warp shuffling to reduction of arrays with any length - parallel-processing

I am working on a Cuda kernel which performs vector dot product (A x B). I assumed that the length of each vector is multiple of 32 (32,64, ...) and defined the block size to be equal to the length of the array. Each thread in the block multiplies one element of A to the corresponding element of B (thread i ==>psum = A[i]xB[i]). After multiplication, I used the following functions which used warp shuffling technique to perform reduction and calculate the sum all multiplications.
__inline__ __device__
float warpReduceSum(float val) {
int warpSize =32;
for (int offset = warpSize/2; offset > 0; offset /= 2)
val += __shfl_down(val, offset);
return val;
__inline__ __device__
float blockReduceSum(float val) {
static __shared__ int shared[32]; // Shared mem for 32 partial sums
int lane = threadIdx.x % warpSize;
int wid = threadIdx.x / warpSize;
val = warpReduceSum(val); // Each warp performs partial reduction
if (lane==0)
shared[wid]=val; // Write reduced value to shared memory
__syncthreads(); // Wait for all partial reductions
//read from shared memory only if that warp existed
val = (threadIdx.x < blockDim.x / warpSize) ? shared[lane] : 0;
if (wid==0)
val = warpReduceSum(val); // Final reduce within first warp
return val;
I simply call blockReduceSum(psum) which psum is the multiplication of two elements by a thread.
This approach doesn't work when the length of the array is not multiple of 32, so my question is, can we change this code so that it also works for any length? or is it impossible because if the length of the array is not multiple of 32, some warps have elements belonging more than one array?

First of all, depending on the GPU you are using, performing dot product with just 1 block will probably not be very efficient (as long as you are not batching several dot products in 1 kernel, each done by a single block).
To answer your question: you can reuse the code you have written by just calling your kernel with the number of threads being the closest multiple of 32 higher than N (length of the array) and introducing if statement before calling to blockReduceSum that would like this:
__global__ void kernel(float * A, float * B, int N) {
float psum = 0;
if(threadIdx.x < N) //threadIDx.x because your are using single block, you will need to change it to more general id once you move to multiple blocks
psum = A[threadIdx.x] * B[threadIdx.x];
//The rest of computation
That way, threads that do not have array element associated with them, but that need to be there due to use of __shfl, will contribute 0 to the sum.


Selection Sort in Cuda

So, I'm trying to implement selection sort in Cuda, but so far I haven't been as successful.
__device__ void selection_sort( int *data, int left, int right ){
for( int i = left ; i <= right ; ++i ){
int min_val = data[i];
int min_idx = i;
// Find the smallest value in the range [left, right].
for( int j = i+1 ; j <= right ; ++j ){
int val_j = data[j];
if( val_j < min_val ){
min_idx = j;
min_val = val_j;
// Swap the values.
if( i != min_idx ){
data[min_idx] = data[i];
data[i] = min_val;
My main attempt here is to find the minimum and parallelize the solution. Now, I realize the code looks very C++ 'ish but I'm nowhere qualified as skilled in Cuda.
Is there a way to parallelize the solution? Are there any more additions to be made?
Selection sort algorithm for N numbers can be roughly described as:
for i from N-1 down to 0
find the maximum element among data[0] ~ data[i]
swap that maximum element with data[i] within the data array
The first part (finding the maximum element) falls into a widely known and well documented class of problems called reduction. However, to perform the second part (swapping), you must track the index of the maximum element while comparing the values, and it is not so natural to do that while performing reduction. This is one of the reasons why selection sort do not port well to parallel architectures.
Also, you can see that the problem size diminishes by one for each loop, and this is another aspect of the selection sort algorithm that does not map well to parallel architectures. In case of CUDA, 32 threads form a warp, which execute at the same time. Although you can tell arbitrary number of threads to run within a warp, it is generally not recommended to do so because it is a loss of computing power.
