for one edge.
Task 1 : max reduction
For each vertex in a0 I want to find the maximum of all vertices (in a1) connected to it, and then the same in reverse: having assigned the result to an array b0, for each vertex in a1, I want to find the maximum b0[i0] of the connected vertices.
To do this, I:
1) load into shared memory
#define DC_NUM_TO_SHARED 16
__global__ void max_reduce_down(
Value* value1
, Value* max_value_in_connected
, int r0_size, int r1_size
, bool** connected
int id_from;
id_from = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id_to = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
bool within_bounds = (id_from < r0_size) && (id_to < r1_size);
//load into shared memory
__shared__ Value value[DC_NUM_TO_SHARED][DC_NUM_FROM_SHARED]; //FROM is the inner (consecutive) dimension
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = connected[id_to][id_from]? value1[id_to] : 0;
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = 0;
2) reduce
for(int stride = DC_NUM_TO_SHARED/2; threadIdx.y < stride; stride >>= 1)
value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = max(value[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x], dc[threadIdx.y + stride][threadIdx.x]);
3) write back
max_value_connected[id_from] = value[0][threadIdx.x];
Task 2 : best k
Similar problem, but reduction is only in for vertices in a0, I need to find the k best candidates are chosen from connected in a1 (k is ~5).
1) I initialize the shared array with zero elements except for the 1st place
int id_from, id_to;
id_from = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
id_to = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
__shared Value* values[MAX_CHAMPS * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED]; //champion overlaps
__shared int* champs[MAX_CHAMPS * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED]; // overlap champions
bool within_bounds = (id_from < r0_size) && (id_to < r1_size);
int i = threadIdx.y * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x;
values[i] = connected[id_to][id_from] * values1[id_to];
champs[i] = connected[id_to][id_from] ? id_to : -1;
values[i] = 0;
champs[i] = -1;
for(int place = 1; place < CHAMP_COUNT; place++)
i = (place * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED + threadIdx.y) * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x;
values[i] = 0;
champs[i] = -1;
if(! within_bounds)
2) reduce it
for(int stride = CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED/2; threadIdx.y < stride; stride >>= 1)
merge_2_champs(values, champs, CHAMP_COUNT, id_from, id_to, id_to + stride);
3) write the results back
for(int place = 0; place < LOCAL_DESIRED_ACTIVITY; place++)
champs0[place][id_from] = champs[place * CHAMPS_NUM_TO_SHARED * CHAMPS_NUM_FROM_SHARED + threadIdx.x];
How do I order (transpose) the elements in the shared array, so that memory access uses the cache better?
Does it matter at this point, or there is much more I can gain from other optimizations?
Would it be better to transpose the edge matrix if I needed to optimize for Task 2? (as far as I understood, there is a symmetry in Task 1, so it doesn't matter).
I have delayed unrolling loops and doing the first reduction iteration while loading, since I thought it is too complicated to do before I have explored simpler ways.
For Task 2, it would be nice to not load zero elements, since the array would never need to grow, and only start shrinking once log k steps have been made. This would make it k times more compact in shared memory! But I dread the resulting index math.
Syntax and Correctness
The unusual types are just typedef'ed ints/chars/etc - AFAIK, in GPUs, it makes sense to compactify those as much as possible. I have not run the code yet, no need to check for indexing errors.
Also, I am using CUDA, but I am interested in an OpenCL perspective as well, since I think the best solution should be the same, and I will be using OpenCL in the future anyway.
OK, I think I figured this out.
The two alternatives that I am considering are to have reductions work on the y dimension, and independent on the x dimension, or vice versa (x dimension being the contiguous one). In any case, the scheduler is able to assemble threads into warps along the x dimension, so some coherence is guaranteed. However, having coherence extend beyond a warp would be great. Also, due to the 2D/3D nature of the shared arrays, one would have to limit the dimensions to 16 or even 8.
To ensure coalescence within a warp, the scheduler has to assemble warps along the x dimension.
If reducing over x dimension, after each iteration, the number of active threads in a warp will halve. However, if reducing over y dimension, it is the number of active warps that will halve.
So, I need to reduce over y.
Unless the transpose (load) is the slowest, which is an abnormal case.
Coalesced buffer reads really matter; kernels can be 32x slower if you don't do them. It can be worth doing a re-arrangement pass if it means being able to do them (of course, the re-arrangement pass needs to be coalesced as well, but you can often leverage shared local memory to do this).