I've tried to build a CUDA version of selection sort myself, but I stopped doing it because it seems there are better algorithms well suited for CUDA. But I'll just show you what I've done so far to illustrate why selection sort is not good for CUDA.
Firstly, start from a small and simple problem: sorting 32 elements. Since 32 threads form a warp, you can use shuffle instructions to find maximum value. (Full code)
// Finds the maximum element within a warp and gives the maximum element to
// thread with lane id 0. Note that other elements do not get lost but their
// positions are shuffled.
__inline__ __device__ int warpMax(int data, unsigned int threadId)
for (int mask = 16; mask > 0; mask /= 2) {
int dual_data = __shfl_xor(data, mask, 32);
if (threadId & mask)
data = min(data, dual_data);
data = max(data, dual_data);
return data;
__global__ void selection32(int* d_data, int* d_data_sorted)
unsigned int threadId = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
unsigned int laneId = threadIdx.x % 32;
int n = N;
while(n-- > 0) {
// get the maximum element among d_data and put it in d_data_sorted[n]
int data = d_data[threadId];
data = warpMax(data, threadId);
d_data[threadId] = data;
// now maximum element is in d_data[0]
if (laneId == 0) {
d_data_sorted[n] = d_data[0];
d_data[0] = INT_MIN; // this element is ignored from now on
int main()
// ... build data and trasfer to d_data ...
selection32<<<1, 32>>>(d_data, d_data_sorted);
// ... get the sorted array stored at d_data_sorted ...
(Some may argue that this is not exactly a selection sort since 1) the array elements of the unsorted area keep shuffling, and 2) it is not an in-place sort. Please note that I'm just trying to show that selection sort does not fit in for CUDA. Also, note that warpMax has highly divergent branches, making it less optimal for CUDA.)
The case with only 1 warp of elements may look parallel-ish, but the thing gets worse when the problem size increases to multiple warps. Let's see the case for 1024 elements. (I've chosen the number 1024 becuase it is the maximum number limit of threads in a block.) Now there are 32 warps, and after calling warpMax for each warp, we must compare the maximum elements of each warp to get the maximum element among the 1024 elements. This problem of comparing 32 warp-maximum-values cannot be done with warpMax because we need to track in which warp the maximum value came from to swap the maximum value with the last element in the data array. One way I can think of for doing this is using one single thread to compare warp-maximum-values. This is not a good implemenation for CUDA becuase other 1023 threads in the block become idle.
Furthermore, if the problem size grows larger than a block can cover, we need to compare the maximum values of each block, implying that we will have to launch separate kernels since we need to synchronize between blocks. And it is redundant to say that we need to keep track of in which block the maximum value came from. All of these just tells that implementing selection sort for CUDA is not a good idea.

Improving an OpenCL kernel for a Perceptron neural network

I've been doing a lot of OpenGL and shaders before, and now, I decided to give a try to OpenCL. I watched some online tutorials, and started reading books on the subject. In order to better understand, and because I believe that the best way to learn is by intelligently trying and learning from the issues that arose while doing so, I decided to start implementing a kernel for a fully-connected perceptron.
For those who don't know what that is, I'll explain the basic idea. It is a neural network in which each neuron of a layer is connected to every neurons of the next layer. Each neuron has but one action to perform: performing the sum of all the neurons from the previous layer, weighted by a different value for each neuron.
This seemed simple enough to implement, and after reading the paper "Parallel Neural Network Training with OpenCL" I implemented it in the following way
Each layer being dependent on the previous one, they're being run sequentially by the host
For computing a layer, I run my kernel with a global work size of the number of neurons within the layer (which can be quite huge, tens of thousand for instance). That makes it so that all the neurons are performing its sum independently to one another.
Each neuron (identified by its global_work_id) performs the weighted sum with all the neurons from the previous layer.
Here is my fully functional opencl kernel:
* #brief Computes one layer of the perceptron given the previous one and the
* weights
* The kernel is run once for each layer.
* The work items are each tasked with computing the output of a single neuron
* of the out layer.
* #param out_layer_size
* Size of the output layer (number of elements in the output array that will
* contain the result for each neuron).
* #param in_layer_size
* Number of elements of the input layer
* #param in_value
* Values of the neuron in the previous layer
* #param in_weights
* Array containing the weights for each input neuron. It is organised as a
* two dimensional matrix, written by concatenating each line in the array
* [ w11, w12, w13, ...
* w21, w22, w23, ...
* ..., ..., ..., ...
* ]
* Where wij is the weight linking the neuron i of the input layer to the
* neuron j of the output layer
* #param out_values
* Computed values for the current layer
void kernel perceptron(global const int* in_layer_size, global const int* out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
private const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
private const int out_layer_s = *out_layer_size;
private const int in_layer_s = *in_layer_size;
private const int offset = out_layer_s * global_id;
private float sum = 0.;
for(int i=0; i < in_layer_s; i++) {
sum += in_weights[i*out_layer_s+global_id] * in_value[i];
//out_values[global_id] = sigma(sum);
out_values[global_id] = sum;
And here is how I invoke it:
queue.enqueueNDRangeKernel(kernel, cl::NullRange,cl::NDRange(number of neurons within layer),cl::NullRange);
I realize that the bottleneck of this kernel is the implementation of the weighted sum. It would be really helpful if someone could explain how I could improve upon this to make it faster.
I probably don't make proper use of the different memory regions, I'm thinking essentially of the local memory that I don't even use.
Just to give you an idea of performance (that is on an Nvidia GTX 660M), I'll show you some of the times I achieved. Each value is the number of neurons per layer:
2500, 10 000, 2500 : 0.018s ~ 60FPS. It's about 4 to 5 times faster than on my processor (Intel Core i7 running at 2.40GHz)
100 000, 100 000, 500: 140s -> which I guess isn't surpsising since each neuron in the second layer has to perform the weighted sum of 100 000 elements. Running this on my processor yields about the same results.
As you told, bottleneck is the weighted summ. That's not hard to be, as at each layer every WI (Work Item) is doing a lot of IO operations in comparison to number of arithmetic operations. I have no experience in neural networks, but for me problem looks like poor memory access pattern on GPU.
Potentially, that can be solved by organizing your WI into local WGs (Work Groups). As every WI needs to process all data from prev. layer, I guess that all WI in WG can load some amount of data into local memory, process them and than to next bunch of data. This will make your algorithm much more cache friendly. Pseudo-code of kernel looks like:
void kernel Kernel(
__global const int in_layer_size,
__global const int out_layer_size,
__global const float *in_value,
__global const float *in_weights,
__global float *out_values){
__local float buffer[SOME_SIZE];
__global const float* p_in = in_value;
__global float* p_out = out_values;
const int
global_id = get_global_id(0),
local_id = get_local_id(0),
num_buffers = in_layer_size / SOME_SIZE,
offset = out_layer_size * global_id;
float sum = 0.0f;
for(int i=0; i < num_buffers; i++){
buffer[local_id] = p_in[local_id];
//Process all data inside buffer by every WI in WG
p_in += SOME_SIZE;
out_values += SOME_SIZE;
So, you're sliding with the window of fixed size & calculating data within & then going to next window. Al data operations are done independently, Work Items are only using same data at same time. Optimal size of local group is Device- and Kernel- dependent.
You can do it in many ways.
But the most generic way, without changing how your kernel behaves is to do it is reusing your workgroup size (whatever you selected, or default) and reuse the memory accesses from the group.
I would suggest something like this:
NOTE: I removed thouse ugly pointers for single values. OpenCL supports this, and it is much easier. There is no need to create a memory zone, just do clSetKernelArg(kernel, arg_index, sizeof(cl_float), &size); Where cl_float size = the_size;.