Improving an OpenCL kernel for a Perceptron neural network

I've been doing a lot of OpenGL and shaders before, and now, I decided to give a try to OpenCL. I watched some online tutorials, and started reading books on the subject. In order to better understand, and because I believe that the best way to learn is by intelligently trying and learning from the issues that arose while doing so, I decided to start implementing a kernel for a fully-connected perceptron.
For those who don't know what that is, I'll explain the basic idea. It is a neural network in which each neuron of a layer is connected to every neurons of the next layer. Each neuron has but one action to perform: performing the sum of all the neurons from the previous layer, weighted by a different value for each neuron.
This seemed simple enough to implement, and after reading the paper "Parallel Neural Network Training with OpenCL" I implemented it in the following way
Each layer being dependent on the previous one, they're being run sequentially by the host
For computing a layer, I run my kernel with a global work size of the number of neurons within the layer (which can be quite huge, tens of thousand for instance). That makes it so that all the neurons are performing its sum independently to one another.
Each neuron (identified by its global_work_id) performs the weighted sum with all the neurons from the previous layer.
Here is my fully functional opencl kernel:
* #brief Computes one layer of the perceptron given the previous one and the
* weights
* The kernel is run once for each layer.
* The work items are each tasked with computing the output of a single neuron
* of the out layer.
* #param out_layer_size
* Size of the output layer (number of elements in the output array that will
* contain the result for each neuron).
* #param in_layer_size
* Number of elements of the input layer
* #param in_value
* Values of the neuron in the previous layer
* #param in_weights
* Array containing the weights for each input neuron. It is organised as a
* two dimensional matrix, written by concatenating each line in the array
* [ w11, w12, w13, ...
* w21, w22, w23, ...
* ..., ..., ..., ...
* ]
* Where wij is the weight linking the neuron i of the input layer to the
* neuron j of the output layer
* #param out_values
* Computed values for the current layer
void kernel perceptron(global const int* in_layer_size, global const int* out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
private const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
private const int out_layer_s = *out_layer_size;
private const int in_layer_s = *in_layer_size;
private const int offset = out_layer_s * global_id;
private float sum = 0.;
for(int i=0; i < in_layer_s; i++) {
sum += in_weights[i*out_layer_s+global_id] * in_value[i];
//out_values[global_id] = sigma(sum);
out_values[global_id] = sum;
And here is how I invoke it:
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange,cl::NDRange(number of neurons within layer),cl::NullRange);
I realize that the bottleneck of this kernel is the implementation of the weighted sum. It would be really helpful if someone could explain how I could improve upon this to make it faster.
I probably don't make proper use of the different memory regions, I'm thinking essentially of the local memory that I don't even use.
Just to give you an idea of performance (that is on an Nvidia GTX 660M), I'll show you some of the times I achieved. Each value is the number of neurons per layer:
2500, 10 000, 2500 : 0.018s ~ 60FPS. It's about 4 to 5 times faster than on my processor (Intel Core i7 running at 2.40GHz)
100 000, 100 000, 500: 140s -> which I guess isn't surpsising since each neuron in the second layer has to perform the weighted sum of 100 000 elements. Running this on my processor yields about the same results.
As you told, bottleneck is the weighted summ. That's not hard to be, as at each layer every WI (Work Item) is doing a lot of IO operations in comparison to number of arithmetic operations. I have no experience in neural networks, but for me problem looks like poor memory access pattern on GPU.
Potentially, that can be solved by organizing your WI into local WGs (Work Groups). As every WI needs to process all data from prev. layer, I guess that all WI in WG can load some amount of data into local memory, process them and than to next bunch of data. This will make your algorithm much more cache friendly. Pseudo-code of kernel looks like:
void kernel Kernel(
__global const int in_layer_size,
__global const int out_layer_size,
__global const float *in_value,
__global const float *in_weights,
__global float *out_values){
__local float buffer[SOME_SIZE];
__global const float* p_in = in_value;
__global float* p_out = out_values;
const int
global_id = get_global_id(0),
local_id = get_local_id(0),
num_buffers = in_layer_size / SOME_SIZE,
offset = out_layer_size * global_id;
float sum = 0.0f;
for(int i=0; i < num_buffers; i++){
buffer[local_id] = p_in[local_id];
//Process all data inside buffer by every WI in WG
p_in += SOME_SIZE;
out_values += SOME_SIZE;
So, you're sliding with the window of fixed size & calculating data within & then going to next window. Al data operations are done independently, Work Items are only using same data at same time. Optimal size of local group is Device- and Kernel- dependent.