#define IN_LOCAL_SIZE 4096 //Because 16KB/4B (for each float)
void kernel perceptron(global const int in_layer_size, global const int out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
__local float in_buffer[IN_LOCAL_SIZE];
float sum = 0.0f;
event_t ev;
int j;
//For each full buffer
for(j=0; j < (in_layer_size/IN_LOCAL_SIZE)-1; i++) {
ev = async_work_group_copy(in_buffer, in_value+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE, IN_LOCAL_SIZE, ev);
for(int i=0; i < IN_LOCAL_SIZE; i++) {
sum += in_weights[(i+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE)*out_layer_size+global_id] * in_buffer[i];
//Last one
ev = async_work_group_copy(in_buffer, in_value+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE, in_layer_size%IN_LOCAL_SIZE, ev);
for(int i=0; i < in_layer_size%IN_LOCAL_SIZE; i++) {
sum += in_weights[(i+j*IN_LOCAL_SIZE)*out_layer_size+global_id] * in_buffer[i];
out_values[global_id] = sum;
However, if the output size is small (100k, 250k, 500), then you will have just 500 work items, which is not optimal. In that case you should reshape the algorithm.
One possible way to do it is that each workitem works in the inner layer, performing sums, and the whole work group creates one output out of all the work items. That would be easy, since you can control the sums inside the workgroup easily.
But maybe other approaches fit better your problem.
You can make large improvements by caching in_values in local memory. The fewer times you have to read each element of in_values from global memory, the better.
I have come up with a solution that caches the maximum number of input values, and reads each element from global memory only once per work group. This is done by copying a block of in_values at a time, processing it against all out_values, and moving on to the next block. There is also a local array of floats used to reduce the work items' sums of each block.
output elements assumed to be set to 0 already
for each block of input values:
cache the input block
for each target output value:
reset local sum to 0
for each element this work item is responsible for:
read the weight, multiply, and add to sum
reduce sums to a single value, ADD value to output element
I haven't had a chance to run this through a profiler or debugger yet, but I will give it a try when I am back at my home PC. (no opencl tools at my office workstation). Make sure to queue kernel with group size equal to the GROUP_SIZE constant. Also, only create a single group per compute unit on your device.
real code:
//experiment with GROUP_SIZE to discover the optimal value for your device
//this needs to be equal to local_work_size passed into clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
//max. for most devices is 256
#define GROUP_SIZE = 64;
// IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE is the number of floats from in_value to copy to local memory at a time
//assuming GROUP_SIZE can be up to 256, sizeof(float)=4, and local memory size is 32kb, full saturation can be achieved with the following:
//(32768 - (256 * 4)) /4 = 7936
//try another multiple of 1024 (6144, 4096... )if there is trouble with this value
#define IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE = 7936;
void kernel perceptron(global const int* in_layer_size, global const int* out_layer_size, global const float *in_value, global const float* in_weights, global float* out_values)
private const int global_id = get_global_id(0);
private const int out_layer_s = *out_layer_size;
private const int in_layer_s = *in_layer_size;
private const int offset = out_layer_s * global_id;
private const int item_id = get_local_id(0);
private const int group_id = get_group_id(0);
private const int group_count = get_num_groups(0);
local float result_buffer[GROUP_SIZE];
local float in_value_cache[IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE];
int i,j,k;
//init the block to 0, in case there are fewer than IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE values in total
for(i=item_id; i<IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE; i+= GROUP_SIZE){
in_value_cache[i] = 0.0;
private float sum = 0.0;
event_t e;
int copy_total = 0;
int copy_offset;
for(i=0; i<in_layer_s; i+=IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE){
//cap the number of values to copy to local memory if loop is near the end of the input data
copy_total = IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE;
if((copy_total + i*IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE) > in_layer_s){
copy_total = in_layer_s - i*IN_VALUE_CACHE_SIZE;
//copy the next block of values
e = async_work_group_copy(in_value_cache, in_value + i * 4, copy_total, 0);
wait_group_events(1, &e);
for(j=group_id; j<out_layer_s; j+=group_count){
sum = 0.0;
//need to reset result_buffer[item_id] as well
//this is in case there are fewer than GROUP_SIZE input values remaining ie copy_total < GROUP_SIZE
result_buffer[item_id] = 0.0;
for(k=item_id; k<copy_total; k+=GROUP_SIZE){
sum += in_value_cache[k] * in_weights[(k+i) + j * out_layer_s];
result_buffer[item_id] = sum;
//simple O(n) reduction can be optimized further
if(item_id == 0){
sum += result_buffer[k];
out_values[j] += sum;
This will handle input of any size, so you can try it with as many elements as you have global memory for.

Parallel multiplication of many small matrices by fixed vector

Situation is the following: I have a number (1000s) of elements which are given by small matrices of dimensions 4x2, 9x3 ... you get the idea. All matrices have the same dimension.
I want to multiply each of these matrices with a fixed vector of precalculated values. In short:
for(i = 1...n)
X[i] = M[i] . N;
What is the best approach to do this in parallel using Thrust? How do I lay out my data in memory?
NB: There might be specialized, more suitable libraries to do this on GPUs. I'm interested in Thrust because it allows me to deploy to different backends, not just CUDA.
One possible approach:
flatten the arrays (matrices) into a single data vector. This is an advantageous step for enabling general thrust processing anyway.
use a strided range mechanism to take your scaling vector and extend it to the overall length of your flattened data vector
use thrust::transform with thrust::multiplies to multiply the two vectors together.
If you need to access the matrices later out of your flattened data vector (or result vector), you can do so with pointer arithmetic, or a combination of fancy iterators.
If you need to re-use the extended scaling vector, you may want to use the method outlined in step 2 exactly (i.e. create an actual vector using that method, length = N matrices, repeated). If you are only doing this once, you can achieve the same effect with a counting iterator, followed by a transform iterator (modulo the length of your matrix in elements), followed by a permutation iterator, to index into your original scaling vector (length = 1 matrix).
The following example implements the above, without using the strided range iterator method:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/functional.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/permutation_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/counting_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/transform.h>
#define N_MAT 1000
#define H_MAT 4
#define W_MAT 3
#define RANGE 1024
struct my_modulo_functor : public thrust::unary_function<int, int>
__host__ __device__
int operator() (int idx) {
return idx%(H_MAT*W_MAT);}
int main(){
thrust::host_vector<int> data(N_MAT*H_MAT*W_MAT);
thrust::host_vector<int> scale(H_MAT*W_MAT);
// synthetic; instead flatten/copy matrices into data vector
for (int i = 0; i < N_MAT*H_MAT*W_MAT; i++) data[i] = rand()%RANGE;
for (int i = 0; i < H_MAT*W_MAT; i++) scale[i] = rand()%RANGE;
thrust::device_vector<int> d_data = data;
thrust::device_vector<int> d_scale = scale;
thrust::device_vector<int> d_result(N_MAT*H_MAT*W_MAT);
thrust::transform(d_data.begin(), d_data.end(), thrust::make_permutation_iterator(d_scale.begin(), thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), my_modulo_functor())) ,d_result.begin(), thrust::multiplies<int>());
thrust::host_vector<int> result = d_result;
for (int i = 0; i < N_MAT*H_MAT*W_MAT; i++)
if (result[i] != data[i] * scale[i%(H_MAT*W_MAT)]) {std::cout << "Mismatch at: " << i << " cpu result: " << (data[i] * scale[i%(H_MAT*W_MAT)]) << " gpu result: " << result[i] << std::endl; return 1;}
std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;
return 0;
EDIT: Responding to a question below:
The benefit of fancy iterators (i.e. transform(numbers, iterator)) is that they often allow for eliminaion of extra data copies/data movement, as compared to assembling other number (which requires extra steps and data movement) and then passing it to transform(numbers, other numbers). If you're only going to use other numbers once, then the fancy iterators will generally be better. If you're going to use other numbers again, then you may want to assemble it explicitly. This preso is instructive, in particular "Fusion".