You can do it in many ways.
But the most generic way, without changing how your kernel behaves is to do it is reusing your workgroup size (whatever you selected, or default) and reuse the memory accesses from the group.
I would suggest something like this:
NOTE: I removed thouse ugly pointers for single values. OpenCL supports this, and it is much easier. There is no need to create a memory zone, just do clSetKernelArg(kernel, arg_index, sizeof(cl_float), &size); Where cl_float size = the_size;.
#define IN_LOCAL_SIZE 4096 //Because 16KB/4B (for each float)
void kernel perceptron(global const int in_layer_size, global const int out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
__local float in_buffer[IN_LOCAL_SIZE];
float sum = 0.0f;
event_t ev;
int j;
//For each full buffer
for(j=0; j < (in_layer_size/IN_LOCAL_SIZE)-1; i++) {
ev = async_work_group_copy(in_buffer, in_value+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE, IN_LOCAL_SIZE, ev);
for(int i=0; i < IN_LOCAL_SIZE; i++) {
sum += in_weights[(i+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE)*out_layer_size+global_id] * in_buffer[i];
//Last one
ev = async_work_group_copy(in_buffer, in_value+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE, in_layer_size%IN_LOCAL_SIZE, ev);
for(int i=0; i < in_layer_size%IN_LOCAL_SIZE; i++) {
sum += in_weights[(i+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE)*out_layer_size+global_id] * in_buffer[i];
out_values[global_id] = sum;
However, if the output size is small (100k, 250k, 500), then you will have just 500 work items, which is not optimal. In that case you should reshape the algorithm.
One possible way to do it is that each workitem works in the inner layer, performing sums, and the whole work group creates one output out of all the work items. That would be easy, since you can control the sums inside the workgroup easily.
But maybe other approaches fit better your problem.
You can make large improvements by caching in_values in local memory. The fewer times you have to read each element of in_values from global memory, the better.
I have come up with a solution that caches the maximum number of input values, and reads each element from global memory only once per work group. This is done by copying a block of in_values at a time, processing it against all out_values, and moving on to the next block. There is also a local array of floats used to reduce the work items' sums of each block.
output elements assumed to be set to 0 already
for each block of input values:
cache the input block
for each target output value:
reset local sum to 0
for each element this work item is responsible for:
read the weight, multiply, and add to sum
reduce sums to a single value, ADD value to output element
I haven't had a chance to run this through a profiler or debugger yet, but I will give it a try when I am back at my home PC. (no opencl tools at my office workstation). Make sure to queue kernel with group size equal to the GROUP_SIZE constant. Also, only create a single group per compute unit on your device.
real code:
//experiment with GROUP_SIZE to discover the optimal value for your device
//this needs to be equal to local_work_size passed into clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
//max. for most devices is 256
#define GROUP_SIZE = 64;
// IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE is the number of floats from in_value to copy to local memory at a time
//assuming GROUP_SIZE can be up to 256, sizeof(float)=4, and local memory size is 32kb, full saturation can be achieved with the following:
//(32768 - (256 * 4)) /4 = 7936
//try another multiple of 1024 (6144, 4096... )if there is trouble with this value
#define IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE = 7936;
void kernel perceptron(global const int* in_layer_size, global const int* out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
private const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
private const int out_layer_s = *out_layer_size;
private const int in_layer_s = *in_layer_size;
private const int offset = out_layer_s * global_id;
private const int item_id = get_local_id(0);
private const int group_id = get_group_id(0);
private const int group_count = get_num_groups(0);
local float result_buffer[GROUP_SIZE];
local float in_value_cache[IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE];
int i,j,k;
//init the block to 0, in case there are fewer than IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE values in total
for(i=item_id; i<IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE; i+= GROUP_SIZE){
in_value_cache[i] = 0.0;
private float sum = 0.0;
event_t e;
int copy_total = 0;
int copy_offset;
for(i=0; i<in_layer_s; i+=IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE){
//cap the number of values to copy to local memory if loop is near the end of the input data
copy_total = IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE;
if((copy_total + i*IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE) > in_layer_s){
copy_total = in_layer_s - i*IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE;
//copy the next block of values
e = async_work_group_copy(in_value_cache, in_value + i * 4, copy_total, 0);
wait_group_events(1, &e);
for(j=group_id; j<out_layer_s; j+=group_count){
sum = 0.0;
//need to reset result_buffer[item_id] as well
//this is in case there are fewer than GROUP_SIZE input values remaining ie copy_total < GROUP_SIZE
result_buffer[item_id] = 0.0;
for(k=item_id; k<copy_total; k+=GROUP_SIZE){
sum += in_value_cache[k] * in_weights[(k+i) + j * out_layer_s];
result_buffer[item_id] = sum;
//simple O(n) reduction can be optimized further
if(item_id == 0){
sum += result_buffer[k];
out_values[j] += sum;
This will handle input of any size, so you can try it with as many elements as you have global memory for.