For a one-time use of other numbers the overhead of assembling it on the fly using fancy iterators and the functor is generally lower than explicitly creating a new vector, and then passing that new vector to the transform routine.
When looking for a software library which is concisely made for multiplying small matrices, then one may have a look at https://github.com/hfp/libxsmm. Below, the code requests a specialized matrix kernel according to the typical GEMM parameters (please note that some limitations apply).
double alpha = 1, beta = 1;
const char transa = 'N', transb = 'N';
int flags = LIBXSMM_GEMM_FLAGS(transa, transb);
libxsmm_blasint m = 23, n = 23, k = 23;
libxsmm_dmmfunction xmm = NULL;
xmm = libxsmm_dmmdispatch(m, n, k,
&m/*lda*/, &k/*ldb*/, &m/*ldc*/,
&alpha, &beta, &flags, &prefetch);
Given the above code, one can proceed and run "xmm" for an entire series of (small) matrices without a particular data structure (below code also uses "prefetch locations").
if (0 < n) { /* check that n is at least 1 */
# pragma parallel omp private(i)
for (i = 0; i < (n - 1); ++i) {
const double *const ai = a + i * asize;
const double *const bi = b + i * bsize;
double *const ci = c + i * csize;
xmm(ai, bi, ci, ai + asize, bi + bsize, ci + csize);
xmm(a + (n - 1) * asize, b + (n - 1) * bsize, c + (n - 1) * csize,
/* pseudo prefetch for last element of batch (avoids page fault) */
a + (n - 1) * asize, b + (n - 1) * bsize, c + (n - 1) * csize);
In addition to the manual loop control as shown above, libxsmm_gemm_batch (or libxsmm_gemm_batch_omp) can be used (see ReadTheDocs). The latter is useful if data structures exist that describe the series of operands (A, B, and C matrices).
There are two reasons why this library gives superior performance: (1) on-the-fly code specialization using an in-memory code generation technique, and (2) loading the next matrix operands while calculating the current product.
( Given one is looking for something that blends well with C/C++, this library supports it. However, it does not aim for CUDA/Thrust. )

OpenCL/CUDA: Two-stage reduction Algorithm

Reduction of large arrays can be done by calling __reduce(); multiple times.
The following code however uses only two stages and is documented here:
However I am unable to understand the algorithm for this two stage reduction. can some give a simpler explanation?
void reduce(__global float* buffer,
__local float* scratch,
__const int length,
__global float* result) {
int global_index = get_global_id(0);
float accumulator = INFINITY;
// Loop sequentially over chunks of input vector
while (global_index < length) {
float element = buffer[global_index];
accumulator = (accumulator < element) ? accumulator : element;
global_index += get_global_size(0);
// Perform parallel reduction
int local_index = get_local_id(0);
scratch[local_index] = accumulator;
for(int offset = get_local_size(0) / 2; offset > 0; offset = offset / 2) {
if (local_index < offset) {
float other = scratch[local_index + offset];
float mine = scratch[local_index];
scratch[local_index] = (mine < other) ? mine : other;
if (local_index == 0) {
result[get_group_id(0)] = scratch[0];
It can also be well implemented using CUDA.
You create N threads. The first thread looks at values at positions 0, N, 2*N, ... The second thread looks at values 1, N+1, 2*N+1, ... That's the first loop. It reduces length values into N values.
Then each thread saves its smallest value in shared/local memory. Then you have a synchronization instruction (barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE).) Then you have standard reduction in shared/local memory. When you're done the thread with local id 0 saves its result in the output array.
All in all, you have a reduction from length to N/get_local_size(0) values. You'd need to do one last pass after this code is done executing. However, this gets most of the job done, for example, you might have length ~ 10^8, N = 2^16, get_local_size(0) = 256 = 2^8, and this code reduces 10^8 elements into 256 elements.
Which parts do you not understand?

How to absolute 2 double or 4 floats using SSE instruction set? (Up to SSE4)

Here's the sample C code that I am trying to accelerate using SSE, the two arrays are 3072 element long with doubles, may drop it down to float if i don't need the precision of doubles.
double sum = 0.0;
for(k = 0; k < 3072; k++) {
sum += fabs(sima[k] - simb[k]);
double fp = (1.0 - (sum / (255.0 * 1024.0 * 3.0)));
Anyway my current problem is how to do the fabs step in a SSE register for doubles or float so that I can keep the whole calculation in the SSE registers so that it remains fast and I can parallelize all of the steps by partly unrolling this loop.
Here's some resources I've found fabs() asm or possibly this flipping the sign - SO however the weakness of the second one would need a conditional check.
I suggest using bitwise and with a mask. Positive and negative values have the same representation, only the most significant bit differs, it is 0 for positive values and 1 for negative values, see double precision number format. You can use one of these:
inline __m128 abs_ps(__m128 x) {
static const __m128 sign_mask = _mm_set1_ps(-0.f); // -0.f = 1 << 31
return _mm_andnot_ps(sign_mask, x);
inline __m128d abs_pd(__m128d x) {
static const __m128d sign_mask = _mm_set1_pd(-0.); // -0. = 1 << 63
return _mm_andnot_pd(sign_mask, x); // !sign_mask & x
Also, it might be a good idea to unroll the loop to break the loop-carried dependency chain. Since this is a sum of nonnegative values, the order of summation is not important:
double norm(const double* sima, const double* simb) {
__m128d* sima_pd = (__m128d*) sima;
__m128d* simb_pd = (__m128d*) simb;
__m128d sum1 = _mm_setzero_pd();
__m128d sum2 = _mm_setzero_pd();
for(int k = 0; k < 3072/2; k+=2) {
sum1 += abs_pd(_mm_sub_pd(sima_pd[k], simb_pd[k]));
sum2 += abs_pd(_mm_sub_pd(sima_pd[k+1], simb_pd[k+1]));
__m128d sum = _mm_add_pd(sum1, sum2);
__m128d hsum = _mm_hadd_pd(sum, sum);
return *(double*)&hsum;
By unrolling and breaking the dependency (sum1 and sum2 are now independent), you let the processor execute the additions our of order. Since the instruction is pipelined on a modern CPU, the CPU can start working on a new addition before the previous one is finished. Also, bitwise operations are executed on a separate execution unit, the CPU can actually perform it in the same cycle as addition/subtraction. I suggest Agner Fog's optimization manuals.
Finally, I don't recommend using openMP. The loop is too small and the overhead of distribution the job among multiple threads might be bigger than any potential benefit.
The maximum of -x and x should be abs(x). Here it is in code:
x = _mm_max_ps(_mm_sub_ps(_mm_setzero_ps(), x), x)
Probably the easiest way is as follows:
__m128d vsum = _mm_set1_pd(0.0); // init partial sums
for (k = 0; k < 3072; k += 2)
__m128d va = _mm_load_pd(&sima[k]); // load 2 doubles from sima, simb
__m128d vb = _mm_load_pd(&simb[k]);
__m128d vdiff = _mm_sub_pd(va, vb); // calc diff = sima - simb
__m128d vnegdiff = mm_sub_pd(_mm_set1_pd(0.0), vdiff); // calc neg diff = 0.0 - diff
__m128d vabsdiff = _mm_max_pd(vdiff, vnegdiff); // calc abs diff = max(diff, - diff)
vsum = _mm_add_pd(vsum, vabsdiff); // accumulate two partial sums
Note that this may not be any faster than scalar code on modern x86 CPUs, which typically have two FPUs anyway. However if you can drop down to single precision then you may well get a 2x throughput improvement.
Note also that you will need to combine the two partial sums in vsum into a scalar value after the loop, but this is fairly trivial to do and is not performance-critical.