TERCOM algorithm - Changing from single thread to multiple threads in CUDA

I'm currently working on porting a TERCOM algorithm from using only 1 thread to use multiple threads. Briefly explained , the TERCOM algorithm receives 5 measurements and the heading, and compare this measurements to a prestored map. The algorithm will choose the best match, i.e. lowest Mean Absolute Difference (MAD), and return the position.
The code is working perfectly with one thread and for-loops, but when I try to use multiple threads and blocks it returns the wrong answer. It seems like the multithread version doesn't "run through" the calculation in the same way as the singlethread versjon. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
Here's the code using for-loops
__global__ void kernel (int m, int n, int h, int N, float *f, float heading, float *measurements)
//Without threads
float pos[2]={0};
float theta=heading*(PI/180);
float MAD=0;
// Calculate how much to move in x and y direction
float offset_x = h*cos(theta);
float offset_y = -h*sin(theta);
float min=100000; //Some High value
//Calculate Mean Absolute Difference
for(float row=0;row<m;row++)
for(float col=0;col<n;col++)
for(float g=0; g<N; g++)
f[(int)g] = tex2D (tex, col+(g-2)*offset_x+0.5f, row+(g-2)*offset_y+0.5f);
MAD += abs(measurements[(int)g]-f[(int)g]);
MAD=0; //Reset MAD
This is my attempt to use multiple threads
__global__ void kernel (int m, int n, int h, int N, float *f, float heading, float *measurements)
// With threads
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int idy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
float pos[2]={0};
float theta=heading*(PI/180);
float MAD=0;
// Calculate how much to move in x and y direction
float offset_x = h*cos(theta);
float offset_y = -h*sin(theta);
float min=100000; //Some High value
if(idx < n && idy < m)
for(float g=0; g<N; g++)
f[(int)g] = tex2D (tex, idx+(g-2)*offset_x+0.5f, idy+(g-2)*offset_y+0.5f);
MAD += abs(measurements[(int)g]-f[(int)g]);
MAD=0; //Reset MAD
To launch the kernel
dim3 dimBlock( 16,16 );
dim3 dimGrid;
dimGrid.x = (n + dimBlock.x - 1)/dimBlock.x;
dimGrid.y = (m + dimBlock.y - 1)/dimBlock.y;
kernel <<< dimGrid,dimBlock >>> (m, n, h, N, dev_results, heading, dev_measurements);
The basic problem here is that you have a memory race in the code, centered around the use of f as both some sort of thread local scratch space and an output variable. Every concurrent thread will be trying to write values into the same locations in f simultaneously, which will produce undefined behaviour.
As best as I can tell, the use of f as scratch space isn't even necessary at all and the main computational section of the kernel could be written as something like:
if(idx < n && idy < m)
for(float g=0; g<N; g++)
float fval = tex2D (tex, idx+(g-2)*offset_x+0.5f, idy+(g-2)*offset_y+0.5f);
MAD += abs(measurements[(int)g]-fval);
[disclaimer: written in browser, use at own risk]
At the end of that calculation, each thread has its own values of min and pos. At a minimum these must be stored in unique global memory (ie. the output must have enough space for each thread result). You will then need to perform some sort of reduction operation to obtain the global minimum from the set of thread local values. That could be in the host, or in the device code, or some combination of the two. There is a lot of code already available for CUDA parallel reductions which you should be able to find by searching and/or looking in the examples supplied with the CUDA toolkit. It should be trivial to adapt them to your specify case where you need to retain the position along with the minimum value.
